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How to get compensation for problems with departure. How to get €600 compensation for flight delay Compensation for flight delay

Unfortunately, not all trips go smoothly. Flight delays occupy a special place on the list of popular difficulties among travelers. This happens not only on charter routes, but also on regular ones. What to do if there is a flight delay, what are airline passengers entitled to? What free services and compensation should they expect?

Possible reasons for delays

There is no need to explain that the reasons can be very different. Sometimes these data may differ even between airline and airport employees. To establish the cause, the courts make inquiries to various airport services. So these could be:

  1. Aircraft malfunctions.
  2. Weather.
  3. Vessel delay, etc.

Are you trying to figure out what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed? When the flight is delayed due to circumstances beyond the airline's control, then it will not be possible to claim financial compensation. But it should provide certain conveniences during the waiting process.

This is where the first difficulties await travelers; not many of them understand their rights, for example, what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed by 3 hours, and what airlines themselves are not profitable to offer. Therefore, the flag is in your hands, or, more precisely, the FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations).

Obligations of the carrier in the event of a flight delay

The first thing the airport/carrier must do in the event of a delay is to inform travelers about the schedule amendments and the reasons for them.

If passengers do not receive information, and it is impossible to find a company agent, then the Federal Air Transport Service and tour operators should be notified about the situation. The former manage the airline, and the latter are responsible to travelers for the services provided, since they have entered into an agreement with the carrier.

Ticket return

If, due to the fact that your flight is behind schedule, you decide not to wait for the ship to depart, but to travel with another airline or go home, then you have accordingly decided to terminate the air carriage agreement. It is forced, therefore, you can count on compensation in the amount of 100%.

Such refusals also include:

  1. Reorganization of the route by the carrier.
  2. The flight is not on schedule.
  3. Failed departure of a traveler due to the lack of a seat in the cabin corresponding to the date and flight indicated on the boarding ticket, due to a lengthy search by an airport employee, as a result of which no prohibited items and substances were found.
  4. Sudden illness of a passenger or his close relative with confirmation of this fact by a medical certificate.
  5. Failure to provide the traveler with a class of service corresponding to the purchased ticket.

In the event of a forced refusal, the airline puts a corresponding note on the ticket or issues a document explaining the circumstances of this refusal.

Travelers' rights when their flight is delayed

So, what do passengers have to do if their flight is delayed? Even if you don’t have to wait long, about 1 hour, you still shouldn’t leave the situation to chance. Immediately after receiving information about the delay, you should go to the reception desk and ask for detailed explanations. With such a slight delay, you are unlikely to receive an answer, since the employees themselves do not know what is going on, but the main purpose of the conversation is to put a stamp on the delay. It will become irrefutable evidence in subsequent proceedings.

The reasons for a delay may vary, but every traveler should have information about what passengers are entitled to in the event of a flight delay. The list of airline obligations includes:

  1. Travelers with children under 7 years of age must be provided with a pass to the mother and child room.
  2. Storage of luggage until departure.

Agree that it is much more convenient to wait for a rescheduled flight, freeing your hands from luggage, and settling in comfortable conditions with your children. The list of subsequent services included in the carrier's responsibilities depends on the duration of the delay.

Delay time

Depending on the waiting time, the passenger is provided with the following services:

  1. So, what do passengers have to do if their flight is delayed by 2 hours or more? An air passenger has the right to demand from the company the opportunity to make 2 phone calls at his expense to any city in the world and send 2 SMS.
  2. What else are entitled to passengers if their flight is delayed by 2 hours or more? The carrier must provide them with drinks of their choice in the required quantity.
  3. Passengers are provided with a hot meal if their flight is delayed by 5 hours or more. After this, feeding is carried out every 6 hours during the day and 8 at night.
  4. The flight was delayed for 6 hours, what do passengers have to do? After this time, all travelers must be provided with the following:
  • Hotel room before departure. Rest room is provided after 8 hours of flight delay during the day, after 6 hours - at night.
  • By car to the hotel and back.

Other compensation

All announced services must be provided to the passenger completely free of charge. There can be no justification in this case, since the air carrier must take care of passengers under all conditions. Well, if the flight was delayed due to the fault of the organization, then she will not be able to get away with a hot lunch and a hotel room. In addition to this, passengers are entitled to:

  1. Cash payment in the amount of 3% of the ticket price, multiplied by the number of hours of delay.
  2. Compensation in the amount of 0.25% of the minimum wage multiplied by the number of delayed departure hours.

