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The capital of Jamaica, Kingston, is a city with an interesting history. Open left menu Kingston Virtual tour in Kingston (video)

St. George's Cathedral, built in Kingston in 1828, is the cathedral church of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario.

A wooden church was originally built on the site of the current cathedral in 1792. A new church was later built, and in 1838 it was expanded with the addition of a bell tower and a Doric portico from 1842 (architect William Coverdale). The dome of the temple resembles St. Paul's Cathedral in London.

The church was given cathedral status in 1862. Unfortunately, the church was soon damaged by fire, so the exterior and interior of the temple had to be completely restored in 1900 (architect George Curry).

Inside the cathedral are several valuable relics: a brass cross from 1899, which was preserved after a fire, and a wooden cross handmade by Larry Norman.

City of Kingston

Kingston is a Canadian city located on the shores of Lake Ontario, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence River. The history of this ancient city begins in 1673, when the French fort Frontenac was founded here. Due to its position at the mouth of the river, Kingston has always had important defensive importance. The British Fort Henry, built near the city in 1812, today is a museum of British military history in Canada.

Kingston is located in an archipelago region called the Thousand Islands. A series of islands stretches from the city to the south for a distance of about eighty kilometers. In fact, the number of islands in the archipelago is estimated at almost two thousand - from quite large islands to very tiny ones. The picturesque archipelago attracts many tourists to the city.

Kingston has many preserved historical buildings, two universities, and annual jazz and blues festivals, as well as a street performers festival.

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thousand islands

The Thousand Islands, or the second name “Garden of the Gods,” belongs to the most beautiful place in Canada - an archipelago of islands stretching between the two cities of Kingston and Brocksville. The area on which 1864 skeletons are located occupies 200 sq. km. Each island, whether from an area of ​​100 sq.m. or 0.1 sq.m. washed with water from all sides.

This wonderful natural formation occurred as a result of the breaking of ancient glaciers. The formation took place over centuries. In 1914, Thousand Islands became part of the National Park of Canada.

Now, on some islands there are even buildings. At the beginning of the 20th century, this place was considered a resort. Hotel magnate Boldt built a castle on one of the islands, but abandoned it after the death of his beloved wife. Also located here is the Singer Corporation Castle and a museum of ancient ships.

A wonderful natural phenomenon called the Thousand Islands is visited annually by tourists from all over the world and never cease to be amazed at the beauty of our planet.

Queen's University, located in Kingston, is one of the most important educational institutions in Canada.

The university began its activities in the mid-19th century - in 1842 the first classes for students were held here.

On an area of ​​over forty hectares there are such buildings of this famous university as Summerhill and the Abramsky building (the last one built). The Kingston Hospital and Roselawn House, located on the campus of the university, are considered historical monuments of Canada.

In addition, there is the Miller Museum, which introduces visitors to minerals and fossils collected throughout the Ontario region, as well as the Agnes Etherington Art Center, which even displays paintings by Rembrandt among its 14,000 exhibits.

Cinema Screening Room

The Screening Room is an independent cinema located in Kingston that features art house, foreign, alternative and classic films.

The cinema is located in the very center of the city on the second floor of the building at 120 Princess Street. Guests can park their car in the cinema's underground parking lot.

Next to the cinema is a Japanese restaurant, Take Sushi, and a gift shop. Unfortunately, visiting the cinema is not accessible to people in wheelchairs due to the lack of special equipment.

The cinema offers a new schedule every week and is open to visitors from Monday to Sunday.

Loyalist Country Golf Club

Loyalist Country Golf Club offers games of varying difficulty to suit golfers of all levels.

The club's courses, designed in collaboration with Ted Baker designers, offer the best surfaces in the region, with tees and fairways built to USGA specifications. The courses are equipped with water hazards, strategic bunkers and are famous for their combination of contrasting surfaces. The club regularly hosts a number of Ontario Golf Association championships.

All club instructors are CPGA certified professionals. The club offers professional golf instruction, group and individual, has all the necessary equipment and its own store where you can buy balls, accessories, and clothing for all seasons.

The club premises can be rented for special events - such as weddings, birthdays, corporate events of various sizes. The level of service of the restaurant and club staff allows you to spend your holidays at the highest level.

Wolf Island

Wolfe Island, named after the British settler, is located on Lake Ontario, near Kingston. The island has a picturesque beach where many vacationers gather.

The length of the island is 29 kilometers, the width ranges from 9 kilometers to several hundred meters. The area of ​​the island is 124 square kilometers, the population is about 1,400 people. The island has its own post office and telephone exchange.

