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Relaxing in a balaclava in winter. Balaklava is one of the most interesting places in Crimea

Message quote Balaklava is one of the most interesting places in Crimea

- a city in the southwestern part of Crimea. Balaklava is located 15 km south of Sevastopol and is the center of the Balaklava region. The population of Balaklava is about 20 thousand people.

is a small sleepy town on the Crimean peninsula, nestled on the outskirts of Sevastopol, which is definitely worth spending a couple of hours or even days on. And all thanks to the eventful history of this place, which was once a Genoese fortress with a charming view of the Black Sea. The tart taste of old times is found here at every turn: near the ruins of a fortress, which the Genoese once used as an important trading port, until the Ottoman Empire took them under its “sensitive guardianship” in 1475. In a marina that still remembers British ships , laid up in 1850 before the Crimean War.

Today, Balaklava is a nice resort, popular among tourists in the summer, as there are many picturesque beaches in its vicinity, which can be reached by boat.
The name of the city has two versions of origin: from Turkish “fish bag”, and from Crimean Tatar - “fish weather”. In addition, a helmet-hat is called a “balaclava,” which is bought en masse by tourists as a souvenir.

Decoration of the city - , located between high rocky mountains. It is connected to the sea by a narrow, winding strait of 1.5 km, and since the rocky coast makes several turns at the entrance to the bay, the harbor is not noticeable at all from the open sea. Here, during the Crimean War, a beautiful embankment was built, which was originally called the English Embankment, and today it is called the Embankment. Nazukin, in honor of the hero of the civil war.

Another beautiful view of Balaklava Bay: boats, sea

Balaklava Bay is the Crimean Saint-Tropez.
To understand how Balaklava Bay deserved such an honor, you need to count the number of yachts peacefully rocking on the water at the pier. There are never storms in a cozy bay near Sevastopol, so ships and yachts from all over the world moor here. To be more similar to a Provençal port town, you should look at Balaklava from the heights of Fortress Mountain, from where a breathtaking panorama opens. Well, one more general point - Balaklava, like Saint-Tropez, was chosen by filmmakers; now its views appear in the films “Bay of Lost Divers”, “Sappho”, “Masha and the Sea”, etc.

The shores of Balaklava Bay have been inhabited since time immemorial. In the 8th-6th centuries BC. Fierce Taurus lived here, and later ancient Greek settlements appeared. The Greeks named the bay Sumbolon Limen, which means “harbour of omens, symbols.”

Homer in his “Odyssey” gives a description of a bay that is surprisingly similar to Balaklava:

We entered a beautiful harbor there. She is surrounded

The rocks are steep on both sides as a continuous wall.

Near the entrance they rise high against each other

There are two capes running out, and the entrance to this harbor is narrow.

In this bay, Odysseus and his comrades were met by bloodthirsty Listrigons. Many believe that this is the Tauri tribe who lived here in ancient times. The Tauri settled in the mountains near the sea and were indeed a harsh people. The question of whether Homer could really write about Balaclava remains an open question in history.

The attack of the bloodthirsty Antiphatus, king of the Laestrygonians, on the companions of Odysseus. Illustration for Homer's poem "Odysseus"

Balaclava has some great beaches. Vasili Beach is located in Vasilyevskaya Balka, behind the mountain, 1.5 km by boat from the exit from Balaklava Bay. "Vasili" is considered one of the best beaches of Balaklava and the entire Sevastopol region, there is a landscaped area, a clear sea and wonderful views of the

Crimean peony








Panoramas and photographs of Balaclava

The most spectacular panoramic view of Balaklava from the hill, May 2014.

View from the pier in Balaklava Bay, May 2014.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Balaklava, Nazukina embankment, May 2014
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Nazukina embankment in the Rodina cinema theater area, May 2014.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Reconstructed embankment at Cape Balaklavsky, May 2014.

View of Balaklava from Mount Kefalo-Vrisi, May 2014.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View of Balaklava Bay, Fortress Mountain and Kefalo-Vrisi gully, May 2014.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Shaitan-Dere beam, May 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Summit of Mount Spilia, June 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View of the Cape Aya nature reserve, June 2012.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Trail to Balaklava beaches, July 2012
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

View from Gray Mountain, July 2012
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

Path to Golden Beach, view of the Ayazma tract, July 2012.
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

Tourist parking under Gray Mountain between Golden and Silver beaches, July 2012.
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

Figs, rock ledge "Pirozhok", July 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Figs, path to the beaches, view of Komandirsky beach, July 2012.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Figs, “savages” camp, July 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Figs, view of the distant beach, July 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View from the Fig wall to Cape Aya, July 2012.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View of White Beach, July 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Western embankment of Balaklava, Mriya yacht club, May 2014
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Western embankment, West Balaklava Harbor Hotel. May 2014
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

Western embankment, hunting lodge of Prince Yusupov. May 2014
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View of the entrance to Balaklava Bay. May 2014
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View of the entrance to Balaklava Bay, monument to sailor Nechaev. July 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View of Balaklava and Cape Aya from Cape George (aka Cape Kuron). June 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View from Mytilino (Motyl) cliff, June 2012
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.

View from the Mytilino cliff to Vasileva Balka. June 2012
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

View of the beach in Vasilyeva Balka from the observation deck at the Vasili recreation center. May 2012
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

Stairs to the beach in Vasileva Balka. May 2012
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

View from the top of Mount Tavros, June 2012
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

View from Mount Tavros to Fortress Mountain and the entrance to Balaklava Bay, June 2012.
Spherical panorama 360 gr.

Spherical panorama 360 degrees.
Spherical panorama 360 degrees.
Balaklava Valley, May 2013

Panoramic photo 360 gr.

More beautiful photos of Balaclava!

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More beautiful photos of Balaclava!

