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Who owns the diamonds of Yakutia if they do not belong to Russia? Alrosa. I. Sechin enters the fight The largest shareholders of Alrosa

website– Between 2005 and 2010. Yakutia officials could enthusiastically talk about the prospects of transforming ALROSA into a diversified enterprise, a huge transnational mining corporation that deals with everything: diamonds, gas, and oil. This position was shared by the management of the diamond company. And then they replayed everything. Due to obvious disagreements related to the prospects for the development of the budget-generating company for Yakutia, Vyacheslav Shtyrov resigned from the post of president of the republic (officially, however, no clear reason for the resignation was given). Since then, everything has changed 180 degrees, the newspaper notes “ Yakutsk Evening“. No diversification: we get rid of non-core assets and focus on what we specialize in - diamonds!

The newly appointed president of the company, Sergei Ivanov Jr., had not yet taken office, announced that under him ALROSA would sell off non-core assets.

“There really is something to sell there,” the appointee said, not without pleasure.

Sergey Ivanov:

Of course, I see one of the tasks as increasing the company’s reserves, increasing production, and selling non-core assets (...).” And there really is something to sell there. The variegated capital accumulated over decades in the current difficult economic situation seems to have become too much for the giant to handle.

However, “there is something” began to be put up for sale even before him. In 2012, ALROSA developed a program for the disposal of non-core assets for 2013–2021. We started, if you remember, with the sale of the ship “Mikhail Svetlov” and several hotels. And the process continues.


In the coming years (2016–2019), according to the alienation register, ALROSA plans to sell such objects as:

– Vilyuiskaya HPP-3;

– jewelry company “Diamond World”;

– share in the iron ore mining and metallurgical complex Timir;


– LLC “Lenskoye Housing Enterprise”;

– LLC “Lenskoe enterprise of thermal and electrical networks”;

– JSC ALROSA Airlines;

– division for the construction and operation of hydroelectric power stations in Angola;

– “Geotransgaz” in Urengoy, etc.

– 33 airplanes and helicopters with a runway and airfield at the Mirny Aviation Enterprise.

There are several hundred production and service facilities on the alienation list: pipelines, roads, control rooms, garages, boiler houses of the Udachny, Mirny and Aikhal mining and processing plants.

There are also social facilities: a youth center in Mirny, a post-telegraph building in the village of Almazny, a library (there, in Almazny), a dietary canteen for 108 seats (Lensk), etc.

And unfinished construction projects: a 100-bed sanatorium in Aikhal, residential buildings and dormitories in Aikhal, two unfinished apartment buildings with a clinic and a supermarket of the Novy state farm, a cultural and sports complex on Lake Chuonalyr, the Almaz recreation center of the Moscow representative office of ALROSA, smoking shop in Chernyshevsky and much more.


The other day, ALROSA announced that it would make another attempt to auction off the Polar Star hotel in Yakutsk. The starting auction price of the object is 339 million rubles with a bidding increment of 3 million.

The company also intends to sell the Mirny city printing house.

ALROSA's share in its authorized capital is 53.7%, the rest belongs to the state media holding Yakutia. But 100% of the shares are put up for auction in one lot, which is estimated at at least 46.3 million.

A one-story wooden building of the ALROSA headquarters in Vitim, built in 1981, was put up for auction for 407.5 thousand rubles. The price of a wooden two-story hotel in Lensk starts at 5.1 million rubles.

Non-residential premises with a land plot of the ALROSA representative office in Orel are also subject to urgent alienation (previously, houses were built in this city together with DSK under the company’s employee relocation program). And canteen No. 5 in Mirny. And a bakery office in Syuldyukar. And a power plant at Vitim airport. And the building of a boarding school in Taas-Yuryakh.

And also an aircraft engine and two truck cranes...


However, not everything that ALROSA calls non-core is planned to be put up for sale. There are some things you can’t bear to part with. For example, it is proposed to retain the Blue Wave sanatorium in Gelendzhik, the ALROSA-Lena shipping company, the ALROSA-Torg company, the Diamond Autumn Non-State Pension Fund, the Mirny Heat and Water Supply Enterprise, ALROSA-Okhrana LLC, as part of the company. Swiss investment company ALROSA OVERSEAS SA.

In a word, the hens that lay golden eggs (or are capable of laying them in principle) are not touched yet.

No one can yet say what awaits the labor collectives that have fallen under alienation along with their facilities. But the prospect of losing the “diamond roof” in Mirny frightens many. No matter how one treated the diamond company, it still remained state-owned and bore certain social obligations.

Sergey KIROV, director of the Mirny city printing house:

The printing house employs 20 people, and we are in a very sad mood. Since ALROSA is selling both its part and the shares of the government of Yakutia, the new owner will become the sole owner of the facility. It is unlikely that anyone will buy us for further use as a printing house. We have a large two-story stone building in the center, which will most likely be repurposed as a shopping center or restaurant. On the second floor, offices are rented by the Mirny Rabochiy newspaper. They will probably have to move out too. In addition, if the printing house is closed, the newspaper will have big problems with printing.

- Judging by the balance sheet, your printing house is making a profit. Maybe the new owner will not repurpose it?

Now all ALROSA divisions order printed materials from us. The company also approves the tariffs for us. Thanks to this, we are in profit. And if we go completely to the market, then the big question is whether we will be able to swim out. Of course, I have hope that after the alienation we can be retained as a printing house if ALROSA remains our customer. After all, they know us, they have developed close connections and experience. But there are no guarantees. Only hopes and assumptions. On March 15, a session of the district council recommended that the head of the district contact ALROSA and the government of the republic so that the printing house would be transferred to municipal ownership. Let's see what comes of this.

Some details of the sale of a 10.9% stake in the state diamond mining company ALROSA have become known. It turned out that the package was sold at a price that was not the most favorable for the state, and the names of the buyers were not disclosed. Therefore, it is likely that the deal, carried out in a hurry, was conceived from the very beginning as a profitable combination “for our own”.

The ALROSA company became the first large lot in the new campaign for the sale of state property, which the Russian authorities have been talking about since 2012. The exchange option was chosen to sell 10.9% of the company's shares. As a result, according to VTB Capital, most of the shares were bought by investors from Asia, Europe and Russia. “We gave priority to investors who were the first to submit applications,” Boris Kvasov, director of equity capital markets at VTB Capital, noted in an interview with Interfax.

