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How much money to take with you to Thailand. How much money to take to Phuket

How much money to take with you to Thailand - detailed calculation of approximate expenses

With the fall of the ruble, and, accordingly, with the rise in cost of holidays in Asian countries, the question “how much money to take to Thailand” has become especially relevant. If earlier entertainment and accommodation in the land of smiles were affordable, now they can be very expensive. So what budget should you count on, and how realistic is it to relax for “sane” money?

It is logical that the amount that is enough for a decent holiday in Thailand will be different for each family. It all depends on the requests. For some, a vacation is a powerful “blow” to whiskey, for others – continuous excursions to the great many islands of Thailand.

In this article, we will try to “estimate” the budget for the trip as accurately as possible. So let’s say, let’s find out the arithmetic average “how much money to take to Thailand.”

Food, seafood, alcohol in Thailand

Most Thai hotels offer BB meals, which means breakfast only. Accordingly, lunches and dinners must be organized independently. Let us warn you right away that the lion’s share of the budget may go to food, since constant walks, fresh air and the sea will “force” the body to eat for two.

And so, the amount for food per day will be approximately ∼300-1000 baht (600-2000 rubles) per person. Yes, there is a wide range in the budget. It all depends on where you eat.

Baht to ruble exchange rate for 2019: 1 baht ∼ 2 rubles.

For more accurate calculations, use the online converter in the right side menu (on a computer) or scroll through the page below (for the mobile version).

For example, in a decent restaurant, dinner for two can cost ∼2000 baht (4000 rubles), while at the same time, a meal at the local market costs ∼400 (8000 rubles) Thai money for the same group of vacationers. For a better understanding, here is a list of prices in pictures for 2018.

Current prices on the Thai market. The price is indicated for 1 unit of product or box. The food is packaged and supplemented with cutlery and napkins.
Prices for seafood on the Thai market. The price includes on-site preparation, packaging, sauce and plastic cutlery.
Menu of an average bar-restaurant in the center of Pattaya

On mainland Thailand, the cost of food and entertainment is much lower. As, at one time, for example, in Phuket, it will be higher. In the article, we took average prices that are relevant for any point in tourist Thailand.

If you plan to “season” your meal with alcohol or any gastronomic delights, feel free to multiply the final cost of the “banquet” by 2.

In total, food at lunchtime will cost about 150 baht, for dinner ∼200-400 baht per person + drinks. For treats, smoothies, fruit on the beach and ice cream ∼200 baht/day.

Calculating how much money to take to Thailand for 10 days, we can summarize that it will cost about 500-600 baht per person per day for food and drinks. Let's take the upper limit of the average tourist. Total – 12,000 baht for the entire stay (10 days) for two. At the current exchange rate (2019) it’s ~$350.

We remind you that this information is relevant with a minimum amount of alcohol consumption and gourmet meals.

You might be interested in: – colorful drinks from the land of smiles

Entertainment, excursions, Thai massage

The budget for excursions and walks around the area can be added up based on several variables: the time (season) of the trip and the resort where you are. Well, and of course, your requests. For example, in Pattaya there are a lot of interesting places with “thrift” entry prices. On Phuket and other islands of the kingdom there are much fewer such low-budget “entertainments”.

On average, one excursion trip (for the whole day) with transfer, group guide, drinks and food will cost ∼50-100 $.

For more detailed information, we attach the average price tag for excursions.

Note. Often, tour operators offer a lot of excursion trips at an inflated price tag. Arguing that third-party organizers are not safe. Indeed, you shouldn’t give money to the first person you meet who promises to show you “anything and everything” for 3 rubles.

Be smart and find a travel agency online in advance. Read the reviews, check the price list. The most interesting and cheapest route options are offered by our compatriots who permanently reside in Thailand. Sometimes, they are much more interesting than professional, “boring” guides.

To summarize, taking the average cost of an excursion for $75, 5 trips for a couple will cost $750 for the entire period of stay (10 days) for two.

Directions, transport

Again, it all depends on the activity of tourists. A tuk-tuk ride in Pattaya will cost 10 baht per section. Bike rental/day – from 250 baht. Taxi - as agreed with the driver, but the approximate price for a short trip is from 300 baht. Car rental - from 700-2000 baht per knock.

Bike rental cost - high season/low season

As a rule, when ordering and paying for an excursion, the price includes transfer from the hotel. When calculating how much money to take to Thailand, do not take into account the cost of transportation to the meeting point of the excursion group.

