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How to avoid freezing in a tent? Adviсe. What's better to sleep in a tent at night? What is it called when they sleep in tents?

If you decide to go on vacation in nature, then you can take all the necessary things with you. If you don’t have the necessary things for your camping trip, then here are 8 options that will really help you sleep comfortably in a tent.

Bring an inflatable mat or mattress

Everyone knows that tents are well equipped with a special means to keep out water at the bottom, but you should understand that it will still let in the cold. And if you don’t want to freeze or freeze some place, then you need to purchase a special foam or mat.

Good, high-quality foam will help save you from humidity or cold, but then you can forget about camphor sleep. But after a few nights or so, you will be able to get used to this type of sleep, and your back will no longer hurt. Narrow foams had to be laid overlapping so that the coolness could not get to you. A mat or air mattress will be much softer. Then you will sleep comfortably and pleasantly, but such luxury costs more.

You need to take a warm blanket and sleeping bag with you

It would be your mistake if you thought. That a regular blanket can keep you warm when the weather is cold. It gets cold outside, especially in the morning. If your tent is automatically heated, then you can use a sheet and a simple blanket. The most correct decision would be to purchase a sleeping bag. You need to choose it quite carefully and pay more attention to the temperature that is applied to the sleeping bag. This temperature means the indicator at which you can stay warm while sleeping in a sleeping bag.

Take a heating pad with you

Purchasing a heating pad would be a good decision; it won’t take much time, but it will keep you warm at night. The best option would be to buy a salt heating pad. This option will be durable and safe to use. If cool weather catches you by chance, and you don’t have a heating pad with you, then you need to take a plastic bottle and fill it with hot water, and then place it in your sleeping bag.

Bring a comfortable pillow

Here is another important item that will help you cope with comfort while sleeping, of course, this is a pillow. You shouldn't take a down pillow from home. In this case, all these pillows can be replaced with an inflatable pillow. An inflatable pillow can be bought not only in special stores, but also in a regular supermarket. You can also replace this pillow with a cover from your sleeping bag.

Make or buy insect repellent

To prevent insects from getting into your tent, you need to tightly close the door and windows in the tent. If, after all, these insects were able to get into your tent, then a well-known remedy - tansy - can help you. But you should understand that this tool will be quite difficult to find.

You can also purchase special spirals in the store that repel insects with their smoke. But such a smell is not very pleasant for humans, and smoke will fill the entire space. In general, this option will be quite unpleasant both for these creatures and for you.

Currently, there is another way, this is to purchase a special device at the store. Such a device will work all night, but it does not emit an unpleasant odor and is not loud.

Bring extra socks with you

In conditions such as sleeping in a tent, you will need a change of shoes and socks. These items won't take up much space, so don't be shy and bring a few extra socks with you for a few days.

Bring a chair with you

To avoid sitting on an uncomfortable log or blanket, take a folding chair with you. Sitting on a folding chair is quite convenient and comfortable, and you can take it with you everywhere.

Before you go hiking, check that all the pegs and ropes are in place. Set up your tent at home and make sure you have all the necessary parts to set it up. Typically a tent consists of a waterproof flysheet and an inner lightweight tent with a mosquito net and a waterproof bottom. It comes with pegs, frame arches and ropes that hold the rag house in strong winds.

Take the time to check if the zippers on your tent are working. With the arrival of darkness, not only the cold can creep in, but also all sorts of small creatures.

2. Learn to pitch a tent

It is very important! A crooked tent will not only confuse perfectionists with its appearance, but can also leak in the rain or fly away in the wind. First, read the instructions - it never hurt anyone.

Remember that the tent must be placed on a flat surface without any holes or bumps. Assemble the tent (tie all the ropes, stick in the pegs, stretch the awning and close all the doors). The tent should not be assembled in this position. If it looks like a real flat house, then you can safely spend the night in it.

3. Stock up on a rug or mattress

Despite the fact that the tent is equipped with a waterproof bottom, it allows the cold to pass through perfectly. And if you don’t want to freeze something, then get some foam or an inflatable mat. Dense, high-quality foam will save you from cold and moisture, but sleeping on it is quite hard. Although after one or two nights you will get used to it, and your back will stop hurting. Lay two narrow foams overlapping so that the cold does not get into the gap between them.

An inflatable mat or mattress is softer than foam. It is comfortable to sleep on such a bed, but it costs five times more. The choice is yours.

4. Prepare a sleeping bag and blanket

If you think that a simple blanket in the summer will save you from the cold at night in a tent, you are very mistaken. In nature, especially in the morning, it can be very cold. Therefore, a sheet and blanket will only work if you have a heated tent.

