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The most mysterious places on earth, where you shouldn’t go, but really want to. The most mystical places on earth The most mystical places

On our planet, along with modern, technologically and industrially developed megacities, there are many places created by ancient masters or nature itself.

Each such attraction has its own legend and, naturally, is silent about a lot of things. Mysterious places raise a huge number of questions among scientists, confusing them with anomalous phenomena and the unknown.

1. Devils Tower, USA

The so-called Devil's Tower is actually a natural rock of amazingly regular shape and consists of columns with sharp corners. This truly mysterious place, which, according to research, is more than 200 million years old, is located in the USA, in the territory of the modern state of Wyoming.

In size, the Devil's Tower is several times larger than the Cheops Pyramid and from the outside resembles a man-made structure. Thanks to its unrealistic size and unnaturally correct configuration, the rock has become the object of attention of many scientists, and local residents claim that Satan himself built it.

2. Cahokia Mounds, USA

Cahokia or Cahokia is an abandoned Indian city, the ruins of which are located near Illinois, USA. This place is reminiscent of how ancient civilizations lived, and its complex structure proves that this area was inhabited by a highly developed people 1500 years ago. The ancient city is striking in its scale; a network of terraces and 30-meter earthen mounds, as well as a huge solar calendar, have been preserved on its territory.

It is still unknown why a society of almost 40 thousand people left their settlement, and which Indian tribes are direct descendants of the Cahokians. Despite this, the Cahokia mounds are a favorite place for many tourists who come here in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the ancient city.

3. Chawinda, Mexico

This mystical place, according to Aboriginal beliefs, is the center of intersection of the real and other worlds. That is why incredible things happen here that are difficult for modern people to understand.

Chawinda is of interest to many treasure hunters, because according to legend, this area hides unprecedented wealth. Unfortunately, no one has yet managed to find the treasure. Would-be treasure hunters often attribute their failures to otherworldly forces.

4. Newgrange, Ireland

Newgrange is the oldest building on the territory of modern Ireland, it is already about 5 thousand years old. It is believed that this long corridor with a transverse room is a grave, but scientists have not yet been able to determine for whom.

It is still unknown how ancient people were able to build such a perfect structure, which for five thousand years was not only lucky enough to survive, maintaining its primitive appearance, but also to remain completely waterproof.

5. Pyramids of Yonaguni, Japan

Mysterious underwater pyramids near the western Japanese island of Yonaguni are causing a lot of controversy among modern archaeologists and surveyors. The main question is whether the structures are a natural phenomenon, or whether they were created by the hand of an ancient man.

In the course of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the age of the Yonaguni pyramids is more than 10 thousand years. Therefore, if the Yonagun monuments created mysterious civilizations unknown to us, then the history of mankind should be rewritten.

Mysterious civilization. Underwater cities of Yonaguni

6. Geoglyphs of Nazca, Peru

The Nazca geoglyphs in Peru are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. They were discovered in the middle of the last century and are still actively discussed by scientists who cannot say unambiguously what the ancient people wanted to express with these giant drawings of animals and for what purpose were they used?

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ask the creators, but scientists offer 2 main versions: some, leaning towards the cosmic theory of the origin of geoglyphs, believe that they are landmarks for alien ships, others claim that these are giant lunar calendars. In any case, the Nazca rock paintings are proof of the existence on the territory of modern Peru of an ancient and mysterious civilization that lived here long before the famous Incas and was distinguished by a high level of development.

7. Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Black Bamboo Hollow or Heizhu is perhaps the most terrible place on Earth. Local residents have nicknamed it the Valley of Death, and they do not even want to get close to it at any cost. Just the memory of the ravine fills them with great horror.

They say that children and pets disappear here without a trace, and there is a lot of documentary evidence of this. Scientists have been interested in the hollow of black bamboo for decades; they have been able to prove that the valley in the Chinese province of Sichuan is an anomalous area with a harsh climate and sharply changing weather conditions, which together provoke soil subsidence, which, according to scientists, is the cause of missing people .

8. Giant's Causeway, Ireland

The Giant's Causeway, or Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland is an amazing coastal area formed many centuries ago as a result of a volcanic eruption. It consists of approximately 40 thousand basalt columns that look like giant steps.

The natural attraction is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This place deserves admiration, which is why more than one thousand tourists from all over the world visit it every year.

9. Goseck Circle, Germany

The Goseck Circle is an ancient Neolithic structure in the German district of Burgenlandkreis. The circle was accidentally discovered in the early 90s of the last century while surveying the area from an airplane.

The original appearance of the building was restored only after complete reconstruction. Scientists have little doubt that the Goseck Circle was used for astronomical observations and calendaring. This proves that our ancestors also studied cosmic bodies, their movements and kept track of time.

10. Moai monuments on Easter Island

Easter Island is famous throughout the world for the giant Moai statues located throughout its territory. Each such megalithic figure is a large monument created by the masters of an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano Rano Raraku.

In total, about 1,000 remains of such man-made monuments were discovered on the island. Most have already gone under water.

Today, the vast majority of the statues are once again placed on platforms facing the ocean, from where they continue to greet visitors to the island and remind of the former power of the ancient people who inhabited these spaces.