Shopping, souvenirs, unexpected expenses

The most controversial spending line. From experience, we can say that tourists spend on average about 5,000 baht for shopping, and this price includes gifts/souvenirs for relatives and some summer wardrobe items.

Large night market in Pattaya

You should know that clothing prices in Thailand are more than affordable. At the market, you can dress decently for the cost of “dinner.”

When planning your budget and how much money to take with you to Thailand, take into account the fact that at home you do not see the temptations that await you on vacation. “33 types” of coconut oil, teas, spices, magnets, etc. may be included in the list of unforeseen desires, and as a result, expenses.

So how much money to take to Thailand?

An average, not “major” vacation for two will cost – $350 (food, alcohol) + $750 (quite extensive tourist program, entertainment/excursions) + transport, travel – $150 + unforeseen expenses, shopping, souvenirs – $200. Total 1100 – 1500 $ for two. Of course, some expense items can be reduced, but, as practice shows, this is the amount tourists spend “to celebrate” for two in Thailand for a 10-day stay.

In Thailand, it's time to think about how much money you will need for a comfortable holiday.

Have you thought about how much money to take with you on a trip to Thailand? That's right, the question is not simple, so it should be seriously thought about. No one wants to be left without a livelihood in the midst of a vacation or count every penny, denying themselves the purchase of souvenirs or visiting an excursion. To avoid ending up in any of these situations, your travel budget should be calculated carefully and in every detail.

What are the prices in Thailand?

Depending on which tourists plan to visit, you can start calculating the tourist budget. There are places that are quite expensive, such as Phuket and Samui, there are places that are average in terms of prices and quality of service - Hua Hin, and there are the most affordable and cheap ones, including Chang, Samet and Pattaya. Each of these resorts is attractive in its own way; everywhere you can have a quality rest, the only difference is how much the guest is willing to spend his own finances.

Cost of food

Food can safely be called the most important source of costs that await a tourist in Thailand. Of course, visiting inexpensive cafes or even eating at a hotel can help save money, but buying local fruits and tasting traditional dishes still cannot be avoided. So, for example, dinner in a picturesque place (of which there are plenty in any resort town in the country) will cost no less than 300-500 baht (7-11 euros), a higher-class establishment has prices in the region of 700-1500 baht (16-35 euros ) and higher.

Money for travel expenses

Public transport in Thailand is quite inexpensive for guests of the country, so they use it actively. A ride in a minibus around the city at most resorts costs from 10-20 to 40 baht, a trip in a regular taxi will cost 100-300 baht. More expensive resort places dictate other prices - up to 100 baht for a minibus and up to 500 baht for a taxi.

Costs for souvenirs

If guests bring clothes and shoes as souvenirs, then they have made the right choice. Here you can buy items from world brands at prices that are quite European. As for the products of local craftsmen, the goods they produce are quite cheap - T-shirts sell for up to 100 baht (2-3 euros), shoes - from 700 baht (16 euros), and for any item you can, with a fair amount of haggling, reduce the price.

total amount

According to experienced tourists, a holiday in this country - even taking into account visiting the most elite resorts - is not an expensive pleasure. You won’t need to take more than 2,000 euros to Thailand, and this money includes a lot of exquisite pleasures, such as visiting a variety of excursions and relaxing in local spa centers.

What money to take to Thailand

Any trip always comes down to calculating the budget for it. The quality of your vacation and the impressions received during it will depend on the correct determination of the amount of resources. But it is also very important to determine what money to take with you to Thailand.

A favorite and long-proven option is cash. However, there is one caveat: if the visit is short-term, then there is no need to worry. But if a person intends to stay in an Asian country for a long time (a month or more), then he needs to take with him a heavy bag of banknotes. Besides the fact that this may attract the attention of burglars, it is worth noting that in Thailand there are no special places for storing valuables. Hotel rooms, of course, are equipped with a safe, but, as experts say, it looks like an ordinary box, locked with the same key. Leaving money and jewelry for safekeeping at the reception is also not safe, and there is always a long queue at the bank safe deposit boxes, booked several months in advance. Conclusion: taking only cash with you on a trip is not the best idea.

Which currency is preferable? Both US dollars and euros will do - they can be exchanged anywhere without any problems. Also, any bank will accept the Australian dollar and Japanese yen. Some resorts also accept Russian rubles (Pattaya, Bangkok), but experienced travelers note that the exchange rate for such an exchange is extremely unfavorable.

