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The Bosporus Strait is a stumbling block for great powers. The Bosphorus Strait on the world map - the strait between the black and marble seas - the strait between Europe and Asia What seas are connected by the Bosphorus Strait

The length of the Bosphorus is about 30 km, width from 0.7 to 6 km., and the length of the Dardanelles Strait is 65 kilometers and the width is from 1.3 to 3.7 km. The Bosphorus Strait connects the Black Sea with the Sea of ​​Marmara, and then through the Dardanelles with the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, so merchant ships, passenger liners and oil tankers regularly pass through the Bosphorus. Connecting Europe and Asia, Bosphorus moves desalinated-salty waters from the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea, and further to the Mediterranean. The Bosphorus is unique in many respects - it is an old river valley, which is flooded with sea water and has two oppositely directed currents: the desalinated upper and salty lower.

Bridges and tunnels across the Bosphorus

Bosphorus, is the meeting place of two continents - Europe and Asia. Bridges across the strait, the Eurasian Tunnel and the Marmaray railway tunnel under the Bosphorus, connect these two continents.

First Bridge across the Bosphorus Strait, connecting the European and Asian parts of Istanbul Bosphorus Bridge. The official opening of the bridge took place in 1973, on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic. The length of the bridge is 1560 meters, width 33, and the height of the roadway above the water is 64 meters. It is open to pedestrians only once a year - during the Istanbul Intercontinental Marathon. In 2016, the Bosphorus Bridge was renamed the “Bridge of July 15 Martyrs” in memory of those killed in the coup attempt.

Second bridge over the Bosphorus

Second Bridge (Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge), built on a place where the width of the strait is minimal (660 m). The official opening of the bridge took place in 1988, on the 535th anniversary of the conquest Istanbul. The length of the bridge is 1510 meters, the width is 39, and the height of the roadway above the water, like the first bridge, is 64 meters. Don't forget to look at the two Bosphorus. When dusk falls, they are illuminated by thousands of lamps, creating an even more romantic atmosphere.

Third Bosphorus Bridge

The bridge crosses the Bosphorus in its northern part, at the exit to the Black Sea. Construction of the structure began in May 2013, and the opening ceremony took place on August 26, 2016. The Third Strait Bridge is named after Sultan Yavuz Selim. The bridge has eight car lanes, four in each direction, and two railway lines between them. The total length of the bridge is 2164 meters, the length of the main span is 1408 meters. The height of the bridge is 322 meters, width – 59 meters.

Bosphorus underwater structures

Underwater railway tunnel "Marmaray"

The four-lane Marmaray underwater railway tunnel, whose construction began in 2004, was officially opened on October 29, 2013. The total length of the tunnel is 9.8 km, the length of the underwater part is 1.4 km, and the deepest section of the tunnel is 60 meters from the surface of the Bosphorus. The railway tunnel, with a total length of 13.6 km, is designed to transport 1.5 million passengers per day.

Eurasian tunnel

On December 20, 2016, the Eurasian Tunnel was officially opened in Istanbul. The total length of the tunnel is 5400 meters, of which 3340 meters lie under the Bosphorus. Together with the access roads, the total length of the tunnel is 14.6 kilometers, and the maximum depth is 106 meters. The tunnel is intended for the passage of cars and minibuses.

Main attractions of the Bosphorus

Population density on both banks Bosphorus high. Its waters are constantly plied by regular city transport ships (vapurs), pleasure boats, steamships with tourists, private yachts and large sea vessels. To see Istanbul on both sides of the strait, be sure to take a stroll on a pleasure boat along the Bosphorus or plan a route on regular city transport ships.

  • located on a small rocky island exactly where the strait connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara . Maiden's Tower is closer to the Asian coast .
  • Luxurious villas and amazing beauty Ottoman Sultans, and stand almost at the very water, reflected in its surface. Some once Ottoman palaces are now the most luxurious hotels on the Bosphorus. For example: Chiragan Palace and the Four Seasons at the Bosphorus Hotel
  • In the narrowest place of the Bosphorus, two fortresses stand opposite each other: and.

