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Where is Capri located? What to see on the island of Capri - main attractions with photos

The island of Capri is one of the symbols of Italy, known throughout the world. This is sleep with your eyes open. But Capri is not only about magnificent wildlife and landscapes carved by wind and sea. Behind them lies a very interesting historical layer, because many artists, writers, aristocrats and philanthropists lived here.

“Capri is a sacred place, the goal is not to see it, but to feel the emotions
of a certain quality..."
Jean-Paul Sartre

View of the island and port of Marina Grande / Shutterstock.com

In addition to its rich culture, the beauty of its sea and nature, Capri has a lot to offer in terms of shopping: the elegant boutiques and artisan shops that line the narrow streets of these towns are full of goods made in Italy and traditional local delicacies.
It is simply impossible not to visit here at least once.

What to see

Faraglioni rocks

The word "faraglioni" in Italian means "high sea cliffs". In the southeastern part of the island, three impressive reefs rise above the sea, which just beg to be photographed and are the main symbol of Capri.

View of the Faraglioni rocks / Shutterstock.com

The average height of these “faraglioni” is about 100 m; the first rock, extending straight from the shore, is called Stella, the second, the lowest of the three, with a huge arch in the middle, is Faraglione di Mezzo, and the third is Faraglione di Fuori, or Scopolo. It is here, on the third of the reefs, that the famous blue lizard lives ( podarcis siculus coeruleus): it probably acquired such an unusual color in order to better camouflage itself with the colors of the surrounding nature. Not far from these three reefs rises the fourth, Monacone, also associated with the animal world: the fact is that it got its name from the monk seal; This endangered species of mammal once frequented the waters of the island of Capri.

View of the Faraglioni from Marina Piccola Beach / Shutterstock.com

Faraglione is best admired from the sea - you can take a boat ride that passes very close to Faraglione di Mezzo, or you can simply swim through the azure waters. This area of ​​the island of Capri was appreciated in ancient Rome; it was here that luxurious Roman villas with views of the rocks were built. In the 20th century this ancient tradition was taken up by artists and intellectuals, among whom Capri became a favorite place to seek inspiration.

Piazzetta di Capri

In the local dialect it is called “chiazza”, and the official toponymy prescribes to say piazza Umberto I; but there is also a generally accepted name - “piazzetta di Capri” (from the Italian piazzetta - “small square”). This is the very center of the city of Capri, around which the whole life of the island revolves. It’s simply impossible not to look here, and it’s hard not to stay here for at least a cup of coffee.

Piazzetta in Capri © Matteo Cozzi / Shutterstock.com

As you might guess, it is called “piazzetta” for its very modest size: the quadrangular area occupies only a few square meters, almost completely filled with cafe tables. On summer evenings, you won’t be able to crowd among the motley crowd here: all you can do is sit at a table, drink something and watch the people. And then you understand why this square is called “the living room of the whole world.” Here you can see princesses of the northern kingdoms, Italian actors, American millionaires, and ordinary people sitting a few meters from each other.

Clock tower at the Piazzetta / Shutterstock.com

Climbing the stairs that start from this square, you will find yourself at the building of the Church of Santo Stefano - the main temple of Capri, built in the 17th century - and the cultural center of the Ignazio Cerio Center, which is located in an ancient 14th-century palazzo that belonged to the count family Arcucci.

Marina Grande, the main port of the island © Vogel / Shutterstock.com

From here it is worth walking along the narrow alleys to the orange grove of the Theresian missionary monastery. This is the oldest part of the city; The peace and quiet that reigns here is so amazing that it seems as if the bustle of the piazzetta remained somewhere in the distant past. In fact, if you turn the corner, you will find yourself in front of the clock tower again...

It is this turret, of course, that is the symbol of the square; it is one of the most original examples of a bell tower standing separate from the church. Every fifteen minutes a bell rings, marking the slow passage of island time.

Blue Grotto

This is the most famous attraction of the island of Capri, which travelers from all over the world come to see - even if just for a few minutes. Long queues form at the entrance. The Blue Grotto is 25 meters wide and 60 meters long, the entrance to it is less than a meter high. To enter, you need to stretch out on the bottom of a rowing boat, which slides in through a small arch. Inside, you float in the dark on water so blue it appears transparent.

In the Blue Grotto © geolocation.ws

The grotto has been known since the times of Ancient Rome; it is assumed that this was one of the favorite nymphs (the so-called sanctuary dedicated to the nymphs) of the emperor Tiberius. Indeed, several ancient statues were found at the bottom of this grotto. For many centuries, the grotto (which was then called Gradola) remained abandoned - moreover, sailors were afraid to go there, because folk legends said that spirits and demons lived there. The fate of the grotto changed dramatically on April 18, 1926, when it was discovered by the German writer August Kopisch and the artist Ernst Fries, his friend and travel companion, along with local fisherman Angelo Ferraro and notary Giuseppe Pagano.

Blue Grotto

The azure blue color of the grotto is given by sunlight penetrating here through an underwater “window” that opens directly under the passage inside; this light passes through a water filter that absorbs the red part of the spectrum and transmits the blue part. If you immerse any object in water, you will see another curious phenomenon - silvery reflections on it: the fact is that air bubbles adhering to the outer surface of any objects have a different refractive index than water, allowing light to pass through them. Entering the Blue Grotto is an experience that you should definitely experience at least once in your life.

Marina Piccola

If you are looking for a beach with a view of the Faraglioni rocks, Marina Piccola Bay is the place to be. This is a very sheltered place, and even on the coldest winter days it is pleasant to lie and sunbathe here, and many island residents are in the habit of swimming in this bay all year round.

Marina Piccola Bay © tommy_jackson / Flickr.com

Marina Piccola is located in the southern part of the island. You can get here from the Piazzetta by bus, which departs from the terminus, or on foot, first going down Via Roma to a place called Due Golfi, and then along the stairs of Via Mulo. It's a pleasant walk of about fifteen minutes.

Azure sea in Marina Piccola Bay / Shutterstock.com

Near the square, where the bus terminus from Marina Piccola is located, there are stairs leading to the pebble beach and the small church of Sant'Andrea, built in 1900. Descending along it, you will reach the "Rock of the Sirens", where, according to some , sat the same sirens who seduced the sailors of Odysseus with their songs in Homer’s poem of the same name. These rocks divide the bay of Marina Piccola into two small beaches: Marina di Mulo and Marina di Pennauro, which in ancient times served as a small port for the ancient Romans.

Shopping triangle

Capri's luxury shopping triangle extends from the Piazzetta to Via Camerelle and Via Le Bottegue. In the town of Anacapri, on Via Giuseppe Orlandi, you will find many shops of local artisans, and souvenir shops are concentrated along the road to Villa San Michele.

Via Camerelle © Marco / Flickr.com

Behind the shops of luxury brands (there are most of them between Piazzetta and Via Camerelle) there are artisan shops that make the famous custom-made Capri sandals; workshops of perfumers who make their fragrances by hand, following ancient traditions dating back to the monks of the 15th century. from the monastery of Certosa di San Giacomo, who infused flowers and herbs of Capri in alcohol; shops where you can buy the famous Limoncello DOC, made on the island.

Arch on Via Le Bottegue © Roger Smith / Flickr.com

Gardens of Augustus and Via Krupp

The Gardens of Augustus, originally known as the Krupp Gardens, are a city park in Capri. It was broken by the will of Friedrich Alfred Krupp, a German industrialist and steelmaker, who at the beginning of the 20th century. purchased several plots of land on the island in order to build a villa (although Krupp never brought this intention to life).

In the Gardens of Augustus / Shutterstock.com

The park is a real botanical garden, where numerous examples of the island flora with ornamental and other plants grow. Along with the beauties of nature, it is beautiful for its panoramic views of the landscapes of the island: from here you can see half of Capri, Mount Solaro, Marina Piccola Bay, Via Krupp and the famous Faraglioni reefs.

In addition, in the park there is a monument to Lenin, who lived in Capri in 1908 as a guest of the Russian writer Maxim Gorky. The monument consists of several blocks of marble placed on top of each other and is 5 meters high; Lenin's face is carved on the largest of them. The monument was made by sculptor Giacomo Manzu in 1968 by order of the Soviet embassy in Rome and approved by the Capri city council.

Via Krupp / Shutterstock.com

From the park begins Via Krupp, one of the most spectacular streets in the world: it is a very narrow serpentine road covering a descent of about 100 meters.

Villa Jovis on Mount Tiberius

Emperor Tiberius was the first "tourist" to fall in love with the island of Capri: in 26 AD. he decided to leave the Roman chaos and retire here to retire.

Villa Jovis © thehistoryblog.com

In the first century AD he built 12 villas on the island, including Villa Jovis, the largest of all. It is located on a plot of about 7,000 square meters and dominates the entire promontory of Monte Tiberio and the basin that opens towards Cesina. The panorama, which can be enjoyed from the north side, covers a good part of the Gulf of Naples from the island of Ischia to Cape Campanella, while from the south side there is a view of the center of Capri.

In its architectural parameters, the villa resembles classical manors of the Roman period, and also, in part, a small fortress. In the middle were cisterns to collect rainwater, the most important resource on an island with no natural springs; water was used both for drinking and for thermal baths, which included the entire classical set of premises - apodytherium (dressing room), frigidarium (cool room), tepidarium (warm room) and caldarium (hot room).

Ruins of Villa Jovis against the sea © Jules / Flickr.com

The living quarters of the emperor and his entourage were located on the north side; the servants' rooms were located in the western one, and the throne room in the eastern one.

Villa San Michele

Sphinx at Villa San Michele © Aaron Benson / Flickr.com

Munte chose for his villa the most panoramic point on the entire island - the northeastern slope of Anacapri, at an altitude of 327 meters above sea level; Once on this site stood a Roman villa from the imperial period and the medieval chapel of San Michele.

Villa and island view © Berthold Werner / Wikimedia Commons

Munthe devoted most of his life to the villa and garden. Highlights of his mansion include the head of Medusa that adorned the Roman Temple of Venus, medieval religious art, 18th-century Tuscan furniture, Roman frescoes and sculptures including a marble bust of Emperor Tiberius, a table with a marble slab in the style of the Cosmati brothers, and a Sicilian wrought iron chandelier and the Egyptian sphinx, which essentially became the symbol of the Munte house. The Sphinx is located at one of the highest points throughout the villa.

In the garden of Villa San Michele © John Clarke / Flickr.com

In the garden you can admire many plants typical of the Mediterranean strip: there are camellias, hydrangeas, magnificent rose bushes, pine and cypress trees, surrounded by a white colonnade with a canopy (a very characteristic element of local villas). In addition, the garden offers stunning views of the Bay of Naples. Today, Villa San Michele is a museum open to the public, and in the summer it hosts the Sunset Concerts (Concerti al Tramonto) music festival.