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More beautiful photos of Balaclava!

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More beautiful photos of Balaclava!

More beautiful photos of Balaclava!

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Path to the beaches

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Balaclava is not visible from the sea

More beautiful photos of Balaclava!

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Balaclava is not visible from the sea

Rock Mytilino (Motyl)
Vasileva beam

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All material is taken from many different open sources on the Internet.

Until I visited Balaklava, I thought that this was one of the most ordinary microdistricts of Sevastopol, with which this beautiful city is surrounded on all sides. In fact, administratively this is how it is, however, when you find yourself in this fabulous place, you understand that here is a separate city with its own way of life and history.

Local residents, of course, consider themselves residents of Sevastopol, but at the same time they are proud that their small town has its own legends and interesting places.

The tourist infrastructure here is quite well developed: there are comfortable hotels, cozy restaurants and cafes. I was especially impressed by the view of the embankment at night, when the multi-colored lights of numerous entertainment venues located on both sides of Balaklava Bay in Sevastopol are reflected in the quiet surface of the water.

How to get there

Balaklava is included in the administrative district of Sevastopol and is located 15 kilometers from it in a south-west direction. I can recommend getting to the city from Sevastopol both by public and private vehicles. You need to drive along the South Coast Highway N-19 in the direction of Yalta.

In addition, in the summer you can get here on pleasure boats that depart from Yalta.

From other Russian cities, Balaklava can only be directly reached by car. In this case, you should cross the ferry crossing and then from Kerch move along the P-29 highway in the direction of Sevastopol. In all other cases, you will have to make transfers to Balaklava.

By plane

The easiest way to get to Balaklava from mainland Russia is by plane.

Currently, there is one airport in Crimea, which is located in Simferopol. Only Russian airlines operate flights here:

  • Aeroflot;
  • "Russia";
  • "Siberia S7";
  • "Ural Airlines";
  • Vim Airlines.

The cost of air travel to major cities of the Russian Federation is constantly changing and largely depends on the season. So, on average, a flight from Moscow will cost from 3,000 rubles, from St. Petersburg about 4,000 rubles. You can see how much tickets cost for the dates you are interested in in the Travelask section.

How to get to Balaklava from Simferopol airport

The cost of travel from the airport to Balaklava should be added to the plane ticket.

The total distance is about 95 kilometers, and on average taxi drivers charge from 1,500 rubles. I got from the airport by bus, which departs directly from the airport terminal. The ticket price in this case is 130 rubles, and the travel time is about two hours.

In Sevastopol, you should change to trolleybus No. 2, 17, 20 or minibus No. 120, 17 and get to the final stop “5 kilometer”. From there, bus number 9 runs every 5 minutes, which will take you to the very center of Balaklava.

By train

Currently, getting to Balaklava by train is very problematic. The nearest station from the city is in Sevastopol, however, due to difficult relations with Ukraine, passenger rail traffic in Crimea has practically stopped, with the exception of local electric trains.

The most expensive and comfortable hotels are located right on the embankment, however, the cost of living in them is not affordable for everyone.

There are cheaper private hotels in the city center along Novikova Street. Finally, a budget option would be to stay in the private sector.

You can book hotels on Booking -, and you can check if there is a better price somewhere.

Balaclava is quite small in area. You can get from one end of the city to the other on foot in literally twenty minutes. When choosing housing, you should first of all focus on your financial capabilities, since all local beaches and attractions are within walking distance, regardless of the place where you stay.

What are the prices for holidays?

By Crimean standards, a holiday in Balaklava is quite expensive, from the cost of renting housing to food. The cost of living in private boarding houses depends on the season and the quality of service provided by the hotel. So a standard room for one person with a sea view in a comfortable hotel on the embankment with air conditioning, internet and a bathroom will cost 2000 rubles per day in June, 2200 in July, 2300 rubles per day in August.

You can find a more economical option in the city center, where housing with everything you need will cost 1,500 in June, 2,000 rubles per person per day in July and August.

Package tours to Balaklava, including transport and hotel accommodation with different types of meals, can be viewed at.

The cheapest accommodation is offered in the private sector. Here you can rent a small house consisting of several rooms for an average of 2,500 rubles, or rent a bed, which will cost 500 rubles per day.

As a rule, the cost of accommodation does not include meals. Having lunch in numerous cafes on the city embankment will cost approximately 600 rubles per person.

As an alternative, you can choose to eat in the canteen, in which case the bill will be at least twice as cheap. Personally, I would recommend renting a cabin with a kitchen and cooking your own meals.

The main attraction of Balaklava is the submarine museum. The cost of visiting it for adults is 200 rubles, for children and students 100. You can take a fascinating excursion along Balaklava on a small boat, which will cost you around 500 rubles per person.

Sights such as the Chembalo fortress and the St. George Monastery are open to the public completely free of charge.

It is also worth noting that traveling around Balaklava by taxi will cost approximately 50-100 rubles, and to get to Sevastopol you will have to pay about 200 rubles.

Main attractions. What to see

Of greatest interest is Balaklava Bay, which, due to its winding shape and circular rocks, is reliably protected from wind and storms.

If you look at it from the city, the exit to the sea is not visible, which creates the impression of a large lake. At one time, Balaklava Bay was a secret submarine base and had its own secrets and legends. Today this place is at the mercy of tourists, who are offered a large number of different entertainments. Near numerous piers there are yachts, boats and boats, you may even get the impression that you are not somewhere in Crimea, but in a distant place.

In addition to the bay, there are many interesting sights in and near Balaklava, and some of them are known far beyond the city:

  • Chembalo fortress;

  • object 825 GTS (museum-factory of submarines);

  • Church of the Holy Twelve Apostles;

  • St. George's Monastery;

  • Barrel of death.

