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Sri Lanka island on the map of Eurasia. Sri Lanka - where is this country located and what is it like? Video about Sri Lanka

Hello to all those who have looked at the pages of the adventure project “On the Edge”! Have you ever wondered where Sri Lanka is on the world map?

Many will answer that it is not far from India; geography buffs will say that it is in the Indian Ocean. And only sophisticated connoisseurs know that this state is located on the former Ceylon - an island that is considered to be the birthplace of the best tea in the world. But, to be honest, the tea produced here has long been a thing of the past - now it is a center of tourism that attracts travelers from all over the world.

Amazing Sri Lanka

When I first looked at the photos taken on this island, I couldn’t believe my eyes - the weather was simply beautiful, the sea, the atmosphere - everything just called to me. But, as usual, when planning a trip, you need to look at the prices, which will upset us... The tours that we are offered differ from each other to varying degrees in the quality of service that the hotel will provide.

Personally, I strive for profit; it just so happens that living conditions and the number of steps in the direction of the sea do not really matter, because the main thing is the atmosphere, surroundings and adventures that can be found along the way.

By the way, do you know why everyone on the nearby islands has this skin color? The shade is very beautiful and no doubt they got it from their parents - after all, under the equatorial sun you can tan very quickly. But our parents did not give us genetic protection from scorching rays, so take care of appropriate protection.

How long does it take to fly to Sri Lanka?

If you are thinking about how long it is to fly to the island of Ceylon, then you don’t have to worry about the fact that it will take a long time. At least not as much as before. From 2013 to the present day, air carriers, in response to the increased interest of our vacationers in this island, have increased the number of direct flights to the Sri Lanka airport. The flight lasts 8-9 hours.

The place where it is located is the capital of the country, the city of Colombo.

This place, despite the lack of direct connection with the rest of the world, gives the impression of a modern, noisy and very religious metropolis. All this, everything except the temples, was created by the hands of visiting businessmen and the local elite - the city welcomes you with a modern airport, offers a bunch of travel options and as a result you find yourself in a very interesting, lively and incense-rich place.

Features of Sri Lanka

Depending on the place where you find yourself, you may encounter either an exotic resort with a large selection of unusual entertainment, or a completely calm, quiet place. But, of course, it will be quiet and calm only by local standards. You will plunge into relaxation headlong, and at first you won’t even be able to breathe from the impressions. But enough about that, we need to keep the intrigue)

The special geographical location makes Sri Lanka such a holiday destination where it is difficult not to enjoy the sea and air. Although, there are also those who are dissatisfied, because the heat still interferes. But the local sea makes it possible to completely forget and relax. Affectionate and warm, soft and pleasant, it maintains a stable temperature of 29 degrees all year round. Here even the most confident skeptic will be convinced that the existence of heaven is possible.

I wrote in more detail about the features of wintering in Sri Lanka in this article “”

It will be especially convincing after sightseeing and tourist walks. The reward is doubly pleasant if it is earned through your own labor, in this case - by listening to the excursion and buying souvenirs.

After the trip, you can easily show the location of Sri Lanka, because you will definitely remember it. In what other country can you get such a rich and at the same time soothing holiday that gives new breath and new strength? Only here, in a place where the modern world, bright, unforgettable people and the exoticism of ancient culture meet! Here you will feel literally on top of the world!

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Text— Agent Q.

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Bali island in Indonesia on the world map - where it is located, photos and interesting facts Where is Sigiriya on the map of Sri Lanka?

Where is Sri Lanka on the world map? The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is located in South Asia off the southeastern coast of Hindustan. The central part of the island is occupied by mountains, but most of the country is lowlands.

I would like to say that this is an island, which means you can either fly or swim here. We bring to your attention an article that tells you how long it takes to fly to Sri Lanka from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.

A detailed map of the coast of Sri Lanka in Russian in search engines shows that the country is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. Sri Lanka is separated from Hindustan by the Gulf of Manara and the Palk Strait. Previously, the island was connected to the mainland by Adam's Bridge, which was destroyed during an earthquake in 1841.

Although the island of Ceylon is quite exotic for tourism, but on the map of Sri Lanka with the resorts of Unawatuna, Koggala boasts of its most popular resort areas in the country, where travelers come in search of unique beaches and historical attractions. The most popular cities are also Moratuwa and Galle, and the mountain resort of Nuwara Eliya.

Mira, it’s worth starting with the search for India. This state is located in Asia, the peninsula where it is located has the outline of an isosceles triangle, one of the vertices of which points strictly to the south. Sri Lanka is located in close proximity to India at a distance of approximately 100 km to the southeast. It is not difficult to find; it is the only large island in the Indian Ocean. On a larger scale, you can see that there is a sandbank between Sri Lanka and the Hindustan Peninsula - until the 15th century, these two geographical objects were connected, but after a series of earthquakes the isthmus was destroyed and went under water. The name of the state is derived from two words in Hindi: “shri” - glorious and “” - earth. However, the older generation knows the island as Ceylon - that’s how it was until 1972.

The sandbar in the Palk Strait, which previously connected Hindustan with the island of Sri Lanka, is called Adam's Bridge.

State of Sri Lanka

The entire area of ​​Sri Lanka is occupied by the state of the same name, although many mistakenly classify the island as an Indian state. The official capital is a city with the difficult to pronounce name of Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, however, the unofficial economic and cultural center of the country is Colombo. The development of Sri Lanka was significantly influenced by the Portuguese, who were the first to colonize the island, and the British, because it was under the protectorate of Britain for about a century and a half. Most of the residents are employed in agriculture - world-famous tea is grown here. Tourism is also an important industry; in recent years people have come here not just on vacation, but for the entire winter season; among vacationers there are many open professions that allow them to work remotely.
It is interesting that tea grown on the island is still called Ceylon; the name “Sri Lankan” has not taken root.