Mount Monte Solaro

Monte Solaro, 589 meters above sea level, is the highest panoramic point on the island of Capri. From its terraces, the traveler’s gaze can take in the Faraglioni rocks, the city of Capri, the Sorrento Peninsula, the Galli Islands, and the entire Gulf of Naples.

View of Monte Solaro / Shutterstock.com

There are two ways to get to the top of the mountain:

A cable car with chairs departs from Piazza Vittoria. Using it, in just 12 minutes you will be at the top. The road does not go over high altitudes, so even people who feel dizzy from heights can easily use it. But it is not suitable for children.

View of the bay from Monte Solaro / Shutterstock.com

On foot: the trail starts from Piazza della Pace in Anacapri (behind the cemetery) and, of course, is a continuous, but well-marked and quite comfortable climb. The journey to the top will take about an hour.

View of the island from Monte Solaro © capri.com

Whichever method you choose, the panorama that awaits you will definitely impress you!


While the Piazzetta di Capri is the heart of the island's social life, the starting point for afternoon walks and the place for an evening aperitif, the old town of Anacapri allows you to wander peacefully through quiet squares and streets decorated with geraniums and bougainvillea.

View of the island from Monte Solaro in Anacapri / Shutterstock.com

Walking down Via Giuseppe Orlandi, a pedestrian street lined with artisan shops that crosses the old town, you will see the unusual outline of the “Red House” (Casa Rossa) - an ancient mansion painted in Pompeian red, combining several architectural styles. Until 1899, the house was the home of American Colonel John Clay McCowan, who arrived in Italy immediately after the end of the American Civil War. The colonel decorated his mansion with archaeological finds that he came across while walking along the paths of the island, and turned it into a real cultural center.

On the terrace of a private villa in Anacapri / Shutterstock.com

In the rooms of the “Red House” you can see a permanent exhibition entitled “Picture Island: a picturesque journey to Capri and Anacapri from the 19th to the 20th centuries,” which presents canvases by such artists as Barrett, Carelli, De Montalan, Caraben, Lovatti, Hay , Casciaro, Vianelli.

A little further from the Red House is the Church of San Michele Arcangelo. This is a baroque building from the 17th-18th centuries. - one of the main tourist attractions of the island: there is a wonderful majolica floor depicting the scene of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from earthly paradise.

Church of San Michele Arcangelo. Majolica floor © Andrea Di Benedetto / Flickr.com

Returning to Via Giuseppe Orlandi, you can move further towards the Church of Santa Sofia, the main temple of Anacapri. This church was built in the 16th century. and has a vaulted ceiling and facade with Baroque outlines, hiding part of the ancient bell tower, completed in the 18th century.


Going down the stairs at the side of the church, you will find yourself in Piazza Boffe, one of the most ancient quarters of the city. Here you can still admire the ancient houses built by local craftsmen, admired by such great architects as Edwin Cerio and Roberto Pane.


The most famous dish on the island is the local ravioli. The dough for them is made from equal parts of water and flour, so the ravioli are very light. The filling includes parmesan, dry caciotta cheese and marjoram. The sauce is made from fresh tomatoes and basil. This first course has a fresh and vibrant flavor and is also great for vegetarians. In Capri it is prepared in almost all restaurants.

Ravioli alla caprese © charmenapoli.it

As an option, ravioli can be fried instead of boiled like pasta: it makes an excellent appetizer or tapas, for example, as an accompaniment to an aperitif.
In addition to ravioli, traditional first courses in Capri include scialatielli. This is a certain type of fresh pasta, similar to tagliatelle, only thicker. The dough is made from flour, water, grated cheese, fresh basil and salt. You will often find them on the menu with seafood or vegetables. Also worth trying is spaghetti alla Nerano with zucchini and cheese.

Dish of various seafood delicacies / Shutterstock.com

After pasta, the first course is excellent with fish, for example, pezzogna, very common in the seas of Capri. It is often prepared “in crazy water” (all’acqua pazza), that is, with a sauce of cherry tomatoes, parsley, garlic and olive oil. Also found in the surrounding waters are sarago fish, dentice (dentice), polyp (polipo) and squid (totani).
Other traditional Capri seafood specialties are shrimp, which are caught on the bottom off the coast between Capri and Massa Lubrense. They are eaten lightly fried in a pan or even raw, without any sauce, just sprinkled with olive oil. They are often added to pasta or risotto.

Mussels with pepper © delonghi.com

Another dish that is easy to find in Capri and that we really like is mussels with pepper and paprika (impepata di cozze). They are usually ordered as an appetizer and placed in the middle of the table to be shared with your tablemates.
And you can wash it all down with a bottle of fresh white wine. If you're in the Millera area of ​​Anacapri, ask for the local white wine, it's excellent. Otherwise, order Falanghina del Sannio or a white wine from Vesuvius, such as Lacrima Christi.

Caprese cake © Kathy / Flickr.com

How to get there

People come to Capri by sea. Hydrofoils and ferries depart regularly from Naples and Sorrento, but in summer there are additional services from Positano, Amalfi, Salerno and Ischia. In Naples, ships depart from two ports: Molo Beverello and Calata Porta di Massa.

Molo Beverello is opposite the Angevin castle of Maschio Angioino, Calata di Massa is about a kilometer east of it (if you look towards the sea, you need to move to the left). The two ports are connected by a free shuttle.

From the port of Sorrento, to Marina Piccola, there are hydrofoils and ferries to Capri. In summer, flights are especially frequent (almost every half hour), and the journey takes 25 minutes.

The port of Sorrento can be reached from Piazza Tasso by stairs. The walk is short, but it can be difficult because the road goes up: you can take the shuttle that goes from the square to the port and back, or the elevator that takes you to Villa Comunale.

Bringing a car to the island is prohibited for most of the year; Moreover, there is extremely little benefit from it there.

Autonomous tourist enterprise of the island of Capri
Capri: Piazza Umberto I - Tel. +39 081 8370686
Marina Grande: Banchina del Porto - Tel. +39 081 8370634
Anacapri: Via G. Orlandi, 59 - Tel. +39 081 8371524

The island of Capri (Italy) gave the name to the women's trouser model. It was invented in the late 40s of the last century by fashion designer Sonia de Lennart, who lived in Capri. But of course, this is not the only thing the beautiful island is famous for...

Where is Capri and how to get there?

You need to look for the island of Capri on the map like this: find Italy, then one of the major cities of Naples and here is the Bay of Naples. In the bay, in the southern part, look for a small island. This will be Capri! Its size is a little more than 10 km², and its population is about 14 thousand people. The main city of the island is also called Capri, but it does not have the status of a capital, because the island is part of the metropolis of Naples.

Capri's location on the Gulf makes its climate even milder, although the Mediterranean climate is already mild. The winters here are warm, and the summers, although hot, are moderated by the sea environment and mountain air. That's why Capri is considered a year-round resort, although you can only swim in the sea from June to September.

Capri (Italy) can only be reached by water; the island does not have its own airport. The easiest way to get to the island is from Naples. Ferries and boats depart from the port of Naples; tickets cost from 15 euros per person. This sea journey will take about an hour. Ferries from other cities also go to the island: Ischia, etc. From the port of Capri you can take a bus to any resort area of ​​the island.

A little history

Archaeological excavations have been carried out on the island of Capri, which indicate the existence of fossil people dating back to the Stone Age. However, it is interesting for us to begin the story of the history of the island with Octavian Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire. It was he who in the 1st century AD. founded his personal residence on Capri and rested there from endless wars of conquest. The emperor was considered sickly from his youth, but lived a very long life for that time - 76 years! Perhaps it was the climate of Capri, with its sea and mountain air, that allowed Augustus to live so long.

In fact, from that moment on, the island has always been a resort, and an elite one, despite the fact that it passed from hand to hand of different people and states. The following lived here for several years at different times:

  • Chilean poet Pablo Neruda,
  • German writer Thomas Mann,
  • British writer Somerset Maugham (also a British intelligence agent),
  • French theater director Camille du Locle,
  • Swedish doctor Axel Munthe (when he lived in Capri, there was a cholera epidemic in Naples, and Munthe, interrupting his vacation, worked there as a volunteer).

Russian artists also loved Capri very much: Ivan Bunin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Fyodor Chaliapin, Rudolf Nureyev. In the house where Maxim Gorky lived, there is even a memorial plaque in his honor. There is also a monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, who also vacationed on the island.

Holidays in Capri, naturally, were also appreciated by famous Italians. And they still appreciate it now. For example, actress Sophia Loren has her own villa here.

Beach holiday in Capri

There are two large resort areas on the island:

  • Marina Grande (Big Bay),
  • Marina Piccola (Small Bay).

Marina Grande has a port that receives ferries from different cities. There are many hotels, restaurants, and beaches in this area. It's quite fun and noisy here. Marina Piccola is quieter, although there are also many hotels and holiday destinations there. The port at Marina Piccola is the starting point for boat excursions; it does not accept large ships.

In Capri the beaches are pebble or sand and pebble. Some may find this inconvenient. But they are well equipped, very clean, and the sea water off the coast is simply clear! Another advantage of beach areas is that they are often very picturesque, as they are located in bays with rocks.

Online camera of the city of Anacapri

In addition to the city of Capri, there is also the city of Anacapri on the island; by world standards they are just small villages. However, chic boutiques with branded clothing, jewelry and other accessories and souvenirs are concentrated here. After all, Capri is an elite resort where stars relax. So for them (and everyone else, of course) a pleasant shopping experience is provided.

Hotels in Capri are also expensive compared to other Italian resorts. To save money, look for special offers on hotel booking sites. And book your hotel room or villa in advance, the resort is in demand, despite the prices!

What to do in Capri?

Capri is best suited for a relaxing holiday: sunbathe, read a book on the beach, swim in a pristine bay, wander through city streets and mountain paths, sit in a cafe with a glass of wine, or ride a yacht.