The share price was set at 65 rubles per share. According to unofficial information, this threshold was approved on July 8 at a meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development. Thus, the cost of the privatized package amounted to 52.18 billion rubles ($812 million), despite the fact that in general ALROSA is estimated at 478.72 billion rubles ($7.45 billion). As analysts calculated, the stake was sold 6% below the average price of the company's securities over the past six months.

ALROSA is a very tasty morsel. The company is an industry leader and has very good financial performance. De Beers' EBITDA margin in 2015 was $990 million - 21%, and ALROSA's EBITDA margin was $1.9 billion - 53%.

The number doesn't seem to be very big. But we should not forget that as recently as December last year, the Federal Property Management Agency stated that now is not the time to sell off state property. After these statements, ALROSA shares were traded on the stock exchange at much more attractive prices: for example, a couple of months ago their price reached 78 rubles per share. Why was such a rush needed? By the way, applications for the purchase of shares were accepted for only... a day and a half.

The President is not a decree?

As a result, it becomes clear that the sale of ALROSA securities will not happen without a scandal. In particular, the Yakut branch of the A Just Russia party has already begun collecting signatures against the privatization of the diamond giant. As the party members themselves explained to Our Version, they, of course, do not expect the deal to be canceled, but they hope to prevent a further sale of the company. Let us remind you that according to the presidential decree, the state’s share in ALROSA can be reduced to 33.0001%. “We are collecting signatures and will appeal to both the government of the republic and the government of the Russian Federation to prevent further privatization,” Fedot Tumusov, chairman of the council of the regional branch of Just Russia in Yakutia, told Our Version. – ALROSA is a very important company for the republic. There was a time when it was almost the only large enterprise in the region. Now, of course, there are many other companies operating, but ALROSA still remains one of the systemically important ones.”


Who owns ALROSA

The state has 43.9%,

Yakutia – 25%,

8 uluses of the republic - 8%.

Free float – 23.07%.

After the sale of the state stake of 10.9%, the share of the company's shares in free float will increase to 34%.

It is noteworthy that the names of the investors have not yet become known. Let us recall that back in February of this year, President Vladimir Putin very clearly stated that the privatization of state assets should be carried out as transparently as possible. “There should be no sale of shares for next to nothing, at a bargain price. This will not bring much benefit to the budget, and besides, this practice is fraught with the seizure of enterprises by competing companies,” Vladimir Putin said on February 1 of this year during a meeting on economic issues. At the same time, he clarified that a transfer into private hands is possible only if the potential buyer has a development strategy for the acquired company, and the investors are in Russian jurisdiction. “For successful privatization, it is fundamentally important that the state clearly understands what it is selling to whom and what consequences this will have for the development of entire industries and the entire economy,” the president noted.

It is obvious that during the sale of ALROSA, none of these points were observed.

We agreed with the buyer in advance

According to Fedot Tumusov, it is possible that the hasty sale of ALROSA shares was initially planned so that the company’s shares would fall into the “right” hands. “A lot of questions arise here and we need to understand it all. It is absolutely unclear who bought it, it all happened quickly. But sooner or later this will become known and it will be clear who is behind all this,” the politician said.

Market analysts remind us that ALROSA is a very tasty morsel. The company is an industry leader and has very good financial performance. For comparison: De Beers' EBITDA margin in 2015 was $990 million - 21%, and ALROSA's EBITDA margin was $1.9 billion - 53%. Despite the fact that the capitalization of the main owner of De Beers is 10 billion, and that of ALROSA is 6.5 billion dollars.

“I don’t know the behind-the-scenes details, and you and I won’t know anything about it for sure, but I think there was an agreement with the buyers in advance. I think they knew who they would sell to. Well, who will sell differently in Russia?” – says Boris Kagarlitsky, director of the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements (IGSO).

It is also important to take into account the fact that the sale of ALROSA is actually a touchstone in the campaign for the sale of state assets. This year it is also planned to sell 50% of the shares of Bashneft, about 25% of Sovcomflot and 19.5% of Rosneft. Should we expect that their sale will follow a similar pattern?

“I generally have a bad attitude towards the privatization of large state-owned enterprises. But this does not mean that I consider state-owned companies to be effective. On the contrary, they are extremely ineffective. But their efficiency needs to be increased not through privatization, but through improving the quality of management,” says Boris Kagarlitsky. However, there seems to be no one in the government to do this.

Will the assets be scattered among old friends?

The idea of ​​privatizing state property arose when Dmitry Medvedev held the post of president of the country. And the main ideologist of privatization at that time was the current Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. And therefore, it was obviously not by chance that the past privatization processes turned out to be in the hands of businessmen, especially those close to the main ideologists of privatization. Here, in particular, we can recall the privatization of the United Grain Company, 50% (minus one share) of which was received by the Magomedov brothers. Or the sale of 7.58% of Sberbank shares for less than the announced 100 rubles per share. By the way, then 95% of the stake sold was also bought by unknown foreign companies. Here we can assume that preparations for the sale took place not without the participation of the head of Sberbank, German Gref, who was also traditionally part of the so-called liberal wing of the Russian government.

An interesting detail: for example, the Safmar financial group, the former BIN group owned by the Gutseriev-Shishkhanov family, showed their interest in ALROSA. In turn, Mikhail Gutseriev owes his return to Russia precisely to German Gref, as well as to the oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov (since 2007, Gutseriev, accused of illegal entrepreneurship and tax evasion, was forced to hide from Russian justice in London). As a kind of gratitude for the successful operation, Yevtushenkov received Gutseriev’s 49% shares of RussNeft at a cheap price - he needed the company for the development of Bashneft, which at that time was owned by the oligarch. German Gref, returning Gutseriev to his homeland, obviously expected to repay the $2.8 billion loan that Sberbank had once issued to Russneft. As you know, after a recent noisy investigation, Vladimir Yevtushenkov is no longer the owner of Bashneft.

In this regard, it is possible that the hasty privatization, initially lobbied by the liberal wing of the government, is in fact an attempt to return assets that once belonged to close businessmen.