The island is rich in local flora and fauna. In winter, snowy owls can be seen here. The island is also considered an important stopping place for migrating waterfowl. Rare species of plants and trees grow in the marshy areas of the island.

The island can be reached by ferry from Canada and the United States. The Kingston Ferry is operated by the Department of Transport and is therefore free.

Healthcare Museum

The Kingston Health Museum, housed in a historic building, chronicles the history of disease from the 18th century to the present day. Constructed of limestone in 1904, the museum building is recognized as a historically significant structure in Kingston.

Since 1995, it has housed the Health Care Museum, which is considered the only museum in Canada dedicated to the history of health care and health in general.

One of the largest collections of medicine is presented here (about 30,000 items): documents and photographs of surgical instruments, laboratory instruments, patient care items, which documentally tells visitors about how people were treated.

The largest collections include items related to the fields of anesthesiology, orthopedics, and cardiology.

The most popular attractions in Kingston with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Kingston on our website.

More attractions of Kingston

There are some pretty dark stories told about Kingston, the capital of Jamaica.

The leitmotifs of these horror stories are drugs and banditry that filled the island and its capital. What can you answer to this? Only that the rumors, as is usually the case, are greatly exaggerated.

Every city can become dangerous for a tourist who does not take into account the traditions and mentality of the people of the country in which he has come to visit. In all countries, without exception, it is necessary to observe basic rules of self-preservation.

Those who cast aside groundless fears and visited Jamaica at least once will never forget it.

Kingston attracts tourists the opportunity to visit the Bob Marley Museum, view the world famous St. Thomas Cathedral and enjoy water sports.

This undoubtedly controversial and interesting city with a complex history and original traditions has prepared a lot of interesting things for inquisitive guests.

A little history

Jamaica, before the arrival of Columbus, was inhabited by numerous tribes of Arawak Indians.

In just over 100 years of Spanish rule, not a single representative of the indigenous population remained on the island.

Slaves brought from Africa were used as labor in Jamaica. In 1655, the island and the “profitable business” were captured by Great Britain. Kingston was founded by British settlers in 1693.

the city very quickly turned into the largest slave trading center on earth.

Thanks to favorable climatic conditions and incredibly cheap labor, Kingston began producing cane sugar and quickly became one of the largest suppliers on the planet. After slavery was abolished in 1833, planters continued to try to recruit former slaves to work

on the plantations by force, which led to a rebellion in 1865.

After this, the British government was forced to create an administrative system, the center of which was Kingston. After many shocks and trials

Jamaica declared independence and Kingston became its capital.

How to get to Kingston

Most flights arrive at Montego Bay Airport, located on the opposite shore of the island, so you will have to get there by bus within 4 hours, The approximate cost of moving by taxi is $200.

Russians need to fly with a transfer to the United States, in which case they will need a transit visa.

With a transfer in one of the European countries (Rome, London), a visa is not required, but the cost of tickets is higher.

A ticket to Jamaica with a transfer in Cuba is relatively cheap. It is possible to arrive by cruise ship, but only between November and April.

The visa is issued directly upon arrival in Jamaica, at the airport.

Is it worth renting a car in Kingston?

There is no particular need for this. From the city you can get to almost anywhere in Jamaica by public transport or taxi.

Getting around Kingston is also absolutely hassle-free; for safety reasons, it is better to order a taxi directly from the hotel.

Buses and minibuses run around the city from 5-00 to 22-00.

If the need arises, only citizens who have reached the age of 23 and have an international driver’s license can rent a car.

It is better to contact one of the proven companies that have been operating on the market for a long time: Island Car Rentals, Budget or Avis.

You need to be very careful while driving; the locals have a very dashing and reckless driving style.

Money and shopping in Kingston

The majority of banks with exchange offices are located on Knutsford Boulevard. They work from Monday to Friday.

One American dollar is approximately equal to one hundred Jamaican dollars.

Kingston is the economic center of the island, and it goes without saying that there are many shopping centers and shops here.

Necessarily It's worth wandering around the New Kingston Shopping Centre, where you can purchase products from world famous brands and local manufacturers.

Souvenirs, wooden crafts, natural soap and clothes made from plant materials can be bought on almost every corner.

You should not buy products made from tortoise shell; this material is illegal in Jamaica.

Accommodation in Kingston

In this regard, the city offers a huge variety, as they say, for every taste and financial opportunity. There are a lot of hotels Accommodation prices range from $45 to $200 per night.