The famous Balaklava is also of interest among tourists. Nazukin embankmentA, as well as the monuments to Lesya Ukrainka and Alexander Kuprin located on it.

Since the city is mostly located in a mountainous area, I recommend wearing comfortable sports shoes for walks that will make you feel comfortable.

Top 5

There are several places in Balaklava that are a must-see for every tourist. Having examined all the city's attractions, you can get a clear picture of how Crimea as a whole developed over many centuries.

Chombalo Fortress

First of all, it is worth mentioning the famous Chombalo fortress.

It rises above the very entrance to the bay and is visible from almost every area of ​​the city. Its walls were built back in the 14th century by the Genoese and have withstood more than one sieges throughout its history. Today, the ruins of the once powerful defensive structure are open to the public completely free of charge.

Military History Museum

The second most important attraction of the city can rightfully be called the underground submarine factory or the military history museum.

This secret facility, built in the Soviet Union, has long been the main secret of Balaklava Bay. Today, the underground adits, carved into the rock, have been converted into a museum complex.

Temple of the Twelve Apostles

Another fairly well-known landmark of the city is the famous Church of the Holy Twelve Apostles.

It is noteworthy that it was built in 1794, but its foundation was built by the Genoese back in the 6th century. Currently, the church is active and open to the public.

St. George's Monastery

Another place located near Balaklava, which I advise everyone to visit, is the St. George's Monastery.

This and the current monastery of monks traces its history back to 1578. Today, from its territory you can admire magnificent views of the rocks and the sea.

Barrel of Death

You should definitely visit the so-called “barrel of death”, which rises above the entrance to Balaklava Bay.

At one time, this structure was intended to observe the enemy, and today it is used as a place for tourists, from where it offers stunning views.

Beaches. Which ones are better

Balaklava is also famous for its picturesque beaches, which are located on both sides of the city bay. The most famous include:






I’ll tell you a little more about the ones I liked the most.

City Beach

Located within the city at the very end of the Nazukin embankment. The nearest stop is on May 1st Square. You can get there by buses No. 9, 108 and 119.

It is fully equipped for recreation, has a concrete surface and convenient access to the sea.

Here you can use benches, sun loungers and sun canopies completely free of charge. In addition, there are various cafes on the beach where you can drink a cold drink, eat ice cream or a hot dog. On average, a half-liter bottle of lemonade costs 50, a hot dog 100, and prices for ice cream start at 30 rubles.

Marble Beach

On the opposite side of the bay there is another city beach - “Marble” - with a pebble surface, which also has all the infrastructure necessary for recreation. Here you can use sun loungers, canopies, changing rooms and toilets completely free of charge.

You can get to it from May 1 Square, located in the center of Balaklava, for 100 rubles by taxi or on foot.


To the west of Balaklava Bay is Vasili Beach. An asphalt road leads to it from Marble Embankment. On the beach itself there are free trestle beds, sun loungers, changing rooms, and a cafe serving drinks, ice cream and hot dogs. Average prices are the same as on City Beach.

You can only get to it by your own car, on foot or by taxi, and the trip will cost 150 rubles.

Silver Beach

Those who prefer to relax away from people can visit this beach, which will have to be reached on foot along a winding path. By car you can drive along Istoricheskaya Street, which starts from the Nazukin embankment to the turn to Mount Asceta and then go down about 200 meters to the sea on foot. Bus routes do not pass through this point, and a taxi will cost an average of 100 rubles.

The beach itself is located at the base of Gray Mountain and has a pebble surface.

Golden Beach

The journey takes about an hour and a half on foot, but along the way you can enjoy beautiful views of the sea and breathe in the purest mountain air.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

There are only two Orthodox churches in the city, and each of them is of interest from a historical point of view. I recommend visiting both of these iconic places and learning more about their past.

Temple of the Twelve Apostles

The main city church in Balaklava is the Church of the Holy Twelve Apostles. It is located in the very center of the city near the Nazukin embankment at the address: st. Rubtsova, 41.

You can get to it on foot.

Currently, this church is one of the oldest in Crimea. The temple was built in 1794, but its foundation was based on the foundations of the Byzantine period of the 6th century.

Today, daily and holiday services are held in this sacred place, in addition, the doors of the church are open to visitors every day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

St. George's Monastery

Another active religious building in Balaklava is the St. George’s Monastery.

The date of its foundation is considered to be 1578. The monastery complex rises on the edge of a cliff above the sea. Today monks live in it, and the monastery is open to visitors on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

You need to get off at the “Fiolent” stop, and then follow the signs on foot for about two kilometers.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

The only Balaklava museum is the former secret underground submarine repair base. It is located at the address: Tavricheskaya embankment, 22. The museum is open for visits from 10 to 18 daily, except Monday and Tuesday. The ticket price for adults is 200 rubles, for children and students 100.

At one time, this object was top secret. It was intended mainly for the repair and parking of submarines. About 9 ships could fit in it at the same time. Construction began in the 50s of the last century. The uniqueness of the adits lies in the fact that they are cut into the rock, and, in addition to shipping channels, there is a dry dock inside, as well as many technical rooms intended for storage, including nuclear weapons.

Currently, tourists can explore the canal itself, along which boats once sailed, as well as some office premises where samples of torpedoes, some types of underwater equipment and other interesting exhibits are displayed.

Children under 5 years old are prohibited from entering the museum. This is mainly due to the fact that the halls have poor lighting and high humidity.

For those who decide to visit this museum complex, I recommend dressing warmly. Inside, the temperature is maintained at +16 degrees all year round.


There is not a single large park in Balaklava. Meanwhile, the city has several small squares and alleys with comfortable benches where you can relax in the cool shade of the trees.

Thus, a small but picturesque and green area with benches is located on Solnechnaya Street near the Obolon bus stop.