Easter Island - Moai Message

11. Georgia Tablets, USA

The Georgia Tablets are 20-ton polished granite slabs with inscriptions in eight of the world's most famous languages. The inscriptions represent commandments for future generations on how to rebuild civilization after a global cataclysm. The monument was erected in 1979, the customer is listed in the documents under the name Robert C. Christian.

The height of the monumental structure is just over six meters, and the slabs are oriented towards the four sides of the world and have holes. In one of them you can see the North Star at any time of the year, in the second - the Sun during the solstice and equinox. Several years ago, the monument was vandalized and was damaged by paint, which has not yet been removed.

12. Rishat (Eye of the Sahara). Mauritania

On the territory of modern Mauritania, the largest desert in the world hides an amazing natural phenomenon of the Proterozoic period, whose name is Richat or the Eye of the Sahara.

This object is incredibly huge (up to 50 kilometers in diameter), so it can be seen even from space. The structure consists of several ellipsoidal rings formed by sedimentary rocks and sandstones about 500 million years ago.

13. “Gateway to Hell” – Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan

In the Turkmen Karakum desert there is the Darvaza gas crater, which in appearance resembles a gate to hell. This fire pit, about 60 meters in diameter and up to 20 meters deep, is the result of excavations carried out here during the Soviet Union.

During such geological research, a group of scientists discovered an underground cavern with natural gas, which almost led to the death of a huge number of people. Therefore, the management decided to set fire to the gas so that it would not threaten local residents. But the fire, which was supposed to burn for no more than 5 days, is still burning, bringing fear to everyone who approaches it.

Brave people are ready to take selfies at the Gates of Hell

14. Arkaim, Russia

Arkaim is an ancient settlement, reminiscent of ancient civilizations, which was discovered several decades ago in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. It is believed that this landmark of Russia is the birthplace of the ancient Aryans, who gave rise to European, Persian and Indian civilizations.

Arkaim is not only a unique architectural monument with a thousand-year history, but also a place of concentration of healing energy flows that can save a person from any disease.

15. Stonehenge, England

English Stonehenge is a real place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. It attracts with its mystery, legends and mystical beginnings. Stonehenge is a megalithic structure up to one hundred meters in diameter, which is located on Salisbury Plain. Territory of mysteries. Stonehenge

16. Loch Ness, Scotland

Loch Ness in Scotland is one of the deepest lakes on the European continent. It hides many mysteries. Eyewitnesses claim that a prehistoric animal named Nessie lives in the lake, which in appearance resembles a plesiosaur (a type of dinosaur that went extinct about 65 million years ago).

To date, scientists have not been able to obtain evidence of the existence of the Loch Ness monster, but photographs of it taken by Nessie hunters periodically appear in the press.

Is this a photo montage or not? Experts are engaged in clarifying such issues.

17. Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is the mystery of human lives tragically cut short under unclear circumstances. It is located in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Modern history includes about a hundred mystical disappearances of people, planes and even ships in this anomalous zone. Here, equipment periodically fails, aircraft simply disappear from radar in clear, calm weather, and ships go off course. At the same time, it is not possible to find any evidence of the crash of the latter: no wreckage, no sunken parts of the ships.

18. Egyptian pyramids, Giza Valley, Egypt

One of the 7 wonders of the world, the Egyptian pyramids are majestic and mysterious structures with a thousand-year history. Currently, this is one of the main attractions in the world, which millions of tourists want to see. The mystery of the construction of the pyramids, as well as their history, purpose and durability, is the subject of debate among more than a dozen scientists.

There have always been discussions around the existence of pyramids, based both on real facts and on myths and legends. One thing is certain, the pyramids in Giza are proof of the greatness and power of the pharaonic empire, which lasted for hundreds of years and left a significant imprint on the entire history of mankind.

On our beautiful planet, there are places that evoke mystical horror. Many of them are the activities of man himself, like abandoned cities and accident zones, but even more of them were created by nature itself. Travel companies offer trips to both places, because man is designed in such a way that he is attracted not only by everything beautiful and interesting, but also by everything scary and mysterious.

The most terrible places on planet Earth

Manchac Swamp

Such a swamp is located in the American state of Louisiana. An abandoned place with a huge number of alligators, twisted and rotten trees. It emanates mysticism, many tourists see ghosts, guides explain this by the fact that many slaves who once fled from their masters found their death in the swamp. In 1915, a terrible hurricane swept through here, which added more casualties - several villages along with people and animals were washed into the swamp. That's why the swamp is called the place of ghosts. It's especially creepy there at night.

Suicide Forest in Japan

At the foot of the famous Mount Fuji lies the dense Aokigahara forest, which attracts suicides. But the fact is that since ancient times this forest was considered the “place of residence” of ghosts, and sick and infirm people were brought here to certain death. These were mostly old people, children and disabled people. Yes, the morals then were such that if a person cannot feed himself, then his place is precisely in this quiet and gloomy forest, full of dark rocky caves. The forest is literally saturated with dark energy, affecting the suffering of the people abandoned here. It’s not for nothing that people who want to commit suicide choose this place.