Amazing Capri sights to see:

  • Phoenician staircase. This is a mountain road that connects Capri and Anacapri, its length is approximately 2 kilometers. However, don’t rush to rejoice! The ascent and descent of 900 steps is not 2 km in a straight line. This staircase was restored in 1998, and in general the mountain road passed here before our era.
  • Faraglioni rocks. Three large boulders sticking out of the water are called “the three sons of Capri” by locals. They are located near the coast of the island, but can only be reached by yacht or boat. One boulder has the shape of an arch. There is a belief that you need to swim under the arch for good luck in everything.
  • Blue Grotto. This is a natural cave located in the bay, very picturesque. There are colorful fish in the sea, and they are very visible in clear water.
  • Mount Monte Solaro. The highest point on Capri, although its height does not even reach 800 m. You can climb to the top by funicular, and there you will have a magnificent view of the island and the sea around!
  • Villa Jupiter. This is an ancient Roman villa, and only ruins remain. However, for such an ancient building they are well preserved.
  • Villa San Michele. Built by the Swedish doctor Axel Munthe, whom we have already mentioned. The villa itself is interesting as an architectural work. But the main value is the collection of paintings, sculptures, antique furniture and other items that Munthe collected over many years.
  • Piazza Umberto I (or Piazzetta). The main square of the city of Capri, its historical part.
  • Church of San Constanzo. This is a small old building without much frills. The exact date of construction of the church is unknown; according to one version, it is the 5th century. The church is notable for being dedicated to Saint Constanzo, the patron saint of the island.
  • Gardens of Augustus. They were named in honor of the first owner of the island, Emperor Octavian Augustus, although they appeared much later than his death. This is a park with paths, flower beds, trees, and benches for relaxation. There are no exotic plants here, but there are several observation platforms that offer breathtaking views of the rocks, bays, and city.

If you like a comfortable holiday among beautiful nature with a small cultural and educational program, you need to go to the island of Capri. If you are a fan of a holiday full of excursions, come to Capri for a day or two. During this time you will have time to explore all the interesting places on the island.

Island of Capri (Italy): attractions, how to get there


The resort of Capri, thanks to its delightful nature and interesting architecture, has been popular since ancient times; both ordinary people and celebrities relax here.

And when planning your vacation on this island, you must thoroughly study in advance the features of a vacation in the Italian city of Capri, all the nuances associated with the climate, prices, attractions, entertainment and transport. Only then will the trip be successful and truly memorable.

This article contains complete information about Capri that vacationers need. Let's begin our acquaintance with this island by carefully studying it.

Features: historical, picturesque, resort

Flight from Moscow: to Naples: 3 hours 40 minutes – 4 hours direct, 5-9 hours with a transfer

Prices: high

Air ticket (round trip, summer): 15,000-18,000 rubles.

Average prices for 3* hotels (night): 130-300€

Average prices for 5* hotels (night): 500-800€

Coast: Tyrrhenian

Number of vacationers: many

Beach rating: 4

Attractions: few

Population: 14117

Distance to airport: 53 km (Naples)

Distance to Rome: 265 km

Important nuances of a holiday in the resort of Capri

Capri is a small Italian island located in the Tyrrhenian Sea and part of the large province of Naples (read about the center of the province, it is near Naples that you will most likely find what you expect from Italy - beautiful beaches, interesting sights, a variety of entertainment, inexpensive hotels).

The island is of rocky origin. It is interesting for its unusual topography and luxurious nature, as well as calm conditions and distance from noisy regions typical of Italy. Fans of diving, yachting, and sea travel often come to the island of Capri.


The coastal waters are famous for their purity: during the daytime, the seabed is clearly visible to a depth of 12-14 meters. There is almost no rain in Capri. Comfortable weather conditions attract connoisseurs of beautiful nature and people who come to the resort to treat diseases of the bronchi and pulmonary system.

The island is very popular with world celebrities - actors, musicians, politicians, sheikhs. You can come here on vacation in any season.

And that's why:

Some people prefer to take a vacation in the winter months, when the air temperature is +14...+17 degrees Celsius, but the number of tourists is minimal. And someone chooses a holiday at sea in the summer season and comes here from June to September, when the air heats up to +25...+35 degrees.

Important! In August, the temperature on the island often rises above +40 degrees. For those who cannot stand the heat, it is better to choose another month.

In winter, the island of Capri is sparsely populated, but in summer it becomes much busier. There are many attractions here, including the Phoenician Steps, Villa San Michele, the Blue Grotto, iconic churches and authentic monasteries with a long history.


It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • Monte Solare is the highest mountain on the island (almost 600 meters above sea level). From here you can enjoy magnificent views of Capri. You can take amazing photographs.
  • The Augustan Gardens are a unique botanical corner where almost all the flora of the area is represented.
  • San Giacomo is the building of an ancient monastery, where the works of the famous German artist Diefenbach are located.
  • Barbarossa Castle of the 15th century, interesting for its architectural features and the fact that research on bird migration is carried out there.

Peter Stein

You can move around the island on foot, by minibus or taxi. Boat trips along the coast of Capri are very popular. If you plan to visit the mountains, book a funicular ride.


The most interesting cities on the island and their features

Looking at Capri on a map of Italy, you will see two large cities. These are the capital of the same name, Capri, where most of the islanders live, and Anacapri. Settlements appeared in the ancient Greek period, the eastern part being the most densely populated.

Capri - the capital of the island

The city of Capri borders the harbors of Marina Piccola and Marina Grande. There are a large number of hotels, shops, clubs, cafes, and entertainment centers here.


The heart of the capital is the small Piazzetta: quite lively, yet cozy. All conditions for walking and shopping are created here. No less beautiful is Piazza Umberto I, where there are many high-end bars and restaurants. Here you can sit with a cup of coffee and cake, watch the locals, and personally meet celebrities vacationing on the island.


The capital is densely built up. Famous architectural and historical monuments are located here. One of them is the Basilica of San Stefano, built in the 17th century and decorated in Baroque style with a slight hint of oriental style. Inside the chapel is a silver statue of San Constanzo.

This may come in handy:

From the city you can book a walking tour along the Pizzolungo route. The path starts from the Piazzetta and runs along Via Longano or Via le Bottegue. In the process, you can see medieval streets decorated with arches, quiet alleys, and appreciate the combination of civilization and nature. The route ends at Piazzetta del Arco Naturale. There is a large natural arch that continues into the rock.

Alina Bratosin

Anacapri is a beautiful, quiet and calm city

Anacapri is a city that is very different from the capital. It is much less lively, quieter and calmer. Life here flows measuredly and leisurely. The territory contains Montre Solare, the highest mountain. When you rise to such a height, time seems to stop.

Matteo Ceruti

This is where you should start getting to know the area. It is easier to get to the top by cable car. From above you can see the entire island and the surrounding sea expanses. In the same area there is the Blue Grotto and the Faraglioni Rocks - a kind of symbol of Capri.

Tourists can book a boat ride through the Mezzo Faraglione arch: it has an unusual structure and natural origin.

The main architectural attractions of Anacapri:

  • The Church of St. Sophia, famous for its majolica interior decoration and large-scale painting based on the biblical story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise.
  • San Michele is a villa where Swedish explorer Axel Münthe lived in the 19th century. Under the roof there is a large collection of artifacts and sculptures; in the garden there are ruins from the times of Ancient Greece and a chapel.
  • Ruins of the baths of Emperor Tiberius.
  • Punta Carena lighthouse, illuminating the sea within a radius of 45 kilometers.

Roman Plesky

Luxurious nature, a large number of ancient monuments of architecture and art make the city of Capri attractive to tourists. Historical excursions, reviews of natural attractions, and photo tours are popular among visitors.


Where is the island of Capri located geographically?

According to reviews from tourists, the majority of vacationers want to get to Ischia, Sardinia and Capri. Holidays are not the cheapest, so there is no crowd. Everything is civil and reasonable. If you don't know where the island of Capri is in Italy, explore the southern part of the Bay of Naples.

Note! The island's area is just under 11 square kilometers, so you can visit the best places and main attractions within 5-6 days.

The coasts of the island are washed by the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean waters. Only 5 kilometers separate the island from the mainland. This is the tip of Cape Sorento.

Marco Rubino

The port of Naples is 36 km away. from Capri. The closest cities and provinces of the mainland: Sorrento, Positiano, Vico Exuense.

Sights of the island of Capri - what is interesting to see

The island of Capri is deservedly recognized as one of the most beautiful places in the world. Its history is shrouded in myth. According to ancient legends, sirens lived near the shores, luring unwary sailors into their nets. A little later, the Romans held orgies here, and in the 50s of the last century, celebrities from all over the world flocked here. Stars of cinema and the world of music hid behind large sunglasses in order to at least slightly hide from the attention of the idle public.

Fernanda Cristina Santos

Today, the island remains a place of many contrasts. For tourists, this is a labyrinth of expensive boutiques and the pearl of Italy; for celebrities and the rich, it is a romantic date spot; for people passionate about history, it is the island of Emperor Tiberius, where many mysteries lurk. Arriving here, you can visit local attractions, enjoy beautiful views and learn interesting facts from the past.

It wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted (they’re just a stone’s throw away, and they’re worth paying attention to).

Mount Solaro - beautiful nature and amazing views

Head to Anacapri to start your day on top of the world! This is exactly how you will feel standing on Monte Solaro, the highest point of the island. Capri (589 meters above sea level).

This is interesting:

The chairlift will take you up from Piazza Vittoria for 10 euros and return you once you've enjoyed the breathtaking views of the Bay of Naples. From here you can clearly see the city located at the foot, the Sorrento Peninsula and the rocky peaks of Filarioni.


On the high-altitude plateau, you can take photos surrounded by blooming orchids and centuries-old oak trees, and later drink coffee at the La Canzone del Cielo cafe. As you descend, your attention is drawn to the tiny chapel of Santa Maria, which once hid hermits behind its walls. If you're lucky and the church is open, the guardians will let you inside to show you the magnificent terraces above the sea.


How to get to the mountain:

  • take the bus from Marina Grande or Capri and get off at the Piazza Vittoria stop;
  • take the cable car or walk (in the first case it will take no more than 15 minutes, in the second - about an hour);

Cable car operating hours: from 9:30 to 15:30 in winter, until 17:30 in summer.

Roman Babakin

Villa San Michele is an interesting historical place

Another stunning location with panoramic views of Capri.

And this is what it is:

Swedish physician and writer Axel Munt built a villa on high ground northwest of Anacapri. The height of the point is 327 meters above sea level. During his long travels throughout Europe, he was looking for a statue of the Sphinx to place on the grounds of his mansion. In the end, the search was crowned with success.

Guido Amrein Switzerland

The traveler delivered the monument and installed it in the direction of the sea. From the location of the statue there is a magnificent view of the water area. There is a belief that by touching the sphinx you can make a wish. Your dream will definitely come true.

Chiara Salvadori

The surrounding gardens attract attention: among the trees one can see the remains of majestic columns from temples that were installed here in the 4th century BC. The head of Medusa the Gorgon and the bust of Tiberius, taken from the Temple of Venus, look epic.