Tourist streets

All main tourist routes in Balaklava pass through the city center. The busiest places are the Nazukina and Tavricheskaya embankments.

In addition, Rubtsova and Mramornaya streets are of interest to tourists.

Nazukina embankment

All major events take place on the central city embankment, which is named after the sailor hero Nazukin.

There are also numerous cafes and restaurants here. At the very beginning of the street there is a brand store of the famous sparkling wine factory “Zolotaya Balka”, opposite which the yacht club “Golden Symbol” is located.

During the season, there are many expensive yachts moored near the embankment, next to which you can take pictures. In addition, on this main city street, the former apartment building of Christopoulo, the dachas of Maretskaya and Sokolova, which are architectural monuments, have been preserved.

Tavricheskaya embankment

On the opposite shore of Balaklava Bay you can take a walk along the Tavricheskaya embankment.

It is especially lively here in the evening, when the night lights turn on.

Rubtsova and Mramornaya streets

Mramornaya Street, on which the submarine museum is located, originates from the Tavricheskaya embankment. To feel the historical charm of Balaklava, you should definitely take a walk along Rubtsova Street, which starts from the Nazukin embankment. Here is located one of the main attractions of the city - the Temple of the Twelve Apostles.

What to see in 1 day

If you have only a day to get to know the city, then I recommend starting your exploration from the embankments, which originate from Peace Square.

Below I will give an approximate itinerary for one day, which is suitable for those who want to quickly explore Balaklava:

  • It is best to start exploring the city from Nazukin Embankment. One hour is enough to see all its beauty and drink coffee in one of the cozy cafes. Rubtsova Street, where the Church of the Twelve Apostles is located, originates from the embankment; it is also a must-visit.
  • Next you should go to the Temple of the Twelve Apostles. This is the oldest functioning church in Crimea, built in 1794. Afterwards you need to go back to Peace Square and turn in the opposite direction, where the Tavricheskaya Embankment begins.
  • From the Tavricheskaya embankment there is a stunning view of the mountains and the bay. There are benches here where you can relax and breathe in the fresh sea air, and then turn onto Mramornaya Street, where the Submarine Museum is located.
  • The Submarine Museum is located inside the rock and occupies a large area. It will take at least three hours to fully examine it. After reviewing the entire exhibition, I recommend going to the city beach and spending the remaining time near the sea.

Balaklava is a small town, and one day is enough to get acquainted with all its beauties. The main thing is to manage your time correctly and take a map with you.

What to see in the area

In the vicinity of Balaklava there are several interesting places that you should definitely visit.

Architectural monuments

One of the most famous attractions is the Chembalo fortress, which I mentioned above. The ruins of its towers are located above the entrance to the bay and are visible from almost anywhere in the city. Today this place is part of the Tauride Chersonese Nature Reserve and is open to tourists.

Not far from the city there is also an active St. George's Monastery, which I also already mentioned. At one time, such famous personalities as Griboedov and Chekhov visited here. The monastery is located on the upper terrace of the rocks, directly above the sea, and is a complex of buildings.

Natural attractions

Will not leave you indifferent Batiliman Bay, which is simply buried in juniper thickets.

It is worth visiting the nearby Balaclava Cape Aya And Fiolent, from which a unique view of the Black Sea opens.

Nearby Islands

Despite the fact that Balaklava is located in one of the most picturesque Crimean bays, there are no islands near it.

Food. What to try

Balaklava has a well-developed public catering network. The city has a large number of restaurants and cafes, in addition to them there are also inexpensive canteens.

The main emphasis on the menu is seafood. Here you can try fried red mullet, a salad of Black Sea rapana or mussels, and taste shrimp. Most establishments offer a European menu, but there are also sushi bars.

Lunch for two in a small cafe on the embankment will cost an average of 600 rubles. Eating at a restaurant will cost at least twice as much.

Those who prefer to cook on their own will be able to purchase food at the city market, which is located near the Nazukina embankment. The prices here are quite reasonable:

  • potatoes - 25 rubles/kg;
  • chicken eggs - 45 rubles (a dozen);
  • chicken fillet - 220 rubles.

In addition, there are several supermarkets and many small grocery stores in Balaklava.


If you are limited on money, then I recommend visiting:

  • cafe "Fish";
  • tea room "Kolyada";
  • juice bar “Alkopyatak”;
  • Cafe-bistro "Sherwood";
  • cheburek "Listrigon".


Mid-level establishments in Balaklava include:

  • beer bar "Boatswain";
  • sushi bar "Sakura";
  • Bar "Prince"

  • pizzeria "Golden Coast".


There are also expensive restaurants in Balaklava, the average bill for two people is about 2000 rubles:

  • fish restaurant;
  • restaurant "Balaklava";
  • restaurant "Dakkar";
  • seafood restaurant "Drake's Tavern".


Three holidays are widely celebrated in Balaklava, namely:

  • day of the city;
  • fisherman's day;
  • Fleet Day;

Day of the city

The City Day celebration falls on the first Sunday in June. As a rule, on this day various festivals, fairs and sports competitions are held, in which everyone can take part.

In the evening, on the central embankment named after Nazukin, you can watch a concert; local creative groups take part in it. At nine o'clock in the evening the night sky lights up with fireworks.

Fisherman's Day

Since Balaklava is a maritime city, it is customary to widely celebrate Fisherman’s Day here. The holiday takes place on the second Sunday of July. All main events take place on the Nazukin embankment.

On this day, a fish fair is held for residents and guests of the city, where you can buy fresh seafood, and everyone can take part in various competitions and watch thematic performances.

Fleet Day

Perhaps the main city celebration for Balaklava is Fleet Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of July.