Not many tourists take the risk of seeing the Aokigahara forest; mostly suicides and rescuers come there to try to find them and talk them out of their fatal mistake. They also install signs with inscriptions about the value of life and loved ones left at home. But it seems that this stops few, since every year more than a hundred corpses are found in the forest, which the looters have already managed to search. And since it is very easy to get lost in the forest, the corpses of marauders are also added to the suicides.

Chernobyl Ukraine

Here the human factor played a tragic role. In 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant site. Within two days, the city of Pripyat and the settlements adjacent to the station were urgently evacuated. People were sure that they were leaving their homes for several days, so they left not only their acquired property, but also their animals. Today, the radiation level has decreased significantly and short excursions are held in the exclusion zone. Tourists are invited to examine the sarcophagus and walk along the streets of the abandoned city. A very painful impression is left by hastily abandoned residential buildings with children's toys, empty kindergartens and schools, to which people will return for a long time, or perhaps never.

Danakil Desert

This is the Ethiopian desert, which is also called “Hell on Earth”. It received this name because of its strange landscape, similar to that of Mars. All this is aggravated by a lack of oxygen, the fetid smell of saturated gases, and scalding air. They are born from the boiling earth and melting stones underfoot. Traveling in fifty-degree heat, suddenly awakening mini-volcanoes, harmful sulfur fumes, warring semi-wild tribes - all this is a great health hazard for thrill-seekers. But this does not stop many, because the African Danakil desert is very beautiful and mysterious.

Babi Yar

Another terrible place in Ukraine due to its tragic events is the Babi Yar tract. Here, during the Second World War, mass executions of the Jewish population of Kyiv were carried out. The German occupiers herded Jews, Gypsies and those who sheltered them here and, according to eyewitnesses of those events, the executions did not stop for several months. Historians claim that more than one hundred thousand people died here. Those tragic events left their mark on the entire area.

Today there is a memorial “Menorah at Babi Yar” and many monuments with a variety of inscriptions. So the site was immortalized in memory of all the innocent victims.

Hell Gate

In 1971, after an accident on a Soviet drilling rig, a 100-meter wide fault was left in Turkmenistan. Gases began to emerge from the crack, which it was decided to set on fire. But no one could calculate their number, and since then a fire has been raging in the well. It can be seen for many kilometers and, it seems, will burn there for a very long time.

Island of Abandoned Dolls

In Mexico, among the many islands, only one is marked with a terrible feature - the Island of the Dolls (La Isla de las Muñecas), the territory of which is hung with forgotten or thrown into the trash dolls. It all started with the death of a girl who drowned in one of the island’s ponds. The guy who witnessed this tragedy kept the doll of the drowned child and hung it on a tree, supposedly in memory of the deceased. Since then, he has constantly found discarded dolls and brought them to the island, and in 2011 he himself drowned in the same lake, shortly before becoming a hermit and the only inhabitant of the island. The toys are mostly broken and mutilated, which is why an eerie and ominous atmosphere reigns throughout the island.

Catacombs of the Capuchins

In the Italian city of Palermo there are catacombs with the mummified remains of about five thousand monks. The last burial here dates back to 1990. Since then, the catacombs have been open to tourists.

Overtown Bridge

The Arch Bridge near the Scottish city of Glasgow became famous not because of its beauty, but because of the strange suicide of dogs that began in the mid-20th century. The mysticism is that every month on the same day dogs jumped from a fifteen-meter bridge. Under the bridge there is a waterfall site with many stones, so almost all the animals died. Those who survived again climbed the bridge and jumped from it.

The Scots explain this behavior of dogs with a legend about how a father threw his son off this bridge and now the ghost of the child calls the dogs to him on the very day he drowned. Most likely, only dogs see the boy’s ghost and rush to his aid.

Scientists explain the fact of the suicide of dogs by the fact that they are all hunting breeds and, walking across the bridge, they see and smell the minks living under the bridge, and just like that, obeying instinct, they die. But there are skeptics who refute this theory, saying that dogs jump from the bridge on a certain day, and not spontaneously. The question remains open, although more and more new versions of strange animal behavior are constantly emerging. One of which, absolutely incredible, is the opening of a portal site to other worlds. But there is still no solution, and the dogs continue to die.

Paris catacombs

Unlike the Italian catacombs, the Parisian ones are much larger and famous throughout the world. They are a chain of winding tunnels with many caves and descents. The length of the catacombs is about 300 kilometers, they pass under the whole of Paris. According to experts, more than 6 million people are buried here.

Despite the fact that such places have a negative impact on people, hundreds of tourists visit such creepy places in search of thrills.

The world around us is full of picturesque corners, amazing with beauty, purity, and uniqueness. In addition to familiar territories, there are many mysterious areas on Earth with fantastic landscapes. The article will introduce the reader to the most incredible places on the planet.

The geological monument Manpupuner is located in the Komi Republic and consists of 7 stone giants, 30 – 42 m high. Mansi “boobs” are formed due to weathering and washing out of rocks. The plain has an atypical position. In June, on the southern side there is flowering of plants, and on the northern side there is snow that does not melt until August.

