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Tourism is divided. What kind of tours are there? Sports tours are divided into two groups

Tourism as a process is carried out in the form of travel. Depending on how the region of travel of a tourist correlates with the citizenship of this tourist, tourism can be divided into three types:

  • - domestic tourism: travel of citizens of a given country within the same country;
  • - outbound tourism: travel of citizens of a given country outside that country;
  • - inbound tourism: travel within a given country by citizens of other countries.

Any tourist, planning to go on a trip, sets himself a certain goal or several goals. Such goals can be: - rest; - treatment; - getting to know something in the travel area /culture, history, architecture, art, customs of the people, etc./; - entertainment; - overcoming natural obstacles; - study of any branch of knowledge /foreign language, cultural monuments, etc./; - solving business issues; - satisfaction of religious needs; - protection and conservation of nature; - visiting places where you spent your childhood; - to celebrate a wedding or other event in an unconventional way, and so on.

Depending on the purpose of travel, tourism can be divided into several types.

There is no single generally accepted register of types of tourism. This is due both to the emergence of new species from time to time, and to different interpretations of the types and subtypes of tourism by tour operators and tourism theorists.

Without pretending to be comprehensive, we will highlight the basic structure of types of tourism.

In each of the three indicated types of tourism, there are two main types of tourism - recreational tourism, the main goal of which is relaxation and restoration of human vitality (physical, mental), and educational tourism, aimed at satisfying intellectual, moral, aesthetic needs, acquiring new experience , knowledge, etc.

Each of these types of tourism combines several subtypes.


  • - resort and health
  • - medical and recreational
  • - sporty


  • - excursion tourism
  • - educational tours
  • - scientific tourism

In addition to these main types of tourism, there are other types of tourism that differ in goals:

  • - business (or business tourism)
  • - entertaining
  • - environmental
  • - specialized tourism (tours based on interests)

In turn, some of the listed types include certain varieties:


  • - holidays at sea resorts
  • - recreation on the lakes
  • - holiday in the mountains

MEDICAL AND HEALTH TOURISM (rest and possible treatment):

  • - at thermal resorts
  • - relaxation in SPA
  • - at thalasso resorts
  • - at mineral (salt) resorts
  • - at mud resorts
  • - at radon resorts (radon springs and radon caves)
  • - at climatic resorts (health improvement under the influence of air

and climate)


  • - weekend tours
  • - trips to sporting events as a fan
  • - trips to concerts
  • - trips to festivals, carnivals


  • - route (water / rafting and kayaking/, mountain, speleological, walking, cycling, skiing, combined - combining several types of sports tourism)
  • - stationary (practicing any sport during vacation: ski tours, golf, diving, mountaineering)


  • - stationary
  • - route (bus)
  • - cruises


  • - language classes
  • - sports training camps
  • - business trainings, etc.

BUSINESS TOURISM /its goals: solving issues related to the business engaged in by the person going on such tours/:

  • - trips to conferences, exhibitions, seminars, business meetings
  • - incentive tourism (incentive tours)

Let us describe in some detail the most widespread subtypes of tourism.

Resort and health tourism.

This is the most widespread type of tourism, since every person needs a health holiday. Even adherents of excursion tourism, constantly striving for new knowledge and impressions, or lovers of sports tourism, need a wellness vacation at least once every few years.

In world practice, the concept of a resort (Kurort - healing place, area) implies both relaxation and health improvement, i.e. resort services. In Russia, this concept often means balneological (sea, mountain) or mineral resorts.

In the broad sense of the word, a resort area is an area with good ecology and favorable climatic conditions, located in a picturesque area and possessing healing natural factors: healing climate, mineral springs, salt, mud, etc.

Resort and health tour programs are aimed at providing maximum opportunities for relaxation at the resort: maximum free time, ample opportunities for various sports, a fairly wide range of additional services (excursions, concerts, etc.)

The programs of medical and health tours are varied, but there are general specific requirements for organizing just such tours. When creating such a tourism product, it is necessary to remember that it is being made for people who want not only to relax, but also to improve their health. Therefore, health tour programs are built taking into account the fact that a significant part of the time should be allocated to medical and health procedures. If such tours include an excursion program, it should not be intense. When organizing leisure programs, it is necessary to give preference to events such as competitions, dance evenings, quizzes, etc., as well as hobby activities that allow you to diversify your leisure time. Sports programs are allowed in the form of easy walks around the surrounding area, simple sports competitions, aerobics, shaping, swimming, etc. It is recommended to create resort and tourist complexes in resort areas that are preferred for family holidays, allowing healthy family members to engage in sports and tourism , and those in need of treatment to receive treatment and rest. Meals on health tours should have dietary options.

Entertaining tours.

The not entirely apt name (for lack of a more suitable one) hides a variety of tours that are becoming increasingly popular. It’s easier to characterize them with the slogan “Escape from everyday life.” The most common entertainment tours are “weekend tours”. Their essence is that a sharp change in the environment, even for a short time, gives a powerful charge of energy and restores strength well. Their main goal, naturally, is entertainment during a tourist trip. Excursions are usually provided at a minimum. More attention is paid to evening entertainment events. These same tours include trips as fans to competitions, trips to various festivals, holidays dedicated to any events, phenomena, etc.