Istanbul hotels on the shores of the Bosphorus

Many have rooms or luxurious terraces overlooking the Bosphorus, but not many are located directly on the shore. Bosphorus hotels located on the banks of the strait are mainly in the Istanbul region Besiktas. These are the most expensive and most luxurious hotels where famous guests of Istanbul usually stay - presidents, sheikhs, movie stars and large businessmen.

On both sides of the strait you can find quite a wide variety of restaurants, both expensive ones, where you can usually meet show business stars, and ordinary eateries that will suit the wallet of any tourist. There are also many national restaurants where you can taste traditional Turkish cuisine. And what could be better than lunch on the restaurant terrace overlooking the Bosphorus, where you can taste a wide variety of dishes and drinks.

Bosphorus Photos

  • Bosphorus - the soul of Istanbul

It is under the jurisdiction of our neighbor - Turkey. It is a connecting link between Europe and Asia Minor. Connects the Black Sea with the Marmara Sea. And together with another strait - the Dardanelles - it connects the Black Sea with the Aegean Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean. The length of the strait is about 30 kilometers. Depth within 120 meters. The maximum width in the northern part is 3700 meters, the minimum is 700 meters. It also has another name - the Strait of Istanbul. For on both sides of it sprawls the Turkish city of Istanbul with almost thirteen million people. One of the most attractive metropolises, enjoying great popularity among both local and foreign tourists. More than fifty thousand large and small commercial and military ships pass through the strait every year.

Bosphorus - child of the world ocean Tethys

There was such an ocean with a surprisingly capacious and mysterious name back in the Mesozoic era - about a billion years ago. And it stretched between the then ancient continents of Gondwana and Laurasia. Constantly changed its shape. From the wide equatorial ocean of the Old World, then suddenly turning into a Gulf of the Pacific Ocean, then into the Atlanto-Indian Channel. Until it broke up into a series of seas. Of course, the use of the word “suddenly” in time is very extended: whole centuries passed before changes in its configuration became noticeable. And the picture changed due to various natural disasters. Now the world's oceans, as they say, have sunk into oblivion. And instead of it, the Mediterranean, Marmara, Black, Caspian and even Azov and other seas continuously roll their waters. By the way, all of them (except for the gray Caspian Sea) are connected by straits. So from the same Azov Sea through the Kerch Strait you can get to the Black Sea, then to the Mediterranean and so on, and ultimately end up in the Atlantic Ocean. But the Caspian Sea, which is also called a lake, has become an enclosed body of water.

Bosphorus - 7600 years old

Natural disasters, like the ways of the Lord God, are inscrutable. Before the Ice Age, the Istanbul Strait, especially the metropolis on both sides of it, did not exist in this world. True, the Mediterranean, Black, Marmara and the same Azov seas were already continuously rolling their waters. And the level of the Mediterranean rose and rose. Due to the melting of a huge mass of snow and ice. The waters simply became cramped in their bed. And they made their way through the rocks to the Black Sea. Some scientists believe that the ancient bed of a certain river helped in this. Whatever the reality, the strait appeared to the world as a race, 29.9 kilometers long, to be precise. The ancient Greeks called it the Frankish Bosphorus. But the Kerch Strait received the name of the Cimmerian Strait. By the way, the Bosphorus has two currents. The upper one, rushing from the Black Sea, is salty. The lower one - from the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea - is desalinated.