In ancient times, shamans performed rituals near the pillars and believed that spirits lived on the plateau. According to visitors, the sculptures convey a calm energy. To preserve the reserve, the number of visits has been reduced to 4 times a month.

The underground cavity of New Zealand was found in 1887 by an English explorer. The cave complex also includes: Gardner's Rath, Ruakuri, Aranui. Features of the attraction are limestone deposits and fireflies.

The bluish-green glow is emitted by insects. Scientists have suggested that the bugs glow when they are hungry, luring prey into a trap. When tiny creatures are frightened by loud sounds and careless movements, complete darkness sets in.

The Mexican curiosity was accidentally discovered in 2002 by miner brothers while studying a drained passage in the shaft of a silver-lead mine. The 300-meter deepening contains crystalline growths of selenite. The layers are razor-sharp, some resembling shark mouths and candles, the largest of which weighs 55 tons.

Liquid is pumped out of the cave to avoid flooding. The elevated temperature of +58 °C makes it difficult to do other work. The Nike project protects the object from negative factors, the data is quickly recorded, because the crystals are destroyed in air.

The popular American valley consists of an upper gorge and a lower spiral. The appearance of smooth, orange-red walls was influenced by water and wind. The area belongs to the Navajo tribe, so there is a fee for guide services. It is not safe to visit during the rainy season, and a flash flood in 1997 resulted in the death of 11 tourists. The last flood happened in 2006, then the park was closed for 5 months.


The location was used for filming the video clip of Britney Spears “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman.”

On the Japanese island of Kyushu there is a hot spring nicknamed “demonic”. There are 9 of these in the city of Beppu, but only 7 are open to tourists. The frightening scarlet color of the reservoir is due to the high iron content. In addition, boiling water is released every 35 - 40 minutes. Swimming is not allowed here; those interested are offered special medicinal baths.


Some aborigines like to tell a legend that sinners are boiled in a pond.

The "Eye of the Sahara" is located in the southwestern part of the desert. It is assumed that relief formation began in the Proterozoic and ended in the early Paleozoic. The structure with a diameter of 50 km is complemented by concentric circles, visible even from space. The reason for this silhouette is still unknown; the “culprit” was considered to be an impacting meteorite. Modern geologists admit the effects of erosion.

The lake benefits space exploration by being a suitable tool for testing and calibrating instruments on satellites. The extraction of salt has not stopped to this day; there are 10 billion deposits. City residents build hotels using salt blocks, where travelers find lodging for the night.

Canada's endorheic reservoir contains an abnormal concentration of minerals. The composition includes: magnesium, sodium, titanium, silver sulfates. In summer, evaporation occurs, and spots of green and blue shades are visible at the top. If the temperature rises to 43° C, 365 water accumulations appear on the surface.

The Okanagan Indian people use Kliluk mud for ailments. During the First World War, local minerals were selected for the manufacture of ammunition. Spotted Lake water is not suitable for drinking, swimming, and fish do not live in it.

The natural ice labyrinth, which arose 100 million years ago, belongs to Austria. Its length is 42 km, depth 407 m. The discoverer is the Austrian von Posselt-Kzorich, who walked 200 m of the path. The dungeon is visited by 150 thousand guests every year, and people are given carbide lamps on excursions. In winter, the entrance is closed to prevent avalanches.

Horsetail is the pride of the California State Park. The waterfall is characterized by a unique phenomenon that occurs in February. The rays of the setting sun are reflected in the falling stream and Horstail looks on fire for two minutes. Tourists feel as if hot lava is flowing out of the rock.


In the past, hotel workers threw hot coals off the cliff to simulate a blazing effect, until security banned such an act.

Glowing Beach

Vaadhoo Island has a stunning stretch of coastline. At night, blue lights light up on it, but there is no mystical overtone to what is happening. Phytoplankton living in the ocean are stressed by the presence of people and crashing waves, resulting in a neon glow.

Colored rocks are a landscape formation in the Chinese province of Gansu. Appeared after weathering, shifting of the earth's crust and mineral deposits. The growth of the mountains has not completely ended; over the course of every 10 thousand years, the slopes increase by 0.9 m. Travel through the protected area is allowed only as part of a bus trip. In 2010, the geopark was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

A mysterious area of ​​taiga was spotted near the village of Karamyshevo in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Researchers thought that the anomalous zone originated from the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. But there were no clear answers. The charred lawn was periodically covered with animal corpses. Eyewitnesses who accidentally came to the “Glade of Death” spoke of hallucinations and a feeling of insane fear.

Shilin is a placer of vertical limestone occupying the space of the Chinese outback of Yunnan. Previously, there was a sea and sedimentary rocks here. The exact age of the boulders is not known; scientists put the figure at 270 million years. Asians annually hold a torchlight festival in the “thicket” with the performance of rituals.


Some stone pillars received interesting names, for example, “wife waiting for her husband”, “rhinoceros”, “camel with three humps”.