The optimal solution is a sleeping bag. Choose it carefully and pay special attention to the comfort temperature indicated on it. This is the air temperature at which you will not freeze in your sleeping bag.

5. Bring a heating pad

It won't take up much space, but on a cold night you'll really enjoy it. A good option is a salt heating pad: it lasts a long time and is safe to use. If the cold takes you by surprise, and you don’t have a special heating pad on hand, then you can take an ordinary plastic bottle, fill it with hot water and place it in your sleeping bag.

6. Don't forget your pillow

Another important item that will help brighten up your nights in a tent is a pillow. You should not take a large down pillow or a thought from the sofa with you. All this variety will perfectly replace the inflatable analogue. Inflatable pillows are sold not only in travel stores, but also in hypermarkets.

Another good substitute for a pillow is a cover from your sleeping bag, in which you can put warm things, such as a jacket. The tent will be in order, and you won’t lose the cover.

7. Prepare insect protection

Mosquitoes, beetles, woodlice, and spiders are not the most pleasant neighbors in a tent. To prevent insects from entering your rag house, close the doors tightly. If they have already crawled there, then you can use a folk remedy - hang bouquets of tansy in the tent. But it’s not a fact that you will find it.

You can use special coils to smoke, but they don’t smell very nice and create a lot of smoke inside the tent. Not only insects, but also you yourself will not want to spend the night in such a room.

There is a modern way - a portable battery-powered device. It works all night, does not smell or make noise, but is more expensive than coils.

Do not wear woolen clothing when outdoors, as the aroma of wool attracts ticks.

8. Bring a change of socks

In a camping environment, you may have to change a pair of socks a day. They won't take up much space, so don't be shy and take at least three pairs for two days.

9. Bring a folding chair or foam seat

In order not to look for a decent log and not sit on blankets, grab folding chairs or a foam seat with an elastic band, with which it is attached directly to the tourist. Sitting on a chair or armchair is very comfortable, but you can leave the foam on throughout the day. The “place to sit” will be with you wherever you go and your hands will be free.

10. Prepare lighting for the tent and area

To avoid tripping over pegs at night and searching for things by touch, stock up on economical but powerful enough lighting. Cover a clear plastic jar with glow-in-the-dark paints. It's better to do it from the inside so you don't get your hands dirty later.

Or tie a flashlight to a water bottle, or you can even just put it on your smartphone with the flashlight on.

Summer is over, but is this a reason to close the season of outdoor recreation? The most amazing landscapes can be seen at this time of year. Dress warmly and take advantage of the last sunny days: go on an overnight hike or picnic with the whole family. And these tips will help you spend an autumn night in a tent without any unpleasant moments.

A good place for a hike in the forest

The air temperature drops noticeably in autumn, and there are frequent showers and gusty winds. If you're camping with children, it's a good idea to choose a designated campsite for your campsite. Perhaps even in a tourist lodge in a nearby nature reserve or national park. We visited nature without sacrificing comfort.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast the day before your hike

When planning a family outing in the woods several weeks in advance, you, of course, checked the long-term weather forecast. But remember that weather is unpredictable, so keep an eye on weather sites.

Take a warm sleeping bag with you

Those sleeping bags in which you feel quite comfortable in the summer are unlikely to keep you warm in September-October. Rent warm sleeping bags for the autumn-winter period.

Check all equipment before going on a hike

Make sure that the tent comes with all the pegs for installation, the zipper in the sleeping bag does not come apart, the camping chairs are intact, etc.

Get a quality tent

The easiest way would be to rent it directly at the campsite. It is advisable that the tent be a camping tent, not a trekking one. Pay attention to the seasonality of the tent.

Don't forget about travel mats

A karemat, a rubber camping mat, is a must, no matter how good your sleeping bag is. It won't let you freeze.

Bring warm clothes

It is clear that you are unlikely to go into the autumn forest without a sweater and warm jeans or pants. However, this is not enough to keep you from freezing at night.

Take with you:
-Thermal underwear
-Fleece jacket
-Waterproof jacket
-Warm hat
-Gloves or mitts (plus one spare pair if the first one gets wet)
-Puff jackets (even if the weather forecast is favorable)
-Boots with water-repellent coating
-Spare boots
-Many (!) pairs of socks
-Several changes of clothes (depending on the duration of the hike).

Bring extra firewood and coal

This is something you should never skimp on! It is better to take a smaller amount of food, but be sure to keep the camp warm at all times.