According to legend, the Bosphorus is the Cow Ford

And this strange name is associated with the daughter of the Argive king (and river deity Inach), who ruled Io in very distant times. From ancient mythology it is known how much love the main God of Olympus, the thunderer Zeus, would have. So he fell head over heels in love with Io. But he had a legal wife - Hera. Of course, she didn’t like yet another affair with a young girl. To ward off trouble from the latter, Zeus turned Io into a white cow. To avoid the wrath of Hera, Io (the white cow) rushed into the waters of the strait. That is why the Bosphorus is also called the Cow Ford. But according to legend, when was this?! Nowadays, the Bosphorus provides access to both the Mediterranean Sea and the world's oceans. With its help you can get to Russia, Ukraine, Transcaucasia, and southeastern Europe. To put it simply, this is one of the busiest trade (and other) routes. By the way, oil products, food, industrial and other goods are delivered through it. Vessel traffic is very intense. Pilots are used. Speed ​​no more than ten knots per hour. The fee for the passage of ships through the strait starts from a thousand dollars and depends on their class. It is appropriate to say that its waters are already becoming crowded. Therefore, there are plans to build a shipping canal with a length of fifty to one hundred kilometers west of Istanbul. And here it must be recalled that in the winters of 1621-1669 the Bosphorus was covered with ice. And that time, far from us, was called the Little Ice Age. Now the surroundings of the strait are essentially subtropical. Just like our Sochi, for example. Many types of palm trees, magnolias and other types of southern tree species grow in them. An abundance of vegetables and fruits. Which are also delivered to Russia - there is brisk trade between the countries. And from the same Greater Sochi you can take a cruise to Istanbul and along the Bosphorus itself. It is noteworthy that thanks to the strait, Istanbul is simultaneously located in both Europe and Asia. And its seaport of Karakoy is a center that organizes sea cruises. So, regarding the subtropics. Spring comes to Istanbul and the Bosphorus area already in April. In May-October it is plus 19-25 degrees. The warmest months are August and September - above thirty degrees Celsius. The water warms up to 23-26 degrees in summer. In winter it cools down to 5-6. Almost like the Russian Black Sea coast. The Golden Horn Bay within the city limits of Istanbul looks fantastic. The balconies of residential and other buildings literally hang over the strait. The houses either climb up or rush towards the coast. They are buried in southern vegetation. Magical beauty! By the way, it’s not so difficult to get from one bank to the other.

Bridges have been built since the time of Herodotus

Only the profoundly lazy have not heard much about this ancient Greek historian, scientist, and so on and so forth. So, according to his sources, the first bridge between the banks of the Bosphorus was built in 514 BC. Pontoon. From boats and ropes. By the engineer from the island of Samos Mandrocles and by order of King Darius. When he went on campaigns to conquer the Scythians. And a quarter of a century later, his son Xerxes dared to conquer Greece. He also built a bridge. But it was destroyed by the elements. The king became so angry that in anger he cut out the waters of the strait with his own hands. Lash! And they seemed to resign themselves. The troops crossed the third bridge. To your death. In Europe at the Battle of Marathon. Then people used boats and ferries to cross. Building permanent bridges was very problematic - strong currents, great depth. Capital bridges across the strait appeared closer to our time. In particular, one of them appeared in 1979. Its supports were erected on both sides of the banks, and the road surface was gaily supported by cables. The second (cable-stayed) bridge appeared in 1988. And in 2017, at the southern tip of the Bosphorus near the Sea of ​​Marmara, the symbolic stone was laid for the new cable-stayed bridge “Çanakkale”, which will become the longest in the world. The northern entrance to the strait is marked by two powerful lighthouses. One stands on the European, the other on the Asian coast. On the left are ships of the Turkish Navy. They guard the entrance from the Black Sea to the Bosphorus. And the main attraction of the metropolis is associated with the bridge. Bearing the name of Sultan Selim. Vantovym. 59 meters wide. With eight stripes. Plus the railway track. With pylons 322 meters high. From below, the cables on which the bridge hangs look like cobwebs. While the weight of their ropes is 28 thousand tons! That's what the engineers did!

Once again bridges and tunnels

So far, there are three bridges across the strait. The automobile plus railway of Sultan Selim the Terrible was put into operation in 2016. Its length is 1408 meters. But the Sultan Mehmed Fatih automobile bridge, which is smaller in length - 1090 meters, but no less grandiose, was erected in 1988. Five kilometers from the first bridge. Finally, the third bridge, slightly shorter than the second (1074 meters), was built in 1979. As for tunnels, they also have their place. One of them, in particular, between two districts of Istanbul - Kazlıçeşme on the European shore and Airılıkçeşme on the Asian shore - was opened in 2013. 13.6 kilometers of it pass under water and 1.4 kilometers on the surface. There is also the Eurasia tunnel between the Kazlıçeşme and Göztepe districts of Istanbul. It stretches for 14.5 kilometers. Of these, 5.4 are under the strait at a depth of 106 meters. Opened in 2016.