Belongs to the territory of the state of Yemen, from the Sanskrit language it means “happiness”. Scientists believe that Socotra separated from the African mainland 6 million years ago and remained isolated. The mountainous terrain and arid climate have preserved rare species of animals and plants. Among them are: sunbird, cucumber and dragon tree, desert rose. Once here, you can be transported to the prehistoric era, only without dinosaurs.

The Danes called the junction of two bodies of water the end of the world. Different composition, salinity and density prevent mixing, which was once proven by the French researcher Jacques Yves Cousteau. The merging effect is created by waves running into each other.

The Table Mountains belong to the region of Venezuela. The natural monument was formed after the plateau fractured, then rocks 2 km high appeared. Each of the mountains stands isolated; ancient examples of flora on them have survived. An expedition carried out in the 60s revealed relict remains of animals. After scientists found a strange laboratory, they assumed that it belonged to an alien.

A landmark of the Hawaiian Islands that gained popularity after the film “Jurassic Park.” The wettest part of the world receives 11,680 mm of precipitation annually. Water flows from the slopes of the extinct Waialeale volcano, forming streams called the “Weeping Wall”. The difficult-to-reach area is not suitable for walking; people arrive here by helicopter.

The volcano of the Ethiopian Danakil Hollow is the lowest on the globe. The local landscape is colorful, as geysers wash away manganese, potassium, and iron salts. The last time a mountain with a crater erupted was in 1926. A lake with a purple-yellow color formed nearby. Despite the amazing landscape, the air is radioactive, with harmful fumes.

The hydraulic structure was built in the state of California, despite the dissatisfaction of residents. The design of the spillway resembles a giant funnel, allowing 1,370 m3 of liquid to pass through per second. During the rainy season, Lake Berryessa experiences a huge sinkhole. Swimming near the hole is prohibited; special fences have been installed for protection.

In Antarctica there is a glacier along which a scarlet stream flows. The original phenomenon was discovered by Australian geologist Taylor. The red substance is highly salty water with microorganisms accumulated under a block of ice. Once on the surface, the moisture is saturated with oxygen and looks like human blood.

The sandstone ridge extends across the Colorado highlands. 200 million years ago there was a desert with dunes, which later became rocks. The mountain structure has been ground by precipitation and is distinguished by expressive patterns. The thin white stripes on the outside are calcite.

The symbol of the American Yellowstone Park is 49 m deep and looks like an eye. Hunters were the first to notice the “boiling lake” in 1839. Its temperature is 70°C, its length is 50 meters. The color changes from orange-red to green, caused by minerals and thermophilic bacteria.

The thermal spring of Nevada was created by people during the construction of a well. In the 60s, liquid came to the surface and salts dissolved. Algae, cyanide, and calcium carbonate give the geyser its colorful shades.

The geyser consists of:

  • Three fountains of hot water, shooting up 1.5 m;
  • Elevations formed with the help of solid minerals;
  • Horizontal and slightly inclined platforms.

From Turkish it means "Cotton Castle". The water cascades flowing down are saturated with magnesium and bicarbonate. Over the centuries, terraced baths have been formed, the likes of which have no analogues anywhere. The healing properties of the pool reduce tension, improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and cleanse the skin.

Sagano Grove, with an area of ​​1600 hectares, belongs to the Japanese city of Kyoto. The protected area was created by the monk and gardener Soseki. Shoots of the “Moso” species reach 20 meters in height in a month. The alley is characterized by the sound that arises from the contact of the wind with the bamboo stems. Nearby, residents sell souvenirs, including dishes and baskets.

It is part of the Arctic Ocean archipelago. Spherical stones are scattered across the area, as if growing out of the ground. According to one theory, the boulders were washed with water into their characteristic shape. The second says that the stone roundness was created by an extraterrestrial civilization. And the Swiss writer Erich Däniken even suggested that the cobblestones were balls with which the gods played.

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The world is full of mysterious monuments created by ancient masters. These sites have been carefully studied by scientists, historians and archaeologists, but some of them are so ancient, unfinished or obscure that it is still not clear why they were built or what purpose they served. We have prepared a selection of “the most mysterious places on the planet” that still raise many questions, confusing researchers. Stories about each of these places separately have already been in our previous issues, so in the list we will refer to detailed topics. Following the links in the topic you will find a huge variety of interesting materials and photographs.

10. Let's start from tenth place - this is Cahokia Mounds.

Cahokia is the name given to an Indian settlement near Illinois, USA. Archaeologists believe that the city was founded in 650 AD and the complex structure of its buildings proves that it was once a highly developed, prosperous society. At its peak, Cahokia was home to 40,000 Indians, the most populous settlement in the Americas before the arrival of Europeans. Cahokia's main attraction is the earthen mounds, up to 100 feet high, on a 2,200-acre site. There is also a network of terraces throughout the city and it is believed that particularly important buildings, such as the ruler's house, were built on the uppermost terraces. During excavations, a wooden solar calendar called Woodhenge was found. The calendar played a vital role in the life of the community, both religious and astrological, marking the solstices and equinoxes.