Set up camp in a protected area

You should not set up tents in open spaces. It is advisable that the camp be protected from the wind by a forest. Also choose a place where it will be warmed by the sun.

Install awnings

The awning can be installed over the picnic area and attached to the trees behind the tent for additional protection from the wind.

Wake up slowly

Don't rush to jump out of the tent straight into the street. As soon as you wake up, spend a few minutes warming up in your sleeping bag.

Warm your clothes in your sleeping bag

Mornings in the autumn forest are frosty, so you should dress especially warmly after sleep. To keep your clothes warm, use a little trick: put them in your sleeping bag for a few minutes.

Take a double sleeping set

On cold autumn nights, it’s a good idea to play it safe: put two rugs under your sleeping bag and even cover yourself with an additional sleeping bag or a special protective cover (bivvy bag).

Use a heating pad

A heating pad or plastic bottle with hot water at your feet is a real salvation on cold autumn nights in the forest.

Eat before bed

In cold temperatures, the body expends a large amount of energy to keep warm. To replenish your energy reserves, you should reinforce your strength: eat something filling before bed.

Relieve yourself before bed

The rule “use the toilet even if you don’t feel like it” works not only when traveling and long excursions around the city, but also when hiking. To avoid getting out of your warm sleeping bag in the middle of the night, be sure to visit the camp toilet before bed.

Do some exercise

This is true not only in the morning, but also in the evening. Jump, warm up and only then climb into your sleeping bag.

Don't breathe into your sleeping bag

The easiest way to warm up in a cold bed, well known to everyone since childhood, is to “breathe” under the blanket. However, you shouldn’t do this outdoors, and even in the cold season: condensation will form in the sleeping bag.

Set up camp before dark

When going camping in the fall, keep in mind that it gets dark early at this time of year, and you should set up camp before sunset.

By following these simple rules, you will spend an autumn night in the forest comfortably and safely.

What can ruin a beautiful starry night in the mountains if not a feeling of cold?

And how damn nice it is to crawl into a cozy, soft sleeping bag and wake up in the morning well rested and ready for new adventures! The following 10 tips will help make your overnight stays as comfortable as possible.

  1. Build a camping heating pad. After dinner, don't put the burner away. We will need to heat some water for our mini heating pad. On the inner surface of the thigh we have a very important artery responsible for thermoregulation of the body. By placing a plastic bottle filled with warm water between your legs, you will provide yourself with warmth and comfort. Just think of it as a little travel teddy bear that you take to bed with you.
  2. Use chemical heating pads for your feet and hands. Why not? Small, light, affordable. Comfort is guaranteed for several hours.
  3. Do 50 squats right before you go to bed. No, this is not a way to burn extra calories. It may seem strange to do such an activity in the dark at night, but this method is very effective! If you've already cooled down before you climb into the tent, you're more likely to stay cold all night. Doing squats before bed (but don't overdo it) will keep you comfortable!
  4. Go to bed with your girlfriend/boyfriend Or even just snuggle closer to your tentmate. There is nothing that will keep your body warm better than the warmth of another person.
  5. Eat olive oil, chocolate, peanut butter... Eat something fatty. I once heard how participants in one of the winter ascents were close to hypothermia and, in order to avoid freezing, they passed a bottle of olive oil around in a circle. We were saved.
  6. Always carry a spare warm hat. Make sure your hats are different colors. This way, you will be the most stylish participant on the hike. Just kidding) In fact, if you have two hats, at least one will always remain dry and clean. Putting on a hat before bed that is wet after a day's trek in the rain or snow is not a very pleasant prospect... Solution? Take two hats!
  7. There is no need to panic and wear all the warm clothes you have. In reality, a sleeping bag uses your own body heat, so if you have a bunch of different layers of clothing insulating your body heat, the sleeping bag won't keep you warm enough. Checked personally!
  8. Alcohol is a bad choice to keep warm! Yes, it may seem that after a few sips of alcohol before bed, you will feel a pleasant warmth in your body, but this will cause unpleasant consequences. First, alcohol dehydrates the body, and dehydration leads to freezing. Secondly, alcohol gives a deceptive assurance that you are warm.
  9. Don't sit on bare ground. Don't sit on the ground or rocks. They are cold and, accordingly, will transfer their coldness to you. Your own backpack or pad is a great, soft alternative.
  10. Don't skimp on expensive equipment. This isn't really a way to stay warm, but if you have quality equipment, your risk of freezing will be greatly reduced. You will feel the difference after spending a frosty night in sleeping bags for 5,000 rubles or 1,000... I'm not saying that you should buy the most expensive one. There is always a "golden" mean. But by investing money in buying good things, you are first of all investing in your comfort and health.