Roman Plesky

On the slope leading to the sea, camellias bloom and hydrangeas smell fragrant. The ensemble is complemented by centuries-old pine and cypress trees, against which you can take a photo for a family album. The villa's garden is one of the 10 best gardens in Italy. During the summer, the villa's open-air museum hosts the Concerti al Tramonto music festival.

Roman Plesky

How to get to the villa:

  • take a bus from Ancapri and get to your final destination;
  • walk from the central square, following the signs.

Opening hours of San Michele: in winter from 9.00 to 15.30, and in summer opening hours increase to 18.00.

Entrance costs 8 euros.

Blue Grotto - a stunningly interesting cave

Discover the Italian resort island of Capri from the sea by taking a wooden boat to the Blue Grotto. This is one of the most striking attractions in Italy. The water in the sea cave is absolutely blue and incredibly clear, which makes this place truly magical.


The bottom of the grotto is sandy, it cuts through the cliff by 50 m, and the depth is about 150 meters. Tourists make their way here along with tour groups and single guides through a small entrance, the size of which barely exceeds 1.5 meters.

Despite the fact that the Blue Grotto has become the hallmark of these places, many residents are in no hurry to go here alone.

That's the problem:

According to old beliefs, the place was considered a witchcraft place and served as an abode of witches and evil spirits.

How to get to the Blue Grotto:

  • Reach by boat from Marina Grande with other excursion participants.
  • Get inside the grotto on a private boat.
  • You can take a cruise ship or book an excursion to Anacapri.

Opening hours: from 9.00 to 17.00.

Faraglioni Rocks - majestic view and romance

These rocks seem to take off from the depths of the sea, reaching for the sky. Three rocks are similar in outline to towers; they stand next to the shore, so they are clearly visible from the coast. You can capture their majestic view from the viewing platforms of Punta Tragara Belvedere, as well as from the Gardens of Augustus or Marina Piccola.

Jacqueline F Cooper

People gave these mountains their names. So, the largest of them is called Stella, the second largest is Scopolo, and the smallest is Mezzo. Their height is from 82 meters to 110 m. This place is popular among lovers.

And that's why:

It is believed that a kiss under an arch formed in one of the rocks is a symbol of good luck and strong marriage bonds.

On the Scopolo cliff you can meet a rare inhabitant - the Blue Lizard.

Nicola Pulham

To get to the rocks, you can book a tour with a local guide.

A group visit will cost less than an individual passage under the arch.

Anacapri center - fascinating walks along the old streets

Geographically, the village is located on the slope of Monte Solaro. This is a great place for a walk, because there are a large number of streets around where you can walk and get acquainted with local attractions.


There is a cable car here that takes you to the highest point of the island. Along Via Pagliaro you will reach the Blue Grotto. And, going to Cape Karena, enjoy gorgeous sunsets and views of untouched nature.

The Church of San Michele will be of interest. This is facilitated by the original architectural ensemble and the one-of-a-kind painting on the floor of the Church - the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden.

Roman Plesky

Another point to visit is John Makoven's Red House (Casa Rossa), where there is an art gallery and archaeological finds are displayed.


You can get to the village as follows. Come here from Marine Grande by bus that goes to Capri. Here change to another bus going to Anacapri.

All the attractions that can be seen on the island of Capri on the map

The most interesting excursions on the island of Capri

You can book an interesting excursion relatively inexpensively.

A ticket will cost 200-250 Euros.

Groups include up to 10 people, and if you’re lucky, you can take an individual tour for the same amount.

"Capri - the island of inspiration"

You will see the most beautiful places that have become a point of attraction for such famous people as Wagner and Aivazovsky. The great composer was inspired by the nature of Italy. Greatly impressed by his visit to these places, he created the epic opera Tristan and Isolde. And Ivan Konstantinovich created several artistic canvases at once, which were received with a bang by his fans.

Natalia Maccheda

Qualified guides will visit the most attractive locations with you. Together you will visit a perfume factory and learn a lot about the enchanting aromas of perfumes.

Tourists can enjoy a fascinating stroll through boutiques and souvenir shops. Waiting for you: a cable car with a climb to Monte Solaro, a sphinx at Villa San Michele, endemic trees in the Gardens of Augustus. Transport costs are paid separately, so you need to take about a hundred euros with you.


"First Date with Capri"

Sightseeing tour of the main cities and surrounding areas. You will climb to the highest point of the island in Anacapri, visiting the villa of Axel Munthe. On the way down the mountain you will look at the sea terraces of the Temple of St. Michael.

Guido Amrein Switzerland

In the second part of the excursion you will learn how to have a good rest on the island of Capri and which places to visit. The Cathedral of St. Stephen, a perfume manufacturing plant, awaits you.

Diego Fiore

Among all this splendor you will find a monument to Vladimir Lenin and a mosaic of Maxim Gorky. Stories about myths and legends that envelop these unique places in a magical veil will add interest to the trip.

You must take money with you for tastings and snacks; they are not included in the total payment for the guide’s services.

Why private excursions are a great alternative to independent walks

When exploring the pearl resorts of Italy without a guide, you risk losing sight of non-trivial details and fascinating facts. Moreover: you will never acquire useful practical information for further travel around the country. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of the offers of services and. They offer excursions to the picturesque cities of Italy.

In addition to Capri, you can walk with a licensed guide through the surrounding cities - in particular Naples:

Features of the beaches of the island of Capri

The beaches on Capri are few and not very large. Rocky cliffs are one of the main beauties of the island. Many of them have rock ledges from which you can jump straight into deep waters. However, such a risk can only be taken by the most intrepid daredevils.

Tourists come to Capri expecting barefoot walks on soft white sand beaches, but we recommend bringing special shoes. The island is actually covered in spiky areas of volcanic rock.

Caroline Nealon

Paid beaches in Capri

Fortunately, there are beach clubs along the coast with developed infrastructure, where you will find swimming areas equipped with amenities. Here you can grab a towel and, if you get hungry, check out the nearby restaurant.

On average, to visit such a club you will have to pay from 15 to 30 dollars per person per day.

When planning a good beach holiday in Capri, include these 5 places in your list of places to visit.


Bagni di Tiberio - historic pebble beach

On the north side of the island, this has been one of the best beaches for 2000 years. This is Emperor Augustus's favorite place to relax in the summer. The coast is a mixture of pebbles and sand, as well as large stones for sunbathers. Boats from the shore regularly depart on excursion tours. You can buy a ticket here from the ticket ushers.

Marina di Mulo - good in the morning

Located on the south side of Capri. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was a favorite place for jetsetters, fashionable partygoers whose lives were not complicated by financial problems.

Try to come here early in the morning, as the sun usually goes behind the mountains by 16.00.


Faraglioni - luxury holiday on private territory

If you want to meet a high-level businessman or simply enjoy an exceptional holiday, take a boat from Marina Piccola to the Fariglioni Rocks, where there are 2 private clubs. Here you will find pearl sand, luxurious white mattresses and beautiful views of the water area.

Faro di Punta Carena - a calm and comfortable place

This place was created for those who are tired of being in the thick of things and seek to find peace in unity with nature. To get here you need to take a 20-minute walk along Nuovo del Faro from Anacapri to Faro di Punta Carena with the lighthouse in the foreground. This beach is popular even among locals. Here you can sunbathe, snorkel and visit a cozy restaurant.

Winston Wu

Free beaches in Capri

Once you exclude the areas of the shore occupied by private beach clubs from your attention zone, there will be very little space left where you can simply lay out a towel.

Marina Grande - convenient for families with children

This is the easiest place to get to from the port as it is located right behind the ferry ticket office. Despite the proximity to the commercial port, the water here is always clean. The beach is child friendly and is crowded with couples and toddlers. The sun shines all day, and you can swim from morning to evening. You can get to Palazzo a Mare by following the path from the Da Paolino restaurant at the top of Marina Grande.

Gabriele Maltinti

Marina Piccola - clear sea and flat bottom

The two small beaches near Scolo Delle Sirene are always crowded, as the sea here is especially clear, and from the shore there is a panoramic view of the Faraglioni. These seats are also convenient for kids due to their flat bottom and easy viewing. The only drawback is the shadow from the middle of the day.


You can get to Marina Piccola by taking the stairs of Via Mulo or by bus from the center.


Gradola - rocky coast, but convenient descent into the water

Rocky coast with convenient descent into the water. There are stairs that you can use to go up and down after swimming. The water is clean, and to get here you need to take a bus to Grotta Azurra (departs from the center of Anacapri).

This is a beach for adults; children will feel uncomfortable here and will not be able to swim.

Punta Carena - sunny all day and beautiful views

Located at the foot of the largest lighthouse in Italy, it is illuminated by the sun from dawn to dusk. There are only rocky outcrops and space is limited. If you don’t want to put a towel on a hard stone, you can rent a comfortable lounge chair. There is a restaurant serving Mediterranean cuisine on the waterfront.

Beaches of the island of Capri on the map

The climate on the island of Capri is important to know

The island is located in the subtropical zone, it is warm here all year round, and rain is extremely rare. The winter season is very mild and short; in summer the temperature rises to +35 degrees, but the Mediterranean breeze relieves the heat, creating the most pleasant weather.


The tourist season begins in April, and in May you can safely swim, since the water heats up to +20...+22 degrees. Particularly pleasant conditions for sea holidays occur from July to September.

Below is a table with maximum and minimum values ​​of air temperature, average water temperature and daylight hours by month. From it you can draw your own conclusion when is the best time to relax in Capri in order to feel comfortable from the weather conditions.

MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctbut IDec
Daytime air temperature, °C+13 +13 +15 +18 +21 +25 +29 +30 +26 +23 +19 +15
Night air temperature, °C+12 +12 +13 +16 +18 +23 +26 +27 +24 +21 +17 +14
Water temperature, °C+15 +1 +14 +16 +19 +23 +26 +27 +25 +22 +20 +17

When is the best time to go on holiday to Capri?

Spring is considered one of the best times of the year to visit Capri.

And that's why:

The sun shines brightly, not scorchingly, the weather is mild, and beautiful flowers bloom around. The aroma of jasmine and orange flowers permeates the air and intoxicates your head. The streets are not yet crowded with tourists. Owners of shops, restaurants and cafes have recently retired from winter holidays, and therefore are glad to see visitors in their establishments again. At this time you can:

  • stroll through flowering gardens, alleys and parks;
  • enjoy boating (in spring there are no queues to visit sea attractions);
  • enjoy good weather (in March it rains about 10 days, and by May there are no more than 5 such days).

Roman Plesky

From June to September, Capri becomes a glamorous resort. It is a world leader in the field of hospitality and attracting tourist flows. Travelers enjoy sunny days and warm nights. Luxurious yachts are moored off the coast.