Traveler's checks are especially popular in Thailand. You can buy them at home at any bank, and upon arrival at a hot resort they can be profitably exchanged for local currency. Checks are cashed at a special exchanger or bank branch, charging a small commission for this. The advantage of storing money this way is that in case of theft (or loss), the owner can restore the check, and the robber will not use it: you need a passport and the signature of the person who bought it.

Plastic cards are a reliable and convenient option. The issue of currency is not so acute: if a person receives money in rubles, then such a card is quite suitable for a guest in Thailand. A dollar card is beneficial if you have one and the income is received in American currency. You need to be careful with a card with a euro account: you should find out how the conversion takes place: if the euro is transferred to the dollar, and then to the baht, then it is better to refuse this option. Therefore, there is no need to open a currency card for travel, since you can also use a ruble one. It’s better to open an account in a Thai bank (beneficial for those who visit the country often and for a long time).

Of course, the universal principle “the more money, the better the vacation” applies to Turkey. But this article is intended for those tourists who have to think about the maximum possible spending on entertainment.

In what form should I take the money?

Banking is perfect for financial security for your vacation. Accordingly, when withdrawing funds, conversion occurs at the rate of your bank. It is best to withdraw a large amount at once so as not to spend money on additional fees. Just in case, you need to take some reserve in dollars with you (you may not like the euro exchange rate in Turkey) if suddenly problems arise with the card. If you need to change dollars, do not do it at the hotel, as the exchange rate there is usually terribly unfavorable. When exchanging, be careful, check and double-check everything a couple of times; in Turkey, it is during exchange transactions that they often cheat.
Phone calls to your home country cost several dollars per minute

How much money is needed and how is it distributed?

If you are not going to spend your entire vacation at the hotel, you can explore the surrounding area on a rented car. On average, a day's rental costs forty-five to sixty dollars. For about the same amount you can rent a taxi for the day. Accordingly, in a couple of days you will spend from ninety to one hundred and twenty dollars on renting a car or taxi.

If you are going to go on long-distance excursions, buy them from city travel agencies; buying exactly the same excursions at a hotel or from the host tour operator will cost several times more. True, it would be a good idea to first research the city travel agency from which you are going to buy an excursion, in order to avoid unpleasant complications such as not very pleasant transport. On average, excursions cost sixty to eighty dollars for two. A typical vacation includes two or three excursions. Accordingly, it is worth saving from one hundred twenty to two hundred and forty dollars for excursions.

If we talk about catering establishments, the calculation will be as follows - a meal for two in a small cafe will cost you twenty to twenty-five dollars, an evening in a large restaurant - twice as expensive. If you eat in a cafe twice a day and have breakfast at the hotel, your food costs for a week-long vacation will average two hundred to two hundred and fifty dollars. But for this money you will get tasty, plentiful and varied food.

Fruits in Turkey are extremely cheap, especially if you don’t buy them in tourist places.

Tips are a fairly important item in tourist expenses. Porters are tipped on average one dollar, and in cafes and restaurants tips should be ten percent of the total cost of lunch.

Total: for two (with a fair margin) it’s worth taking about six to seven hundred dollars, so that you can comfortably and without nerves.

It is very difficult to say exactly how much money a tourist needs for a vacation. Everyone has different needs. Some people are used to buying clothes in brand stores (and the prices for such things in Turkey are almost the same as in Russia), while others don’t need shopping at all, they only spend money on excursions or in restaurants. Therefore, you need to decide how much money to take based on your own needs.

Travel budget - how much money to take with you

Türkiye is a relatively inexpensive country. There you can have a delicious meal in a small restaurant for an amount from two hundred to five hundred rubles per person, not including alcohol. High-quality locally produced cotton summer clothes are also quite expensive. Therefore, if on vacation you don’t need anything other than a pair of new shorts and T-shirts, then you can take a very small amount with you.

Just remember that when entering the country there are certain conditions for obtaining a stamp. One of the rules is that a person must have at least 300 US dollars with him. This is not always checked, but if there is no cash, the entry stamp may be refused.

If you are going to an all-inclusive hotel, you will hardly need any money for food. Unless you want to try local cuisine in restaurants outside the hotel. Therefore, this item can be safely excluded from the budget.

Those who travel to Turkey for the purpose of shopping – for fur coats, leather jackets, etc. – should plan their budget completely differently. Things of good quality there are somewhat lower in price than in Russia, but still not cheap. For example, a fur coat made from rabbit skins will cost about $400. Fashionable leather jacket - about $400. Of course, there are also very inexpensive outerwear. But its quality leaves much to be desired.