The level of comfort directly depends on the price, although you can find very good places for a reasonable price.

There is an opportunity to rent a villa from a private owner, for a company of several people - a very profitable option.

Entertainment and relaxation


Kingston is not a resort center in Jamaica, but the conditions for recreation on the water here are truly excellent. You can ride anything that floats on the water: water skis, sailboats, windsurfing.

For those who are not yet professionals, The services of experienced instructors are provided. Fans of scuba diving and river rafting gather on the southern beaches.

Particularly popular possibility to rent a boat with a transparent bottom, While swimming you can admire the underwater world.

Night life

Nightlife in Kingston is very rich and interesting, although not safe. For tourists It is better to limit yourself to clubs located on Knutsford Boulevard.

Horse racing

On weekends horse racing is held at the Caymanos Park racetrack, The spectacle is very interesting.


Lucky ones, Those who visited Kingston during Easter week will never forget the Jamaican Carnival, which has become the traditional and most popular event on the island.

About 1 million people take part in it.

A procession through the streets in carnival costumes is called a children's procession; a procession for adults, in which you can march through the city streets almost naked, is considered more popular.

Can't do without reggae, local and visiting musicians perform on the streets, music sounds everywhere and around the clock.


Kingston restaurants do not offer visitors any special delights. Numerous cafes serve customers both European and local dishes.

Jamaican cuisine combines the traditions of many peoples; a distinctive feature is the huge amount of spices.

Necessarily It's worth trying the Skyjuice cocktail served in a coconut, Made from fruit syrup and crushed ice, the locals love it.

The pies filled with salted mackerel soaked in coconut milk are very tasty.

And of course famous Jamaican rum, local fruits, seafood and coconuts - all worth trying while in Jamaica.

Sights of Kingston

The first place that A must visit is the Bob Marley Museum. Jamaicans seriously consider this legendary musician to be a god.

Tourists can admire and admire the house where Bob lived and the recording studio in which he created his masterpieces. There is a very sweet legend associated with the star’s house and room.

As you know, Bob Marley was incredibly prolific not only in music.

He had a lot of illegitimate children, in connection with this a tradition arose - an infertile woman who managed to touch the musician’s bed will definitely be able to get pregnant.

Small but very interesting The Arawak Museum is also a must see. Very little evidence has reached us about the life and way of life of the indigenous population of the island.

Everything that was saved is in the museum. A huge collection of works by local artists is collected in the National Gallery in the Roy West Building, she is worthy of admiration, believe me.

Emancipation Park is not only a tourist attraction, but also a very beautiful and interesting place. Local residents prefer to spend weekends and picnics here.

On the territory of the park there is an interesting botanical garden. You can admire the beautiful fountains and see the infamous sculpture “Song of Deliverance”.

Video tour of Jamaica

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After your trip to Kingston, you will have something to tell your friends about. Here you won’t be able to wander through ancient ruins or spend days exploring museums with an audio guide at the ready (although you will find several interesting museums in the capital of Jamaica). Moreover, Kingston is not even the most popular beach resort in the country. The city attracts thrill-seekers, it has a bad reputation, but it’s still worth getting to know Kingston. From here you will take away a whole bag of impressions and, of course, a beautiful tan.

How to get there

On the long spit connecting Port Royal and Kingston is the Norman Manley International Airport, from here to the center of the capital of Jamaica - 20 km. Flights from Russia with connections in Europe or the USA fly to Kingston regularly. Not far from downtown there is a smaller airport - Kingston Tinson Pen. It receives flights from Montego Bay (Jamaica Air Shuttle 14-seat aircraft)

Minibuses and buses No. 98 run between the main international airport and the city. The fare for one person is 100 JMD, a taxi will cost approximately 1500 JMD. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

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There are more than ten banks located on Knutsford Boulevard. They are open from Monday to Thursday, from 9:00 to 14:00, and on Friday, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00. Almost all banks have currency exchange offices and ATMs that operate 24 hours a day.

Be careful in Kingston

Kingston has a reputation as a dangerous city; the crime rate here is quite high. You should not visit Kingston during elections, when the situation is particularly tense. Avoid West Kingston, stick to the city center, main roads. At the hotel front desk, you can ask the manager which areas are the most dangerous. You shouldn't walk around the city alone at night.

Maps of Kingston


Buses and minibuses run around the city. They only stop at official stops, so you can't just "catch" a minibus in Kingston. Opening hours of public transport: 5:00-22:00. The fare is 50-80 JMD.