In total, for a delayed flight, an air passenger will be able to return up to 50% of the ticket price (depending on the length of the wait). If the flight is never completed, then, without any doubt, the full price of the ticket will be refunded in addition to other compensation. All these amounts are valid on Russian territory; in EU countries the amount of payments is much higher. Depending on the departure time and distance, an air passenger who received a flight cancellation message from the carrier less than 2 weeks in advance can expect compensation in the amount of 600 euros.

Important information

If a flight is delayed for 14 hours, what do passengers have to do? With such a long-term flight delay, you should not wait long for the airline to pay for food and hotel. You can do everything yourself, the main thing is to save all payment documents (receipts, checks, etc.), since all the funds spent will then be returned, but, however, this will be done through the court.

Don’t know what passengers are entitled to if their flight is delayed by 5 hours or more? What to do if docking was expected? There is no need to worry about transplants. If you had a connecting flight, the carrier will in any case have to provide a seat on another aircraft en route to your destination. You won't have to pay a penny extra for your ticket, even if you are placed in business class. But if you purchased a business class ticket, and there are empty seats in economy, then you must insist on a refund of the difference!

The flight delay time is calculated based on the data indicated on the boarding ticket. The carrier, at its own discretion, may provide additional services during the delay, but they do not cancel the mandatory ones.

What to do if your charter flight is delayed

If you are going to make a claim, you will definitely need a certificate of flight delay/cancellation. The boarding receipt must be handwritten and stamped with the current departure time.

If mandatory services are not provided while waiting for a flight, purchase them yourself, but be sure to keep all receipts. Upon arrival, present them to the tour operator, his task is to deal with the charter carrier and demand compensation.

What you need to know about charter flight delays

Scheduled and charter air carriers share different types of responsibilities. In the latter case, all responsibility lies with the tour operator who chartered the ship, and not with the carrier itself.

If there is a flight delay, what do passengers have to do? The law states that, regardless of the reasons for changing the schedule, the carrier is obliged to provide the passenger with the necessary services specified above within the established time limits.

The main thing you need to do is get a stamp at the check-in counter about the delay of your flight. If there is one, then you will be able to return your own funds that could have been spent due to the fact that the carrier did not provide the necessary services or did so in violation of the established time frame.

Disputes regarding reimbursement of funds may go to court, but most often this does not happen; all claims are considered pre-trial. You can submit an application for compensation within 6 months from the date of the flight; the carrier/tour operator is obliged to consider it within 30 days.

Compensation payments for flight delays on Russian territory

The obligations of air carriers and the rights of travelers regarding the issue of receiving compensation for changing the departure time of a ship of a Russian carrier or a foreign organization that delayed a flight in Russia are regulated by the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

To receive payment for changing a flight, you need to put a stamp at the check-in counter and also obtain the appropriate certificate from an airline representative. Claims are accepted within six months from the date of flight delay.

The claim statement must be accompanied by a stamped plane ticket and a certificate confirming this fact. In addition, if you paid for the services yourself, all payment documents must be attached (receipts for food, hotel, transportation, etc. during the delay). The claim must be sent by registered mail with an inventory by mail or delivered personally to the airline agents. Be sure to make a copy of the letter for yourself. If the request will be delivered to the representative personally, do not forget to take a receipt from him. A response should be expected within a month from the date of sending.

If the flight is delayed by a European airline or within the EU

If the flight schedule of an airline registered in the EU or at an airport in EU countries has changed, then what do passengers have to do if the flight is delayed by 3 hours, for example? In this case, passengers are paid compensation, which can only be refused for several reasons:

  1. Terrorist act.
  2. Synoptic conditions.
  3. Strike.
  4. Sabotage.

Atmospheric conditions are considered a reason for refusal only if all flights originating from that airport have been delayed.

To receive compensation, you need to study the regulations, and if your situation fits the provisions described there, then you can safely write a statement of claim addressed to the air carrier. You send a letter and wait for a response. If the carrier refuses to provide compensation, you can send a letter to the consumer protection society of the country from which the flight took place. If there is a refusal there, then file a claim in the court of the same country.

The amount of payment will depend on the duration of the delay, as well as the distance between the departure and arrival airports.

Another way

The second way to receive compensation is to seek help from the Compensair organization, which completely takes care of all the paperwork for collecting payment from the air carrier, from filling out the initial application to pre-trial work with local consumer protection authorities in EU countries and court proceedings. By the way, you can check the possibility of receiving compensation for a specific delayed flight on their website completely free of charge.

The service only charges a fee for the work done if the result is positive. You don’t have to pay anything, Compensair will transfer the amount to you minus the commission, usually its size is 25%.