Despite the fact that all the main events on this day are held in the center of Sevastopol, there is something to see here. On this holiday, a stage is set up on the embankment of Balaklava, where local creative groups perform all day long, and various competitions are also held. Also on Fleet Day you can visit the submarine museum completely free of charge.

Safety. What to watch out for

Balaklava is considered a relatively calm and quiet place. In general, it is safe to move around.

From personal experience I can say that at night the central part of the city is quite well lit, and police patrols are periodically found here. The outskirts, especially the private sector, are poorly lit, and in the evening it is not crowded, which raises some concerns.

As in any resort town, various scammers and pickpockets are detained from time to time in Balaklava, but this happens quite rarely. Personally, walking around the city both in the evening and during the day, I did not feel any danger and did not encounter any manifestations of aggression.

Things to do

Balaklava only seems like a small and quiet town. In fact, all conditions for active and even extreme recreation have been created here.

You can get information about entertainment and pay for it on the central embankment from distributors. There you agree on the route and time.

I got a lot of pleasure from some of the proposed amusements, which I am happy to tell you about now.

Horseback riding

There are many exciting horseback riding excursions on offer. Thus, an introductory route, which takes one hour and passes through the immediate surroundings of the town, will cost a thousand rubles per person.

In turn, horseback riding for 4 hours on the nearest hills, from which an excellent view opens, will cost 3,300 rubles per person. There is a route designed for the whole day, it costs 5,500 rubles and includes a visit to the wild beach in the vicinity of Balaklava.

ATV racing

Fans of high speeds are offered quad biking. You can order entertainment on the First of May Square under the appropriate sign.

The organizers offer various routes, and on average an hour of skiing per person will cost 1,250 rubles.

Kayaking trips

Those who prefer sea travel can go on an exciting kayaking trip.

The rental point is located at the end of the Tavricheskaya embankment where the soldier's beach begins. The cost of skating for one person for one hour is 150 rubles.

Shopping and shops

Shopping lovers have nothing to do in Balaklava. There are no branded stores where you can buy quality items. If you need to make purchases, then I recommend going to the center of Sevastopol, where there are a large number of retail outlets, including branded ones.

Bars. Where to go

In Balaklava you can have a delicious meal and watch an interesting entertainment program in numerous bars and restaurants.

One of the most popular places is the small fish cafe “Izbushka Rybak”, where you can taste fresh Black Sea fish, drink beer, wine or stronger drinks, and listen to live music. The establishment is open until 24 hours. The average cost of drinks here is:

  • juice 80 rubles per glass;
  • beer 200 rubles per 1/2 liter glass;
  • wine from 250 rubles per 100 grams;
  • champagne from 150 rubles per 100 grams;
  • vodka from 180 rubles per 100 grams.
  • wine from 150 rubles per 100 grams;
  • tequila from 200 rubles per 100 grams;
  • draft beer from 120 rubles per 1/2 liter.

The only establishment on the water in the city is the Prince bar.

It is designed in the shape of an ancient galleon and offers its visitors European cuisine. open until 2 a.m., the cost of dinner for two is on average 1200-1300 rubles. The establishment offers a large selection of strong and not so strong drinks:

  • fresh fruit from 120 rubles;
  • mineral water from 80 rubles per bottle;
  • assorted wine from 140 rubles per 100 grams;
  • cognac from 180 rubles per 100 grams;
  • vodka from 160 rubles per 100 grams.

The following establishments are also popular:

  • cafe "Dacha";
  • bar "Dakkar";
  • bar "Pier";
  • fish cafe “On the Embankment”.

Clubs and nightlife

Nightlife in Balaklava is represented by only one club, “Golden Symbol.” It is located right on the territory of the yacht club at the address: Nazukina embankment, building 1a.

It is noteworthy that the open-air dance floor is located near the sea.

The establishment is open until the last visitor. Entrance is free provided that an order is made at the bar. Entertainment is provided by local DJs. The average cost of an alcoholic cocktail is 300 rubles, cold cuts will cost 800 rubles, a cup of coffee costs 150 rubles.

Extreme Sports

Among the extreme entertainments in Balaclava, diving is well developed. The local club Aquamarine is located on the central embankment named after Nazukin. Here you can rent professional equipment for 1,200 rubles. A dive with an instructor will cost an average of 2,000 rubles. In addition, boat rental is additionally available for 3,500 rubles per hour.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

As a souvenir of your visit to Balaklava, you can bring a variety of souvenirs with a marine theme, which are sold on the embankment.

Local craftsmen offer:

  • interesting seashells from 50 rubles;
  • magnets with photos of Balaklava embankment from 80 rubles;
  • mugs and plates with images of main attractions from 150 rubles;
  • T-shirts, as well as vests, the average cost of which is 400 rubles.

Personally, I bought magnets with views of the city and a sailor’s hat with the inscription “Balaclava”, which cost me 350 rubles.

How to get around the city

Balaklava is a small town, and therefore many locals prefer to get around on foot.

Meanwhile, several public transport routes pass through it, connecting Balaklava with Sevastopol. You can get from the Nazukin embankment to the exit from the city by minibuses No. 9, 108 and 119, the fare of which is 12 rubles during the day and 20 at night. Buses run during the daytime at intervals of approximately every 5 minutes. At night when full.

Taxi. What features exist

Finding a taxi in Balaclava is quite easy. First of all, you can order a car by phone, then within 10 minutes it will be delivered to the location you specified.

The city has its own taxi service, Pineapple. The cost of providing a car is on average 65 rubles; fares are paid by meter at 15 rubles per kilometer.

The city taxi stand is located on the central square of 1 May. From personal experience I can say that the cost of travel in Balaklava is on average 100 rubles to any point in the city. If you need to get to the airport, which is located in Simferopol, then you will have to pay from 2500 to 3000 rubles for a car.


There are no trams in the city.