How to get to Sri Lanka

There are direct flights from Moscow to Colombo, but they do not operate every day. If you need to get to Sri Lanka at a different time, you will have to plan a transfer to Abu Dhabi (Saudi Arabia), Dubai (UAE), Koch (Qatar) or Istanbul (Turkey). Travel time ranges from eight hours depending on the duration of the connection. Before traveling to Sri Lanka, you must obtain an entry visa.

The Island of Cinnamon and Lions, as Sri Lanka is called, is the pearl of the Indian Ocean. This ninth largest island covers an area of ​​65,610 km² and is located 31 km from southern India. The length of the coast is 1340 km. The island's population is 21.1 million people, they are always good-natured and hospitable people. The capital of the republic is Colombo.

Sri Lanka was once called Taprobana, which translated means “the land of cinnamon.” Later, Ceylon - the “Land of Lions” - became famous for its excellent tea, and the image of a lion still adorns the flag of the state. In 1972, the republic returned its name - Sri Lanka, which translates as “shining island”.

A truly fabulous evergreen paradise island in the Bay of Bengal attracts numerous tourists. Sri Lanka is stunning with a variety of exotic fruits and attractions, beaches and coral reefs, stone cities with a thousand-year history and Buddhist temples with their unique rituals. Elephants are sacred animals and regular participants in religious holidays.

See where Sri Lanka is located on the world map:

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Detailed tourist map of Sri Lanka with resorts, roads and attractions.

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Rice fields, palm groves, water buffalos and Buddha statues. Acrobatic fishermen, sacred trees, buildings and structures two thousand years old. Mountain slopes covered with a carpet of emerald green tea, dense jungles that have hidden archaeological treasures for centuries. Wild leopards, bears, whales and elephants. Magnificent orchid gardens, forests of red and black trees.

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Hundreds of dizzying rapids and waterfalls that refresh the mountain forests. A diverse array of hotels, 22 parks that make up a natural sanctuary, 8 sites declared by UNESCO as a Heritage of Humanity. Ports that have seen Malay pirates, Portuguese sailors, Arabs, Dutch and British call at them. Endless coconut palm beaches...

“Sailing from the island of Andaman and heading south-west for a thousand miles, you come to the island of Ceylon, which is the best of the islands of its size,” wrote Marco Polo. Serendib, that’s what brave Arab sailors called this island in ancient times.

Sri Lanka, Ceylon until 1972, is a green and extraordinarily fertile island of untouched nature, largely wild, with stunning biodiversity. In a fairly small space, from a geographical point of view, Sri Lanka provides enormous climatic diversity, which is characteristic of a continent, not an island.

This island state has become a tourist destination since 2010, after the end of the military conflict associated with the Tamil uprising in the north of the country. In this article we will present a country that, in view of the above, has not yet adapted to the massive flow of tourists. And the brave traveler should visit it without wasting time!

Sri Lanka on the world map

Geographic coordinates of Sri Lanka are 7 degrees north latitude and 81 degrees east longitude. The island is located in the southeast relative to India and is washed by the Indian Ocean. The Palk Strait, which is 50 km wide at its narrowest point, separates the island from the continent.

The map of Sri Lanka indicates that the area is 65 thousand square kilometers, 435 kilometers long and 200 kilometers wide, which is approximately equal in area to the state of Ireland. The photo shows the island of Sri Lanka on the world map.

The country's population is 20 million people, 75% of the population is of Sinhala origin, Tamils ​​make up 12%, they came from the south of the continent and settled mainly in the north and west of the island. The Sinhalese are Buddhists, the Tamils ​​are Hindus. Peasant and Muslim communities are also large, averaging 7% of the population each. The literacy rate is one of the highest in Asia, at 92% of the population.

The official languages ​​of Sri Lanka are Sinhala and Tamil. English is widely spoken throughout the population, mainly within tourism-related sectors.

One of the reasons for the strong development of tourism in this country is its tropical climate with an average temperature of 27ºC, although this value can fluctuate greatly during the same day between the coast and the mountainous interior of the island, where temperatures can drop to 10ºC.

Sri Lanka experiences two wet periods:

  • from May to July in the north-west of the country;
  • from December to January in the northeast of the country.

Despite this, sunny and warm days are frequent, even during the rainy season.

Map of Sri Lanka with attractions

The main attractive places in the country from a tourist point of view are the following:

Map of Sri Lanka with resorts

No travel guide to Sri Lanka would be complete without mentioning the tropical island with its slightly steep coastline and sandy beaches washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean. With a total coastline of 1,300 km and an average water temperature of 27ºC, the island's beaches are semi-wild and ideal for the traveler who wants to relax. All water activities are available here ( surfing, scuba diving e and others), it is also possible see dolphins and whales.

The beaches on the south and west coasts of the island are especially attractive. To avoid the monsoon period, it is recommended to visit the western beaches from November to April, and the eastern beaches from May to October.

In the west of the country stands out Unawatuna beach, which is one of the best in the world. It is a semicircular bay protected by a double belt of corals.

Bentota and Beruwala, located 60 km south of Colombo, have a wide range of hotels with their various services. These places are suitable for a family holiday.

In the south of the island stretches coastline from Tangaye Bai to Weyigama, which has good spots for underwater excursions with its rich seabed. Also, just 17 km from Gaye is the most popular Gikkaduwa island beach. For whale watching enthusiasts the resort offers Dondra Point– a magnificent port in December, January and April. Kalpitaya from November to March allows you to watch hundreds of dolphins.

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