I doubt that when you are going on vacation, you are thinking about what compensation you are entitled to for the delay of your plane flight or even for its cancellation. And that’s right: you need to think about pleasant things :)

Nevertheless, this very compensation for flight delays is a useful thing that is important and necessary to know about. And so that the holiday mood is not overshadowed by such thoughts, we thought about it for you!

Important: Russian charters reject this whole fight for compensation, and winning a case against them is quite difficult.

First, let’s find out under what conditions you can count on any payments:

  • Flight delayed more than 3 hours
  • Flight canceled
  • Denied boarding due to overbooking
  • The flight was slightly delayed, but you missed the next one and arrived at your final destination more than 3 hours late

But there are a lot of nuances regarding time! Rescheduling for more than 3 or 10 hours, warning 2 weeks in advance...

Okay, how to figure it out? Check your flight at . Please note that the service works with DEPARTURES of any airlines FROM EUROPE and TURKEY (except Russian) and WITH EUROPEAN or TURKISH AIRLINES departing from anywhere if the arrival airport is European or Turkish. In other cases, you will have to write to the air carrier directly.

Reasons for delayed departure of an airline flight

Refund rules in Russia, Europe and the USA differ from each other. The reason why the plane did not take off on time is also taken into account. You can receive compensation if your flight is canceled or delayed the air carrier is to blame .

But technical problems with the aircraft are a controversial issue, and not every airline admits part of its fault. But it’s worth the “butt”! If there is a delay or cancellation of the flight due to the fault of the airline (according to the first 4 points), rest assured, you are entitled to compensation. How many? Try to calculate ↓

When can I receive compensation?

In Russia, the law allows filing a claim within 6 months from the moment the flight was delayed. If it concerns an international flight, this period is increased to 2 years.

Let’s imagine that there was a flight delay, and you are wondering what to do and where to go... If you decide to “fight” on your own, first of all, contact the airline representative! He must put the necessary mark on the ticket.

Next, we file a claim against the negligent carrier. This can be done directly at the airport (attaching stamped copies of tickets) or later (checks for additional expenses can be added to the claim). Your application will be processed within 30 days. If approved, you will receive your hard-earned money within 2 to 6 months.

Previously, in the old fashioned way, you had to do this yourself, but now special services have appeared, such as, for example.

Airline responsibilities

For being late for a Finnair connection (due to the airline’s fault)
we were given vouchers for 16 euros

The main responsibility of any airline is to ensure that the passenger reaches his destination. If flight cancellations/long delays find you at the airport, regardless of whether the weather is crazy or the airline is completely at fault, you should be provided with at least minimal service right here and now.

Unexpected flight rescheduling? You should be offered:

  1. The alternative is another plane or a ticket from another airline.
  2. Refund of the cost of the unused portion of the ticket if you are not satisfied with any of the proposed alternatives.

But in practice, of course, it turns out that no one owes anyone, and all that remains is to wait. And in this case, you are entitled to the appropriate service at the airport:

  • soft drinks (if the wait has already lasted 2 hours)
  • hot food (after 4 hours, and then every 6 hours)
  • 2 free phone calls (or you can send 2 emails)
  • if you wait more than 8 hours (or more than 6 at night) you will receive a free hotel and transfer

If they cannot provide you with the above, and you organize everything yourself, collect receipts!

Is it possible to insure yourself?

Can. However, be careful: many insurance companies are reluctant to take out insurance for a charter flight, since the risk of delay or cancellation is quite high.

An insured event occurs when waiting for a flight for more than 3 hours. In addition, the loss of luggage and the absence of a passenger as a result of illness are insured. If you are simply late to the airport or to the check-in counter, you are not entitled to an insurance payment.

Where can I view flight delays online?

On the airports website. Of course, they will not indicate the reason or exact time of departure, so it is better to contact an airline representative for this.

How to get compensation in Europe?

Europe has the strictest laws regarding airlines. The observance of the rights of passengers in the EU is monitored by EU Regulation No. 261/2004 and the Montreal Convention. According to the Regulations, compensation is paid for lost time. The Convention compensates for material damage (damage or loss of luggage, taxi, hotel expenses, etc.) caused by the late arrival of the aircraft. Interestingly, the passenger has the right to demand both of these payments at the same time.

According to European laws, you can count on:

  1. Free service at the airport.
  2. Compensation for flight delays, cancellations or overbooking.

Moreover, the first point is at your service in any case, and the second only if you did not cancel the flight and were more than 3 hours late to your final destination. The size of payments is 125-600 euros and depends on the flight distance and delay time. You can calculate compensation.