Thousands of people arrive by ferry every day at Marina Grande. During the day everyone disperses along the beaches, and in the evening they gather in the Piazzetta to drink an aperitif and stroll along Via Camerella. In summer you can organize your leisure time well:

  • visit a public beach or private club;
  • rent a private gozzo boat and sail on the sea;
  • have a snack in a coastal cafe with a glass of white wine and fresh peaches;
  • attend the most interesting events (there are many festivals and other events).


If in the spring you can come to Capri for a weekend, then in the summer this trick is more difficult to pull off. Moving and traveling can become too tiring due to the abundance of tourists. It rains no more than 2-3 days in the summer months.

September and October are ideal to visit the island. From the middle of the month the crowd thins out, but the weather is still warm for walking and relaxing on the beach.

Thomas Chlebecek

At the end of October, many restaurants and hotels begin to close for the winter. Hiking and excursions are popular, and shops have sales.

This is worth considering:

If in September it rains no more than 2 times a month, then in November there are many more such dates (up to 10). If you come to Capri in winter, you will find the resort in a state of hibernation. At this time, an invigorating wind blows from the sea, and dampness is at its maximum, especially in December.

The best hotels for a holiday in the island of Capri

There are many hotels on the island that differ in the level of service, number of rooms, list of services and prices. Most residents work in the hotel business. To make your choice easier, you can use the overview of the most popular offers. They are presented on RoomGuru - an aggregator site that compares prices of popular travel sites (including the fairly well-known Booking) and allows you to choose the most profitable option. In addition, the cost of accommodation offered by the service does not include additional commissions and markups.

Using a well-thought-out filter system, you can filter offers by type of establishment, number of stars, price per night and rating based on reviews of other tourists. This will make finding your dream hotel much easier.

Hotel prices depend not only on the season, but also on when the room was booked. During the summer, it is better to book a room 3-5 weeks before the trip.

Hotels with private beach in Capri

The most popular establishments located on the first coastline:

Hotel Weber Ambassador - you can relax with your pets

This is a four-star hotel with magnificent views of Piccola Bay and the Fariglioni Rocks. You can go down to the beach via stairs leading from the building itself. There is free parking, a bar, an ATM, and wireless Internet on site. Pets are allowed in the hotel.

Capri Inn - time-tested comfort

Located 200 meters from the island's marine terminal, it is classified as a bed and breakfast. Operating since 1920, the rooms have Wi-Fi, LCD TVs, and each has a balcony. There is a platform with sun loungers on the roof.

Diva La Canzone Del Mare - private pools

The territory has two seawater swimming pools, a sun terrace, an American bar, and a private beach. Each room also has a minibar, TV and bathroom.

5* hotels

Capri Palace - thoughtful service

Hotel SPA, located in Anacapri, 0.5 km from the sea. There is an outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, spa, sauna, Turkish bath and wellness rooms. Each room is designed in a modern style; there is a restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine, a wine cellar, and a bar on site.

Hotel Caesar Augustus - comfort and beautiful views

A hotel whose windows “look” onto the Bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. On the territory there is a swimming pool, restaurant, hammam, bar, each room is decorated in a Mediterranean style, the premises are equipped with natural wood furniture. Elite rooms for water treatments have hydromassage baths and marble plumbing.

Casa Morgano - close to the city center

Large hotel near the Piazzetta, there is an infinity pool overlooking the sea, the rooms have wireless Internet, bar, TV, balcony. From here you can get to almost any part of the city on foot.

Hotels 4*

Hotel Mamela - its own garden and multi-level swimming pool

The hotel is 150 meters from the lively Via Camarelle. Guests can use free Wi-Fi, stroll through the private garden, and swim in the outdoor multi-level pool. The best rooms have sea views. On the ground floor there is a modern-style restaurant and a large bar.

Hotel Syrene - beautiful nature and green terraces

This hotel is within walking distance from the Piazzetta. The territory has several picturesque gardens, an outdoor swimming pool, and terraces decorated in a green style. Marina Grande Beach is a 10-minute drive away.

Albergo Gatto Bianco - comfortable rooms in the city center

In the heart of Capri, guests can visit the lounge bar and relax on the sun-drenched terraces with flowers. The rooms are decorated in a nautical design and have all the amenities from Wi-Fi to hot tubs.

Hotels 3*

The most famous hotels with laconic service and the most affordable prices:

Hotel Il Girasole - good level of service

An establishment with views of Anacapri and Naples, it has terraces with a swimming pool, free internet, and the rooms have everything you need for a comfortable stay (bathroom, air conditioning, TV, hairdryer). Some rooms offer views of the sea or the garden.

Hotel Bussola - good rooms at a budget price

An inexpensive hotel five minutes walk from the center of Anacapri, which is highly rated for its good service, bright and clean rooms, and the presence of a spacious terrace for relaxation. The premises are designed in a classic style, with pointed ceilings, tiled decoration, and a continental breakfast is served in the morning.

Hotel Villa Ceselle - next to the cable car

The hotel is located next to Piazza Caprile, where there is also the start of the cable car to the island's highest mountain, Montre Solare.

Apartments and B&B

There are enough complexes on the island that offer beautiful and comfortable apartments, as well as rooms for corporate rental. Most popular places:

Villa Mariuccia Capri - has its own kitchen

These are apartments with their own kitchen, they are located 10 minutes on foot from the Piazzetta, next to a path leading directly to the beach.

Capri Blue - comfortable rooms

The apartments are located 0.5 km from Villa Castiglione, most rooms have air conditioning, a dining area, a private bathroom, a living room. Free internet is available throughout the territory.

Lulù Capri - comfort and thoughtful service

This is a complex in Anacapri, just over a kilometer from San Michele. The rooms have plasma TVs, seating areas, kitchen spaces.

Whatever hotel you choose, your holiday in Capri will be remembered for its amazing climate, abundance of flora and fauna, breathtaking mountain views, gentle sea and monuments of ancient culture.

Book an apartment or hotel room now with savings of 30%!

Tours to Capri and their prices

Holidays in Capri cannot be called cheap, but you can get here with the help of classic tourist packages and last-minute tours. Another way to save a lot of money is to book a hotel several months before your arrival. The most affordable prices are in February, and from March they begin to gradually increase.

Gabriele Maltinti

The peak price occurs in July-August; from September the price tag begins to fall again. For comparison, here are some simple numbers.

If in February tours to Capri for 7 nights cost an average of 25-30 thousand rubles per person, then in August this amount will rise to 90 thousand.

To search for ready-made tours to the island of Capri, there are services and. They offer a convenient and financially secure opportunity to book your favorite tour. 24/7 ordering is available. A friendly manager will accompany you throughout the entire transaction. He will prepare the necessary documents, purchase tickets and book accommodation. In addition, the manager will be happy to answer your questions and clarify the possible nuances of traveling to Italy.

Diving in Capri - how to spend unforgettable vacation days

Popular in Capri due to the complex structure of the island. Both beginners and experienced divers feel comfortable here.

And here's why:

The underwater world is replete with grottoes and caves. There are sunken ships not far from the coast.

Swimming near such objects only adds adrenaline and pleasure from diving. The depth varies depending on the location, sometimes it reaches 60 meters. Visibility conditions at most points are good - up to 15-30 meters.

Predrag Lukic

The only danger is the currents, of which there are many here.

To ensure a safe dive, you should contact professional instructors.

The peak of diving popularity is between June and October. In winter, diving is possible, but only with experience, a special wetsuit and equipment.

What other activities are there on the island of Capri?

The most popular tourist attractions on the island of Capri are boat trips. In addition to the Blue Grotto with sapphire water, there are many caves that are visible only from the sea. Among the favorites is sailing. Popular excursions include viewing ruins and hiking through historical sites.

Lois GoBe

What does Capri offer for a family holiday?

It’s not for nothing that the resort is considered a family resort, because people come here to relax with children to show them the beauty of Italy. If we have already considered a beach holiday in Capri, let’s dwell on other points. Parents and their children can rent a boat or sign up for a boat excursion.

I. Noyan Yilmaz

During the tour, travelers will be able to see such wonders as the Green and White Cave with stalactites hanging from the ceiling, a natural arch in the Faraglioni Mountains.


Couples will be interested in walks along Marina Grande. It is a picturesque place with colorful houses on the hillside. The city's largest port is rich in restaurants and shops. Marina Piccolo also has many secret places for walking together.


You can meet celebrities here; you just have to stop at a café on the main Piazzetta square for a cocktail or a cup of espresso. The best time for this is 19-21 pm, when travelers who came here for one day leave and the stars get off their yachts to spend time on the shore.

Angelo Ferraris

The cost of a cocktail will be about 10 euros, and coffee will cost around 2 euros. A couple in love can end the day with a romantic dinner overlooking the sea. First-time visitors to Capri should try the Capresi ravioli, filled with casciotta cheese and marjoram. The dessert will be a cake with chocolate and almonds.

History of the island of Capri in facts and figures

During excavations to expand the Quisisana Hotel, workers found the bones of prehistoric animals, as well as tools and other finds from the Paleolithic period. Scientists have put together a good basis to suggest that the island was once part of the mainland.

It is known that primitive man lived on the island. Proof of this is the Grotta delle Felci cave. It was used by primitive people as a place for rituals and burials.

The Greeks were the first settlers on Capri, coming here in the 8th century BC. This is evidenced by traces of the walls of Greek buildings, as well as the Phoenician steps connecting Marina Grande with Anacapri.

Maxim Baskov

Emperor Augustus was the first Roman general to discover Capri and build a palace here. Later Tiberius ruled here, who erected many architectural monuments.

In the early Middle Ages, Saint Constanzo, the future patron of these lands, arrived on the island. In the 9th century, residents built a cathedral on his grave.

In subsequent centuries, management of the island changed hands. The Duchy of Naples, the Lombards, the Normans, the Anjouans, the Aragonese and the Spaniards ruled here. Later the French and British, who fortified the island.


In 1826, the Blue Grotto became open to the general public. Information about the “blue miracle” quickly spread throughout Europe and attracted travelers. This began a new chapter in the history of the island.

What can you bring as souvenirs from the island of Capri?

From the descriptions of tourists we can conclude that the island is a center of attraction for shopping lovers. Few places in the world can boast such a high concentration of designer stores as Capri.


Driving along Via Camerelle, you will find the boutiques of the most famous fashion houses. Here you can buy designer clothes, shoes and accessories.

Gabriele Maltinti

Capri has many small craft shops and showrooms. The most popular souvenirs on the island are hand-sewn sandals, perfume and Limoncello.

On a note:

To sew sandals, just go to a specialized store, let the master measure your foot and choose the type of straps that you like. He will make shoes in less than one hour.