9. Ninth place on the list - Newgrange

It is believed to be the oldest and most famous prehistoric structure in all of Ireland. Newgrange was built from earth, stone, timber and clay around 3100 BC, approximately 1000 years before the pyramids were built in Egypt. This structure consists of a long corridor that leads to a transverse chamber, which was probably used as a tomb. Newgrange's most distinctive feature is its precise and robust design, which has helped the structure remain completely waterproof to this day. Most amazingly, the entrance to the tomb is positioned relative to the sun in such a way that at the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the rays of the sun are directed through a small opening into a 60-foot passage, where they illuminate the floor of the central room of the monument.

Newgrange Mystery
Archaeologists suggest that Newgrange was used as a burial ground, but why and for whom is still a mystery. It is also difficult to determine how the ancient builders calculated the structure with such precision, and what role the sun occupied in their mythology. Scientists have never been able to determine the exact reason for the construction of Newgrange

8. In eighth place are underwater Pyramids of Yonaguni

Of all the famous monuments in Japan, perhaps none is more puzzling than Yonaguni, an underwater formation that lies just off the coast of the Ryuku Islands. The site was discovered in 1987 by a group of shark divers. The discovery instantly sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community. The monument is made up of a series of carved rock formations including massive platforms and huge stone pillars that lie at depths ranging from 5 to 40 meters. The most popular formation is called “turtle” due to its unique shape. The currents in this area are quite dangerous, but this has not stopped the Yonaguni Monument from becoming one of the most popular diving spots in all of Japan.

The Mystery of the Yonaguni Monument
The ongoing debate surrounding Yonaguni is based on one key question: is the monument a natural phenomenon, or man-made? Scientists have long argued that millennia of strong currents and erosion have carved the formation out of the ocean floor, and they point to the fact that the monument is a single piece of solid rock. Others point to the many straight edges, square corners and many formations of different shapes, proving that the monument is of artificial origin. If the proponents of artificial origin are right, then an even more interesting mystery arises: who built the Ionaguni Monument, and for what purpose?

The Nazca Geoglyphs are a series of lines and pictographs located on a dry plateau in the Nazca Desert, Peru. They cover an area of ​​approximately 50 miles, and were created between 200 BC and 700 AD by the Nazca Indians. The lines have managed to remain intact for hundreds of years thanks to the arid climate of the area, where rain and wind are very rare. Some of the lines span distances of 600 feet and depict a variety of subjects, from simple lines to insects and animals.

The Mystery of the Nazca Geoglyphs
Scientists know who made the Nazca Lines and how they did it, but they still don't know why. The most popular and reasonable hypothesis is that the lines must have figured in the religious beliefs of the Indians, and that they made these drawings as an offering to the gods who would be able to see them from heaven. Other scientists argue that the lines are evidence of the use of massive looms, and one researcher has even proposed the outlandish theory that the lines are the remains of ancient airfields used by a vanished, technologically advanced society.

6. Takes sixth place Goseck circle in Germany

One of the most mysterious sites in Germany is the Goseck Circle, a monument made of earth, gravel, and wooden palisades that is believed to be the earliest example of a primitive “solar observatory.” The circle consists of a series of circular ditches surrounded by palisade walls (which have since been restored). The monument is believed to have been built around 4900 BC by Neolithic peoples

The Mystery of the Goseck Circle
The precise and high-quality construction of the monument has led many scholars to believe that the Circle was built to serve as some primitive solar or lunar calendar, but its exact use is still a source of debate. According to evidence, the so-called “solar cult” was widespread in ancient Europe. This has led to speculation that the Circle was used in some kind of ritual, perhaps even a human sacrifice. This hypothesis has yet to be proven, but archaeologists have recovered several human bones, including a headless skeleton. You can read more about this place in the topic Goseck Circle

5. In fifth place is mysterious Sacsayhuaman– ancient fortress of the great Incas

Not far from the famous ancient city of Machu Picchu lies Sacsayhuaman, a strange complex of stone walls. The series of walls were assembled from massive 200 ton blocks of rock and limestone, and they were arranged in a zigzag pattern along the slope. The longest blocks are approximately 1000 feet in length, and each is approximately fifteen feet in height. The monument is in surprisingly good condition for its age, especially considering the area's proneness to earthquakes. Catacombs were found under the fortress, most likely leading to other structures in the Inca capital, the city of Cusco.

The Mystery of the Sacsayhuaman Fortress
Most scholars agree that Sacsayhuaman served as a kind of fortress. However, this issue remains quite controversial, since there are other theories, which can be found in the topic “Sacsayhuaman - a powerful Inca fortress.” Even more mysterious are the methods used to build the fortress. Like most Incan stone structures, Sacsayhuaman was built from large stones that fit together so perfectly that not even a piece of paper would fit between them. How the Indians managed to transport such heavy stones is still unknown.

4. Takes fourth place Easter Island off the coast of Chile

On Easter Island there are Moai monuments - a group of huge human statues. The moai were carved between approximately 1250 and 1500 AD by the island's earliest inhabitants, and are believed to depict human ancestors and local gods. The sculptures were carved and carved from tuff, a volcanic rock that is common on the island. Scientists have discovered that there were originally 887 statues, but years of fighting among the island's clans led to them being destroyed. Today, only 394 statues still stand, the largest of which is 30 feet tall and weighs over 70 tons.