Konstantin Druzhinnikov:

The country's budget does not have enough revenue. It was decided to sell off assets. Privatization has begun. But this did not happen transparently, and not at the highest price (and a large package could have had a premium to the market). Now the whole world sees that shares are being sold hastily and below the market, which means that someone could be punished for this. To give such a sign means to fail the entire privatization. Because now it is clear to any major investor: you need to “bring it” to someone and you will be able to play in the next stage of tearing apart the country. And this puts cards in the hands of both foreign agents and commercial lobbyists. As in the 90s, the state is ready to ignore those who take a bite out of such deals. But in vain - the legacy was difficult. Investment sharks smelled blood after the ALROSA auction. We “flowed” - that’s what they felt. Now there is a risk that interested parties will not only rob the state in each subsequent round, but also attack companies in the markets to reduce their prices, put pressure on representatives in the government to privatize what greedy investors want, put pressure on politicians who are ready to defend protectionist positions . And we won’t find out who will stand behind the “Arab funds” for a very long time - the shares may then emerge either from our oligarchs, who quickly rushed into action and prepared everything for themselves, and, perhaps, in the USA. At the moment, buyers are hidden so well that we don’t even know the names of the “gaskets” on which the promotions were launched.

If you look at it, human history on a global scale over the past hundreds of years is nothing more than a continuous revision of the results of privatization. It's unlikely that the story will end because a few people stole a lot of money. Even if these few people hire three Fukuyama's each. (With)
If someone thinks that Fukuyama is a geisha, then he is not far from the truth..)))

The bloody diamond trail of Israeli businessmen and N. Mikhalkov, from the side.

Israeli businessman Arkady Gaydamak, who was arrested in Switzerland following a complaint from a football coach, may be extradited to France, where he faces six years in prison for arms trafficking. There is a bloody trail behind him not only in Angola, but also in Rwanda, where a bloody massacre between Hutus and Tutsis was organized, and where Ukrainian mercenaries were involved in massacring the white population of Rwanda

Gaydamak's lawyer Marc Bonnant confirmed information about the arrest to Swiss television. “My client was arrested for actions that took place nine years ago, based on a complaint that for some strange reason was activated.(!!!) N despite the fact that my client paid the money,”- Bonnant explained

The prosecution also considers b former French Minister of the Interior Charles Pasqua and his deputy Jean-Charles Marchiani , writer Paul-Lou Sulitzer and Consultant to President Mitterrand Jacques Attali http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2013/11/26/5770373.shtml

Jacques Attali

Senator Charles Pascua stated at the trial that Gaydamak was a French counterintelligence agent. Arkady Gaydamak does not hide the fact that he collaborated with the French intelligence services. He spoke about why he was secretly awarded a number of orders back in 2007 in an interview with the NEWSru Israel website

The indictment in France named 42 French officials and politicians, including son of former French President Francois Mitterrand - Jean-Christophe. And the final charge was brought against Gaydamak and his French colleague Pierre Falcon. http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2009/10/27/3277449.shtml

A. Gaydamak, being a citizen of France, Angola, Canada and Israel also a major sponsor of the Jewish community in Russia, (information for thought))), ex-owner of the Moscow News publication, United Media holding (Kino FM radio, Business FM, Business and Financial Markets newspaper, BFM portal. ru)

One can also recall the sensational trial in London, which took place in 2012, between A. Gaydamak and a Hasid from Tashkent, the diamond king, as they write about him in the newspapers, L. Leviev.
The Israeli tabloid jewish.ru wrote at the end of June 2012. : Leviev does not owe anything to Gaidamak, the London court rejected the claim of Arkady Gaidamak, filed by him last year (2011) against Lev Leviev. http://www.jewish.ru/theme/cis/2012/06/news994308920.php

Lev Leviev, 56 years old. Left the USSR in 1971. Grew up in Uzbekistan. His father Avner was a Lubavitcher rabbi. Avner traded in textiles and collected Persian carpets. In Soviet Uzbekistan, he managed to amass a fortune of $1 million, which in 1971, before the family left for Israel, he converted it into diamonds and smuggled it out of the USSR.
Leviev is a citizen of Israel. He started out as a diamond cutter. Lev Leviev opened his own cutting plant in 1977, when Unregulated diamond speculation has begun in Israel
Leviev is a shareholder and head of the board of directors of the Africa Israel Investments holding: real estate, retail, trade in luxury goods (looted in Rwanda and Africa as well)
Assets in Russia: development company AFI Development, diamond holding "Ruiz" (Moscow Jewelry Factory, " Ruiz Diamonds, Uralalmaz).

They said about Lev Leviev that he was the man who hacked De Beers, although before that he worked closely with the monopolist.
In 1990, it was created in Moscow JV "Ruiz Diamonds". Leviev’s partner was the division of Glavalmazzoloto, which united all Soviet enterprises in the diamond industry. The deal with Glavalmazzoloto provided Leviev with access to Russian raw materials and angered De Beers. http://m.forbes.ru/article.php?id=3283

"At the trial Gaydamak insisted that exactly O n brought Leviev to Angola and Ascorp received the exclusive right to sell Angolan diamonds thanks to his activities in this country. He has many years of connections with the leadership of Angola. " I made the legislation
according to which only one licensed company has the right to sell all diamonds, and thereby contributed to ending the war,” says the entrepreneur. The implementation of the law was monitored, as Gaydamak puts it, by “private riot police” - the SCG company, co-owned by the former head of the Mossad Dani Yatom, his subordinate Avi Dagan and Gaydamak himself. Riot police officers traveled around Angola, transporting money one way and diamonds the other, ensuring the safety of diamond mines and catching illegal miners.

According to Leviev, Gaydamak agreed to transfer about $350,000 a month to the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, and this was recorded in a document given to Berl Lazar. ", writes Forbes magazine. But Berl Lazar said that he lost the document somewhere... especially since only one copy was compiled.

Regarding the trial in London between two swindlers and criminals of global scale. It's not just about the trade in arms, oil and minerals in Africa, as well as financial scams in Israel itself, it's also about diamonds.

Israel has the Harry Oppenheimer Diamond Museum next door to the Israel Diamond Center (IDC) House of Diamonds, as well as the Israel Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan. I think that I will not be too mistaken in saying that along with the implementation of trade transactions on the diamond exchange according to the ancient Jewish rite, which ends with a handshake and two words in Hebrew “mazal ubracha”, Israel carries out not only smuggling of diamonds, but also closely cooperates, coordinating their actions with De Beers and British intelligence in other areas.