By the way, all these rules apply not only within the Old World. All European and Turkish carriers are subject to them. The main thing is to comply with the rules:

I'm flying… European air Turkish Air Other air
from Europe - anywhere + + +
(except Russian ones,
exception - Aeroflot)
to Europe + +
(from Turkey)
from Turkey – anywhere + + +
(except Russian ones,
exception - Aeroflot)
to Turkey +
(from Europe)
+ -
I'm flying… European air Turkish Air Other air
from Europe - anywhere + + +
(except Russian ones,
exception - Aeroflot)
to Europe + +
(from Turkey)
from Turkey – anywhere + + +
(except Russian ones,
exception - Aeroflot)
to Turkey +
(from Europe)
+ -

Compensation for flight delays in Russia

In our country, the Air Code (latest edition of 2018) and the Federal Aviation Regulations are responsible for the relationship between passengers and the air carrier.

Fundamentally, these rules are no different from European ones, except for the amount of compensation provided: in Russia it is 25 rubles for every hour. That is, if your flight was delayed by 1 hour, you can count on 25 rubles :) However, if the flight is international, you are also entitled to payments under the Montreal Convention.

Food for thought: in 2017, Aeroflot paid its passengers a fairly large sum for flight delays (from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles). And all thanks to the tangible uproar raised on social networks. And at this time this is the exception rather than the rule. There are also large compensations on the account of S7, one of the leading companies in the country, but far from the most punctual;)

Another difference is payments for overbooking. It would be more accurate to say that there are no rules at all for this case. But, nevertheless, Russian airlines offer passengers who did not get on the flight more favorable flight conditions.

Compensation in the USA

The saying that the customer is always right is not about the Americans: (Compensation for flight delays in the States is not provided (if the flight is on a non-European or non-Turkish airline). The maximum that they can offer you is to find another flight (if necessary, for a new you will need to pay extra for the air ticket yourself) or return the cost of the unused portion of the ticket.

And it will be possible to compensate for material damage only in case of overbooking. The compensation amount will be $650 if you are 2 hours late to your final destination, or $1300 if you are more than 2 hours late.

Free service at the airport is also understood a little differently here. Drinks and food (most often packed lunches) are provided only after 4 hours of waiting. And after 2, if you have already boarded the airliner and are sitting there.

How to use the Compensair service? Money back experience

Very simple:

  • First, the flight is checked to see if compensation is due and how much
  • If confirmed, all data is filled in and the air ticket is attached: reservation number, full name, residential address, etc. The same set for another passenger, if available.
  • The application is certified by the signature of each of the available passengers (touchpad, mouse, from the phone screen) and sent to the service’s lawyers
  • A letter is received from the company confirming the acceptance of the application and the expected wait of 1-2 months. For any update we will contact you by email

Our application is still under consideration. We flew late from New York to Helsinki, missed the next flight to Moscow and arrived at Sheremetyevo with a delay of more than 3 hours. So, let's wait :)

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Flight delays are a common occurrence among air carriers. Tourists are ready to wait for their plane just to fly away on vacation, which is given to them only 1-2 times a year. But what if compensation was paid for a delay or even worse - a canceled flight? Unfortunately, not all travelers are aware of their rights. Therefore, our colleagues from compensair.com have prepared tips for that very unfortunate event.

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Who is entitled to compensation from the airline?

If within the last 6 years you have had:

  • flight delay for more than 3 hours;
  • flight cancellation;
  • or you were denied boarding;

that is, there is a high probability that the airline owes you up to 600 euros in compensation.

Problems with a flight - denial of boarding, flight delays or cancellations - do not happen so rarely. No one is safe from them: neither a budget traveler nor a first class passenger. What to do if you find yourself in this situation? How to receive compensation from the airline?

  • If the flight has been canceled for more than For two weeks before departure, you can choose a similar flight option for free or get a full refund.
  • If the flight is canceled in 7–13 days, then you can book another ticket or get all your money back. In addition, if the flight is from EU countries, then you can demand monetary compensation.
  • If the flight is canceled earlier than 7 days, the air carrier must publicly disclose the reason, provide alternative flight options, or refund the cost of the ticket. You can count on compensation even if the flight had to take place from the EU.

Flight check

Using a special form, you can check in just 3 minutes whether your canceled flight falls under Regulation No. 261/2004. Please note that you can check all flights within the last 6 years.

Who is guilty?