Sports tourism.

Clients of sports tourism are people with an active lifestyle, sports fans (not professional athletes), who want to engage in their chosen sport while traveling and entrust the organization of this to travel companies and enterprises. This group of tours includes specialized tours dedicated to sports activities, separated into special programs, and, accordingly, into separate segments of demand. These are the most common specific sports tours.

The purpose of sports tours can be defined as unity with nature in overcoming obstacles.

Sports tours are divided into route and stationary or local, i.e. passing in one place. This is due to the specifics of the chosen sport. The package of services on such tours, of course, is focused on a specific sport. However, there are also general requirements for organizing sports tours.

For example, the presence of appropriate natural conditions is necessary. Ski tourism requires the presence of mountains with suitable slopes of varying difficulty; for rafting - the presence of mountain rivers with interesting sections and water obstacles of varying degrees of difficulty, the possibility of convenient entry and exit from the route, etc.

The material base (hotels, transport, sports equipment) should also be focused on sports recreation and a specific sport. Organizers of ski tours must provide the opportunity to use ski lifts, specially equipped slopes, as well as the possibility of renting tourist equipment. Sports hotels are selected. Additional recreational services that relieve stress after sports are highly desirable: baths, saunas, swimming pools, massage services, etc.

The material base of route tours usually involves tourists staying in the wild and, accordingly, living in tents, cooking over a fire or primus stove, tourists having special clothing, shoes, equipment, as well as certain physical and technical training. When organizing sports tours, a fundamental condition is the availability of qualified and experienced instructors in the relevant sport.

Hiking athletes do not always turn to the services of professional travel organizers, preferring to organize everything themselves. Because of this, in our country they are often called “amateur tourists.” At the same time, there is a certain segment of sports and hiking tours organized for a wide range of consumers by professional tourism organizations. These are walking, water, horseback riding, cycling, mountain, skiing, speleo and various similar tours.

Educational excursion tourism.

The educational tourism market is also quite wide; it is not limited to any age characteristics of tourists. Every person, to a greater or lesser extent, is interested in the new, unusual, and unknown.

There are two main types of educational tours:

  • - stationary tours with tourists staying in one city, tourist center;
  • - route tours visiting several cities, countries, regions.

Sea and river cruises with excursion programs can be considered as a separate specific type of educational tourism.

When organizing route tours, a special schedule for visiting the planned points is developed, the duration of stay in them depending on the quantity and quality of attractions.

Educational tours have a lot of thematic varieties: historical, architectural, geographical, natural history, literary, theatrical, ethnographic, folklore, etc. The program is built depending on the topic. But if we are not talking about a group with highly specialized interests, then, as a rule, a certain symbiosis of objects and topics covering different areas is created. The main role in such programs is played by excursion, educational and cultural (museums, architectural monuments) events aimed at satisfying the aesthetic, moral and cognitive needs of tourists.

In stationary tours, tourists often have the opportunity to choose an accommodation category - hotels from 2* to 5* (1* hotels are, as a rule, not offered on the Russian market). On route tours, all tourists in each city are usually accommodated in the same hotel. Their category is determined by the tour operator and adapted to the general price level of the tour.

Business tourism

Tourist trips for business purposes (business travel) have recently acquired enormous scope.

Business tourism covers a wide range of trips:

  • - individual business trips for employees of corporations and companies for the purpose of negotiations, participation in production meetings, presentations, sales activities, etc.;
  • - congress services - trips to congresses, conferences, seminars;
  • - exhibition services - exhibitions, fairs, exchanges;
  • - incentive tourism (incentive) is a form of encouragement by companies for their employees in the form of organizing a free tourist trip for them;
  • - servicing delegations - trips to team sports competitions, tours, trips of official delegations.

Business tourism is one of the most highly profitable and promising types of travel, which is characterized by high and stable growth and relative resistance to the effects of economic, political, climatic, weather and other factors. Its important feature is that the customer, as a rule, is a company or corporation. Therefore, business tourism is most often carried out in the form of corporate tourism. In addition, congress tourism has two great advantages for the tour operator over other types of travel: - tours to congresses and exhibitions usually take place in the off-season, which makes it easier to work with the hotel base; - reservations for congress participants are made long before the event.

Incentive tourism - this term refers to the currently dynamically developing incentive tourism, which is a modern means of encouraging employees of firms and enterprises in order to further increase employee productivity. Companies consider tourist trips as one of the most effective means of rewarding employees at various levels. Experts note that incentive tourism has a great future; it will become the most important form of employee incentives. Attracting tourists traveling on incentive tours is one of the most important tasks of travel companies and hotels, since this category of tourists brings high income.

Ecological tourism.

According to experts from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), ecotourism is travel to places with relatively untouched nature and well-preserved cultural and historical heritage for the purpose of studying and preserving them. Ecotourism creates conditions under which environmental protection and rational use of natural resources become economically beneficial for the local population.