There are no random people in this business. However, British intelligence, using Leviev in “delicate assignments” in Africa, has a good memory, especially since both Leviev and Gaydamak are omnivorous people.

The fact that Levieva and Gaydamak were sued in London, like other oligarchs from the former USSR, trust only the English Themis, says a lot. They know where to go to court, and it’s clear why...

Therefore, the arrest of the international swindler and criminal A. Gaydamak is a landmark event not only in the diamond market, the confrontation between English and French intelligence, but also in the geopolitical situation in the world. And the scandal, which will be like a domino effect, will affect many high-ranking world figures and leaders.
In Russia and in the post-Soviet space too.

From interview with Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, former adviser to De Beers, a famous expert in painting, collaborating with Sotheby's, son of emigrants, US citizen, graduate of Oxford University, geologist (searched for mercury in Tunisia and Alaska, nickel in Venezuela, iron in Liberia, worked in diamond mines in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa), banker and collector, Advisor to the South African diamond monopoly De Beers, a descendant of Rurik:

"Unfortunately, the Russians ( Why are Russians???, maybe it’s time to call a spade a spade - my comment) For the civilized world, billionaires are an example of how to learn to steal and kill and get rich quickly.
A striking example is ours ( yours - my note) compatriot Gaydamak, who financed the war in Angola with the Frenchman Falcon and earned a billion from it.
Or Lev Leviev, diamond magnate...
…Abramovich doesn’t give a cent for Russia and culture. This, by the way, is what distinguishes many Russian-Jewish millionaires - they do not care about the future of Russia if it is not connected with their financial affairs.

...some of them are reluctant philanthropists. In return, they receive decisions favorable to their business and the loyalty of the authorities. But still, for some reason, Russian billionaires in London and New York are shot at more often than their colleagues from the West. They are not allowed into the Palace Hotel in Gstaad in Switzerland at all. Some exclusive resorts in the Caribbean do not accept them. For some reason they are discriminated against. But perhaps this is a prejudice.

Millionaires, in order to preserve and increase their wealth, resort to protective investments, such as consumer goods department stores, minerals (minerals and oil) and raw materials. And, of course, a significant part of the fortune (10-40%) is in precious metals. More aggressive ones speculate on bonds of technically bankrupt countries, such as Greece, Portugal, Ireland and others.

To become a player in the diamond market, and a significant one at that, you need to be Jewish. Less Indian. Then, of course, connections, which in Russia are necessary for kickbacks, and, last but not least, commercial talent. "

“Since diamonds bring from one and a half to two billion dollars of income to Russia, this is a minimal amount compared to oil and gas. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider it strategic. Diamonds have no political influence.

And here uv. the prince is disingenuous, at least, as well as the fact that there are no EX))):

I constantly tried to explain to the Soviet authorities that the USSR would never find a more reliable partner in the world than De Beers. But convincing a Russian official that De Beers is not deceiving Gokhran is extremely difficult, because he is genetically inclined to be suspicious of a foreigner. He is sure that he wants to deceive him, and the diamond business in Russia is built on corruption. (who would speak, but not an MI6 employee)Russian people cannot imagine that De Beers is such a fool as not to steal from diamond purchases in the USSR. We had to prove the absurdity and corruption of the then head of Gokhran, who, under the pretext of checking world prices for stones, sold $20 million worth of diamonds without an agreement with De Beers, losing money for the country.
Fortunately, I managed to convince the deputies to arrange a discussion in parliament about the state of affairs of De Beers in the USSR. This is the only discussion in the Supreme Council on the topic of a foreign company."
Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky: I would like to be Lorenzo Medici http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/20191

Actor N. Mikhalkov apparently also decided to participate in a profitable business by investing his undeclared assets in Leviev’s diamond trade.

The FSB Directorate for the Chelyabinsk Region opened a criminal case into the illegal trafficking of diamonds worth 1 million 250 thousand dollars, according to the website of the regional prosecutor's office. The prosecutor's office and FSB officers conducted an inspection of the activities of the ChelProm-Diamond enterprise and the Dundela Limited company.

By the way, in 1990 in Moscow it was created JV "Ruiz Diamonds".(Moscow Jewelry Factory, Ruiz Diamonds is part of Leviev’s structure). Leviev’s partner was the division of Glavalmazzoloto, which united all Soviet enterprises in the diamond industry.
The deal with Glavalmazzoloto provided Leviev with access to Russian raw materials and angered De Beers. http://m.forbes.ru/article.php?id=3283

It was established that in 2012, an agreement was concluded between ChelProm-Diamond and Dundela Limited contract for the supply of diamonds for 10 million dollars (320 million rubles) . Later, an additional agreement was concluded between the organizations for the supply of goods worth 1 million 250 thousand dollars (40 million rubles).
During the inspection it was found that this the transaction is illegal and violates the law"On Precious Metals and Precious Stones" Dundela Limited does not have a registered representative office in Russia. (but simply smuggling as it is - approx. my)
Based on the results of the inspection, a criminal case was opened under the article “illegal trafficking in natural precious stones by a group of persons by prior conspiracy.”
It was previously reported that the co-owner of ChelProm Diamond is director Nikita Mikhalkov. The company is one of the ten largest cutting enterprises in Russia. http://www.polit.ru/news/2013/11/26/diamonds/
Qurbanshi jumped back)))

Russia. ALROSA - gold, precious metals, oil, diamonds. It's time to take back this land (c)

OJSC AK ALROSA is the world's largest producer of diamonds by carat. In 2012, the company produced 34.4 million carats, the group's sales volume amounted to $4.61 billion.
The authorized capital of the OJSC is 3 billion 682 million 482 thousand 815 rubles, it is divided into 7 billion 364 million 965 thousand 630 ordinary shares with a par value of 50 kopecks. http://www.alrosa.ru/

In 1992, Yakutia, like all other republics, took as much sovereignty as it could. The main thing that she succeeded in was transforming the Yakutskalmaz union trust into the ALROSA company and subordinating it to herself - to local businessmen, the government, and the heads of the eight uluses where diamonds are mined.

The profits from the sale of diamonds remained entirely in subsidized Yakutia, and it spent it on whatever it wanted. The National Dance Theater was created, and a program to support Yakut culture and identity was launched.
In 2006, Il Tumen, the local parliament, following the example of the indigenous peoples of the United States, thought about creating a sperm bank in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

And to make it more difficult to take the republic’s property from it, in 2003, Il Tumen approved by special law that only the legal form of a closed joint stock company meets national interests.