In Capri you can make your own perfume. This tradition dates back to the 15th century, when monks first began producing perfume using herbs and flowers.

In the shops you will also find all kinds of gastronomic goodies. One of them is a traditional lemon liqueur.


Food in Capri - more about the tasty side of the holiday

Almost all restaurants serve Mediterranean dishes, so you definitely won’t have any problems finding local cuisine. Until a few decades ago, supplies were limited, so all historical dishes are based on ingredients grown on the island. These are tomatoes, vegetables, herbs, lemons, fresh fish and seafood.

Seafood – shrimp. Mateusz Gzik

Features of local cuisine in Capri

Traditional dishes include not only Caperze ravioli, which we talked about a little earlier. Worth a try:

  • Caprese salad is a simple dish of fresh tomatoes and mozzarella, topped with a few basil leaves. Dressed with olive oil.
  • Torta Caprese is an almond cake, a deliciously sweet cake with a chocolate base. Contains absolutely no flour.
  • Limoncello is a liqueur made from alcohol-based lemons mixed with sugar syrup.


There are no ethnic restaurants in Capri, except Japanese, there are only eateries with island cuisine. Almost all establishments open in mid-April and close in October. A small number of cafes are open all year round.

Opening hours: from 12.00 to 15.00 and from 19.00 to 23.00.

Italians themselves usually have lunch at 13.00 and dinner at 20.00. Beach restaurants are open all day until sunset. It is better to reserve a table for dinner in advance, because life in Capri is extremely busy. To definitely be included in the number of guests of the establishment, you should take care of your comfort 1-3 days in advance.

The cost of dinner is 40-60 euros per person + wine.


The menu of most restaurants is located on the outside of the entrance, where you can preview the prices.

A service charge is usually added to the bill (1-2 euros per person). It is not customary to give tips, since waiters have fixed salaries. Almost every establishment has high chairs for small children. There are no vegetarian cafes on Capri, but each of them offers a couple of vegetarian dishes.

The best cafes and restaurants in Capri

There are plenty of places where you can eat tasty and satisfying meals in Capri. Every year, lists of the best fine and local restaurants are compiled. Let's name just a few of them:

Gennaro Amitrano - traditional cuisine

A small restaurant with a very cozy interior. Open during lunch and evening hours, specializing in Italian dishes.

Located at Via l'Abate 3, 80073.

The average price of a dish is 35 euros.

Villa Margherita - luxurious wine list

An establishment with European and Italian cuisine, Mediterranean dishes. The staff is very welcoming, hospitality is felt from the moment you enter. Wide choice of menu, excellent wine list, beautiful panoramic views from the window.

Located in Via Campo di Teste 4, 80073.

Mateusz Gzik

Terrazza Brunella - good selection of seafood

Tastyly cooked fish, mussels, and steamed shrimp are served here in abundance. It is in demand among tourists, including because of its gorgeous view veranda.

Transport in Capri - features of movement around the island

When planning a holiday in Capri and planning to travel by public transport, order a UNICO card, with which you can travel freely by bus and receive discounts on the cable car. If you don’t have such a card on hand, you will be able to pay for the fare immediately after boarding the vehicle.

If you are planning a trip to several resorts in Campania, use the service to purchase tickets for intercity transport (trains or buses). Using the “cheap and fast” function you will find the most profitable option for your trip. Moreover: for several years Omio has been cooperating with the best transport companies in the world, so a comfortable trip is guaranteed!


Car rental in Capri - important nuances

There is only one major road here, and public transport operates with enviable regularity.

Non-residents are not allowed to drive around the island in their own or rented vehicle from May to October.

You can get here by car from the mainland using a ferry, which only operates in good weather. Renting a car is not popular in Capri. However, you can rent a vehicle in Naples.

For a week you will pay 250-270 euros.

To find a car, it is best to use the Rentalcars service. He successfully cooperates with the largest rental companies in Europe and therefore can offer dozens of options for the date you are interested in. Thanks to a well-thought-out filter system, you will find the vehicle of your dreams, which is ideal in terms of class, additional characteristics, rental cost, damage deductible and fuel policy. Moreover: the site allows you to choose a car based on what kind of trip you are planning: for tourism or business purposes.

Olesya Kuznetsova

How to quickly and easily get to the resort of Capri

The question of how to get from Moscow to Capri is not accidental. This can be done with a transfer in Naples. It is from here that the ferry leaves for the island. Ferries from three companies depart from the pier.

The average ticket price is from 15 to 24 euros. Children under 5 years old are free, under 12 years old have a 50% discount.

Travel time is a little over an hour.

The only difficulty is that direct flights between Naples and Moscow are carried out only according to a seasonal schedule. Flights are operated on S7 carrier aircraft from Domodedovo Airport. From October to April, you can only get to Capri through Rome.

The Aviasales service is the choice of travelers who do not like extra travel costs. Using the official website you can find the cheapest tickets: the date will be highlighted in green in the price calendar. In addition, the service allows you to track changes in the cost of flights to the destination you are interested in and check for exclusive discounts for greater savings. In the latter case, the information is displayed in the user’s personal account.

What is the most convenient way to get from Naples airport to the city center of Capri

Upon arrival at Naples Capodichino airport, you need to transfer to the Alibus shuttle to get to the city's port, from where you can subsequently travel by sea to Capri. Buses run during the daytime.

Ticket price: 5 euros.

The city is 6 km away.


At night you can get there by taxi.

In this case, the cost increases to 20-30 euros.

There is a ferry leaving from Calata di Massa, or you can also take a speedboat.

The ferry costs 14.60 euros, and the boat 22.50.

Upon arrival, you should take a taxi or make the final push by bus. It is best to order a transfer through the service. It greatly facilitates the interaction of travelers with foreign drivers. The latter meet their clients at the airport with a name plate. In addition, it is possible to book a car in advance. Transport arrives 5-10 minutes before the specified time.

Photos courtesy of Shutterstock.com

The only way to get to Capri is by sea. Ferries depart from Naples and Sorrento. In summer there are also routes from Positano, Amalfi, Salerno and Ischia.

How to get to Capri from Naples

There are two piers in Naples from which ferries leave for Capri: Molo Beverello And Calata di Massa.

High speed boats depart from Molo Beverello and ferries from Calata di Massa. Ferries are more affordable but slower than speedboats. Travel time:

  • slow ferry: 80 minutes;
  • regular ferry: 50 minutes;
  • high speed boat: 40 minutes.

Transportation of cars is possible only by ferries.

Schedules and prices change frequently, so check them the day before your trip on the carriers' official websites. In bad weather and when the sea is very rough, speed boats do not go to Capri; in this case, you can only get to the island by ferry.

How to get to Molo Beverello port from Naples airport

Bus: at the exit from the terminal there is a company stop Alibus. Buses from here go to Piazza Municipio in the center of Naples, which is located a three-minute walk from the Molo Beverello marina. The ticket costs 4 euros and can be purchased directly from the driver.

Taxi: The taxi stand is located at the exit of the terminal. Negotiate a fixed tariff to the port (about € 20).

How to get to Molo Beverello port from Naples train station

The most convenient way would be to take a taxi. The fixed tariff to the port is about 10 euros.

How to get to Capri from Sorrento

Ferries to Capri depart from Sorrento from Marina Piccola. The journey takes just under half an hour.

The high-speed boat between Sorrento and Capri runs along a stunning stretch of coastline, so it's best to grab a seat at the top of the open deck on the port side to enjoy the views.

How to get to Capri from the Amalfi Coast

From April to October there are direct ferry routes between Capri and the Amalfi Coast. Speed ​​boats to Capri depart from Positano, Amalfi and Salerno.
The schedule is published at the start of the tourist season at the end of March and usually includes two or three morning routes from the Amalfi Coast to Capri and return routes in the afternoon.

How to get to Capri from Ischia

During the tourist season from April to October there are direct ferry routes between Ischia and Capri. Speed ​​boats depart from Ischia in the morning and return from Capri in the afternoon.

Capri - where to stay

Capri is a relatively small island, with an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers. There are two cities on it - Capri and Anacapri. The island has a mountainous terrain, so it is not always easy to get from one area to another on foot (especially when you have to walk uphill).

The city of Capri is divided into several districts:

  • port area Marina Grande;
  • the city center, centered around Piazzetta;
  • district of Tiberius in the east,
  • Marina Piccola in the south.

The town of Anacapri is located higher than Capri, at the foot of Monte Solaro. To get to it from the center of Capri, you need to take a bus; the journey takes 10 minutes.

Areas in Capri

Marina Grande: During the day, this area is noisy and crowded, as ferries with tourists arrive here, but in the evening, after navigation is completed, this place turns into a quiet village. Marina Grande is an ideal option if you are planning to spend one or two nights in Capri, thanks to its convenient location relative to the port. The area is also suitable for families; the nearby beaches are convenient for children to swim. The Piazzetta can be reached from here by cable car in just 5 minutes.

  • Pros: Close to the port, major beaches and starting point for boat excursions around the island;
  • Cons: a large number of tourists during the daytime.

Capri (central area): The hotels located around the Piazzetta are ideal for those who love nightlife as well as fashionable shops and restaurants.

  • Pros: located in the heart of Capri
  • Cons: far from the beaches

Marina Piccola: on this stretch of coast you will find the most beautiful beaches of the island, as well as stunning views of the Faraglioni. This area is suitable for lovers of peace and solitude; there is no nightlife here.

  • Pros: close to the most beautiful beaches on the island;
  • Cons: Far from restaurants, shops and other attractions.

Anacapri: this is an ideal place for those who value tranquility and want to discover another, authentic side of the island. In the evening it is nice to stroll along the old streets in the center, surrounded by small restaurants, cafes, ice cream shops and wine bars.

If you want to explore the whole island, it is worth booking a hotel near the bus stop on the Capri - Anacapri road to make it easier to use public transport. But the best option would be to rent a scooter to move freely around the island without having to adjust to your schedule.

It is also worth keeping in mind that there are no sandy beaches in Anacapri, there are only equipped swimming areas on rocky cliffs.

  • Pros: calm and authentic atmosphere;
  • Cons: There are difficulties when using public transport. The bus is often crowded.

Sights of Capri

Blue Grotto

The Blue Grotto is the most famous and visited attraction on the island of Capri. It is a natural sea cave, 60 meters long and 25 meters wide. Rays of sunlight refracted in sea water give it a fabulous bright blue hue, illuminating the entire cave.

Entry inside is only possible from the sea through a very narrow passage. Four-seater boats with experienced skippers are on duty at the grotto for visiting. Clinging to a steel cable, they slip into the cave at low tide.