Those who want to travel around the country should also budget more money. Tours purchased from hotel guides are usually very expensive. It will be much more profitable to rent a car and drive on your own. Fortunately, navigators showing roads around the world are now installed in almost every modern phone.

Please remember that not all cards are valid abroad. It is optimal to have VISA classic, Master Card classic. It doesn't matter whether they are debit or credit. These cards work all over the world.

What money should you take?

Turkey has a national currency - the lira. But at the same time, US dollars, euros and even rubles are accepted in tourist places. If you don’t want to carry a large amount of cash, you can put your main funds on the card, leaving three hundred to four hundred dollars. Cards are accepted in most stores and many restaurants, and you can use them to pay for hotels.

There are many ATMs in resort areas; there will be no problems with withdrawing cash. The commission is small. Just remember that when converting from one currency to another in different banks, you may get a different amount. It all depends on the internal course. Find out where it is most profitable.

Hello everyone, my dears! Today I will try to answer the question: how much money should you take with you to Hainan Island? And I will share information about where it is most profitable to change money.

Of course, it all depends on what you are going to do there: whether you will attend excursions, massages, etc. How many and what gifts are you going to buy?

In this article:

How much money do you need and for what?

On our first trip (in 2011), we went on many excursions, visited many places on our own, had massages 4 times, often used taxis (since we lived far from the center), bought clothes, equipment and much more. On that trip, not counting the purchase of travel packages, we spent about 10,000 yuan in 14 days for two of us.

This time we decided to give up excursions, massages and expensive purchases. Our budget was distributed between three main areas:

  • food (the largest expense item),
  • gifts and shopping,
  • travel

We spent 2200 yuan on all this in 7 days. Of this, food costs accounted for approximately 75%.

That is, we expected that for one day for two we would need 300 yuan. And this was enough for us to visit cafes/restaurants, eat fruit for breakfast/lunch/dinner, buy gifts and travel by bus to neighboring bays or markets.

But first things first.

1. Hotel deposit

The hotel is the first place where we started spending money in Sanya. Upon check-in, we were asked to leave a deposit: 5000 rubles, 500 yuan, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

It is most profitable to leave 500 yuan.

They say that it was possible to book these funds on a card, but this was not possible with our cards. So we left the deposit in cash.

This pledge later came back to haunt us, and we almost left most of it in Chinese hands. As it was, you can read in the article how the Chinese are deceiving Russian tourists.

My advice is this: add the amount of the deposit to the main amount of expenses, since you will not see the money left until you check out of the hotel.

That is, if you expect to take 300 yuan per day with you for 7 days, then you need to take with you:

2100+500=2600 yuan.

2. Food

As mentioned above, 75% of expenses on the second trip are food.

We ate a lot. I wanted to try everything, visit every cafe and saturate my body with fruits, of which there are plenty in Hainan.

Our meals were structured approximately as follows:

  1. Morning: breakfast at the hotel (included in the price of the tour) + fruit (in the room).
  2. Day: lunch in a cafe, at the market, in eateries + fruit (taken with you) + dessert (ice cream, pastries).
  3. Dinner in a cafe/restaurant + popsicles (required!) + dessert (fruits, juices, sweets).

We bought fruits in advance, so we always had them in stock.

Where we ate, how much it cost, and what kind of food we liked - . In it I talk about cafes, restaurants, markets, grocery stores and more.

3. Gifts and shopping

Now I will list what gifts we bought and how much it cost.

  • Fruits: large mangoes - 6 pcs, pineapples - 4 pcs - 80 yuan
  • Mango and coconut candies in boxes 4 pcs, in bags 3 pcs - 28 yuan
  • Canned coconut juice 3 cans - 11 yuan
  • Children's toothbrushes with toys 4 pcs - 20 yuan
  • Various types of tea - 150 yuan
  • Water bottles 2 pcs - 25 yuan

What things did we buy for ourselves during our vacation:

  1. Flip-flops - 15 yuan
  2. Sun umbrella - 18 yuan
  3. Sunscreen cream – 15 yuan
  4. Sunburn cream - 35 yuan

Where you can buy relatively inexpensive gifts, and in general about all the supermarkets and shopping centers that we managed to visit, I will write a separate article.

4. Transport costs

Let's start with buses.

A bus ticket in the Da Dong Hai and Sanya Bay areas, as well as between them, costs 2 yuan per passenger. If you are going to travel from Da Dong Hai Bay to Yalong Bay (a 40-minute journey), the fare will cost 7 yuan per passenger.