  • Mitsubishi or Hyundai from 1600 rubles per day.
  • Chevrolet Aveo will cost from 2,500 rubles.

The cost of gasoline in Crimea is practically no different from the all-Russian one. Below I will give prices in rubles per 1 liter:

  • A-80 - 37;
  • A-95 - 40;
  • A-98 - 44.

Advice for motorists

For experienced motorists, it will not be difficult to move safely around Balaklava. The city is small and traffic is quite slow. Even during rush hour there are no congestion or traffic jams on the city streets.

The only problem, as for me, when driving around Balaklava by car is cyclists, who can suddenly appear at the most inopportune moment. The central embankments Nazukina and Tavricheskaya are closed to traffic.

Balaklava - holidays with children

For children, holidays in Balaklava are presented quite modestly. On the embankment there are small attractions in the form of swings and a trampoline for jumping. In addition, on city beaches, kids can slide into the water from inflatable slides, and that’s probably all there is for children’s entertainment.

The main attractions like the Chembalo fortress, the barrel of death or the St. George Monastery are located some distance from the city, and the road to them is quite winding, and it is simply dangerous to take children there.

Anything to add?

I really love visiting Balaclava in spring, winter, and autumn.

In summer it is noisy and crowded.

With the outflow of vacationers, Balaklava is changing.

She becomes like a forty-year-old lady after the guests leave.

He washes himself, puts on an evening silk robe and makes himself comfortable by the fireplace.

It becomes quiet and serene here. I want to walk along the piers, looking at the sleeping boats.

Looking at the mixing of time.

Watching how expensive cafes and restaurants are chewing with the half-crumbled Rodina and Pravda buildings.

Looking at the neighboring fragile faded fishing boats with expensive ocean-going yachts flying the flags of Gibraltar or England..

Looking at people walking, local fishermen with fishing rods and fat cats...

2. Any of these boats can be rented for a boat trip or fishing….

3. ...they are quite comfortable and well equipped - fishing rods, spinning rods, barbecue directly on board, GPS, echo sounders, and so on

4. I didn’t manage to rent this boat... small boats look like cockroaches against the background of a lazy cat

5. An ordinary boat of a local fisherman...

6. There are a lot of them here (in this part of the bay - where the wooden boats are located - it is often quite dirty, but this is already behind the “promenade” embankment)

7. A lot

8. Meeting nose to nose

9. Boats sometimes go quite far out to sea, so almost all boats have circles.

10. Control panel...

11. Signal light

12. Vessel with a home port in the Cayman Islands

13. Ropes are waiting for their “victim” from the sea

14. Fishermen are waiting for a rich catch

15. Lesson during lunch break. This auntie dragged the fish one after another, unlike other fishermen

16. And someone just thinks about their own things, looking at the jellyfish and moving water

17. And Kuprin is completely frozen in bronze...

19. Homeland...

20. And yes, on this day there was the same invasion of jellyfish, which I had been talking about for quite some time...

The small cozy Balaklava bay, which has no storms even in winter and is not visible from the sea, has been captivating and delighting people for many centuries. Tauris, Greeks, Turks, and Genoese lived here, and the British visited. Thanks to the latter, a headdress with only holes for the eyes and mouth was named after Balaklava. Allegedly, during the first defense of Sevastopol, the British were so frozen in winter that they invented them. Homer wrote about Balaklava in his “Odyssey”, Afanasy Nikitin, Kuprin...

Balaklava as a resort began to develop at the end of the 19th century. Then, on the shore of the bay, princes Yusupov, Gagarin, Apraksin, Count Naryshkin and other representatives of the Russian nobility began to build dachas, a mud bath, a hotel, a power plant and a telephone appeared in the city.

Nowadays tourists prefer to walk along the embankment, go up to the Chembalo fortress, take a boat trip, eat at one of the fish restaurants, and visit the submarine museum.

There is another attraction of Balaklava – cats. There are much more of them here than in Sevastopol and Yalta, they are well-groomed, well-fed and in no hurry. The secret of cat life is easy to unravel: you just have to come to Balaklava in winter and see one or two representatives of the cat tribe sitting next to each fisherman.

Legacy of the Genoese

The Cembalo fortress, overlooking the bay, was built by the Genoese in the 14th century. It was then that they settled in Balaklava. However, the first buildings did not last long: Khan Janibek took the fortress and destroyed it. After the conclusion of a peace treaty, Cembalo was returned to the Genoese, and they built serious fortifications on Mount Castron.

A century later, the Genoese again lost Cembalo, and control of the fortress passed to the Principality of Theodoro. But the residents quickly managed to retake the city back. In 1475, the fortress was occupied by the Turks. They gave it a new name - Balyk-yuv, which translates as “fish nest”. Crimean khans who were disliked by the Sultan were sent to Chembalo.

Now only three towers remain from the buildings, including the citadel, as well as the remains of the fortress wall. There are several ways to climb to the topmost tower. The lightest one bypasses the other two towers and goes straight to the top. You need to go left along the beautiful stairs immediately after the “Fisherman's Hut” cafe. The second path is more difficult, but allows you to appreciate the view of Balaklava Bay from each of the three towers. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right path: after the first tower, go up on the right side.

The oldest building in Balaclava

The Temple of the 12 Apostles in Balaklava remains from the Genoese. According to some sources, the founding date is 1357. In the 19th century, a stone was found in the wall of the building, which indicated this exact date as the beginning of construction of the church. The temple was abandoned since 1772, but before the Crimean War its reconstruction began. The church opened again in 1875 and was named after St. Nicholas. During Soviet times, the building housed a house of pioneers.