In Yakutia, ALROSA has never been treated simply as a company. For the Yakut establishment, this has always been an industrial complex that was constantly building, fixing, repairing something, says a Ministry of Finance official. The market says the same thing about ALROSA. The company has always been surrounded by suppliers, contractors, developers - thousands of local firms that provided their services at exorbitant prices.

At the beginning of 2002, Shtyrov, having easily won the regional elections, became the president of Yakutia, leaving the post of president of ALROSA. Following this, the dual position of chairman of the supervisory board was abolished, and the board began to be headed by Kudrin alone.

Since 2002, ALROSA, a diamond monopoly with a turnover of $2.7 billion, there were two chairmen of the supervisory board - one from Moscow, one from Yakutia. This corresponded to the distribution of the company's shares: Moscow owns 37% of ALROSA CJSC, Yakutia - 40%, and the remaining securities are held by former and current employees of the company, as well as third-party investors.

This reshuffle marked the beginning of active actions by the federal center, which decided to gain full control over the diamond monopoly. President Vyacheslav Shtyrov was required to begin reforms in the company.

To assist in attracting financing for investment projects of AK ALROSA and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” was the investment group "ALROSA" was created. Sergei Vybornov, the former head of the investment and credit department of Norilsk Nickel (effective management is called) was appointed general director.

In other words, IG must find funds for those projects that the diamond company cannot or does not want to undertake on its own.

IG ALROSA is an unusual entity. This is a half-private company to which the state diamond monopoly ALROSA and the government of Yakutia once transferred promising deposits of gold and precious stones. IG ALROSA came under the control of gigantic assets:
approximately 200 million carats of diamonds in the Arkhangelsk region and 700 tons of gold in Yakutia.
Only one figure can tell you about the scale of the company: The forecast reserves of the Lomonosov diamond field are about $12 billion.

Articles appeared in the press that Senior Vice President of Vneshtorgbank Otar Margania, who worked as a freelance adviser to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, is something of a gray eminence in the ALROSA Group. Margania did not deny his participation in the creation of the ALROSA IG. A. Kudrin at that time headed the supervisory board of ALROSA and oversaw the industry.

IG’s most valuable acquisition is the Severalmaz company, which owns the license for the Lomonosovskoye field in the Arkhangelsk region. Its development required significant funds, and at first the South African company De Beers showed interest in the project. But the project fell apart.

Negotiations with the British Fleming Family & Partners also failed. According to the preliminary agreement, FF&P was to receive a 43% stake in Severalmaz, which owns licenses for 6 kimberlite pipes of the Lomonosov diamond deposit with total reserves of 200 million carats.

The same situation occurred in the gold mining industry. All attempts to find an investor ended in failure. http://m.forbes.ru/article.php?id=18758

The fact is that the ALROSA Investment Group, created with the participation of persons unknown to the general public, was supposed to gain access to billions of dollars in investments, and this did not suit many, and above all the Kremlin represented by the great powers.

The Ministry of Finance said so: ALROSA was a feeding trough for the local elite.“For six months, from December 2008 to June 2009, the company accumulated over $1.5 billion in debt", - says the head of the ALROSA public relations department Andrey Polyakov.

In May 2009, ALROSA was already experiencing enormous difficulties in paying interest on loans. We began to analyze the situation. It turned out that the only way to avoid default is about $1 billion in state aid.

The decision was made personally by the Prime Minister: Gokhran bought $1 billion worth of diamonds from ALROSA.

Sergei Vybornov was accused of working in the interests of De Beers and was removed.

After all, the South African company was still trading, but ALROSA was not and, having already accumulated a huge debt, already owed more than $5 billion.

The company itself considers $1–1.5 billion to be a comfortable level of debt burden for ALROSA. The new president, Fedor Andreev, was tasked with solving the problem of the debt burden. And the authorities of Yakutia were immediately presented with a political bill.

The republican law directly states that a closed joint stock company is the optimal form of ownership of the ALROSA company for the republic.

“Our task is simple - to receive at least something from ALROSA,” explains a source in the White House, otherwise in 2010 it will run up 100 million rubles in dividends is a ridiculous amount by any standards.
But it was not possible to turn the situation around, because... Shtyrov prevented this in every possible way, citing local laws and delaying the process.

November 11, 2011 ISRALend wrote: Leviev is interested in ALROSA coming under the control of Usmanov and Kerimov. The Israeli portal ISRALend notes that it is clearly not a coincidence: in Israel, the “assault” on Lev Leviev’s diamond business occurs synchronously with the events unfolding around the Russian diamond monopolist ALROSA. After this company lost its influential patron Alexei Kudrin, who resigned as Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government due to irreconcilable differences with Dmitry Medvedev, it became an attractive target for takeover by investors closest to the current Russian president.”

By “investors” we mean Alisher Usmanov and Suleiman Kerimov, whose investment company, Nafta-Moscow, currently owns 1.0% of ALROSA, and its chances of “increasing its share to at least a controlling stake are quite high.”

Also noteworthy is the fact that “ the instigator of a powerful information campaign, directed against the current leadership of ALROSA, consisting of representatives of A.L. Kudrin’s team,” became Kommersant, owned by A. Usmanov, who has excellent relations with I. Shuvalov and D. Medvedev.

ISRALend also recalls “an old friendship with L. Leviev, dating back to the times of the USSR, when A. Usmanov’s father, being the prosecutor of Tashkent, helped the Leviev family leave for Israel, despite the criminal case brought against the head of the family.”

A. Usmanova

“Before A. Kudrin’s group came to power in ALROSA, L. Leviev received approximately $500 million worth of rough diamonds from Yakutia per year - this figure also included the production of Almazy Anabara OJSC and Nizhne-Lenskoye OJSC, which was almost completely went to an Israeli diamantaire. In addition, through the company ASCORP, L. Leviev fully controlled the sales of the CATOCA joint venture in Angola.

After A. Kudrin headed the supervisory board of ALROSA, L. Leviev’s share in the acquisition of Russian diamonds steadily declined and currently hardly exceeds $100 million a year, and he had to leave Angola,” writes ISRALend.