The Mystery of Easter Island
Scholars have reached agreement on the reasons for the statues, but how the islanders made them is still a topic of debate. The average Moai weighs several tons, and scientists are unable to describe how the monuments were transported from Rano Raraku, where most were built, to various parts of Easter Island. In recent years, the most popular theory is that the builders used wooden sleds and blocks to move the Moai. This also answers the question of how such a green island became almost completely barren.

3. In third place are the Georgia Tablets.

While most sites have become mysteries over the millennia, the Georgia Tablets were a mystery from the start. The monument consists of four monolithic granite slabs that support a single cornice stone. The monument was created in 1979 by a man under the pseudonym R.C. Christian. The monument is oriented according to the cardinal directions; in some places there are holes pointing to the North Star and the Sun. But the most interesting thing is the inscriptions on the slabs, which are a guide for future generations who survived the global cataclysm. These inscriptions caused a lot of controversy and outrage, and the monument was desecrated several times.

The Mystery of the Georgia Tablets
Apart from many contradictions, very little is known about who built this Monument or what its true purpose was. R.C. Christian claimed that he represented an independent organization and had no contact with them after construction. Because the monument was built during the height of the Cold War, one popular theory about the group's intentions is that the Georgia Tablets were intended to serve as a textbook for those beginning to rebuild society after the nuclear Holocaust. More information about the inscriptions on the slabs can be found at the link above.

2. A list of mysteries has no right to exist if it does not include the Egyptian Pyramids - the most mysterious buildings of the past. In second place is the Great Sphinx at Giza

Incredibly, the Sphinx statue is carved from one solid piece of rock and is 240 feet long, 20 feet wide and 66 feet high. It is the largest monument of its kind in the world. Historians largely agree that the function of the Sphinxes was symbolic, since the statues were strategically placed around important structures such as temples, tombs, and pyramids. The Great Sphinx of Giza stands next to the pyramid of Pharaoh Khafre, and most archaeologists believe that it is his face that is depicted on this statue

1. First place - the most mysterious place on the planet - Stonehenge in England

Of all the famous monuments in the world, none is shrouded in such mystery as this one. The ancient monument has been causing debate among scientists, historians and researchers since the Middle Ages. Stonehenge is a stone megalithic structure 130 km southwest of London. In a circle along the outer shaft there are 56 small burial “Aubrey holes”, named after John Aubrey, who first described them in the 17th century. To the northeast of the entrance to the ring there was a huge, seven-meter high Heel Stone. Although Stonehenge looks very impressive, it is believed that its modern version is just a small remnant of a much larger monument that has been damaged over time.

The Mystery of Stonehenge
The monument became famous, puzzling even the most brilliant researchers. The Neolithic people who built the monument did not leave any written language, so scientists can only base their theories on the current structure and by analyzing it. This has led to speculation that the monument was created by foreigners, or that it was built by a highly developed society of technologically advanced superhumans. All craziness aside, the most common explanation is that Stonehenge served as a monument near burial sites. This is confirmed by several hundred burial mounds found nearby. Another theory suggests that the site was a place for spiritual healing and worship. Read more about this great and mysterious structure in the topic “Stonehenge. Shards of the past"

Our vast planet is full of places that impress with their unimaginable beauty and mystery. From time immemorial, people have always been attracted to themselves. There are so many places on Earth where unimaginable events occur, and there are such amazing creatures that impress not only ordinary tourists, but also scientists who have met many. Researchers are trying to find out more about what they see, but many questions remain unanswered, and mysterious mysteries remain unsolved.

Amazing buildings

The most mysterious and unexplored places are historical buildings, about which there are various rumors and legends. And no one knows a reliable answer to the question of where they came from and in what century BC. It is very interesting to get answers to these questions, but when will this be possible? Someday people will find answers to these mysterious questions.

To figure out exactly how many such places and buildings are on our planet, we can give a whole list of specific examples.


This is the very first and probably the most famous attraction that does not have reliable information about its origin. The place where this building is located is called Wiltshire, which is located in England. This monument of the world is considered the most mysterious. Around him, scientists and researchers make hundreds of assumptions that are not similar to each other. But, unfortunately, disputes do not move forward.

It is precisely because of its mystery that this building attracts people from all over the world.

This stone structure evokes a variety of fantasies. Movies were even filmed at this place. They say that this amazing miracle was created by extraordinary people with high development, who thus created a memorial place for those who died in their times. This theory - one of many - is confirmed by the fact that burials were actually found near this place.

Underwater pyramid of Yonaguni

This place is the most mysterious. From the name it is clear that it is located underground in water. Scientists have determined that this unusual building is approximately ten thousand years old. She is located in Japan. This place is especially memorable for those who love to scuba dive. It was a diver who found these pyramids about twenty years ago.

It is interesting that one of the walls of this monument has a sharp cliff that goes to a depth of about thirty meters. Some scientists suggest that this monument was at first an ordinary rock, but then it was transformed by people, and subsequently it acquired the appearance that it has now.