There are times when airlines are not responsible for flight cancellations. The carrier is not to blame if the flight is interfered with:

  • Weather conditions and natural disasters.
  • Emergency situations - quarantine, terrorism, military operations, flight ban, etc.
  • Elimination of breakdowns that seriously threaten the safety of passengers.
  • Staff strike.

If the cancellation of the flight was not caused by emergency circumstances, then the responsibility lies with the company: be it overbooking, inconsistencies in the schedule, unprofitability of the flight and other internal matters.

Traditionally, the airline offers two ways to solve the problem - a refund of the cost of the air ticket or an alternative flight. Moreover, if you bought one ticket for a flight with a transfer, the carrier must reimburse the price of the entire route. But if the flight is connecting and you have two tickets, then the company will return only part of the money to you - for its services. You will have to deal with the other ticket yourself.

In what cases is compensation provided for flight cancellation?

For flight cancellations, passengers traveling on European and Turkish airlines can receive compensation of up to €600. This also applies to Russian airlines flying from EU countries.

Route/Airline Airline from EU
Non-EU airline
From non-EU to non-EUNoNo
From non-EU to EUYesNo
From EU to non-EUYesYes
From EU to EUYesYes

According to Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the Turkish Air Passenger Regulations, if a flight is cancelled, you are entitled to a refund for your ticket only if the carrier has informed you about it no earlier than 14 days in advance. The size of the payment depends on the flight distance and the waiting time for the alternative flight:

  • Less than 2 hours and up to 1.5 thousand km – €125
  • Less than 3 hours and up to 3.5 thousand km – €200
  • More than 2 hours and up to 1.5 thousand km – €250
  • Less than 2 hours and over 3.5 thousand km – €300
  • Less than 4 hours and over 3.5 thousand km – €300
  • More than 3 hours and less than 3.5 thousand km – €400
  • More than 4 hours and over 3.5 thousand km – €600

For flights within Turkey, the payment is fixed – €100.

In Europe, you can file a claim against an airline within two years. You can receive the payment regardless of whether the passenger is an EU citizen.

In Russia and the USA, flight cancellations are not compensated. After ratification of the Montreal Convention in the Russian Federation, in order to receive compensation, the passenger will need to go to court, where he will have to describe in detail the amount of damages in order to then recover them from the air carrier company.

Where to complain?

The claim can be submitted at the airport or on the airline’s website. Emails are often ignored; the most reliable option is to send a complaint by registered mail. If your case falls under Regulation No. 261/2004, but the company still rejects the claim, you will have to go to court. Suing air carriers is troublesome and difficult, especially without legal support from professionals. If you don’t want to study the regulations and bother with paperwork, then it is better to use the services of the Compensair service, which specializes in returning compensation to passengers. Submitting will only take you a few minutes, it is much easier than dealing with the legal nuances yourself.

How Compensair works:

  • You are submitting a free .
  • Service specialists review your case and prepare a claim.
  • Lawyers maintain a dialogue with the air carrier and, if necessary, go to court.
  • You receive compensation in any convenient way.

All legal costs are covered by the service. Clients pay only if the case is successful - 25% of the compensation amount. The process of receiving payment usually takes up to 8 weeks, but sometimes the period can increase to 20 weeks if you go to court. The service’s extensive experience working with air carriers allows us to increase the chances of receiving payment out of court – up to 80–90%.

Total comments: 38

    June 15, 2017 Azroflot connecting flight from Moscow to Rostov su1168 on the general route Venice - Rostov. The message arrived 2 days before departure. The delay in arrival in Rostov was 7 hours

    • Good day. Vueling flight VY2118 or VLG2118 from Malaga to Barcelona on 08/18/2018 was cancelled. I learned that the flight was canceled upon arrival at the airport on the day of departure. We were transferred to Granada and the flight was scheduled for the next morning, 08/19/2018. Can you roughly calculate the amount of compensation?

    I still don’t understand, if a flight is canceled without specifying the reasons and without notice, what compensation can you ask for? compensation for the cost of a canceled flight, compensation for the cost of a new ticket, hotel, meals within 600 euros? Or does it mean that the cost of the ticket is refunded automatically and + up to 600 euros a fixed payment?

    We flew from Barcelona to Moscow on 07/30/17 - Russian airline - the flight was canceled - an alternative flight was offered - more than 14 hours later. Is compensation due and what kind?

    More than a month later, the connecting flight Ekaterinburg-Krasnoyarsk from the route Kaliningrad-Ekaterinburg-Krasnoyarsk was canceled. The entire route is operated by Ural Airlines. They suggest waiting more than 4 days in Yekaterinburg. I'm not satisfied. Other alternatives are also not satisfactory. If I return the money and buy other tickets, I will lose about 40,000 rubles. There are 3 of us flying. Can I count on compensation for the difference in tickets?