The Bosphorus Strait has long attracted the attention of travelers and researchers. Having united Asia and Europe, it fills the Turkish metropolis of Istanbul with Eastern and European flavor. The Bosphorus is a symbol of the ancient city and country, one of the main attractions, its blue-blue waters, bridges and tunnels impress both tourists and local residents.

Three great empires: Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman left indelible historical traces on its shores. Great civilizations, their culture, customs and morals arose on the shores of the stormy Bosphorus. A witness to great battles, changes of rulers, love stories, it still keeps many secrets that have yet to be discovered.

The Bosphorus Strait connects the Black and Marmara Seas

Bosphorus is translated from the Turkic language as “cow ford”. A beautiful legend says that the great Zeus fell madly in love with the daughter of King Inachus named Io. The lovers were not destined to be together; the angry wife of Zeus, Hera, turned the girl into a white cow. And she had no choice but to seek salvation in the depths of the fabulous Bosphorus.

Now the strait: the world's main waterway. It connects the Black and Marmara seas, and then passes into the famous Dardanelles Strait, merging with the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. This is a huge transport and tourism center that unites countries and continents. The length of the waterway is 30 km, the width in some places reaches 4 km, and the depth up to 80 m.

The view of the strait from the plane is mesmerizing

The Bosphorus Strait is famous for its intense traffic of ships, boats, ferries and other water vehicles. The movement occurs against a backdrop of weather changes, especially in winter and autumn. This is what makes the Bosporus interesting: unusual natural phenomena, massive shipping, and the extraordinary beauty of the European and Asian parts of the great city. It is better to see Istanbul and the Bosphorus from the water, and for this it is worth taking a memorable ferry trip -. Tourists have both long and short tours available; you can read more about the duration and organization of such tours.

You can also combine a sightseeing tour of the Bosphorus with a trip on.

Bridges over the Bosphorus

It is impossible to imagine the magical Bosphorus without the majestic bridges connecting it. These are the business cards of Istanbul and all of Turkey. Back in the 6th century AD. Persian wars were transported across the sea barrier on a flooring laid on top of boats that were fastened together.

New technologies of the twentieth century made it possible to create truly monumental structures. There are three bridges in total across the Bosphorus, and each one has different technical features, design solutions and different time periods for their construction.

Bosphorus Bridge - Bridge of Martyrs July 15 (Boğaziçi Köprüsü - 15 Temmuz Şehitler Köprüsü)

Bosphorus Bridge

Istanbul needed modern crossings like air, however, political turmoil and lack of funds did not allow them to begin to be built. The first suspension bridge was conceived in drafts on paper back in the mid-twentieth century, but its construction began only at the beginning of 1970. In the fall of 1973, the bridge was inaugurated; the date was not chosen by chance; October 29 marked the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of M.K. Ataturk founded the Turkish Republic.

The design and construction of the monumental structure was entrusted to the German company Hochtief and the English company Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Company. A building located in Northern England was chosen as a sample. Work began to boil: thousands of people worked on its construction, 23 million dollars were spent - a paltry amount for today.

View of the strait from the Bosphorus Bridge

What is the Bridge of the Martyrs of July 15? The structure is installed on only two supports, each 165 m high, so it seems that the bridge is floating above the Bosphorus. This height was not chosen by chance; ships have a maximum height of 60 m and can freely pass under the bridge. Its length: 1.5 km, width: 33 m, main span: 1 km 75 m, from the roadway to the water surface 64 m. It is estimated that the daily traffic flow of the bridge is more than 200 thousand cars, and the passenger flow is about 600 thousand people . You have to pay for the journey.

Initially, it was called the first Bosphorus Bridge, since later a new bridge appeared across this huge waterway: named after Sultan Mehmed Fatih, which became the second Bosphorus.

The bridge has changed its name several times; now the official name of the bridge is the Bridge of the Martyrs of July 15th. The new name was assigned by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the events called a coup in 2016, in honor of the fallen heroes for the freedom and independence of Turkey.