Now Leviev is interested in ALROSA came under the control of A. Usmanov and S. Kerimov: in this case, he could “quickly regain lost positions, which would provide him with unconditional leadership in the Israeli diamond industry". This is precisely what his “industry colleagues” are afraid of, which explains the unprecedented information attack on LLD in the Israeli press. What is characteristic is Russian media ignored L. Leviev’s “offenses” without attention. And although during the investigation the LLD company is bound by a ban imposed by the prosecutor’s office on the disclosure of confidential information, the reasons for the severe information pressure are more than obvious: most likely, it will continue for another 3-4 months until the situation with ALROSA is finally resolved.” http://1sn.ru/52984.html?a09201393012=am09201393012&a13Etc/GMT-4amSun,

Billionaire Suleiman Kerimov was considering buying a stake in Russian diamond monopolist ALROSA, several sources close to the company told Forbes. According to one of them, Kerimov has been showing interest in the company for quite a long time, and has already met with ALROSA President Fedor Andreev and some officials about this. http://m.forbes.ru/article.php?id=76184

Shtyrov was offered a compromise: ALROSA becomes an open joint stock company, enters an IPO and attracts a strategic investor, while the ratio of the share of Yakutia to the federal one remains the same. Ideally, this will create an open market structure with the ambitions of a global leader in the diamond market. Why not: at the end of 2009, Russia - that is, in fact, ALROSA - came out on top not only in terms of stone reserves, but also in terms of their production volume. The problem is that few people in Yakutia were interested in taking ALROSA to an IPO.

The local activist was called to Moscow for consultations. All that’s left to do is introduce a law, but this is an extremely unpopular decision in Yakutia. First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, says a government source, suggested that Vyacheslav Shtyrov follow the AvtoVAZ scheme: the government gives money, but sharply increases the share in the company. The Yakut share, accordingly, was eroded.

Shtyrov never introduced the law. Until the fall of 2009, he pretended to panic, or maybe he didn’t – ALROSA was really on the verge of bankruptcy. Then he tightened it as much as he could. Shtyrov's resignation came as an unpleasant surprise to the authorities.....

In 2010 Thanks to above-plan revenue, the company began to pay off debts ahead of schedule. A strategic task was set - to bring the company to an IPO.

In October 2011 The parliament of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) by a majority vote amended the law of the republic “On the management and disposal of shares of AK ALROSA”, removing the last restrictions that prevented the transformation of ALROSA into an open joint-stock company and the subsequent placement of the company’s shares on the stock exchange. “There were transactions with the company’s shares before, although this was not entirely legal, so everything was formalized through gift transactions,” says the source.

ALROSA is in desperate need of investment today. The Soviet stockpile is about to be consumed, and the open-pit mines are about to be exhausted. Companies need to go underground and build mines.

Production of AK "ALROSA" for 9 months of 2013. increased by 6% compared to the same period last year - to 27.1 million carats. This was said in a statement.

16th of May The head of AK ALROSA Fedor Andreev said that the company plans to get rid of its non-core gas assets in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) by the end of 2013.

July 2, 2013 2 members of the supervisory board of AK ALROSA, representing the interests of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Viktor Efimov and Alexander Morozkin, were killed in a plane crash.

July 30, 2013 The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation granted the request of Rosneft's subsidiary - RN-Holding (formerly TNK-BP Holding) - to acquire the gas assets of AK ALROSA - 100% of the voting shares of CJSC Geotransgaz and a 100% stake in the authorized capital of LLC "Urengoy Gas Company".

September 14, 2013 It was reported that ALROSA plans to sell its gas assets in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug to Rosneft.
OJSC NK Rosneft plans to close the deal to purchase the gas assets of AK ALROSA in the near future. Rosneft head Igor Sechin told reporters about this. “We will close it in the near future,” said I. Sechin.

Rosneft in March 2013 acquired TNK-BP, which includes TNK-BP Holding. At the end of June 2013 shareholders of TNK-BP Holding decided to rename it RN-Holding.
Rosneft is the largest state-owned oil company, production in 2012. amounted to about 125 million tons of oil and 16 billion cubic meters. m of gas.
Read in full: http://quote.rbc.ru/news/fond/2013/09/14/34024846.html

As of October 14, 2013. The company's largest shareholders are the Russian Federation, which owns approximately 50.9% of the shares, as well as Yakutia, which together with OJSC RIK Plus owns approximately 32.0% of the shares.
Net profit AK ALROSA according to international financial reporting standards in the first half of 2013. decreased by 9.7% - to 14.616 billion rubles.
Sales revenue amounted to 82.229 billion rubles, an increase of 7.4% compared to the same period last year. Read in full: http://quote.rbc.ru/news/fond/2013/10/26/34050495.html

Who owns another 9% of the shares - all that remains of the 23% of shares that once belonged to the workforce - is not disclosed

Production of AK "ALROSA" for 9 months of 2013 increased by 6% compared to the same period last year - to 27.1 million carats. This was said in a statement.

On November 25, 2013, the supervisory board of AK ALROSA approved a NEW list of candidates for its composition .
After the IPO, within which 16% of AK shares were placed, the Russian Federation owns approximately 43.9% of the company's shares, Yakutia owns approximately 25% of the shares. On the list of candidates for the new composition
: http://quote.rbc.ru/news/fond/2013/11/25/34069037.html

The Russian government approved the sale of 7% of the authorized capital (more than 515 million shares) of AK ALROSA to VTB Capital as part of the privatization of state assets. The order also stipulates the mandatory terms of the purchase and sale agreement, including the condition of transferring shares only after full payment and receipt of funds to the accounts of the Federal Treasury, the Cabinet notes.

As part of the IPO, it will be offered for sale
515 million 547 thousand 593 shares (about 7%) owned by the Russian Federation,
515 million 547 thousand 593 shares (about 7%) owned by OJSC "RIK Plus" (wholly owned by the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),
150 million 237 thousand 555 shares (about 2%) owned by Wargan Holdings Limited (a company registered in the Republic of Cyprus and controlled by AK ALROSA).