A taxi has a base cost of 10 yuan, the rest is calculated by the meter and depends on the distance. For example, one average trip around the city cost us 16 yuan.

Read more about transport: how to pay and how to explain where you need to get to in this article.

5. Excursions and tickets

The most expensive excursions are offered by hotel guides.

For example, for three excursions (monkey island, hot springs and park) you will have to pay approximately 700 yuan per person.

You can meet guides on the street, their prices are slightly lower. If you go on your own, for example, to the same sources, it will be even cheaper.

6. Other expenses

There are plenty of places in Sanya where you can leave your money. Here are a few more points that may be useful to you:

  • rental of soft sun loungers under an umbrella - 25 yuan,
  • lockers for storing valuables on the beach - 20 yuan for 6 hours,
  • rental of a scooter for 1 day - 100 yuan,
  • Rent an umbrella at the hotel with a deposit of 100 yuan.

Of course, you can easily do without all this.

Where is the best place to change money?

It is best to exchange money in advance, back in Russia. Just Google which banks in your city offer RMB.

In our case it was the Asia-Pacific Bank. Exchanged at the rate: 1 yuan = 8.93 rubles. I know that there is a Bank of China in Moscow, perhaps the rate there is even more favorable.

If you did not have time to exchange money in Russia, you can do so upon arrival at any Bank of China branch. For example, at this branch located across the street from the Pineapple Shopping Center.

The rate is also acceptable, we withdrew cash at a price of 1 yuan = 9.3 rubles.

The most unfavorable rate was that of all the other money changers: guides and hotel staff. 1 yuan will cost 10 rubles.

I hope this article helped you roughly estimate how much money you will need for your vacation. If you still have any questions, be sure to ask in the comments, I will try to answer them.

That's all for today, have a nice holiday everyone. Bye!

Sincerely, Elena.

Kamale is next to the beach. Thanks to tourists who “live” only in Patong, a rumor has spread among the people that everything in Phuket is “too expensive”. In fact, you can find normal prices in Phuket. Yes, it will be far from the beach. But if you have a motorbike, you will still be able to travel around the island and will be able to eat not only near the beach.

How much money do you need for food in Phuket? Let me give you an example. We were driving from Rawai towards Phuket Town and stopped at a Thai cafe somewhere in the Wat Chalong area. We ordered two hot dishes and two drinks, the total bill for two came out to 120 baht. It's just a non-tourist area. For comparison, at the Bazaan Market in Patong we bought tom yam for 150 baht. It's not even a restaurant, it's a market. For two soups and two beers we paid 540 baht. Therefore, in Phuket everything is relative.

For those who don't like to read a lot. How much money should I take with me to Phuket for 10 days in 2019? Minimum $300, average $600, maximum $1000 per person. This price includes food, entertainment, shows, excursions and transportation around the island. And then there will be a lot of reasoning and prices.

Prices for tours to Thailand

By the way, we have promotional codes for tours, use them when purchasing and get discounts.

      • - discount 300 rub. for any tour, costing from 20,000 rubles.
      • - discount 500 rub. for any tour, costing from 40,000 rubles.
      • - 600 ₽ discount on all tours from 50,000 rubles. in the mobile application and .
      • I want a promotional code for 1000 rubles. - “tour for a ruble” promotion, all participants receive a discount 1000 rub. when purchasing a tour from 30,000 rubles.
      • NEW! discount 2000 rub. for tours to Turkey from 100,000 rubles.

If you only spend time in Patong, Karon or Kata, then here is how much money to take to Phuket in 2019.

  • Thai massage on First Street 400 baht
  • Thai massage on Third Street 250 baht
  • Mango 100 baht
  • Papaya 100 baht
  • Thai balm small 100 baht
  • Thai balm large in “Big C” 200 baht
  • Large Thai balm on Third Street 150 baht
  • Entrance to Freedom Beach 200 baht
  • Entrance to Paradise Beach 100 baht
  • Bottle of water 20 baht
  • Cocktail on Paradise Beach 300 baht
  • VIP sun lounger on Paradise Beach 3000 baht
  • Cocktail on the street from 100 baht

How much does it cost to eat in Phuket in 2019

  • Salad in a cafe from 150 baht
  • Hot from 200 baht
  • Pad Thai from 150 baht
  • Tom yum from 150 baht
  • Chang beer in a cafe 0.33 l 90 baht
  • Chang beer in a cafe 0.6 l 120 baht

The minimum amount it costs to eat in Phuket (you still have to try!) is 250 baht per day. This is the living wage, so to speak, and no one wants to be limited to it on vacation. Of course, the sky's the limit; you can go to the most expensive restaurants and spend $100 per meal. Many Europeans vacation in Phuket; a large number of such restaurants have been built for them, where you can eat for 100 dollars. If you drink alcohol, you can increase this amount by 2-3 times.

