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Vaccinations before traveling to Vietnam. What vaccinations do you need to get before traveling to Vietnam? What vaccinations do Vietnamese people need to get?

You need to think about vaccinations in advance; if you are not against vaccinations at all, then schedule a visit to the doctor 7-8 weeks before your trip. Since after vaccination, some time must pass for the so-called immune response to form. The body has developed antibodies to this disease.

For babies from six months to a year - in addition to DPT (Infanrix, ADS-M), there is also an anti-measles vaccine, which must be done no later than a month before departure.

Vaccinations before traveling to Turkey, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, some areas of Greece and Portugal

It is advisable to add a hepatitis A vaccination to standard vaccinations. It should be done no later than 1 month before departure. It is done both for children over one year old and for adults. The vaccine is safe and generally well tolerated.

Vaccinations before traveling to Israel, Italy

Additional vaccinations are not required for traveling to these regions; those recommended in our country for all children and adults are sufficient. However, if you are traveling to Israel in late summer or autumn, it is recommended to stock up on repellent. Since there is some possibility of contracting West Nile fever, which is carried by mosquitoes.

Vaccinations before traveling to Egypt

Vaccinations before traveling to Thailand

If you want to travel around this beautiful country and will be in areas remote from the center, then you will need all mandatory vaccinations and vaccination against Japanese encephalitis. Some areas may be hotspots for malaria. Before traveling, it is better to check the area of ​​your stay; this also applies to some other countries in Asia and Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia, some areas of Turkey and Portugal.

You can find out more on a special map from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Vaccinations before traveling to Vietnam

Standard set of vaccinations. As well as the prevention of malaria. There are no vaccinations against malaria, but before traveling to a dangerous area you should consult a doctor and take special medications. And, of course, don’t forget about repellents.

Diarrhea is a fairly common companion for many travelers. Trouble can greatly ruin your vacation. Therefore, by following our recommendations, you can avoid this misfortune.

Drink only bottled clean water. Eat at a hotel or in a good restaurant - do not buy food on the street, no matter how beautiful it looks, eat only thermally processed foods, wash your hands often, especially before eating.

Quite often, tourists are afraid to travel to exotic countries due to possible health problems. Their anxiety is sometimes completely justified. However, popular tourist destinations are popular because they are safe. But there is one condition: some precautions must be taken.

What vaccinations are required to travel to Vietnam?

Often, “local” diseases pose a danger to travelers. Residents of exotic countries know how to protect themselves. In addition, as a rule, they have developed immunity to certain diseases. Tourists are not protected from some viruses, so they need vaccinations.

When purchasing a tour to Vietnam, travel agencies do not impose any requirements on the health of tourists, as there is no cause for concern. And independent travelers have nothing to worry about. You do not have to have any vaccinations. Vietnam is a popular tourist destination; the country has a fairly well-developed infrastructure, and tourists from all over the world will be comfortable and safe here. The epidemiological situation cannot be called bad either. However, in case of illness, you will definitely receive medical care under your insurance.

But what vaccinations should you do before traveling to Vietnam if you still decide to protect yourself? Sometimes cases of such typical diseases are identified:

  • Dengue fever. It is transmitted by mosquitoes (sandflies) and is characterized by chills, joint pain, high fever (39°C), itching and rash on the body.
  • Yellow fever. The symptoms are very similar to dengue fever; the skin does not appear as a reddish rash, but rather as a yellowish tinge (hence the name).
  • Malaria. It is also transmitted by mosquitoes (malaria). The disease is characterized by: high fever, chills, pain, nausea and vomiting.
  • Hepatitis A. Acute liver damage, symptoms of the disease: yellowness of the skin, severe pain, fever. Transmitted through dirty water, food and direct contact with an infected person

All these diseases can be cured if you take immediate action. And all of these diseases can be avoided - there are vaccines for each. To protect yourself, you can get vaccinated before traveling. It is also a good idea to check whether you and your children have a tetanus vaccination. It is mandatory for all children in Russia. However, some parents avoid this procedure. But before traveling to a country where there is a possibility of contracting tetanus (and this happens even with a small splinter), it is strongly recommended to get vaccinated.

What safety rules should you follow in Vietnam?

When traveling to Vietnam, you don’t have to get vaccinated, but certain rules must be followed. To avoid exotic diseases, you should take care of a few things:

Now you understand which vaccinations in Vietnam will help protect your health. Guided by this knowledge, you can make your vacation not only enjoyable, but also safe.

When we go on a trip, we tune in to the positive and dream of adventure; bad thoughts never enter anyone’s head. And only when faced with troubles do we begin to understand that we should have taken care of some things in advance.

When planning a vacation in Vietnam, almost all tourists plan their vacation in advance, but few people think about local diseases. Therefore, let's look at these questions and find out what infections are common in this country, what medications you need to take with you in your travel first aid kit, and, most importantly, whether vaccinations are needed for a trip to Vietnam.

Epidemiological situation in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country where there are no widespread diseases, no epidemics are registered, and the risk of contracting a dangerous disease is not too high. Medical care is at a fairly good level, and the sanitary conditions in cafes and restaurants are decent.

Over the past thirty years, Vietnam has changed beyond recognition. Many modern hotels are being built on the coast; the country is famous for its famous resorts. The situation in resorts such as Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau and the cities of Dalat, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hanoi is civilized and does not pose a threat even to children. For these and similar places, vaccinations are not required before traveling to Vietnam. At the border they will issue a visa without any problems and will not ask about vaccinations.

Infections in Vietnam

It’s a completely different matter to visit remote rural areas in Vietnam, cruises along the Mekong Delta, excursions into the forest wilds.