      • “Ural” offers us to hang out in Dubai on a flight from Bangkok to Yekaterinburg for 54 hours (more than 2 days due to the cancellation of their flight). The flight connected with Emirates. Are we entitled to compensation for accommodation and food? Are there compensation standards? They gave us a month and a half notice. But the price of tickets has increased during this time.

        Hello! Unfortunately, in this case you cannot count on compensation.

    • If the delay is more than 3 hours, compensation for the disruption of the Riga-Barcelona flight can be up to 400 euros. You must submit your application yourself, indicating your flight number and personal information. Try doing this directly on the site.

  • Tell me what you can count on. As part of a tourist package from Moscow to Barcelona from 06/25/18 to 07/05/18 we were supposed to fly from Domodedovo on a Vueling flight (but the flight was canceled, we were not notified in any way), we accidentally found out from the cashier that the carrier transferred us to a flight on 07/05 .18 (and this is the last date of our stay in Spain. We refused). Didn't provide a hotel. All issues regarding new tickets and hotel were resolved ourselves. In fact, we only flew out on June 26, 2018 by charter (without additional payments, the tour operator negotiated new tickets). Is it possible, in addition to compensation for flight cancellation, to present to the carrier the lost days from the trip and the cost of a hotel for 2 nights in Moscow?

    • Hello! Since the flight was to be operated by a European airline, under Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 you can claim flight cancellation compensation of up to €600 per passenger. This also applies to charters. This compensation should cover the costs incurred. This will be more effective than trying to recover actual living expenses through a Russian court. You must have some kind of confirmation of your flight reservation in your hands (not all travel agencies provide air tickets).
      It is not clear what agreements the tour operator has reached, there may also be nuances in the agreement with the travel agency, we advise you to submit an application through the service and the lawyers will sort out the specific situation. It will not cost you anything, only in case of successful collection (transfer of money to your account) the commission will be 15%. If you speak English well and know European legislation, then you can do everything yourself.

    Hello. Please tell me I bought a ticket for the Russia-Japan ferry. We sailed from the Russian Federation as expected and were supposed to return on August 16th. On August 14, the sea carrier called and said that due to bad weather (most likely he was lying, the weather is normal) the ferry departure was postponed for 5 days until August 21 and the sea carrier told us over the phone: you will wait until August 21 (5 extra) days or alternative way to get out? I say I have nowhere to live here, I will use an alternative option to get there. I bought a plane ticket for the next date (August 18) from Japan to the Russian Federation. What to do? Will they compensate the hotel for the 3 days that I will be staying in a hotel in Japan? A plane ticket is 3 times more expensive than a ferry ticket - do they compensate for the cost of the purchased air ticket?

    Hello. I received a letter from UIA that my flight is on November 2, 2018. from Kyiv to Larnaca is canceled (i.e., we warned more than 14 days in advance) and offered an alternative ticket for the same flight only a day later on November 3, 2018. Can I expect any compensation? As I understand it, if the alternative route differs so much in time from the original one, then we can talk about a flight delay? Or am I wrong, please correct me. Thank you

    • Hello, the Compensair service requests a written refusal only when it becomes known that the complaint is already under consideration by the airline. Did you send your request to the airline by regular letter or email? Try using official social networks to hurry up the airline employees with an answer.

  • Good afternoon flight Moscow - Vienna OS602 by Austrian Airlines was canceled (the plane landed at Vnukovo airport instead of Domodedovo). They couldn’t wait for the next flight at the same time in a day, they flew away with another airline (the ticket cost an additional 8,925 rubles. The ticket was Moscow-Vienna-Moscow. They used the return ticket. The total cost of the ticket was 14,562 rubles. Austrian Airlines returned 1,900 rubles. And because - for canceled flights we spent 4 hours at the airport (receiving luggage).

    Hello! Tell me whether compensation is due and where to contact the airline or directly to the court: the flight on 10/13/2018 at 18.30 hours from Vnukovo to Sanya (Phoenix airport) by Utair was canceled. We learned about the cancellation of the flight on 10/12/2018 at 23.30 from the tour operator, who also reported that the flight to Sanya would be carried out from Domodedovo airport by another airline (that is, not from Vnukovo as expected) and 9 hours earlier. In connection with this, we had to urgently buy other air tickets for an earlier flight from Samara (Kurumoch) to Domodedovo and air tickets from Domodedovo to Sanya, that is, the flight was not delayed, but moved 9 hours earlier. Where to contact?