The Goldman Sachs (Russia) branch acts as an agent on behalf of the Russian Federation in connection with the sale of shares, and also provides services as an organizer for the sale of shares of RIK Plus OJSC. Goldman Sachs International, J.P. Morgan Securities Plc., Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc. and VTB Capital are joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners of the share offering. Renaissance Capital is joint bookrunner for the equity offering.
Quote.rbc.ru: http://quote.rbc.ru/news/fond/2013/11/25/34069037.html

November 27, 2013 VTB Capital acquired 0.2% of ALROSA as a stabilizing agent for the IPO
VTB Capital, acting as a stabilization agent, purchased 2,400,000 ordinary shares of the company on the market, which is about 0.2% of the total supply. Let us recall that the stabilization agent had the right to purchase up to 10% of the company’s ordinary shares sold as part of the offer, ALROSA said in a statement.

In the future, VTB Capital will exercise the put option provided by Sunland Holding SA, a 100% subsidiary of ALROSA, to sell shares acquired during the stabilization period.
Goldman Sachs International, J.P. Morgan Securities plc, Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc and VTB Capital were joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners of the offering. Renaissance Capital served as joint bookrunner for the offering.

OJSC AK ALROSA is one of the largest diamond mining companies in the world and accounts for 25% of global production.

As I wrote French newspaper "La Tribune": First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Sechin is the main coordinator of the country's oil strategy, a key person in the system of power created by Vladimir Putin.

He is also the main reason for the expansion of Rosneft’s influence, since he has been leading it since 2004, that is, since Vladimir Putin’s second presidential term. One of the current prime minister's closest supporters began his career as a translator in Mozambique in the 1980s, when the country was in the throes of civil war.

Why did Igor Sechin become interested in Rosneft? To create a counterweight to Gazprom, to form a large national oil company that could compete with the gas monopoly in influence and power. He also had a hand in splitting up the assets of Yukos, thanks to which Rosneft itself was formed. Sechin combined work in the government and Rosneft until August of this year, when President Dmitry Medvedev ordered ministers to resign from senior positions in business. Albeit reluctantly, Sechin had to submit. However, the agreement with ExxonMobil and his presence at the signing ceremony prove that he still plays a decisive role in determining Russia's oil strategy

Rough diamond eagle. Exposition of the Alrosa company museum, Mirny

Maybe for De Beers the diamond mining and market is “dust on its boots”, but it will be useful for us..)))

P.S. Who found Russian diamonds and how. “Udachnaya” cabin. Forgotten heroes. Sensational discoveries

On July 11, 2016, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the sale of 10.9% of Alrosa shares at a price of 65 rubles. for one paper. The placement of shares in the diamond company was the first as part of the 2016 privatization announced by the state.

Alrosa has already entered the stock market, and the current placement is an SPO (secondary public offering) for it.

The sale of shares was actually the first major transaction after a long break in mass privatization and took place under sanctions.

About how the placement went and how much the budget will receive - in the TASS material.

How did the placement go?

  • The placement of shares took place amid the recovery of the Russian stock market. In particular, the MICEX index has grown by 19% since the beginning of the year and is now about 1900 points - the price level of 2008. The share of Alrosa shares in the MICEX index is 1.37%.
  • As a TASS source reported, the order book for the sale of 10.9% of Alrosa shares was oversubscribed almost three times. The overall demand of the book of orders for the company's shares was more than twice as high as the supply, said the head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Alexey Ulyukaev, who called the sale of the package successful.
  • Applications below 65 rubles per share of Alrosa were not satisfied, since the level of demand was approaching 66 rubles per share, the minister also indicated. Ulyukaev expects Alrosa's weight to increase in the MSCI Russia index after privatization.
  • The head of the Moscow Exchange, Alexander Afanasyev, shared the opinion of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development. “The flotation of Alrosa happened quickly and successfully. We saw that a high-quality company can float successfully at any time,” he said.
  • In turn, one of the direct organizers of privatization, head of the capital markets department of the global markets department of Sberbank CIB, Anton Malkov, noted that applications were in the range of 60 rubles per share and higher than 65 rubles per share. “One application was priced at 68 rubles. There was no price target. We just wanted to understand where the market was and then move on,” he said. According to Malkov, in total there were about 100 applications from investors in the book, taking into account all limited orders, which is actually very good for a transaction of this kind, especially considering the state of the market over the past two years. "The deal was reminiscent of the good old days," he said.
  • On July 11, Alrosa shares at the beginning of trading on the Moscow Exchange rose by 2.31%, to 69.11 rubles. for one paper.

Who is the buyer

  • According to Malkov, about 30% of the investors who submitted applications are citizens of Russia, another 30% are investors from Europe, and another 25% are investors from the Middle East and Asia. The remaining share comes from other countries and continents, including the United States. “There were investors from the United States, but there were not many of them. But this did not in any way affect the success of the event,” he said.
  • Ulyukaev noted that the book of applications for the placement of Alrosa shares was 60% covered by foreign investors. “The Russian direct investment fund, together with Asian and Middle Eastern funds, formed almost a quarter of the demand. And for the first time, non-state pension funds (NPFs) took part in the process,” the minister noted. In addition, according to Ulyukaev, privatization attracted a wide range of investors, mainly with a long-term horizon share ownership.
  • According to a source familiar with the placement, RDIF and its co-investors, including sovereign funds from the Middle East and Asia, bought about 50% of Alrosa's SPO. The source also said that the NPF's share of participation in the current placement of 10.9% of the company's shares will be small.
  • Earlier, two non-state pension funds of the Safmar group (formerly BIN group), the European Pension Fund and NPF Doverie, as well as NPF Future and NPF Blagosostoyanie, confirmed their participation in the placement of Alrosa shares to TASS.

Where will the funds be sent?

  • The Russian budget will receive 52.2 billion rubles. from the sale of 10.9% of Alrosa shares, said the head of the Federal Property Management Agency Dmitry Pristanskov.
  • The Ministry of Economic Development noted that the funds received as a result of the sale of shares will be used for subsequent use as part of general budget expenditures. In addition, the government of the Russian Federation will not make any decisions on the additional sale of federally owned shares of Alrosa within 180 days after the date of announcement of the offer price,” Ulyukaev said.