Some mosquitoes there are carriers of dengue hemorrhagic fever, malaria and yellow fever.

The Vietnam Tourism Authority recommends that tourists play it safe and get vaccinated against common infections in this country - hepatitis A and typhoid fever. Local residents have already developed immunity, but visitors often become victims of infections, especially children.

Other infectious diseases in Vietnam that are less common, but their danger exists, are Dengue fever, tetanus and Japanese encephalitis.


An intestinal infection, rotavirus, is also found in Vietnam. This disease causes a serious condition with vomiting, fever up to 39 °C and diarrhea.

What to do to avoid getting rotavirus infection in Vietnam? - do not forget about the banal rules of hygiene - wash your hands before any meal, handle vegetables and fruits, do not buy food at spontaneous markets.


Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes, which are abundant in Vietnam. Local mosquitoes are small and bite unnoticed. They are especially active at night.

To protect against malaria, there are preventive tablets - “Lariam”, taken once a week before departure and throughout the entire period of stay in Vietnam.

You should also wear clothing that covers exposed areas of your body as much as possible.

Don't forget to use protective equipment! Check the availability of mosquito nets at the hotel. Stock up on repellent, which it is advisable to purchase locally, as it will be more effective for local mosquitoes. There is no vaccine for malaria, as well as for dengue fever.


Hepatitis is a traveler's disease that affects all countries of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam. It makes sense to get vaccinated if there is a low titer of antibodies to this infection in the blood.

Advice: donate blood for antibodies to hepatitis A and B; if the titer is low, start vaccination 4 weeks before the trip.

If the duration of the trip is less than a month, then instead of vaccination you can get an injection of gamma globulin - these are ready-made antibodies to protect against hepatitis.

Japanese encephalitis

This disease, despite its name, is more relevant for Vietnam than for Japan. The carriers of Japanese encephalitis are mosquitoes - Vietnam has ideal conditions for them. They breed in rice fields, and the entire country is covered with them!

Vaccination against Japanese encephalitis must be done 10 days before departure to Vietnam.

Other diseases of Vietnam

sand flea

Tetanus vaccination is also considered relevant in Vietnam - slipping and injuring your leg or arm is a simple matter. In tropical climates, when the skin is damaged, pus quickly appears, and an open wound is what the tetanus bacillus needs.

Sand fleas are a real problem on “wild” Vietnamese beaches. They are also called sand mosquitoes. After a bite, the flea may remain inside, in which case medical attention will be needed. Do not try to get the flea on your own! Protection against sand mosquitoes are repellents that need to be purchased locally. It is also not recommended to lie on the sand; you should use a sun lounger.

Regarding bird flu, this virus in Vietnam was recorded in Quang Ngai province in December 2014. All necessary measures were taken to eliminate it. So far there have been no other cases of this infection.

Vaccinations for travel to Vietnam

A frequent question from tourists is what vaccinations do they take for traveling to Vietnam? Let us note right away that there are no mandatory vaccinations for visiting Vietnam, but there are recommended ones.

What medications to take in your first aid kit when traveling to Vietnam

The first thing you need to think about before your trip is what medications to take with you to Vietnam. Many medications that are available in our pharmacies may not be available in Vietnam, or the pharmacist may not be able to understand what exactly interests you. Therefore, you should take care of this in advance and prepare a first aid kit for your trip to Vietnam based on your needs and situation. At a minimum, it should have the following composition:

The best defense against any disease is prevention. When it comes to traveling to Vietnam, pay attention to your specific location. A civilized vacation in one resort place in Vietnam is one thing, but traveling “savage” in extreme camping conditions forces you to take action and think about vaccination. All vacationers, regardless of their vacation destination, must follow sanitary and hygienic rules and stock up on necessary medications.

There are countries where before traveling you must be vaccinated against malaria, typhoid fever, hepatitis and other unpleasant and sometimes fatal diseases. Vaccinations in Vietnam, that is, before traveling to this country, are not necessary. There are, of course, a number of diseases that it would be good to insure against, but the likelihood of contracting them is so low that the WHO did not include Vietnam among the countries dangerous for tourists and foreigners in general.

As for the Ministry of Tourism of Vietnam itself, they recommend that you first be vaccinated against typhus and hepatitis A. This will really come in handy if you suddenly find yourself in unfavorable areas of the country. But anything can happen.

Rules for staying in Vietnam

Otherwise, staying in the country is safe, subject to basic hygiene rules and safety measures. For example, you must wash your hands before eating and after visiting public places. It is better to leave tap water for bathing, and drink only what is sold in bottles.

We also advise you to avoid buying food on the streets. Although the smells coming from the stalls of street vendors are very tempting, give preference to restaurants. Lunch there is not that expensive, and the quality of the food is much better monitored. And an upset stomach, or maybe something worse, the chances of making money in a restaurant are much less.

Vaccinations in Vietnam for children

To kid vaccinations in Vietnam are also not required if he was vaccinated according to the national calendar. The only additional vaccination that should be given is hepatitis A. Sometimes you can find information that before traveling to Vietnam you need to be vaccinated against yellow fever.

In fact, this is only necessary if you are going to live in poor areas of the country for a long time. In general, yellow fever is very rare in Vietnam, no more often than, for example, cholera.

If you decide to get vaccinated before traveling to Vietnam, please consult with your doctor first. A healthy person can receive several vaccinations at once, unless, of course, their number exceeds 3-5. Some vaccination centers are ready to give 15 vaccinations at a time, but your health will worsen for at least several days after this.

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