Bridge of Sultan Mehmet Fatih (Fatih Sultan Mehmet köprüsü)

Bridge of Sultan Mehmet Fatih (Fatih Sultan Mehmet köprüsü)

Istanbul, a city where all the religions of the world are mixed and their bright representatives are respected. The Second Bosphorus Bridge is named after Sultan Mehmed Fatih: a famous Ottoman conqueror who commanded the troops of his empire. Under him, the great Constantinople fell under the onslaught of the Turkish hordes.

Construction of the crossing began in 1985 in order to meet the significant date: 535 years of the conquest of the city by Ottoman troops. And on May 29, 1988, the bridge was inaugurated.

This time the choice fell on Japanese designers and builders, who, in a record time of three years, erected another decoration of the Bosphorus: the Mehmed Fatih Bridge. This time it cost taxpayers more: $130 million. The structure was erected at the narrowest point of the strait. Here Darius once built his first pontoon crossing for his army. Thus, another path was laid connecting the European region of the metropolis Rumeli Hisarı with the Asian part of Anadolu Hisarı.

The length of the structure is 1.5 km, of which a little more than 1 km is a suspended structure, the width is 39 m. This is one of the largest bridges in the world. It, like the Bridge of the Martyrs of July 15, is supported by two huge supports, the height of which is 65 m. You have to pay to travel across it, it is closed to pedestrians, the traffic flow is 150 thousand cars a day.

The cost of crossing the bridge for passenger cars is 7 Turkish lira.

Bridge of Sultan Selim Yavuz (Yavuz Sultan Selim köprüsü)

Bridge of Sultan Selim Yavuz (Yavuz Sultan Selim köprüsü)

Modern construction technologies have made it possible to relieve traffic flows in Istanbul. For the 15 million inhabitants of the metropolis, two crossings across the strait were clearly not enough, and in 2013, in the presence of Turkish officials, the first stone of the monumental structure was laid. In 2016, on August 26, the bridge was opened, giving it the name of Sultan Selim Yavuz. Historical sources speak of the ninth ruler of the Ottoman state as a formidable and merciless ruler, a remarkable strategist and conqueror.

The third bridge in Istanbul was opened in 2016

The Turkish authorities did not betray themselves when deciding to select contractors in favor of well-known companies. And this time, the construction of the crossing was entrusted to the large Italian company Astaldi. However, the amount that construction cost has increased significantly: they spent $3 billion.

In order not to disturb the overall picture, the Sultan Selim Yavuz Bridge was also made suspended. Its length is 2 km 164 m, the suspended part is 1 km 400 m, the width is 59 m, the height of each support is 322 m. It connected the northern regions of Pashaköy and Odayeri, being part of the global project “The northern Marmara highway project”, which determines the transport development of Istanbul and the country generally.

The cost of crossing the bridge for passenger cars is 11.95 Turkish lira.

Transport tunnels under the Bosphorus Strait

The rapid development of Istanbul and its environs, population growth, increasing tourist flows and the transformation of the Bosphorus Strait into one of the world's main waterways, forced us to look for new transport routes. The tunnels have become an excellent addition, partially relieving the heavy traffic of Istanbul and reducing air pollution in the metropolis.

Marmaray underwater railway tunnel

Marmaray railway tunnel

The development of new technologies made it possible to implement a bold project. Construction of the tunnel began in 2004, and was delayed, as designers and builders thought through every detail, taking care of the safety of passengers, and most importantly, seismic adaptability. In addition, during the work, historical values ​​were discovered that were hidden under the thickness of the earth. The project had to be quickly changed, which took a lot of time. A section of the track was opened only in 2013 instead of the planned 2009; in 2015, the second section began work, thus the tunnel was fully operational. Marmaray is the first railway in Istanbul, connecting the European and Asian regions of the city.

Marmaray received its name by combining two concepts (Marmara - Sea of ​​Marmara) and (rail - rail). The length of the tunnel is 13.6 km, of which the deep drilling part is 9.8 km, part of the path of 1.4 km lies under water, the deepest section of the tunnel is 60 meters from the surface of the Bosphorus.