Specialized tourism.

This type of tourism includes everything that does not fall under the previously described types. These are, for example, pilgrimage and religious tours in which a person satisfies his religious needs. These are nostalgic tours in which a person goes to visit places with which he has important memories and impressions. This also includes wedding, fishing, hunting, and prison tours. The market for specialized tours is constantly expanding, as people develop new needs over time.

- (English World Tourism Day) is an international holiday established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in 1979 in the Spanish city of Torremolinos. Celebrated on September 27. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1983. Goal... ...Wikipedia

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NSU Mountain Tourism Section- How it all began SECTION HEAD Vladimir Alekseevich Yudin, born in 1952, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, international master of sports, champion of the USSR in 1981 and 1989, snow leopard, participant in the expedition to Peak K 2 (8611 m) ... Encyclopedia of tourists

Search and rescue (SRP) is a sports tourism competition in which teams of mountaineering and hiking clubs, educational institutions, search and rescue services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as simply athletes and people take part... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Tourism (meanings). The request "Tourist" is redirected here; see also other meanings... Wikipedia

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Tourists on Reunion Island Tourism temporary departures (travels) of people to another country or locality other than their place of permanent residence for a period of 24 hours to 6 months or with at least one overnight stay in entertainment, ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Specific types of tourism and features of their organization, K.A. Ashashtina, M.N. Solntseva, A.I. Shchukin. The collective monograph examines for the first time the specific features of the organization of wedding and ufological tourism, and gives the basic definitions of these types of tourism. Publication format: 150…
  • Special types of tourism, Dmitry Savin. The textbook discusses methodological problems in the classification and definition of special types of tourism, identifying their varieties and features. Special attention is paid to this…

Tourism (French tourisme, from tour - walk, trip), travel (trip, hike) in free time, one of the types of active recreation. Distributed in most countries of the world. It is carried out, as a rule, by tourist organizations along tourist routes. There are numerous types and forms of tourism.

The main goals of tourism: entertainment, recreational and educational. The second most important purposes are medical and health-improving, followed by professional, business, guest, etc.

Based on movement within the boundaries of one country, international tourism and domestic tourism are distinguished.

Foreign tourism is travel to another country that is not related to paid activities within the host country. International tourism is divided into two categories – inbound (entry into the territory of a country of tourists who are not its citizens) and outbound (departure of citizens of a given country abroad for tourism purposes).

Domestic tourism is travel within one state that is not related to paid activities at the place of stay.

Depending on the intensity of tourist flows, permanent and seasonal tourism are distinguished. By method of organization: individual, group, organized and wild (or unorganized, amateur).

Based on the purpose of travel, tourism is classified into many types, the list of which is constantly updated. The most popular today are: hiking, eco-tourism, cycling tourism, sports tourism, water tourism, recreational tourism, wedding tourism, pilgrimage tourism, scientific tourism, gastronomic tours, shopping tours, ethnic tourism, mountain tourism, ski tourism, marine tourism, equestrian tourism, disabled tourism, museum tourism, health tourism, business tourism, educational tourism, adventure tourism, youth tourism, cruise, agricultural tourism, spaleo tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, etc.

Educational tourism – travel with the aim of broadening one’s horizons; one of the most common types of tourism. It is characterized by both individual trips and group trips.

Adventure tourism is a type of tourism associated with the organization of non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reserves, with unusual non-traditional means of transport. Adventure tourism includes hiking expeditions, safari tours (hunting, fishing, photo hunting, etc.), circumnavigation (yachting).

Agricultural tourism - short-term accommodation in rural areas, on farms with complete immersion in agriculture

Scientific tourism is tourism for the purpose of visiting congresses, symposiums, scientific seminars, etc., the program of which includes excursion trips.

Educational tourism is a tourist trip in which a tourist combines relaxation with education.

Business tourism – trips within the country or abroad related to business, including participation in exhibitions, conferences, forums, etc.

Cultural tourism is a type of international tourist travel associated with the acquaintance of tourists with national cultures, customs, and traditions in the host country.

Ecotourism is a combination of travel with an environmentally sensitive attitude towards nature, involving the participation of tourists in environmental activities. The main resource of ecotourism are protected natural areas.

Museum tourism is a type of tourism, the specificity of which is to use the tourism potential of museums and adjacent areas.

Speleotourism is a trip to explore or inspect caves.

Mountain tourism - hikes that involve walking routes through mountainous terrain, overcoming passes above 3000-3500 m; passing through rocky areas, steep slopes, glaciers, mountain rivers.

A cruise is a tourist trip using one or another vehicle not only for transportation, but also for temporary accommodation, food and service. The cruise schedule allows you to plan your individual trip.

Gastronomic tourism - tours for gourmets and lovers of delicious food. Many tourist regions attract travelers with exquisite cuisine or wines.

Shopping tours are trips for the purpose of shopping.

Wedding tourism is a type of tourism designed for newlyweds.

Pilgrimage tourism is a type of religious tourism carried out by believers of different faiths to holy places.