How Alrosa entered the market

  • At the end of 2013, Alrosa conducted an initial public offering (IPO), during which the company's shares were bought by the world's leading funds. During the IPO, Alrosa sold a 16% stake for $1.3 billion. This was the largest placement in the history of the Moscow Exchange and the largest in Russia since 2006.
  • During the 2013 IPO, 7% of Alrosa shares owned by the Federal Property Management Agency and the government of Yakutia were sold. Another 2% of the shares were sold by the Cypriot offshore Wargan Holdings, controlled by the company itself. Then, among the new shareholders of Alrosa were the fund of the American billionaire George Soros, the American investment fund Lazard, the British Genesis fund, the Oppenheimer investment fund, a consortium of investors led by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and VTB Capital. In general, more than 80% of Alrosa shares from the package placed on the Moscow Exchange were purchased by foreigners, 14% by Russian investors.
  • As part of the placement, shares were sold at 35 rubles per share - at the lower limit of the announced price range (35-37 rubles per share).

Who is the shareholder of Alrosa?

  • Currently, the shareholders of AK Alrosa are the Russian Federation - 44%, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 25%, uluses (districts) of Yakutia - 8%, and 23% of the company's shares are currently in free circulation. After the placement, the Russian Federation will own 33.1% of the company's shares. The company's share of free float will increase from 23% to 34%.

When will the results of privatization be announced?

    On Monday, July 11, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov and Head of the Federal Property Management Agency Dmitry Pristanskov will announce the results of the sale of the stake.

About company

  • Alrosa is the world's largest producer of diamonds in carats. The company is engaged in the exploration, production and sale of diamonds, and mines diamonds in Yakutia and the Arkhangelsk region. In 2015, the company produced 38.3 million carats of diamonds. In 2016, Alrosa plans to reduce production to 37 million carats.
  • The company can afford to reduce production volumes, as it increased reserves in 2015 due to poor market conditions and lower diamond prices. Alrosa's reserves at the end of 2015 were estimated at 22 million carats of diamonds worth $2.5 billion. At the end of the first quarter of 2016, they decreased by almost 20%.
  • Now, according to the approved dividend policy, Alrosa can pay at least 35% of its net profit under IFRS in the form of dividends. At the end of 2013 and 2014, the company paid 10.8 billion rubles each. per year in the form of dividends.
  • Based on the results of work for 2015, Alrosa will pay dividends in the amount of 50% of profits under IFRS in a total amount of 15.4 billion rubles. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has already put forward an initiative to extend the norm of Alrosa dividend payments for 2016 in the amount of at least 50% of profits. In 2015, the company received a net profit of 32.2 billion rubles against a loss of 16.8 billion rubles at the end of 2014.

who is next

In January 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the state’s decision to sell shares in Rosneft, Bashneft, VTB, Alrosa and Sovcomflot in 2016. According to Ulyukaev, privatization can be called successful if at least three assets out of the planned five are sold.

With the election of Vyacheslav Shtyrov as President of the Republic of Sakha, ALROSA was left without an owner. The position of the company's president will not remain vacant for long. Considering that the company is highly profitable and produces diamonds worth more than $1.6 billion, there are always plenty of people willing to take control of commodity and cash flows.

There are many applicants to fill the vacancy - well-known and unknown, but all of them in one way or another represent the interests of three conditional clans. Until now, the company was dominated by the Yakut group. Nevertheless, in recent years the pressure from the Moscow group representing the interests of “Russian” cutters with foreign passports has intensified. The share of ALROSA products that went to support them increased every year. It is quite obvious that this group would have been able to fully realize its plans - to bring 85-90% of the company's rough diamonds under control by 2006, if a third clan, from St. Petersburg, had not appeared.

Candidates for the presidency of the company from the first two groups are well-known, and it makes no sense to repeat their names not so much because of their fame, but because of their lack of demand (or impossibility) in the current situation. Judging by Vyacheslav Shtyrov’s successful overcoming of numerous election obstacles, a strategic alliance of the Yakut and St. Petersburg clans has emerged.

The Moscow group went into deep defense. If before the meeting on December 10 with Vladimir Putin, the most prominent guardian of domestic cutters, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Finance, Head of Gokhran Valery Rudakov insisted on reducing export diamond quotas for the ALROSA company and increasing sales within the country, then after the meeting it turned out that it was more profitable to sell diamonds to De Beers "than, for example, to the same Lev Leviev (one of the lucky few who is on the diamond allowance directly at Gokhran), Rio Tinto and BHP (companies that compete with ALROSA on the world market). If Valery Rudakov made such speeches, it means that he is urgently trying to get into the rut of the “general line” of the new authorities.

So the president of ALROSA will most likely be a representative of the St. Petersburg team. The whole question is who? The rector of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, Vladimir Litvinenko, appears most often. And although his closeness to the president of the country is known, it is unlikely that he himself will agree to this position. As Vyacheslav Shtyrov noted, Vladimir Litvinenko is a larger-than-life personality than the president of a diamond company.

Recently, German Kuznetsov, who in 1996-1999 was Deputy Minister of Finance and headed Gokhran, has become a real candidate for managing the company. Based on the results of his activities in these positions, he can easily be attributed to the Moscow group. ALROSA found itself on the verge of financial collapse in 1998, since it received export quotas only in September. As a result, the company gave up control over the Kotoka diamond mine in Angola, and later over its products in favor of Lev Leviev. Under Kuznetsov, “Russian” cutters began to rely on ALROSA for raw materials. Nevertheless, the Moscow group refused his services in 1999 in favor of Valery Rudakov. According to available information, he is currently close to the St. Petersburg group.

The desire of the Putin team to bring the main financial flows of state and semi-state companies under its control is quite natural. It is worth noting that in the diamond industry, to achieve this goal, the presidency of ALROSA is not enough; you also need to have your own person in the post, which is currently occupied by Valery Rudakov. The desire of the current head of Gokhran to maintain his position is quite obvious.

Here it is necessary to note some new point in the actions of the authorities, which gave rise to accusations of redistribution of property, although there are no grounds for this yet. Redistribution occurs when something is taken from one person and transferred to another. Now the process of returning assets illegally removed from state property is underway.

According to the company's charter, the election of a new manager will take place at a meeting of the Supervisory Board, formed from representatives of shareholders: five representatives from the federal and republican governments (each with 32% of shares), four from the company's workforce (23%), one from eight uluses of the republic (8%). Although the federal Center is in a clear minority on the council, it can nevertheless always block an objectionable candidate. Judging by the confidence that sounded in the mouths of company representatives that the company's president will be elected in early February, it can be assumed that the main contender is already known.

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