Road tunnel "Eurasia" (Avrasya Tüneli)

Tunnel Eurasia (Avrasya Tüneli)

The cost of accommodation starts from 500 liras/day.

Conrad Istanbul

View from the Bosphorus suite at the Conrad Hotel

Magnificent views of the Bosphorus can be enjoyed from the bar on the 14th floor, as well as from the Bosphorus suite, executive king room and executive room.

Yildiz Park is a 15-minute walk away, and Besiktas Marina is a 14-minute walk, from where you can take a ferry and stroll along Bahariye Street, or take a trip on the.

Accommodation costs from 500 liras/day.

Renaissance Istanbul Polat Bosphorus Hotel

Renaissance Hotel offers several types of rooms with Bosphorus views

A stunning view of the Bosphorus can be seen not only from the terrace bar on the top floor, but also from the hotel rooms. You can watch sunrises and sunsets in all their glory from the room window.

This is a fairly modern and comfortable hotel with a good location.

Near the hotel there is a Darphane stop, from here you can take buses 29C, 29D, 41E, 62 or 63 7 stops to Fındıklı (Fındıklı), then walk a minute to the T1 tram stop Nut Mimar Sinan University and go straight to Sultanahmet.

Cost of living from 220/day.

Deep Hotel

Breakfast on the balcony of the Deep Hotel

The hotel is located in the Besiktas district, on the slope of the Portakal Yokuşu hill, which is why some hotel rooms offer not only a beautiful city panorama, but also the Bosphorus.

The hotel is small, there are several accommodation options: small room, standard, deluxe and suite.

Accommodation costs from 200 liras/day.

What to look for when booking a hotel

The vast majority of tourists, when choosing a hotel, read reviews before traveling and look at photos of rooms. Now that many people share their impressions and reviews, choosing a place to stay for the duration of the trip has become easier. I would like to remind you of some nuances that can be overlooked when choosing a hotel.

View from a room at the Shangri-La Bosphorus Hotel

  • When talking about viewing photos of hotel rooms, you should first of all pay attention to those posted by tourists themselves, because such photos, as a rule, are not beautiful. Also pay attention to the size of the room, because in the photo it may seem larger than in reality.
  • It is worth looking at the map where the hotel you are interested in is located and whether there are public transport, metro or tram stops near it, and whether it is easy to get to the historical center of Sultanahmet. After all, if you want to save money, and the hotel has a bad location, you will have to spend money on a taxi. Public transport is very well developed in Istanbul and it is quite comfortable (as comfortable as public transport can be in principle), so where possible, feel free to use trams, metro, ferries and buses.
  • If you are traveling to Istanbul during the off-season, then, if you have doubts about choosing a hotel, you can pre-book it for 1-2 days. It is very convenient to book only for a day, and not for the entire period of travel, because if the hotel disappoints you or you absolutely do not like it, you can easily move to another place the next day or the day after. Lately I have been doing just this, because in winter, late autumn or early spring there is a very large selection of hotels and available rooms.
  • Hotel prices may vary between sites - hotel sites tend to be more expensive. Online booking systems offer various discounts and special offers, so even in an expensive hotel you can book a room at a good price.
  • Do not forget that in Istanbul, in small hotels and inns, they only offer breakfast, and a choice of different types of breakfast is usually in large hotels. Therefore, if you book a hotel for the entire duration of your trip, make sure that there are busy streets with various cafes nearby - this will help you out in case of unsatisfactory food at the hotel.
  • Since we are talking about hotels with a view of the Bosphorus, you need to understand that not all rooms have a view of the strait: in some places it is a view from afar or the sea is partially visible. In hotels located far from the coastline, you should choose higher floors.

When you have definitely decided that you want to stay in a hotel overlooking the Bosphorus Strait, then you should start searching and booking. One of the most popular and convenient online services for choosing and booking hotels is Booking.com. When booking a hotel, carefully read all the conditions and rules so that your trip is not overshadowed by accommodation issues.

You can use the search form and start choosing options - to do this, enter the desired dates, city or specific hotel and start choosing.

We wish you new experiences and pleasant travels!