Ethnic (nostalgic, guest) tourism is a type of tourism associated with visiting relatives, parents or places of historical residence.

Health tourism (sea therapy, mud therapy, climatotherapy) - visiting resorts, health resorts, hospitals for health purposes. As a rule, health tourism is characterized by individual travel or travel in small groups.

Recreational tourism is a type of mass tourism for the purpose of treatment and recreation, restoration and development of physical, mental and emotional strength.

Pedestrian tourism is a type of tourist travel that is carried out on foot. Hiking routes are most often laid on the plain or in the foothills, low mountains, and in almost any area.

Sports tourism is a type of tourism in which the main motive for making a trip is the desire to engage in sports that one is not able to do at home: yachting, alpine skiing, cycling, etc.

Bicycle tourism is a popular type of active recreation, which has many varieties.

Equestrian tourism is carried out in the form of equestrian routes passing through nature reserves or national parks. Horseback riding tourism is popular among lovers of ecotourism, as it allows tourists to visit places remote from transport routes, with pristine nature.

Ski tourism is a type of sports tourism that involves skiing along the plains and foothills.

Water tourism is a type of tourism in which recreation is carried out on the water using kayaks, boats, catamarans, motor ships and other watercraft.

Marine tourism is water travel taking place on regular sea passenger or special cruise lines.

Children's tourism is an organized trip for a group of school-age children (from 7 to 17 years old) accompanied by a leader.

Youth tourism is a specific type of tourism activity of youth and adolescents, implemented both within national borders and at the regional and global levels.

Disabled tourism is a type of recreational tourism designed for people with disabilities.

Amateur tourism is travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists independently, without the involvement of a tourist marketing apparatus. In this case, payment for tourist services is usually made as you use them.

Geography of tourist demand

1. Tourism classification

2. Characteristics of the main types of tourism

3. Geography of tourist demand by type of tourism

Tourist flows, which represent realized tourist demand in physical terms, are characterized by great diversity. Business trips are taken along with ethnic ones, and recreational tours coexist with the pilgrimage movement. Each type of tourism forms its own flows, which have very specific directions and differ in spatial distribution.

Tourism classification

In order to classify modern tourism, it is necessary to establish its most significant classification features. It is advisable to classify according to geography, direction of tourist flow, purpose of trip, method of transportation, means of accommodating tourists, number of participants, organizational and legal forms, etc. (Table 1).

Characteristics of the main types of tourism

1. Domestic tourism - travel for tourist purposes by citizens of the country permanently residing within the borders of their state without engaging in paid activities in a place of temporary stay. Domestic tourism is not associated with crossing the state border and tourist formalities. The national currency, language, documents remain the same.

Domestic tourism in the world accounts for 80-90% of trips. Expenses for it are 5-10 times higher than expenses for international tourism. Especially popular in the USA.

2. international tourism covers trips for tourism purposes outside the country of permanent residence without engaging in paid activities in the place of temporary stay.

At the 1st UN Conference on Tourism and Travel, which was held in Rome in 1968, a definition of international tourism was developed. “A foreign tourist is a “temporary visitor”, i.e. any person visiting a country other than the one in which he permanently resides for any purpose other than the exercise of a professional activity remunerated in the country visited.

Foreign tourists include all temporary visitors who arrive in a given country for at least 24 hours. It should be noted that in some countries deviations from the recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission are allowed. For example, some states consider international tourists to be those who stay in the country for at least 3 days, others for at least 2 weeks, and still others for at least 1 month. In our country, despite the recommendation not to include in the category of tourists persons traveling in transit, the latter are included in statistical data, since, given the large extent of Russia, passengers spend a long time on the road and use tourist services, especially when traveling by rail.

On average, about 65% of all international tourist trips occur in Europe, about 20% in America and about 15% in other regions.

The development of international tourism in countries that primarily receive tourists is driven by the desire to increase the influx of foreign currency and create new jobs. Many countries are trying to solve balance of payments problems through international tourism.

Arriving foreign tourists, paying for goods and services, ensure the flow of currency into the budget of the host country and thereby activate its balance of payments. Therefore, the arrival of foreign tourists is called “active tourism”.

The departure of tourists is accompanied by an outflow of national currency. International payments for tourism operations of this kind are recorded in the liabilities side of the balance of payments of the country that exports tourists, and tourism itself is called “passive”.

The division into “active” and “passive” tourism is inherent only in international tourism.

Recently, there has been a tendency towards convergence of domestic and international tourism, which is due to the simplification of tourism formalities (for example, the Schengen Agreement in a united Europe).

3. Inbound tourism - travel within the country by persons not permanently residing there for tourism purposes without engaging in paid activities.

4. Outbound tourism - travel of persons permanently residing in one country to another country for similar purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country visited.

5. Recreational tourism. Tourism for the purpose of recreation for a number of countries is the most widespread form of travel for foreign tourists to Spain; Italy, France, Austria primarily pursue this very goal. Recreational tourism is characterized by the duration of the trip, a small number of cities included in the route, and the widespread use of air transport, and above all, charter flights.