I wish everyone as many picturesque, stellar and, most importantly, comfortable overnight stays in

In the summer, many people go outdoors, barbecue, taking with them a fishing rod, a tent and sunscreen. If you don’t have a canvas backpack with a sea of ​​things you need for a hike, there are 10 life hacks especially for you that can help you spend a comfortable night in a tent.

1. Checking the tent configuration.

Before going on a hike, you need to check that all ropes and pegs are present. To do this, the tent is laid out at home. This way you can make sure that you have all the necessary spare parts for its installation. Each tent includes a waterproof flysheet and a lightweight inner tent with a waterproof bottom and mosquito net. The tent comes with pegs, ropes and frame poles that hold it in place in case of strong winds. Be sure to make sure that all zippers on the tent are working properly. After all, with the arrival of darkness, in addition to the cold, various small creatures can also visit you.

2. Tent installation skills.

They are extremely important. A crookedly installed tent can not only confuse aesthetes with its appearance, but also fly away during a hurricane or leak during rain. You need to start, no matter how trite, by reading the instructions.

The tent must always be set up on a flat surface, free of bumps and holes. Be sure to tie all the ropes, stick all the pegs, stretch the awning and close all the doors. Then the tent definitely shouldn’t let you down. If outwardly it looks like a smooth house, you can safely spend the night in it.

3. Rug or mattress.

Although any tent has a waterproof bottom, it allows the cold to pass through freely. If you don’t want to freeze something, you should get an inflatable mat or foam. High-quality dense foam protects from moisture and cold, but it is too hard to sleep on. But after a couple of nights, addiction sets in and the back pain stops. It is better to lay 2 narrow foams overlapping, then the cold will not penetrate into the gap formed between them.

An inflatable mat or mattress is softer than foam. It is comfortable to sleep on, but its price is 5 times higher than the price of foam.

4. Preparing a sleeping bag and blanket.

It would be wrong to think that an ordinary blanket in the summer will protect you from the cold at night in a tent. Among the wild nature, especially in the morning, there are severe colds. Therefore, a blanket is only suitable if the tent is heated.

The ideal option here would be a sleeping bag. It should be chosen carefully, paying special attention to the comfort temperature indicated on it. This is the air temperature that allows you to avoid freezing in your sleeping bag.

5. Hot water bottle.

It takes up little space and can greatly please a cold night. Salt heating pads are especially good: such a heating pad lasts a long time and is quite safe to use. If the cold strikes you by surprise and you don’t have a heating pad, you can take an ordinary plastic bottle, pour hot water into it and place it in your sleeping bag.

6. Pillow.

Another important item to help you survive a night in a tent is a pillow. However, a down or sofa pillow at home will not work here. But an inflatable pillow is perfect. It is sold both in tourist stores and in regular hypermarkets.

A sleeping bag cover can also be a suitable substitute for a pillow. You can also put warm things in it, for example, a jacket. And order will be established in the tent, and the cover will not be lost.

7. Protection from insects.

Mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges, beetles, spiders and woodlice are by no means the most welcome guests in a tent. In order to prevent them from entering there, it is necessary to close the door tightly. And if they have already gotten in there, you can resort to a folk remedy - hanging bouquets of tansy in the tent. However, it is not at all a fact that it will be found.

You can also smoke with special coils, but their smell is not very pleasant, and they smoke a lot. And spending the night in such a tent will be difficult not only for insects, but also for people.

The most modern method is a special portable device that runs on batteries. It works all night long without noise or odor, but is more expensive than coils.

You should not wear woolen clothes outdoors, as the smell of wool is attractive to ticks.

8. Replacement socks.

At a campground, it's not uncommon to change 1-2 pairs of socks throughout the day. They take up little space, so don’t be shy; it’s better to take at least 3 pairs of socks for 2 days.

9. Folding chair or foam seating.

In order not to look for a suitable log and not sit on blankets, you should take folding chairs or a foam seat equipped with an elastic band, with which it is attached to the tourist himself. It is quite comfortable to sit on the chair, but you can leave the foam on all day. This way, the “place to sit” will always be with you and your hands will not be occupied.

10. Lighting.

In order not to stumble at night and not look for anything by touch, you should stock up on economical and at the same time quite powerful lighting devices. You can cover a clear plastic jar with paints that glow in the dark. Preferably from the inside, otherwise you might get your hands dirty later. You can also attach a flashlight to a bottle filled with water, or even place it on your mobile phone with the flashlight on.

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