How to get to the Blue Grotto

With excursion: in the port of Marina Grande you can purchase tickets for a sea excursion around the island with a stop at the grotto or a round trip ticket to the Blue Grotto. These services are provided by Motoscafisti and Laser Capri.

On a rented boat: If you are planning to rent a boat in Capri, then getting to the blue grotto is as easy as shelling pears. All you need to do is moor near the cave and signal to one of the skippers on a wooden boat that you want to visit the grotto.

By land: You can also get to the Blue Grotto by land. The most convenient way to do this is from the city of Anacapri. On the coast there is a staircase leading down to the cave.

Best time to visit

The famous light that illuminates the interior of the cave is strongest between noon and two o'clock in the afternoon. Although the morning hours are also favorable for visiting the grotto. You should definitely not go to the cave in cloudy weather, or after 3 pm.

How much does it cost to enter the Blue Grotto?

Ticket costs 14 euros per person. They can be purchased at the floating ticket office near the grotto (10 euros per boat plus 4 euros for entry). It is common practice for dinghy boatmen to tip, although this is at the discretion of the passengers.

Opening hours of the grotto, visiting time

The Blue Grotto is open to the public from 09:00 to 17:00. It does not work in heavy seas and cloudy weather.

The visit to the grotto by boat itself lasts about ten minutes. However, waiting for your turn to enter the cave can take quite a long time. During peak tourist season up to 2 hours. On average, a boat trip around Capri with a visit to the blue grotto takes 2 hours, a direct visit to the cave from Marina Grande takes about an hour.

Boat excursions around the island of Capri

A visit to Capri cannot be imagined without a boat ride around the island along the rocky and steep coast with its unique caves and secluded coves.

There are two options for a boat trip:

  • Organized tour: these are group excursions that last between 1 and 2 hours and cost around 17 euros per person;
  • individual tour: rent a private boat with or without a crew.

Marina Grande has several companies that offer excursions around the island of Capri. You can go on a tour, for example, with Motoscafisti and Laser Capri. Both companies offer organized tours, tickets for these excursions can be purchased directly from their offices near the Marina Grande port.

If you prefer an individual tour, it is better to book it in advance. There are a dozen companies in the Marina offering boats for rent with and without crew.

Organized excursions are ideal for travelers who have limited time on the island (for example, visiting Capri on a day trip from Naples), while a tailor-made tour with a private boat is more suitable for travelers who have at least a few days on the island .

When visiting Capri during the peak tourist season, it is best not to plan a private boat ride or excursion during the middle of the day. It is very hot at this time, and the waters surrounding Capri are literally crowded with yachts with tourists. Therefore, it is best to take this walk either early in the morning or postpone it until the evening.

Gardens of Augustus and Via Krupp

If you only have a couple of hours in Capri, then you can safely spend it visiting these places. The Gardens of Augustus offer panoramic views of the Faraglioni on one side and the Marina Piccola Bay and Via Krupp on the other.

The cost of visiting the gardens is only 1 euro. It is best to come here early in the morning or late in the evening, when there are not many people.

Via Krupp is a serpentine carved into the rock. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century on behalf of the German industrialist Friedrich Alfred Krupp. The path leads from the Augustan Gardens to the Marina Piccola bay.

This road is currently closed to the public due to the danger of falling rocks.


This is one of the symbols of Capri and the next attraction, after the blue grotto, that usually comes to mind when thinking about the island. Faraglioni consists of three cliffs rising from the sea near the southern coast of Capri. Each rock has its own name: the first (closest to the shore) is Stella, the second is Faraglione di Mezzo and the third is Scopolo.

The best places to view and take photos of Faraglioni:

  • Viewpoint Punta Tragara;
  • Gardens of Augustus;
  • Boat tour around the island.

Top of Monte Solaro

For the most beautiful panorama of the island of Capri, you should definitely go to the top of Monte Solaro. Its height is 589 meters above sea level (the highest point on the island). From here you have excellent views of the whole of Capri, the Gulf of Naples and the Amalfi Coast, all the way to the distant mountains of Calabria.

The easiest and most convenient way to climb the mountain is by cable car. The lift is located near Piazza Vittoria in Anacapri. Travel time is 12 minutes.

Opening hours and cost:

  • From March to October: from 09:30 to 17:30
  • From November to February: 10.30 – 15.00
  • Tickets: 11 euros return, 8 euros one way


On all maps this square is called Piazza Umberto I, but for the islanders, and for the rest of the world, it is Piazzetta. Sooner or later, all tourists visiting Capri end up in this square.

In every corner of the Piazzetta there are cozy cafes where you can often find Hollywood stars sitting at small wicker tables, sipping their coffee or cocktail.

The thought immediately comes to mind that most likely the prices in these establishments are astronomical. Nothing like that, they are comparable to any trendy bar in mainland Italy. A cup of coffee will cost 5 euros, and a cocktail about 12.

The Piazzetta has always been the center of life in Capri. Previously, it served as a market square where fish, vegetables, and sometimes meat were sold.

Today Piazzetta is a place where paparazzi hunt for pictures of millionaires and stars.

Villas on the island of Capri

Villa San Michele

This villa is located near Anacapri. Here you can see a huge number of ancient artifacts that were found on the territory of Capri at different times: fragments of sargophagi, busts, Roman columns and much more. Today, San Michele is the most visited attraction on the island, along with the Blue Grotto.

You can get to the villa by city bus from Anacapri. The cost of visiting is 8 euros per person.

Opening hours: every day from 9:00 to 18:00.

Villa Jovis

The villa was built by Emperor Tiberius on the east coast of the island of Capri. The location on the rock was not chosen by chance; it guaranteed complete safety and privacy for the emperor and his retinue. This place was opened to tourists in 1937 after the completion of excavations.

Entry cost is 4 euros.

Working hours:

  • from June 1 to September 30, open every day from 10:00 to 19:00;
  • October from 10:00 to 17:00 (closed on Tuesdays);
  • November - December from 10:00 to 16:00 (closed on Tuesdays);
  • Closed to visitors from January 1 to March 14.

A visit to Jovis is best combined with a walk through Parco Astarita and a visit to another villa called Lysis.

Villa Lysis

The villa impresses visitors with its beautiful interiors, garden and views of the Mediterranean Sea. It is worth visiting in conjunction with Villa Jovis. The most convenient way to get here is from the city of Capri.

Entry cost is 2 euros per person.

Working hours:

  • May, September, October, October: from 10:00 to 18:00;
  • June, July, August: from 10:00 to 17:00;
  • November, December: from 10:00 to 16:00;
  • Closed to the public on Wednesdays.

Villa Damecuta

It was built by Emperor Tiberius during the Roman Empire. At the moment, only a few ruins remain from it. It is believed that the villa was abandoned during the eruption of Vesuvius. In the Middle Ages, a watchtower was built on the site of the ruins.

The most convenient way to get to the villa is from Anacapri. To do this, you can take one of the buses heading towards the Blue Grotto or walk on foot (about 30 minutes).

Lighthouse Punta Carena

The lighthouse is located on the southwestern coast of the island of Capri. This is perhaps the best place on the island from where you can watch the sunset.

In addition, tourists have chosen this area of ​​Capri thanks to the beaches that are located here. The features of the seabed are such that just 500 meters from the coast the depth reaches 600 meters.

The most convenient way to get to the lighthouse is from Anacapri. To do this, you can take the bus, or walk (about 40 minutes).

Anacapri (Historic Center)

This small town is the complete opposite of Capri. Unlike the fashionable, expensive bars and restaurants of Piazzetta, Anacapri offers a completely different atmosphere with quiet old streets and squares.

If you are looking for wide beaches with soft golden sand in Capri, stretching for tens of meters, then you have clearly chosen the wrong place!

The beaches of Capri are small picturesque bays lying between the rocks. They can all be divided into free public and paid beach clubs, which offer sun loungers and umbrellas for rent, and a cafe where you can have a snack.

The average price for visiting a beach club is 20 euros for the whole day. This price includes entrance to the territory and a sun lounger. The umbrella is paid separately.

It is worth noting that the public beaches of Capri are also well equipped for visiting. They have changing cabins, showers and rental of beach accessories. The only difference is that you don’t have to pay to enter them. but you have to put up with a lot of people.

Beaches at Marina Grande

Marina Grande boasts the largest beach on the island. It is located next to the harbor where ferries arrive. Despite the proximity to the port, the water here is always clean and clear.

The free beach is located next to the ticket office where ferry tickets are sold. Boats that take passengers to the Bagni di Tiberio beach club also depart from here.

Paid beach clubs: Le Ondine, Lo Smeraldo


  • Equipped for children;
  • Disabled accessible;
  • Sun until late evening;
  • Free public beach.

Palazzo a Mare

The beach of Palazzo a Mare is located next to Marina Grande. It is a pebble beach with a beach club, restaurant on one side and a small section of public beach on the other. You can get to the beach by boat, shuttle or on foot.

Paid beach club and restaurant: Bagni di Tiberio.


  • Equipped for children;
  • Sun until noon;
  • Free public beach;

Beaches at Marina Piccola

The beaches at Marina Piccola are the most glamorous on the island.

The only downside to this place is that the sun leaves the bay early in the day. There are two public beaches here, one on each side of Siren Rock.

Paid beach clubs: Torre Saracena, La Canzone del Mare, Bagni Internazionali, Da Gioia, Lo Scoglio delle Sirene.


  • Equipped for children;
  • Free public beach;


There are two private clubs where you can enjoy a day by the sea. The clubs have good restaurants.

Paid beach clubs: Da Luigi, la Fontelina


  • Can be reached by boat or on foot.

Beaches near the Blue Grotto

There are both free beaches and beach clubs near the Blue Grotto where you can swim and enjoy the sun until late in the evening.

Paid beach clubs: Gradola, il Ricc.


  • Recommended for adults, as entry into the water is only from the stairs;
  • Free public beach;
  • You can get there by bus, taxi or on foot.
  • Capri has a tropical climate, ideal for travel all year round. However, the island has 4 seasons, each with its own temperature and characteristics.

    The tourist season in Capri traditionally lasts from mid-spring to the first days of November. All restaurants, attractions and entertainment are open during this time. No one knows the island better than the locals, and they recommend visiting it from April to mid-June and from September to mid-October.

    Capri in spring

    Spring is the most wonderful time of year to visit Capri. The sun is not burning so strongly yet, the weather is mild. The streets, free of tourists, are permeated by the scent of jasmine flowers and orange trees.

    Hiking and trekking, as well as boat trips, are especially comfortable at this time. You can visit the Blue Grotto in spring without queues or crowds of tourists.

    Capri in summer

    From June to September, Capri becomes a chic and expensive resort. Sunny days and warm summer nights attract hundreds of tourists from all over the world.