Trips for recreational purposes are very diverse and can include entertainment programs (theater, cinema, festivals, etc.), hobby activities (hunting, fishing, music, art, etc.), ethnic hikes related to the studied national culture of the host country, etc.

6. Wellness holiday It is of a purely personal, individual nature. However, there are often cases when tourists unite for joint trips, which is aimed at obtaining group discounts on travel. The usual duration of a treatment tour is 24-28 days, which is significantly longer than other types of tourism.

Wellness recreation, depending on the means of influence on the human body, is divided into climatic, balneo, sea, mud therapy, etc.

7. Educational (excursion) tourism. This type of tourism includes travel and trips for educational purposes. An excursion as a form of knowledge and a form of leisure serves the function of broadening one’s horizons and intellect. One of the types of educational trips is car tourism. Compared to traveling by other types of vehicles, traveling by car and bus provides tourists with a much greater educational opportunity.

8. Professional and business tourism. This type of tourism includes trips for business purposes. Life in a modern civilized society necessitates international contacts. Travel by representatives of business circles has recently become widespread.

A number of travel companies specialize in organizing group trips for businessmen for various purposes. A big advantage of business tourism is the possibility of organizing it during the low season. At the same time, travel agencies can provide both purely tourist services - transport, accommodation, meals, excursion services, and specific ones - studying information, collecting data on possible trading partners, translations, providing the necessary economic materials, organizing business meetings, etc. Large congress centers are created specifically for this purpose, with meeting rooms and facilities for accommodating visitors. Often, congress participants are accompanied by members of their families, for whom the organizers of the forums, together with a travel company, offer a purely tourist program. Often the participants themselves get acquainted with the sights of the city, and after the end of the congress they make tourist trips around the country.

A distinctive feature of this type of tourism is that participants in business meetings spend significantly more money during their stay in the country than an ordinary tourist. Therefore, many states strive to host international forums and other similar events.

9. Scientific tourism. Traveling for the purpose of training and advanced training is relatively new in international tourism. Educational trips abroad have become one of the established segments of the tourism industry. The most popular trips are those aimed at learning a language, especially to the UK and other English-speaking countries.

10. Currently very popular sports tourism. The main objective of these tours is to provide tourists with the opportunity to engage in their chosen sport. Sports tourism requires the presence of the necessary base: a variety of equipment, special trails, lifts, sports grounds, and facilities. One of the main requirements for sports tours is to ensure the safety of vacationers.

Depending on the purpose of travel, sports tours are divided into two types: active and passive. In the first case, the basis is playing some kind of sport, in the second - interest in sports, for example, attending competitions.

11. "Shop tours" typical for Ukraine and CIS countries. The purpose of traveling abroad is to purchase consumer goods for their subsequent sale (shoes, knitwear and other goods - in Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Syria; summer textiles - in Indonesia; fur coats - in Greece and Argentina; furniture - in Poland and Italy; television and radio products - in the UAE; cars - in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Holland).

The shuttle business brings a significant increase to the budgets of these countries. Thus, in Turkey, shuttle traders annually purchase goods worth 8-10 billion dollars. The government of the country strongly supports shopping tourism. The adviser to the Turkish Minister of Tourism for press relations said that tourists who bought a low-quality product have the right to demand its exchange, reduction or return of the amount paid, or the elimination of defects free of charge within 15 days. If a product is purchased with a hidden defect, the consumer has the right to file a claim with the seller within two years. It is even planned to reduce the price of air tickets for shuttles by 50%.

12. Adventure tourism is a unique type of recreation and ensures not only that tourists stay in an attractive place for them, but also engage in an unusual type of activity ("royal hunt", "salmon fishing", "search for pirate treasures", etc.).

Adventure tourism is divided into several types:

– hiking expeditions;

– safari tours (hunting, fishing, butterfly catching, etc.);

– sea travel (yachting).

The geography and themes of adventure tours are quite extensive and varied. These are usually group tours. A specific feature of such tourism is the receipt of various licenses that allow hunting, fishing, and export of trophies. Adventure tourism involves certain risks, so highly qualified instructors are needed to ensure the safety of such tours. This type of tourism has a fairly high cost, and it can be classified as an elite vacation.

13. Religious (pilgrimage) tourism V Currently in demand and popularity. In tourism for religious purposes, several types can be distinguished:

– pilgrimage (visiting holy places to venerate relics);

– educational trips (acquaintance with religious monuments, history of religion, culture of religion);

– scientific trips (trips of historians and other specialists dealing with religious issues, etc.).

A serious problem in this type of tourism is the issue of training highly qualified personnel. It is important that they can not only show historical and architectural sights, but also be familiar with spiritual and religious values.

14. Nostalgic tourism. This type of tourism is based on the need of people to visit relatives, places of birth and residence of loved ones and occupies an important place in international tourist exchange. Thus, tours around the Volga region are popular among tourists who come from Germany, Israel is popular among Jews, etc.

15. Ecotourism designed to create economic incentives for environmental conservation. The concept of "ecotourism" covers a wide range of travel - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and reserves. The profits from this type of tourism can be partially used for environmental protection measures.