Nazca Lines

Still incomprehensible and surprising are the Nazca Lines, which are located in Peru, near the Nazca Desert. From above, these drawings look especially neat and resemble some kind of pictograms that could hardly have appeared on their own. The clarity of these lines is explained by the fact that their geographical location, which implies a constantly dry season, has preserved them in their proper, one might say, untouched form. In addition to lines, you can also see images of various animals and insects, as well as other objects.

This most mysterious place in the world has been the subject of many speculations by historians and archaeologists. They say that these amazing lines were created for religious ceremonies performed by the ancient Indians. Some believe that this is only evidence that huge looms were used in this place in the past.

New Grange Mound

No less mysterious is the mound, which is located near Ireland and is called New Grange. This mound above the ground has a diameter of 85 meters. And it reaches a height of about 11 meters. The most interesting thing about this mound is that although the roof is made of earth, which is overgrown with various grasses, the walls are not earthen, but stone, that is, made of quartz, which distinguishes this mound from all others and makes it unique.

They say that this building is about five thousand years old, of course, during this time the walls have collapsed a little, but they are neatly built. It is also very interesting to know exactly what this building looks like inside. Just entering inside, you can immediately find yourself in a long corridor that leads to a room located across.

This room consists of tall monoliths, holes in the walls, rings and other decorations carved into the walls, and a large stone bowl. Many people are surprised by what happens to the sun during the solstice in December. At this time, a thin ray of sun literally penetrates into this mound for a few minutes. The interesting thing is that the sun's ray does not penetrate through the entrance, but through a small hole that is located above the entrance.

These amazing places around the world indicate that our history was preceded by important events when someone unknown built these monuments. Now people just have to find out the real origin of these buildings.

But no less interesting are also places that no one created; they are so amazing that they simply lead to extraordinary admiration.

Beautiful and extraordinary places on Earth

There are many places on Earth where you can admire the beautiful, mesmerizing nature. It is in these places that the most incomprehensible and most inexplicable things happen. Here are just some examples of this.

Salar de Uyuni

When describing the most mysterious places on Earth, one cannot fail to mention the sky, which creates the impression of inversion. We can say that this is a natural mirror, which reaches ten thousand square meters in area.

There is a desert in Bolivia that is completely different from all the deserts that exist on Earth. What is its superiority and difference? This desert is unusual in that it contains many salt marshes. Therefore, we can say that it is not sandy, but salty. Surprisingly, there are also active volcanoes here, cacti grow here and there are geysers. It is truly huge in size. But when the rainy season comes, it becomes even more extraordinary than before. When it rains, here on the dry lake the water is practically not absorbed into the ground, but creates a giant mirror. Many people who have been there say that it feels like the sky has turned upside down.

The end of the world

The sea is considered one of the extraordinary places on our planet, namely the junction of two seas - the Baltic and the North. This place is located in Denmark, near the city of Skagen. Local residents called this place the end of the world, since the junction of these seas is so clearly visible that it seems that one world ends and another begins.

This miracle is explained by the fact that in the waters of these two seas there are two separate currents of different densities. Therefore, they do not mix, but create a separate border that is clearly visible.

Forest with crooked trees

Even more mysterious and inexplicable is a forest in which trees of unusual shapes grow. This forest is located in Poland. It did not grow on its own, but was planted before the Second World War in the thirties of the twentieth century.

This forest has about four hundred trees that have a bend in the trunk in one direction, it looks so synchronized and smooth that it is simply surprising. It is difficult to find a sensible explanation for such unimaginable growth of pine trees. We can say that this landmark in Poland is one of the most memorable, which is why the state carefully protects it. It also assigned the status of a nature reserve to the forest.

Sable Island

When considering the most mysterious places on the planet, it is important to mention the island, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean. Interestingly, its dimensions are 42 meters by one and a half meters. But this is not the only thing that is mysterious and amazing. What is more strange is that it is precisely near it that ships cannot sail normally. According to statistics, approximately seven hundred ships have already been shipwrecked.
This fact is explained by the fact that this island is not located in a very good place. Namely, at the intersection of two currents, cold and warm, the Labrador and Gulf Stream. These two different currents create constant strong storms near the island, which are characterized by heavy fog and high waves. For this reason, many sailors are simply unable to see the low, flat island, which is barely visible from under the water.

It is also interesting that this island has the ability to move. It has been observed that Sable in the ocean can move at a speed of two hundred meters per year. The surprising thing is that not a single island can move faster in the ocean, and the ocean floor itself moves only a few millimeters per year. Therefore it is also considered inexplicable.

It is also worth noting that the reason for this movement is that the island is under pressure from two sides. On one side the ocean erodes, and on the other side the current brings sand. Because of this, the island also not only changes its position, but also its size, sometimes growing, sometimes decreasing. It is because of this that ship captains cannot be one hundred percent sure where exactly this island is located, as well as what size it is.

Video about the most mysterious places in the world

These are the most mysterious places in the world. It's very interesting to learn about what's going on. When you notice how beautiful and mysterious everything is, unique feelings arise.

You can find out all the most unknown things on Earth and get to know them better not only by reading about it on the Internet, but also by visiting them in person. It is by seeing everything with your own eyes and trying it by touch that you can get an unforgettable experience.

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