    • Hello! First, study in detail the contract with the tour operator; as a rule, it stipulates that the departure time of the charter flight can be changed. If such a clause is missing, then first submit a written complaint to the tour operator - he is responsible for the proper provision of all services included in the tour package, including air transportation.

  • Good evening!
    I bought a ticket to Milan directly from the airline.
    The purchase was made on September 16, 2018.
    The flight was scheduled for November 24, 2018.
    I only found out about the cancellation of round trip flights at the airport, two hours before departure. At the information desk.
    I had a simple ticket without choosing a seat online. And all the same, even if there was online registration, it opens 24 hours in advance and during this time “you can’t cook porridge” with Italians ((

    I did not receive any information about cancellation or any changes by email.
    and this was not an entertainment trip, but a paid course and hotel...
    The question is, what can I count on?
    Nothing arrived in the mail except the ticket purchased from them earlier, i.e. They had my information.
    . I thought it was impossible to indicate airlines here)
    It was airitaly

On November 30, S7 canceled the Pisa-Moscow flight. Notified us of the cancellation via SMS on November 27th. On November 29, after numerous verdicts, an alternative flight was provided, but from Rome. It is 300 km and 4 hours by train. However, you write that S7 denies paying compensation, and it is impossible to get anything. How are their planes allowed into Europe if it does not comply with EU laws?

  • Hello! You can try filing a claim yourself, or services like. But, based on our experience, unfortunately, the chances of recovery under European regulations only from Aeroflot are high. S7, as a rule, compensates only for costs incurred, recovered by a decision of a Russian court.

Hello! I booked a Gdansk-Istanbul flight with LOT airlines in September with a transfer in Warsaw on 12/30/2018, but on 12/09/2018 I received a message that I was flying from Gdansk to Warsaw on 12/30/2018, and the Warsaw-Istanbul flight on that day was canceled and I would fly from Warsaw can only 01/01/2019. I also received an offer by correspondence to fly from Gdansk on 01/01/2019, but on this day I will not be able to arrive in Gdansk. Could they provide me with a hotel for these two days at the expense of the airline? That would suit me better.
Best regards, L.Sh.

Good afternoon Ural Airlines canceled a flight 4 months in advance without explanation, can I count on compensation for the difference in the cost of new air tickets? They do not deny the return of the full cost of tickets, but I am interested in the additional payment for the purchase of new tickets. Thank you

  • Hello! Considering that the airline gave notice of the cancellation several months in advance, no compensation is due, only a refund of the cost of previously purchased tickets.

    • Do you think this situation does not fall under Article 28 of consumer protection?

      And also Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Various force majeure circumstances have always happened and will continue to happen, changing people’s plans. This also applies to flight delays. The carrier cannot be blamed for unfavorable weather conditions, execution of orders from state security agencies, or inspection of the aircraft for technical breakdowns. However, if the airline was unable to prove its own innocence in the flight delay due to external factors, then it pays the passenger compensation in the amount established by the code or air transport charter. In any case, regardless of the reason, the airline must provide the passenger with a number of free services.

Flight delay: Aeroflot passenger rights

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that if a flight is delayed by no more than one hundred and twenty minutes, the airline is not responsible for paying compensation or providing any services. In this case, passengers should just be patient and wait for the next flight.

Since 2007, it has introduced some mandatory services that are included in the rights of a passenger when an aircraft flight is delayed.

If the plane does not depart on time and more than two hours have passed, people have the right to freely use rest rooms and facilities for passengers with a child under seven years of age.

Passengers' rights to free meals

In the event that occurs, passengers' rights include receiving soft drinks and You can also make two phone calls costing no more than ten euros or send two emails.

Right to a hotel room, free meals in a restaurant and transfer

When this happens, passengers' rights include receiving a free hotel room if more than eight hours have passed since the flight was canceled during the day or six hours at night. The airline is also required to pay not only for the room, but also for meals in the restaurant and transfer. It should be clarified that the night time starts at 22:00, and the morning time starts at 6:00.

Services provided by various airlines

When a flight delay occurs, the rights of passengers on different airlines may differ slightly. For example, Aeroflot, in addition to a free hotel room, provides its passengers with free luggage storage at the airport. Another company, KrasAir, pays not only for the room and transportation of passengers to it, but also for three meals a day.

Financial compensation

If a flight is delayed, passengers' rights include receiving compensation in the amount of twenty-five percent for each hour of waiting for the next flight. To receive money, you must have a special note on your ticket about the flight cancellation. You can obtain this stamp from an airline employee.