16. A few words should be said about exotic tourism. In recent years, tours have appeared that are striking in their unusualness.

For example, the Greek travel agency Manos Travel is planning trips to the moon. The first tour took place on December 1, 2000 from the base of SEATTLE (USA) and cost 105 thousand dollars.

From the same base, Zegram Expeditions offers a space cruise. Although the orbital altitude will be only about 100 km, tourists will be able to experience weightlessness and see space. Registration for flights has already begun, the first tourists have reserved their seats by making a deposit of $5 thousand (the total cost of the trip will be $98 thousand). Beginning in 2001, it is planned to operate two flights annually with six passengers on each flight. The duration of the cruise is 2.5-3 hours, but first tourists are required to undergo training for 1-2 days.

The French company APSARA organizes icebreaker tours to Antarctica and the Arctic. The first cruise to Antarctica was organized in 1989. Currently, tourists travel on highly comfortable icebreakers with a sauna, swimming pool, gym and conference rooms. The icebreaker is equipped with boats and helicopters for excursions. The trip includes accommodation in these exotic places, where tourists observe the life of the local “residents” - seals, walruses and penguins. In 1997, about 10 thousand tourists visited Antarctica, paying from 9 to 16 thousand dollars for the trip.

There are many people who want to get acquainted with the underwater world. The most promising project in this direction is travel on a transparent submarine. One of its routes is planned to be laid to the site of the Titanic wreck." According to statistics, since 1985, 46 tourist submarines have been in operation. In 1996, the number of tourists who visited the depths of the seas and oceans, amounted to more than 2 million, while the profit of travel organizers was 147 million dollars.

In Germany, a former prison cell is popular among tourists who love exotic things, where you can feel like a prisoner for just 20 DM. The chamber's furnishings consist of a narrow bed and a chair, the size is 4 incomplete steps, the air volume is 22.3 cubic meters. m, according to the inscription on the door. Judging by the fact that the company is thriving, the tour is in great demand.

The Paris Odeon Hotel has developed a route for its clients that exactly repeats Princess Diana's last earthly journey. Those who want to touch the mystery of the tragedy will proceed in a black Mercedes from the Ritu Hotel to the tunnel - the site of the disaster. The cost of the type is $25.

17. Focus on consumers forces producers of tourism services to seek new market segments. The organization becomes a profitable business wedding tours. Thus, the British company Thompson Honeydays sells about 5 thousand wedding tours a year.

It is profitable for travel agencies to engage in this type of tourism, since prices for accommodation are significantly reduced due to the provision of high discounts by hotels to newlyweds (up to 60-80%). The package of tourist services, in addition to the basic ones, includes video shooting, a limousine, flowers, champagne, etc. If the wedding ceremony is planned to take place on a trip, it will be organized as a memorable folklore holiday. Practice shows that newlyweds prefer to vacation in the Caribbean or in the countries of Southeast Asia; Italy is popular in Europe; Las Vegas is popular in the USA.

18. Social tourism - These are trips subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs. The purpose of social tourism is not to make a profit, but to support people with low incomes to realize their right to vacation.

This type of tourism is widespread abroad. In the former USSR, this type of tourism was also popular, accounting for almost 80% of domestic tourism and 50% of international tourism.* The state spent huge amounts of money on strengthening the material and technical base of tourism. Thus, during the seventh five-year plan, 49.6 billion rubles were spent, the eighth - 183.2 billion rubles, the ninth - 460.0 billion rubles, the tenth - 470 billion rubles. (in prices of 70-80).** Several tens of thousands of objects with 1-2.5 thousand places were commissioned per year.

Currently, the lack of budgetary funds for subsidies for social tourism has led to the alienation of the vast majority of the population, especially weakly protected groups, from travel. The effectiveness of social assistance programs, calculated as the share of funds received by the poorest segments of the population in total social contributions, is only 19%, while the same figure in most developed countries ranges from 30-50%.

19. Organized tourism - These are trips of individuals or groups of tourists organized by a travel agency. Organized tourists acquire the right to a tour by purchasing a tourist voucher. However, the number of services may vary. For example, tourists can only purchase a meal plan or a range of services, including transportation services, meals, accommodation, transfers, excursion services, etc.

The type of tourism that is opposite in form of organization should be classified as unorganized or amateur.

It should be noted that in Russia and Ukraine tourism is distinguished by the presence of a significant part of organized tourism, while in European countries its share is less than 20% and tends to decrease.

To summarize the classification of tourism, I would like to cite the preferences of tourists from various countries according to the research of the Spanish specialist X. Montaner Montejano. In his opinion, the French like family tourism in countries with a culture close to them and are attracted to sunbathing, but at the same time they try to avoid long-distance travel.

Italian tourists prefer amateur tourism, choose outdoor recreation, and strive to get to know people and their culture.

For the British, important criteria when choosing to travel are climate, cuisine, and recreation opportunities. At the same time, both organized and amateur tours are possible.

Tourists from Germany prefer organized holidays in campsites and family boarding houses. A significant factor is the environmental situation at the place of travel.