It is easy to get a taxi in the city, except when it rains and the demand for them increases sharply. It is best to order a taxi at the hotel, then there will be no doubt that a trusted driver will take you. A trip from New Kingston to the city center will cost approximately 500 JMD.

From Kingston you can get to anywhere on the island by bus, minibus or minibus.

From Kingston you can get to anywhere on the island by bus, minibus or minibus. They depart from a terminal downtown (Beckford & Pechon Sts), five blocks west of William Grant Park.

Several buses also depart from the Half Way Tree area, and you can catch a local bus from here to New Kingston. Before boarding the bus, check with the driver where he is going.

Rent a Car

The largest and most popular car rental company is Island Car Rentals. Its main office is located in New Kingston, at 17 Antigua Avenue. The company has a branch at Manly International Airport. Other companies: Avis, Budget and Hertz.

Of course, to rent a car, you must be over 23 years old and have an international driving license.


There are many small shops in Kingston where you can buy natural soap. Half Way Tree Shoppingcentr sells Bob Marley T-shirts and CDs. The Sovereign Center shopping complex is located at the junction of Hope Road and Barbican Road and has a variety of convenience stores, as well as a grocery supermarket and a cafeteria for snacks.

Cuisine and restaurants of Kingston

Kingston is not the place to indulge in fine dining and discover new flavours. You will have to eat here mainly fast food. Eateries such as KFC, Burger King, T.G.I. Fridays and Island Grill fit perfectly into the city's atmosphere. On the territory of Devon House there is an ice cream parlor and a bakery, where you can also stop by.

Entertainment and attractions in Kingston

The main attraction of Kingston is Devon House - this is the home of Jamaica's first black millionaire, George Stiebel. There is a beautiful park in front of the house. For a change, you can go to the Caymanos Park Hippodrome, where horse racing is held on weekends.

Knutsford Boulevard has many bars and discos that are open at night.

Kingston Museums

The Bob Marley Museum is open from Monday to Saturday. The tour lasts one hour, including a 20-minute film. The National Gallery of Jamaica introduces masterpieces of island creativity; it is the second most popular museum in the country. The small Arawak Museum (or Taino Museum) houses artifacts about Jamaica's original inhabitants, the Arawak (or Taino) Indians.

Belongs to the Canadian province of Ontario and is located on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario, namely in the place where it flows into the local river named after St. Lawrence. Very close by is a mountain range of the archipelago called the Thousand Islands.

About 117 thousand people live in the city, and if we take into account the suburbs, then about 153 thousand people. Local residents call it “Limestone City”, which in translation is interpreted as: “made of limestone”. This is easy to explain, since many buildings here are built from this building material. The central part visually looks like a peninsula, washed by the waters of Lake Ontario from the south, and from the west and east, respectively, by the waters of the Cataraqui and Little Cataraqui rivers.

It is equidistant from the cities and, we can say that it is located exactly in the middle between these cities and is located at the intersection of the three main transport routes of central Canada. In this case, we are talking about the Saint Lawrence Seaway, Ontario Highway 401 and the Canadian National Railway. In addition, an important transport facility is the local Norman Rogers Airport, which provides regular air service to Canada. Such comfort from a transportation point of view is very relevant, since Kingston is home to two famous universities: Queen's University and the Royal Military College of Canada, as well as St. Lawrence College.

Among these educational institutions, perhaps the palm in popularity belongs to Queen's University, since the oldest radio station in the world, CFRC, which has been operating for many decades, is located on its territory. In terms of social significance for the country, the city also has significant resources, since it is here that it operates the largest group of federal prisons, including Kingston Penitentiary, Canada's most notorious correctional facility.

The city of Kingston serves as the county seat of Frontenac County. It is known from the history of the city that in the 17th century there was an Indian settlement on these lands, and specifically in 1673, La Salle founded Fort Frontenac here. In addition, it is worth noting that in the period 1841-1844, Kingston had to play the role of the capital of a united Canada.

Kingston is a large, stunning city that gives a lot of pleasure and impressions to all tourists who visit it. It's full of interesting places, hotels, restaurants and clubs. This city has the reputation of being dangerous and the most vibrant in the country. Kingston is the capital of Jamaica and at the same time the largest. It also contains. Let's find out in more detail what the capital of Jamaica is like.

Location and road to the city

You will find the city of Kingston in Jamaica near the sandy spit of the Caribbean Sea. It is located just 20 km from it. It receives both foreign and domestic flights every day, while being one of the leaders in the flow of people in the country. You can get a direct flight to Kingston Airport any day from Moscow, the USA and Europe.