Nazukina embankment

The first – still wooden – embankment appeared in Balaklava during the British occupation in 1854-55. By the way, they also built the first railway in the city. The embankment acquired its current appearance at the end of the 19th century. Now it bears the name of the submariner who headed the revolutionary committee in 1917. From the embankment you can always go on a boat trip along the bay with access to the open sea, as well as to one of the beaches near Balaklava (Blizhny, Serebryany, Zolotoy and Fig, Vasili) or on Cape Fiolent (Yashmovy). Boats operate only during the tourist season.

Echoes of the Cold War

Only in Balaklava can you visit one of the most secret places in the Soviet Union. Now there is a museum there, it is often called the submarine museum, although this is not quite the correct name. This structure in Mount Tavros was built in case of nuclear war. Construction went on in the strictest confidence for 8 years, all the premises were made by man. The facility housed a ship repair unit and a nuclear arsenal. The two exits were carefully camouflaged. One of them is still not as easy to find as we would like.

Helpful information

You can get to Balaklava from Sevastopol from the “5th km” stop by bus No. 9 or from the city center by bus No. 94. If you want to walk along the embankment and go up to the Chembalo fortress, then you need to get off at the “Embankment” stop.

If you are going to visit the submarine museum, then you need the Obolon stop. From there you need to turn right to the western shore of Balaklava Bay and walk for about 5-10 minutes. Price – 300 rubles, you need to wait until the group is full. Opening hours: from 9:30 to 16:00. Monday and Tuesday are days off. Official website of the museum http://muzey-sevastopol.com.

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Balaklava is located on the shore of Balaklava Bay, 16 km from Sevastopol. This is one of the most picturesque corners of Crimea.
Balaklava is removed from the main civilization and is not a traditional vacation spot. For those who prefer passive relaxation by the sea, Balaclava is not suitable. Intelligent pensioners and golden youth do not come here. If you are going on vacation with children, a Balaclava may not be suitable for you. Married couples with children rarely come here. This place was created by nature itself for peace and relaxation.

On the territory of the Balaklava region, at Cape Fiolent, all three ridges of the Crimean mountains begin - External, Internal and Main. The length of the sea coast of the Balaklava region is 50 kilometers.

Balaclava is:
- the cleanest beaches on the Crimean coast;
- a city in which underground and underwater archaeological research is currently being carried out;
- parking for yachts of all types and sizes;
- many hotels with rooms from the simplest to the luxury category;
- modern diving centers and yacht clubs;
- cafes and restaurants;


The climate of the Balaklava region is very diverse. This depends on the complexity of the relief: from temperate continental, cold, wet on the tops of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, to dry Mediterranean subtropical on the South Coast. The average annual temperature of Balaklava is only 0.5C lower than in Yalta. Summer in Balaklava is hot and dry. The average monthly temperature ranges from 20-22C, and the maximum reaches 36-38C. Rains are very rare here. The heat is transferred to the coast quite easily thanks to the dry air and cool sea breezes. The water temperature in the sea ranges from +20 to +26C. The air temperature at this time during the day is 25-27C, at night 13-18C. The number of sunny days per year in Balaklava is greater than in Yalta. Autumn is warm and soft. The velvet season lasts until mid-October. May is a warm month, sometimes hot. The temperature can rise to 30-32C. For many, the swimming season begins.

Pages of history

In this territory, the first inhabitants (according to archaeological data) from the beginning of the first millennium BC. there were brands. If we take the Homeric harbor of the Listrigons, described in the Odyssey, as Balaklava Bay, then the city on its shore in the middle of the first millennium BC. called Telepil. In 422-421 BC. the ancient Greeks came here, who named the bay Simbolon (Syumbolon) Limne (harbour of Symbols), and the city on its shore - Simbolon (Syumbolon). In the 1st century BC. This territory was captured by the Romans. Later, in the middle of the 14th century, the Genoese appeared here, who turned the Greek name Sumbolon (Simbolon) into Cembalo (Tsembalo, Tsembaldo). The Genoese erected defensive structures and towers at the entrance to the bay, and built a fortress, the remains of which have survived to this day. In 1475, the Ottoman Turks captured the fortress and named it Balaklava. However, local residents for a long time continued to call the city Yambold, Yambol or Yamboli, which apparently means a distorted Chembalo. A number of researchers derive the origin of the Turkish name Balaklava from the Turkish words “Balyk-yuve” (fish nest), others from the word “Balykase” - fish house. Some researchers believe that the

  • The first base of Russian ships in Crimea was Balaklava Bay during the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774. From here (10 years before the founding of Sevastopol) in 1773. A special team went to Akhtiarskaya Bay (now Sevastopol) to draw up the first detailed maps for the future port.
  • The first steam-powered railway in Crimea was built by the British in Balaklava during the siege of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. The road was almost 13 km (8 miles) long. It was laid in two months, and at the end of hostilities it was sold to the Turks.
  • The world's first military photographs (360 pieces) were taken in Balaklava by the world's first military photojournalists: the court photographer of the Queen of Great Britain Roger Fenton and the photographer of the English army James Robertson.
  • The world's first sister of mercy, Florence Nightingale, was in Balaklava three times (from April 1855 to June 1856).
  • The first underwater search work was carried out in Balaklava, which was specially created there in 1923. Soviet EPRON (special purpose underwater expedition).
  • The first naval diving college in the former Soviet Union was also established in Balaklava in 1931.
  • The world's first intercity tram line, connecting Sevastopol with Balaklava, was laid in 1926. (destroyed during the war and was never restored).
  • The first wind power station (WPP) in the USSR was built in Balaklava on the Karan Heights in 1931. (at that time it was the largest in Europe).
  • And finally, the world’s first and only underground harbor (underground plant) for repairing submarines - “Object No. 825 GTS”
  • English monument to the participants of the Battle of Balaklava.
  • Balaklava Bay
  • St. George's Monastery
  • Stone of Reconciliation.
  • Laspi.
  • Cape Aya.
  • Cape Sarych.
  • Cape Fiolent.
  • Orlinovsky reserve
  • Genoese colony of Chembalo;
  • Numerous excavation sites of ancient Greek colonies and early Christian temples;
  • Active monasteries and churches;
  • House-museums of Kuprin and Lesya Ukrainka;
  • Scenic walking and cycling routes.
  • lost world reserve
  • Silver and Gold beaches.
  • Former secret facility GTS No. 825, and now the Naval Museum Complex "Balaklava" (locally called the "Cold War Museum"). Created on the basis of a former closed facility-factory for the repair and maintenance of submarines (roads, lock chambers, workshops, an arsenal, a deep-water channel 608 m long, storage facilities, berths,.. 10 sq. km in the rock formation of Mount Tavros. Its walls had to withstand the blow at least a hundred kiloton atomic bomb.