As can be seen from the data presented above, the most visited country in 2020 should be China. High growth rates are also expected in Hong Kong and Russia. The share of China and Hong Kong will be 12.3% of the global tourist flow. Particularly serious changes are predicted in Russia: in 2020, the number of incoming tourists will be 1.5 times greater than the number of people leaving its borders. The Czech Republic will achieve great success among European countries.

The greatest tourist mobility of the population is expected in the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Canada and Japan, where each resident of the country will have 1.5-2 trips abroad per year. In most other countries included V top ten, tourist mobility is noticeably lower.

Types and forms of modern tourism

There are different classifications of tourism and tourist routes. These classifications depend on the goals and objectives facing the organizers of tourism activities and tourism enterprises.

Tourism classifications are of great importance for the practical activities of tourism workers. They help to identify demand for tourism services and form the tourism market, produce and sell tourism products, solve problems of territorial placement of tourism infrastructure facilities, and plan the development of the material base of tourism.

World Tourism Organization (UNWTO, or UNWTO ) proposes to classify tourism destinations according to the following types:

- domestic tourism- travel within the country of persons permanently residing in this country;

- inbound tourism- travel around the country for persons who do not reside there permanently;

- outbound tourism- travel of residents of a country to another country.

These main types of tourism can be combined in different ways, forming categories tourism:

- international tourism - This is a set of activities in the field of outbound and inbound tourism. In other words, this is the activity of tourism industry enterprises to provide a tourist product, tour or tourism services to citizens of the Russian Federation outside the country (outbound tourism) and foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation (inbound tourism);

- national tourism is a combination of activities in the field of outbound and domestic tourism. In other words, this is the activity of tourism industry enterprises to provide a tourism product, tour or tourism services to citizens of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

- tourism within the country is a set of activities in the field of domestic and inbound tourism. In other words, this is the activity of tourism industry enterprises to provide a tourism product, tour or tourism services to citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation.

As a feature that allows classifying travel by type of tourism, we use motivational factors, prompting a person to go on a trip.

Types of tourism are characterized by significant diversity. At least 12 types of tourism can be distinguished, but their number can be much larger:



Cultural and educational;

Reconnective and nostalgic;

Business and professional;

Medical and recreational;




Religious (pilgrimage) tourism;

Combined tours;

Other types of tourism.

Recreational tourism associated with visiting and using natural objects for the purpose of recreation and health improvement: seas, rivers, lakes, forests, mountains, etc. Unlike health tourism, recreational tourism is not focused on specialized accommodation facilities, such as sanatoriums, dispensaries, and does not provide for therapeutic measures.

Consumer tourism includes the extraction of natural resources as a main component of the tour program. This can be licensed hunting, fishing, collecting wild food and medicinal plants.

Cultural and educational tourism has a pronounced excursion component. Cultural and educational tours allow you to get acquainted with the history, traditions, culture of the country or place you are visiting, with the main attractions (for example, “Classical Paris”, “Classical Rome” tours, etc.)

Reunion and nostalgia tourism associated with visiting friends and relatives, places of birth, past residence or place of birth of parents. This type of tourism is of particular importance for countries where part of the population lives abroad.

Nostalgia tours have become especially popular due to the changing political map of Europe in particular. Nostalgic tourism is also typical for the Japanese, who always visit the burial places of their ancestors. An example of nostalgic tourism can be specially organized trips for lovers " The Beatles”, trips to childhood - “In the footsteps of the heroes of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm”, “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians”, etc.

Business and professional tourism involves traveling to conferences, symposiums, negotiations, as well as language courses. Unlike a business trip, business and professional tours, as a rule, have an excursion or health program.

Medical and health tourism is focused on the use of natural healing resources and physiotherapeutic factors used to improve health.

Natural healing resources include:

Mineral water;

Healing mud;

Climatic features;

Picturesque landscapes;

Forests, forest parks;

Alpine meadows;

Areas suitable for kumiss treatment;

The brine of estuaries and lakes is a complex, highly concentrated, usually saturated with various salts, solution that covers mud deposits;

Water areas of seas and inland waters;

Other rare natural objects, such as medicinal oil, hot steam and gas, salt caves, used for treatment, disease prevention and recreation.

Treatment tours include:


Balneotherapy (mineral waters);

Mud therapy;

Bathing, beach, walking procedures, etc.

Medical tours are usually, are highly specialized. During such a tour, you can slow down the course of the disease and even completely get rid of the disease. First of all, this applies to visits to well-known clinical centers, whose specialists practice both classical and non-traditional methods of treatment, as well as to balneological and mud resorts.

Sports tourism May be:


Mountain, including skiing and mountaineering;




Underground (caving);


Equestrian and others.

Sports tours are divided into two groups:

1. Actually sports, during which tourists are actively involved in one or another sport.

2. Tours to sporting events, where tourists act as fans.

Activities for organizing sports tourism manifest themselves in various forms:

Organization of sports trips and trips;

Assignment of titles and categories (sports qualification tourism);

Conducting sports and scientific expeditions;

Holding championships and competitions;

Organization of sports schools for training personnel - trainers, teachers and guides of sports tourism;

Organization of fairs and meetings;

Maintaining data banks about collective members, new tourist equipment, pass routes, descriptions of peaks and other technically difficult obstacles;

Recording and assignment of sports, instructor and referee titles;

Organization of children's, youth and family tourism;

Organizing trips to sporting events.