    On the island you can meet people of completely different incomes. Rich and famous people, who arrived on the island on their own yacht, relax next to ordinary tourists who arrive in Capri by ferry to the port of Marina Grande.

    During the summer months you have to work hard to find a table in a restaurant in the Piazzetta in the evening, everything is crowded. Everyone has the same route and action plan: during the day - the sea, beach clubs, in the evening - aperitif, dinner.

    Beaches in summer. The best thing to do on a hot day in Capri is to rent a boat and sail out to the open sea, stopping for lunch at a beach restaurant with a jug of cool white wine. If this is not possible, then visit any of the beaches of Capri, with the exception of the Marina Grande port area, where it is always crowded.

    In summer, it is not recommended to sail to Capri for 1 day, as it is tiring and stressful due to the heat and crowds of tourists. If such a trip is still planned, spend the day on the beach or on board a boat with an excursion around the island.

    Capri in autumn

    September and October are ideal to visit Capri. A mild climate is established on the island and the flow of tourists is significantly reduced. The weather is still sunny, so you can spend your days on the beach or boating along the coast.

    Restaurants and hotels begin to close for the winter at the end of October.

    Capri is great for hiking and trekking in autumn. The temperature is just right and the autumn colors add more charm to the island.

    Many stores close for the winter at this time and have sales. You can make a profitable purchase.

    Temperature Rainy days Sea temperature
    September 16-29 3 25
    October 12-22 10 21
    November 9-17 11 18

    Capri in winter

    Winter on the island of Capri is “off season”. However, in the last century, many travelers from Northern Europe visited the island from October to April. So they wanted to avoid the cruel winter and merciless summer heat of Italy.

    Most hotels are closed at this time and accommodation options are limited, so you should make your reservations in advance.

    If you are lucky enough to visit Capri in winter, the island will open up for you from a different side. The atmosphere is more authentic and sleepy, but be prepared for winter temperatures and a bracing sea breeze.

    Temperature Rainy days Sea temperature
    December 6-14 13 16
    January 4-12 10 14
    February 5-13 11 13

Capri is an island in the southern part of the Tyrrhenian Sea. This seaside resort, as it was popular back in the days of the Roman Republic, has remained a famous place in Italy for a seaside holiday.

There are several options for the origin of the name of the island: the first version is from Lat. Caprae - goat island, second version from Greek. Caprios is a wild pig (the facts of the colonization of the island by the ancient Greeks are confirmed by excavations). According to Homer’s work “The Odyssey”, it was in these parts that sirens lived, luring sailors with their singing and forcing them to turn their ships towards deadly reefs. The area of ​​the island is approximately 10 km 2 . There are two main settlements on the island - Capri and Anacapri, home to 15 thousand people. The highest point on the island is Monte Solaro, 589m high.

Capri is the only island in the Gulf of Naples that is not of volcanic origin, but is formed by a huge limestone rock, which over time gave Capri its current topography.

The climate on the island is warm and mild, the weather on the island is excellent all year round, and there is little precipitation.

There is no winter on the island, and in the summer the heat is balanced by a breeze that brings the damp coolness of the sea.

The island is ideal for people suffering from lung diseases. Man fancifully added vineyards, citrus fruits and olives to the wild flora of the island.

More than 2000 years ago, Emperor Octavian Augustus idolized Capri, exchanging it for a richer one, where medicinal springs, highly valued by the Romans, flowed. But Augustus more appreciated the Capri silence, detachment from the outside world, politics, work, gossip. For these advantages, Augustus nicknamed Capri a paradise of idleness. The beauty of these places and isolation from the mainland made it possible to spend time on two activities - relaxation and philosophy.

These days, Capri is a high-service resort. There are about 60 hotels in a small area of ​​two towns on the island.

The cost of hotel rooms also depends on the season and fluctuates mainly within 100-700 euros per day per room.

Very rarely there are budget special offers and it becomes possible to rent a regular double room for 40 euros per night with breakfast. To find the option that suits you, we recommend using Booking.com or the alternative super search below:

Capri is administratively part of the Campania region of central Italy. The Campania region is widely known for its amazing cuisine, which differs from other regions. Campania is the birthplace of pizza.

Traditional island cuisine

The cuisine of Capri is traditionally Campanian; in addition to pizza, it can offer meringue ice cream, unique Italian, sausages, buffalo milk cottage cheese, artichokes, and candied chestnuts.

Centuries-old wines are stored in the cellars of Capri restaurants.

The island of Capri can be considered the birthplace of the second most popular drink in Italy after Campari. This is a lemon liqueur, which is produced by infusing lemon peel, and the distillation method is used in the production of most alcoholic lemon drinks.

Limoncello is infused for 3 to 5 days, then the alcohol and sugar content is adjusted to the required proportions and placed in special machines for emulsification.

The drink is rich in vitamin C, has a natural bright yellow color and lemon flavor notes. Limoncello di Capri is one of the island's highlights.

The island can be easily reached by ferry or boat to one of the two harbors, Marina Grande or Marina Piccola.

Transport connections are regularly provided from the ports of Naples and Sorrento.

The coastline along its main length is heavily indented and consists of jagged, steep cliffs with grottoes, bays, gorges and reefs protruding from the water. Therefore, Capri does not have large sandy beaches, but many coves have pebble beaches. Most beaches are equipped with special platforms and stairs leading down to the sea. The most popular beaches are in Marina Piccola, near the Blue Grotto and the Faraglioni Rocks


Transport on the island, due to its small size, is not varied; its representatives are minibuses and taxis. A minibus ticket costs 1 euro.

However, the most popular transport in Capri are boats, which take you around the island.

From the port of Marina Grande you can get to Piazza Umberto (Piazzetta) by a funicular built in 1907. The length of the funicular route is 650m. Piazza Umberto with its surrounding narrow streets is the most expensive place to stay on the island. A glass of Coca-Cola, for example, costs 5 euros here, and you can manage to buy a traditional tramedin sandwich for 12 euros.

Sights of Capri

Since the island was popular in ancient times, it has a sufficient number of attractions. Near the port of Marina Grande are the ruins of the Maritime Palace of Emperor Augustus (Palazzo al Mare). A little lower, Augustus' successor Tiberius built his Baths (Bagni di Tiberio), and Tiberius also built twelve villas, the most famous of which Villa Jupiter.

This is the largest villa among the villas built by the emperor. Villa Jupiter is located on the hill of Monte Tiberio. Here, for the first time, reservoirs were built for rainwater, which later began to be supplied to supply the towns. Tiberius spent the last ten years of his life and reign in Capri in this villa. Villa Jupiter is relatively well preserved, allowing tourists to appreciate the beauty of 1st century Roman architecture.

Villa Malaparte

On Cape Massulo stands in splendid isolation Villa Malaparte. The building was built in 1938-1949 by the Italian writer and journalist Curzio Malaparte.

The building is a simple two-story red house. A wide staircase leads to the building, covered with a flat roof. The films “Contempt” by Jean-Luc Godard (1963), starring Brigitte Bardot, and “Skin” by Liliana Cavani (1981), where he played the leading role, were filmed at the villa.

Cave of the Great Mother

In the depths of Mount Tuoro lies the cave of the Great Mother. The cave was intended for Cybele, who was not part of the pantheon of gods of Ancient Rome.

The cult of the goddess of eastern origin appeared on the territory of the Roman Empire in 204 BC. according to the orders of the Seville Oracle, as historians believe, to expel Hannibal from Italy. The cave was turned into a cult place by the Romans, the walls are decorated with mosaics, shells and colored plaster. Today, only a few traces of ancient creativity remain in the cave.

Faraglioni Rocks

On both sides of Via Matteotti lies a park called the Emperor Augustus Gardens. It is a botanical garden in Capri style with many terraces. This is a good place for those who like to walk in the shade and coolness. From the park you can admire one of the hallmarks of Capri - Faraglioni Rocks.

These are three high sea cliffs. The nearby rock Stella or Faraglione di Terra, 109 m high, is connected to the island by a bridge. The middle rock of Mezzo, 82m high, is a natural arch under which a boat can freely sail. The distant rock Faraglione di Fuori or Scopolo is 104m high, famous for being home to the “blue lizard” - one of the rarest species of reptiles.

Find a hotel on the island of Capri

Phoenician staircase

Tourists who are not afraid of physical activity are recommended to take a walk along the Phoenician Stairs (Scala fenicia), connecting Capri and Anacapri. The steps of the staircase, 921 in number, were carved into the rock back in the 6th-7th centuries BC. The staircase collapsed in 1874, but was restored in 1998.

Having covered a distance of 1.7 km along the Phoenician Steps, you can get to the Chapel of St. Anthony, which is located approximately in the middle between Capri and Anacapri.

Church of San Michele

In the historical center of Anacapri you can see the Church of San Michele, dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. The church was built in the 17th–18th centuries in the style of and was an integral part of the Theresian Monastery.

The structure is characterized by its octagonal dome and rich interior decoration: frescoes, stone sculptural elements, and a large amount of multi-colored marble decorating the interior. The church is most famous for its floor, on which scenes of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden were laid out in majolica tiles in 1761. The side altars contain paintings by Paolo de Matteis, Nicola Malincolico and Poe.

Monastery of San Giacomo

Not far from the Piazzetta in the city of Capri stands the monastery of San Giacomo. The monastery was erected in the period 1363-1371 with the money of Queen Giovanna I of Naples under the strict leadership of Count Giacomo Arcucci. At the end of construction, the count was about to get a haircut, but a coup d'etat occurred, the Angevin dynasty came to power, and the count and queen were killed.

For almost two hundred years the monastery stood and did not know grief. But in the 16th century it was plundered by the troops of the pirate Dragut. The halls were partially destroyed, and the interior decoration was mostly taken away. After this, the monastery was restored at the expense of local residents. In 1690, a plague epidemic hit the island. The monks, hiding behind the walls of the monastery, refused shelter to the local residents. For a long time, monasteries on the island were viewed extremely negatively. Today the Monastery of San Giacomo is open to all visitors, and open-air concerts are held in the courtyard. And in the building of the monastery itself there is a museum of the German artist Diefenbach, who lived and worked in Capri for the last 13 years of his life.

Blue Grotto

On the northern coast of Capri is the most popular attraction, which has become the emblem of the island - the Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra).

It is famous all over the world because of the magical azure color of the water. This color is given to the water by the sun's rays penetrating through the small entrance hole. Researchers suggest that in ancient times this place was a sacred grotto of sea nymphs. You can only get inside the grotto on a small rowing boat, lying along the bottom. The entrance is a small passage in the rock, 2m wide and just over 1m high. When the north-west or south-west wind rises, it is not possible to get into the Blue Grotto.


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