Located at the foot of the Crimean Mountains, surrounded by pine and juniper forests, Balaklava beaches are very popular. The water here is clean. The bottom is sandy, rocky on the sides. Boulders stick out of the water. The mountains reliably protect the beaches of the Balaklava coast from all winds; only the warm southern wind is available. Boats and yawls (private boats) go to the beach. You can also get to these beaches on foot - to the left of the Chembalo fortress along the picturesque hiking trail along the coast. The path goes along the cliff at an altitude of 100-150 meters. It is better to do this in the evening, returning from the beach. The sun will illuminate the entire magnificent panorama of Balaklava Bay to the horizon at 40-45 kilometers. The entire journey will take you about 40 minutes from the “Silver” beach and about an hour and a half from the “Golden” beach. The panorama near the Chembola fortress deserves special attention.

  • "Jasper" or "Monastic" beach. The westernmost point of the southern coast of Crimea. The steps of the highest staircase in Crimea lead to it from the St. George Monastery, located on Cape Fiolent. It descends to the sea from a height of 200 meters and has 800 steps. The beach is about a kilometer long. This is one of the most picturesque and clean beaches on the coast of Balaklava and Cape Fiolent. It is literally strewn with sand and colorful small pebbles, and the water is so clear that every pebble lying on the bottom of the sea is visible. The beach is well equipped and kept clean.
  • Vasili Beach. Located between "Yashmov" beach and entrance to Balaklava Bay. From the entrance to the former underground factory, minibuses run to the beach (10 minutes drive). Sand and small pebbles. The water is clean. There is a lot of free space.
  • "Middle" or "Silver" The beach received its second name, most likely, from the payment for transportation to the boatman in the old days. Due to its accessibility and relatively large size, this is perhaps the most popular beach for those who want to swim, dive, and sunbathe. The beach has small pebbles mixed with coarse sand. There are stones on both edges. The bottom of the sea is sandy, starting from a depth of 1.5 meters, underwater boulders may come across, so you should dive here carefully. The water is clean. There are places shaded by trees. On the slopes of a mountain overgrown with juniper (Stankevich can be fined for damaging juniper and pine trees), you can install a tent for an overnight stay.
  • "Wild" beach. Other name"Naked" . Overnighters and those who like to sunbathe love to stay on this beach.
  • "Gold" the beach is located at Cape Aya. The beach most likely got its name from the payment for transportation to a boatman in the old days. The upper path leads here from the “Silver” beach. The length of the "Golden" beach is about 800 meters. Width 15-20 meters. More "Neighbor", but less comfortable. The pebbles are mostly medium and large, with some boulders. Starting from 1 meter of depth, small islands of boulders peek out of the water from which you can jump and take pictures against the backdrop of a magnificent seascape. There is an opportunity to choose a secluded place by the sea in a cove (but you must remember that starting from the path going to Cape Aya, the territory of the Ayazma Republican Nature Reserve begins (foresters can fine you).
  • "Fig" . It differs from other beaches in its amazing purity of water and pine forest, which goes down almost straight to the sea.
  • "Shaitan-dere" ("Devil's Ravine"). Beach at the entrance to Balaklava Bay. The name speaks for itself about the danger of traveling to this vacation spot, first along a mountain path through steep cliffs, then along a 10-meter metal, and in some places, a frail rope ladder attached to the rock. But it is close to Balaklava, and due to its inaccessibility, it is sparsely populated and clean.
  • "Cliff" This is not a beach in the usual sense of the word, but a great place to dive from a steep cliff.
  • "Urban" beach. Located directly in Balaklava Bay. The closest and most “civilized” one, with a concrete surface.

Holidays in winter

Holidays in Balaklava are good not only in summer, but also in winter. Fresh healing air, deserted beaches of extraordinary beauty and all this - Balaclava, winter holidays here are simply exceptional. And winter holidays in Balaklava are an opportunity not only to have a good rest, but without causing damage to the family budget. The cheapest holiday in Balaclava is a winter holiday. Winter holidays are an excellent opportunity to exchange the city landscape for the white splendor of Balaklava Bay.


By public transport from Sevastopol.

From any part of the city by trolleybuses No. 2,12,13,14,15,16,17,20 to the final stop "5th kilometer", and then by bus or minibus No. 9 (same number) to the final stop (for the entire journey 10 -15 minutes).

By public transport from Simferopol.

From Simferopol railway station there is a direct bus to Balaklava, and you can also make a transfer in Sevastopol

By car from Simferopol

Drive along the Sevastopol highway. Behind Bakhchisarai, near the village of Siren (Suren), turn left from the Sevastopol highway, and near the village of Tankovoy, turn right. On the Sevastopol ring turn left towards Yalta. along the Yalta highway to the right until the sign for Balaklava.

By car from Sevastopol.

2 km after leaving the city along the Yalta highway, turn right.

By car from Yalta.

Turn to Balaklava immediately after the village of Oboronnoye behind the Shaiba restaurant

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