Adventure tourism involves tourists receiving new bright and unexpected impressions, sometimes difficult to predict, but always clearly worked out by the organizers, including in terms of safety precautions.

Adventure tour programs may include:

Reproducible spectacular historical events, fragments of modern cultural life;

Overcoming obstacles that require both physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Today it is small but growing and a fairly promising segment of the tourism market. According to forecasts UNWTO, in the first decade of the 21st century. adventure tourism will develop intensively.

Ecological tourism is a journey among nature (sometimes called nature tourism, biotourism, etc.).

The main goals of ecological tourism are the harmonization of man with the natural and social environment around him, environmental education and upbringing of various groups of the population.

The main objectives of eco-tourism are compliance with strict environmental standards and restrictions to the maximum extent possible.

Ecotourism includes:

Rural tourism, which involves staying in the houses of rural residents

Agroecological tourism, in which tourists live a rural lifestyle on farms during their holidays.

The principles or signs of eco-tourism are based on humanity’s desire to achieve sustainable development of territories, preserve biological and socio-cultural diversity.

The basic principles of eco-tourism include:

Visiting well-preserved natural areas;

Sustainable, sustainable use of natural resources;

The presence of certain, rather strict rules of behavior;

Less intensive use of natural resources than with conventional types of tourism;

Environmental education of tourists, their participation in local cultural and environmental events;

Integration of eco-tourism into regional development plans;

Participation of the local population in the development of tourism and their receipt of financial and other benefits from these activities;

Environmental training of personnel involved in the field of eco-tourism.

Religious tourism (pilgrimage) is focused on visiting holy places, temples and monasteries that preserve the relics of saints, icons and other objects of religious worship. Religious tours are typical for representatives of major world religions and can be carried out both organized and spontaneously. The main world centers of religious tourism are Mecca, the Vatican, Medina, Lhasa, Jerusalem.

Combined tours include two or more types of tourist activity of the population. These can be medical and health trips with excursion programs, recreational and environmental tours and many others.

Other types of tourism include a variety of types: desert tourism, space tourism, etc.

Desert tourism. In the second half of the 20th century. Tourists began to explore previously unsuitable corners of the globe, including deserts. The growing interest in holidays in deserts was associated with the needs of tourists to test themselves in extreme conditions and visit places of pristine nature.

Deserts often contain the remains of ancient civilizations. Some of them, such as Egyptian pyramids and temples, have long become popular among tourists. Modern human settlements in deserts look fantastic from a European point of view. One of them, where cave houses are built in pits, was used by Steven Spielberg during the filming of the film “Star Wars”.

In the deserts, tourists are offered participation in safari and hunting. Some countries are developing sports tourism in deserts. In Death Valley in the USA, where temperatures of +52 °C are common, annual ultra-marathon races have been held since 1974.

The attitude towards deserts as an object of tourism varies from country to country. Some African states do not attach much importance to this, while others, on the contrary, try to extract maximum profit from the deserts. So, in Tunisia in the second half of the 80s. In the 20th century, a program was adopted to use deserts for tourism purposes. The program included the development of tourism in the Sahara to smooth out seasonal peaks in tourist arrivals to the coast. In Australia, the sandy monolith Rock in Uluri National Park has become one of the country's tourist symbols. Famous Israeli resort Eilat, located in the desert on the shores of the Red Sea, offers vacationers a variety of health and wellness programs.

In Russia, tourism in deserts has not yet been developed, although there are desert areas in the Astrakhan region and Kalmykia.

Space tourism became a reality in 2001, when the first American space tourist Dennis Tito spent a week aboard the international space station, paying $20 million for his flight. USA. Subsequent flights into space as tourists by two foreign citizens caused a stir among wealthy residents of the United States and Canada. Surveys have shown that 5-10 thousand people would like to pay $100 thousand to participate in an orbital space flight.

Approximately 7% of respondents said they were willing to spend several million dollars for the right to participate in a space trip lasting several weeks. The survey involved people whose annual income per family member is at least 250 thousand dollars. Other surveys periodically conducted by the American media show that up to a third of respondents are willing to pay $50,000 to go to space.

Among other types of tourism, the most notable are club tourism And gambling holiday. Club tourism is characterized by the fact that travelers deliberately unite in groups. Groups are formed when there is an entertainment or sports program that interests people.

Gambling recreation as a type of tourism will develop in the coming years, after the creation of four gambling zones in Russia - in the Altai, Primorsky Territories, Kaliningrad Region, as well as one zone in the Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region.

The Law on the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities mentions social tourism, fully or partially carried out at the expense of budgetary funds, state extra-budgetary funds (including funds allocated as part of state social assistance), as well as funds from employers. In Russia, social tourism is not yet developed.

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