Near Kingston there is another small domestic airport, Kingston Tinson Pen, which can be reached by plane from Montego Bay.

From any of the above-mentioned airports, you can get to the capital of Jamaica by bus or taxi, which will always be waiting for you at the entrance.

Traffic in the capital

Kingston has a very well developed transport infrastructure. From the capital you can get to anywhere on the island by bus or plane. Buses, minibuses and taxis constantly run in the city itself. Public transport picks up passengers exclusively at official stops, so do not waste time trying to “catch” it outside of specially designated places. Buses run from 5.00 to 22.00.

The city of Kingston is divided into two parts: New Kingston and the old city. These zones have a lot of distinctive objects. Buses marked Beckford (longest routes) will help you get from one part of the city to another.

Kingston is famous in Jamaica for its ports. It is a port center for the clothing and food industries. Unfortunately, the large port of Kingston does not accept passenger ships, but is designed exclusively for the export and import of goods.

Climate and weather

The island of sunny Jamaica is always hot thanks to the tropical climate that prevails on its territory. The city of Kingston also belongs to this climate zone. When compared with other tropical countries, it can be noted that the weather conditions are quite moderate. In Kingston, Jamaica, the weather enjoys sunny rays all year round, the air temperature reaches an average of +28°C, and in the cold months (September-November) it drops by only three degrees. Cyclones and torrential downpours in Kingston begin in January and last until April. The most suitable months for tourist holidays in the capital are July and August.

What to see?

The large and wonderful city of Kingston in Jamaica is always lively. Here you can get a sea of ​​vivid impressions, learn the history of these places, touch the beauty, or just have a blast with a big, cheerful group. Kingston really has something to be proud of and boast about.

In the spring, Kingston hosts a grand carnival, which people come to watch (or participate in) from all over the island. The city has many clubs and discos that constantly play reggae tunes. These places will undoubtedly appeal to lovers of bright and noisy parties. By the way, parties in (from December to May) are held almost every day on the beaches of Kingston.

Among the educational, historical attractions of Kingston, it is worth noting the following: the Geology Museum, St. Catherine's Cathedral, the Royal House, the Charles Maritime Museum and. By visiting the above-mentioned places, you will be able to get acquainted with many facts, touch the great history and make a lot of discoveries.

The city of Kingston has become famous in Jamaica for its magnificent natural areas. You can admire them by visiting the beautiful Royal Botanic Gardens, Rockford Mineral Springs or hiking to the top.

Where to stay?

The large, sunny capital of Jamaica is always ready to receive its guests at the highest level. During vacation, naturally, the issue of accommodation becomes one of the most important. In Kingston, this task is solved quite quickly and easily, because there are a lot of places where you can stay at any time of the day. It is full of luxury hotels, elegant hotels, luxurious villas, apartments, etc. The choice of one type of accommodation or another is a matter of taste, but you can be sure that in the capital you will find the ideal option for you and your family. The best and most popular hotels in Kingston among tourists are:

  1. All Suites Whitney Manor 5* is a luxurious apart-hotel located in the building of a medieval mansion. Located on the outskirts of Kingston.
  2. Terra Nova All Suite Hotel 5* is a representative of the global giant hotel chain. Located near Devon House.
  3. Spanish Court Hotel 5* is a luxurious hotel located in the New Kingston area.
  4. Eden Gardens Wellness Resort&SPA 4* is a wonderful SPA hotel located near the Kingston coastline.
  5. Hill Top Kingstone Jamaica 4* is an excellent hotel in Kingston, which you will find in the mountainous part of the city.

Restaurants and cafeterias

In Kingston establishments you can not only taste delicious dishes, but also spend a pleasant evening in a warm atmosphere. This magnificent city has many bars, restaurants, pubs, pizzerias, cafeterias, etc. In it you will find dishes of different nationalities (Chinese, American, French, Italian). Naturally, in all establishments they monitor the quality of products, and the staff tries to please everyone. The best establishments that you simply must visit if you are in Kingston are:

  • Blue Window Restaurant – restaurant serving Jamaican and Caribbean cuisine;
  • Alexander’s Restaurant is a wonderful establishment where you can taste national cuisine;
  • Dragon Palace - a wonderful Asian establishment in the city center;
  • The Melting Pot Restaurant and Lounge is the ideal place for a romantic dinner, serving ethnic cuisine;
  • Grosvenor Café is the best cafe in the city center.

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