The Bosphorus is a strait between the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Marmara (then through the Dardanelles you can get to the Aegean Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean.

The Bosphorus is not just a strait. The Bosphorus divides the largest Turkish city of Istanbul (formerly Constantinople, where Ukrainian Cossacks went on campaigns) into 2 parts.

It is also believed that the Bosphorus separates Europe and Asia (which is why this article is in 2 sections at once). Thus, Istanbul is the only city on the planet that is located on 2 continents at once :)

The length of the Bosphorus Strait is about 30 km, the maximum width is 3700 m in the north of the strait, the minimum is 700 m. The depth of the Bosphorus fairway ranges from 33 to 80 m.

The banks of the Bosphorus are connected by only 2 bridges. The Bosphorus Bridge was built in 1973 and has a length of 1074 m. The second Sultan Mehmed Fatih Bridge (length 1090m) was built to the north, 5 km from the Bosphorus Bridge only in 1988.

Another 1275m long bridge will connect the Trans-European Highway and the Northern Marmara Expressway. The new bridge will have 8 lanes. The Marmaray railway bridge should be completed in 2013.

It is believed that the Bosphorus appeared only 5000-7500 years ago. Previously, the water level in the Black and Mediterranean seas was lower, significantly lower, and they were not connected with each other.

The Bosphorus is a very important strait because... provides access for ships from Ukrainian, Russian, Transcaucasian and Eastern European ports to the Mediterranean Sea, and from there to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

The Bosphorus plays a particularly important role in the export of Russian and Caspian oil.

Although a considerable number of dry cargo ships travel through it from America or Asia to the ports of the Black Sea.

Istanbul and the Bosphorus Bay are inseparable concepts. A long curved bay divides the European part of Istanbul into two parts and gives the city a special, unique identity.

Any schoolchild knows that the Bosphorus is a strait connecting two continents - Asia and Europe. On the shores of the Bosphorus Strait lie huge districts of the Turkish city of Istanbul. In addition, from geography we remember that the Bosporus Strait connects the Black and Aegean Seas. Needless to say about the importance of the Bosphorus Strait as a transport hub that united many states. The length of the strait exceeds thirty kilometers, the width constantly fluctuates from 700 meters to four kilometers. The depth of the navigable zone (or fairway) varies from 30 to 80 meters.

Istanbul is unthinkable without the Bosphorus; these geographical objects are inseparable today. However, curious tourists are often interested in the history of the origin of the name of the strait. They say that Zeus fell madly in love with Io, who was the daughter of King Inachus. The revenge of the Thunderer's wife was cruel. The beautiful rival was turned into an ordinary cow, which managed to find refuge from the further terrible claims of Zeus’s wife only in the waters of the strait, which was nicknamed the cow ford.

To appreciate the magnificence of the Bosphorus, tourists definitely need to travel through its waters on a modern, safe steamship. Both short and long tours are offered. You can read about their features, cost and duration in a special article.

Bridges over the Bosphorus in Istanbul

The first successful attempt to connect the shores of the Bosphorus Strait was made in the 6th century AD. for crossing more than 70 thousand Persian soldiers along ladders laid securely on top

Several years ago, the construction of a third bridge in the north of Istanbul began (in connection with the construction of a third airport). It is appropriate to recall the completion of the Marmaray project, which ran across the Bosphorus, but along the bottom of the strait. Now it takes less than 20 minutes to travel by metro from the European to the Asian parts of Istanbul using Marmaray.

Bosphorus - transport line in Istanbul

The Bosphorus is a transport channel; the strait has international status, since it is crossed not only by many city ferries, but also by more than one hundred and fifty
different ships in one day. Among them you can find not only cruise ships, but also their tankers that transport oil or gas, as well as various cargoes. Often the waters of the Bosphorus in Istanbul are routes for submarines and a wide variety of surface warships, including heavy cruisers or aircraft carriers.

The Bosphorus in Istanbul threatens sailors with many dangers - high speed currents, strong fogs, sharp turns, dangerous storms. Therefore, large ships along the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul are accompanied not only by tugboats, but also by a pilot from the guild of Turkish pilots.

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