When an unscheduled flight delay occurs at the airport, the passenger's rights also include receiving all of the above services, except for paying for three meals a day, completely free of charge.

Don't wait - act!

Do not think that airline representatives will run after every passenger, apologizing for the flight delay and providing their full range of free services. If you do not want to spend a day, or even more, at the airport without normal food and comfortable conditions, you should take some actions yourself in case of a flight delay:

  • Find the administrator at the airport and take from him a document indicating the reason for the flight cancellation and a stamp with the actual departure time.
  • Watch the time: after four hours, the airline is obliged to provide you with a hot meal, and if the flight is delayed by more than eight hours, a hotel room and transfer. If the airline refuses to provide these services, pay for everything yourself, but under no circumstances throw away the receipts.

Flight delay: passenger rights. Arbitrage practice

After you have waited for the next flight and arrived at your destination, write a claim to the airline, attaching as evidence all the checks and documents necessary for payment of compensation. If the airline ignores the claims made, the passenger’s rights include filing an application in court. As a rule of law, if you provide all receipts for unscheduled expenses that you incurred due to a flight delay, be it food, medicine, the inability to attend pre-paid excursions, or a canceled business meeting, you will be paid as compensation an amount that fully covers the expenses . You have enough time to submit claims and go to court - six months. During the same time, it reviews the claims and, if agreed, pays compensation. It is better to have a claim with all documents, receipts and photocopies in duplicate.

Use free services as needed

Of course, if there is a flight delay, and the airline is decent and does not abandon its responsibilities, you have the right to order at least a suite and dinner in the most expensive restaurant, but then it is you who will have to prove in court that this was a measure of necessity that should pay the carrier. Therefore, it is best to get by with a very ordinary hotel room and an inexpensive restaurant. One way or another, you can pull off such a scam with a luxury room only if the airline itself does not organize a hotel stay and meals for all passengers from the rescheduled flight. Otherwise, no one will pay for your whims.

Charter flights

It is a mistake to believe that the above rules apply only to regular flights. Not at all. Delays often occur. Passenger rights in this case provide exactly the same as in the case of a delay in a regular flight: free use of lounges, soft drinks and hot meals, two free calls or two e-mails, luggage storage at the airport, a free room at hotel and transfer, payment of monetary compensation. The exception is the United States: there no fines are paid to passengers on charter flights and small aircraft.

Most charter flight delays occur because the airline doesn't have enough reserve planes to fly passengers on, so people have to wait for their flights.


It is no longer a secret to many that airlines sell approximately five percent more tickets than available seats on board. This happens for one simple reason: the same five percent of passengers who booked seats do not show up on the plane - they change their ticket at the last minute or are late. That is why, in order not to send the plane half empty, airlines resort to such a scam. However, the opposite also happens: sometimes all passengers who have reserved seats appear at once. In this case, the carrier is looking for so-called volunteers who agree to fly on the next flight, and the company will provide them with a voucher or bonus amount. The carrier can also provide a voucher for a free hotel room, transfer and meals depending on the flight waiting time.

If there are no volunteers to take off on the next flight, those who booked seats later than others are forcibly disembarked from the plane. In the United States, passengers affected by overbooking are provided with compensation, the amount of which varies from the cost of an air ticket to three hundred dollars. When overbooking, EU countries provide passengers with the same services as in case of a flight delay.

If, due to problems with your flight, you find yourself in a foreign country, but because of an expired visa you are unable to get out into the city, feel free to contact the administrator with a request to call the immigration service and get an “emergency visa”. It is issued for forty-eight hours in special force majeure circumstances. It's hard to get, but it's worth the try.

Luggage problems

After notification of flight cancellation, the administrator or airline employee takes passengers to the exit and provides instructions: talks about meals, hotel accommodation if necessary, free phone calls and other technical issues. If you need to retrieve your luggage because you are heading to your hotel or simply leaving the airport, please notify your airline representative. Usually the luggage is sent to the belt, from where it can be easily collected. If there were no items in the arrival area, then most likely the carrier has already sent them on the next flight. Again, contact the airline representative to clarify this misunderstanding and receive your luggage. If it turns out that it is lost, the airline will pay compensation in the amount of its full cost.

Will the money for the hotel room be refunded?

Many passengers have a completely logical question: will the daily cost of accommodation in a hotel, the room in which was booked in advance and not used due to flight cancellation, be refunded? Answer: yes. When you arrive at the hotel, you can request a refund for a night's stay in the room.

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