If you do not want to save extremely (250 baht per day), then you will need 1000 baht per day in Phuket for food in mid-price restaurants, buying fruit at the market, ice cream and water in the supermarket.

Prices at Rawai fish market in Phuket

If you want the freshest seafood, then you can go to. Here you can buy everything in the fishing village and immediately cook it across the road in a cafe. The cost of cooking is 50-100 baht per kg, the cost of seafood is from 250 to 1800 baht per kg. Live lobster can be bought from 900 baht per kg, shrimp from 300 baht, huge shrimp 950 baht, shells from 250 baht.

Buffets in Phuket

If you want a lot of seafood, tasty and inexpensive, then the best solution is Thai buffets. Here you can gorge yourself on shrimp, mussels, squid, crabs and other seafood for 250 baht plus drinks. Buffets are everywhere, but in some places you have to look for them. How much money should I take to Phuket in 2019 for food at buffets? The most famous in “Jungceylon” in Patong - on the ground floor “Shibushi” costs 350 baht per person, another buffet there costs 429 baht. In Patong there are lesser known ones - 279 baht, - 249 baht, - 249 baht, - 159 baht.

How much money to take to Phuket in 2019 for transport

The biggest expense in Phuket after flights and accommodation is transportation. There are public songthaews here, but you have to wait for them. Their largest concentration is in Phuket Town, and not on popular beaches. Travel to them costs from 40 baht. There are minibuses, from the airport you can get to the beach for 180-200 baht.

Taxi in Patong - from 200 baht. Taxi drivers are very reluctant to bargain because they are spoiled by tourists. from one end of the island to the other it costs 800-1000 baht. How much money should I take for transport to Phuket? If you go by songthaew, then 100-200 baht per day. If you take a taxi, then 300-1000 baht per day.

If you want to save money, you need to ride a motorbike. It gives complete freedom of movement around the island. You won't be able to visit and see so much without a motorbike. However, a license is not required to rent a scooter. And the police can stop you only in one case - if you are driving without a helmet. If you are afraid to ride, ride together with one of your friends. Get behind the wheel if you are confident in your driving skills. Because tourists, unfortunately, often get into accidents. This must be taken into account. Those who ride a motorbike are divided into those who have fallen and those who will fall. I also fell off a motorbike. Therefore, think three times whether it is worth the risk. The mountain passes between the beaches can be very steep, and the road between Patong and Phuket Town is like a roller coaster.

How much money should I take to rent a bike in Phuket? In Patong, rental offices cost 250-400 baht per day, gasoline - about 40 baht per liter. Our Honda Click holds 4 liters of gasoline, which is 160 baht. Enough to travel a lot for several days in a row. Service for Honda Click is also inexpensive. We pay 40 baht to tighten a mirror, and 250 baht to change a wheel.

Tours to Thailand from Level Travel

How much money to take to Phuket for entertainment

If you walk, it's free. But in Phuket there are long distances, so you won’t walk much. On average, if you take a full-day excursion, it will cost 2500-3500 baht. Next, consider for yourself how many organized excursions you want to attend. You can drive through all the places yourself if you have a motorbike and want to save money.

If you don't want to save extremely much, you will need $400 per week in Phuket. With this amount you can eat in good restaurants every day, attend a Thai massage, go on 2-3 excursions and buy something for yourself and your loved ones as a gift from Phuket. But something will have to give up with a budget of $400 per week per person.

If you don't want to skimp on anything at all in Phuket, eat lobster every day and take a taxi, you'll need $1,000 per person for the week.

If you have already read 100,500 articles and decided that everything in Phuket is terribly expensive, then I will upset you. Everyone finds what they are looking for. This is a truth that applies not only to the question of how much money to take to Phuket in 2019. And if I go for a massage in Patong for 250 baht, and my friend for 500 baht, this does not mean that prices in Phuket are too high. This means that my friend does not want to walk further than 50 meters from the beach. This is her choice and desire to manage her money. I’m even a little offended for Phuket when people who haven’t really seen anything, haven’t gone or traveled anywhere, prove to all their friends that “everything is terribly expensive, we won’t go again.”

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