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What can be transported across the Belarusian border? What can and cannot be transported across the Polish border? What weight can be transported across the border.

Money through customs

The amount of imported and exported currency is not limited. However, when importing or exporting over 10,000 US dollars(or equivalent) nYou must complete a customs declaration. This $10,000 limit applies to cash and travelers checks only. If currency is transported by payment cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and others) and the amount on the card account exceeds the equivalent of $10,000, then declaration is not required in any case.

When importing (exporting) amounts less than $10,000, declaration is not required, but can be done at the request of the traveler.

When declaring amounts exceeding $10,000, it is necessary to fill out an additional customs declaration form in 2 copies. Wherein It is NOT required to submit permits for the export and import of currency(for example, permission from the bank, documents on the sale of property, etc.).

www.gtk.gov.by (make a link to http://www.gtk.gov.by/ru)

Customs rules of the Republic of Belarus when entering the country from abroad

No duties or taxes You can import goods into Belarus(including personal property and belongings) with a total weight of 50 kg and a total amount of 1500 euros. For those arriving in the Republic of Belarus by plane, this amount increases to 10,000 euros.

But at the same time, all 50 kg of goods cannot be homogeneous (for example, 50 kg of mobile phones only). This refers to goods for personal use, the carriage of which is also limited (see below).

The direct decision to allow transportation is made by a specific customs officer, who takes into account the frequency of travel of the individual, the nature and quantity of imported goods. Sometimes they can even ignore the rules and allow the import of goods in excess of the norm into the Republic of Belarus. For example, if a visiting citizen of the Republic of Belarus shows documents that he is returning to his homeland after a long absence, for example, due to employment abroad. In this case, of course, there will be some deviations from the baggage allowance, to which customs officials can simply turn a blind eye.

So, you can import duty-free into Belarus:

200 cigarettes or 50 cigars (cigarillos), or 250 grams of tobacco, or assorted tobacco products, but with a total weight not exceeding 250 grams;

Alcoholic drinks (including beer) - up to 3 liters. If this limit is exceeded, you must pay a duty at the rate of 10 euros per 1 liter, but only for the amount that exceeds the allowed 3 liters of alcohol. But! The import of more than 5 liters of alcohol is prohibited.

The import of alcohol and tobacco products can only be carried out by persons over 18 years of age.

Currently, restrictions on the quantity of import of food and jewelry have been abandoned. Now you can return from Turkey completely decorated with gold, like a New Year tree, taking with you a box of Turkish sweets. However, we must not forget about the general restrictions that apply to these groups of goods - 50 kg and 1,500 euros (or 10,000 euros).

If the imported goods exceed the cost of 1,500 euros (10,000 for air travelers), then you must pay a customs duty of 30% of the excess value, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

There is a certain list of goods that are not classified as goods for personal use and their import occurs only with the payment of the appropriate duties:
- diamonds
- internal combustion engines
- central heating boilers
- agricultural machinery, excluding lawn mowers
- tanning salons
- medical and hairdressing furniture

All detailed information and latest updates can be found on the official website of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus www.gtk.gov.by

Customs rules of the Republic of Belarus when leaving Belarus abroad

The export of goods from Belarus is not limited by cost and weight.

There are some restrictions on the export of certain products from the country:

1. Export from Belarus of precious stones and metals is permitted only in the amount of up to 25,000 US dollars and only for personal use. For example, several copies of each model, despite the fact that they do not exceed the cost of $25,000, can be regarded as a consignment of goods and then there will be problems with unhindered exit from the country.

2. It is prohibited to export more than 5 kg of fish and seafood, as well as more than 250 grams of sturgeon caviar.

3. It is allowed to carry only up to 10 liters of fuel in a separate container. For example, when crossing the border in your own car, you can drive with a fully filled tank, but you are allowed to carry no more than 10 liters of gasoline with you in a canister.

All detailed information and latest updates can be found on the official website of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus

How much and what can be brought across the Polish border.

From January 1, 2018, a biometric control system began operating at checkpoints on the borders of Ukraine.

Employees of the State Border Service record the prints of 5 fingers of the right hand. Mandatory recording of biometric data is applied in accordance with the list of 70 countries, including the Russian Federation, defined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which are classified as a risk category. The rest of the foreigners - based on the results of analysis and risk assessment.

Official website of Polish customs (there is a version in Russian) - https://granica.gov.pl/?v=ru

What you cannot bring to Poland

You can also find rules regarding the import and export of goods on the official website of the customs service, but a short list can be found below.

Full list on the customs website - https://granica.gov.pl/przepisy.php?v=ru

December 14, 2019 tourists returning from trips abroad from outside the European Union, as well as persons entering the EU territory have already They will not be able to transport vegetables, seeds, flowers and almost all types of fruit across the border. Only pineapples, coconuts, durians, bananas and dates were not banned; all other fruits are prohibited from being transported. This is due to the fact that fruits or plants may contain viruses, fungi or pests that can take root in a new place.

What can you bring across the border to Poland?

When crossing the Polish border, without declaring, you can import or export funds in an amount equivalent to €10,000 in cash. Above this amount, mandatory written declaration is required.

Also, the transportation of weapons across the border is strictly regulated and requires obtaining the necessary legal documents giving the right to transport them across the state border of Poland, and requires mandatory notification of transportation to the customs authority.

The following goods are allowed to be imported into Poland:

Alcoholic drinks if they are imported by a citizen who has reached 17 years of age: alcoholic beverages with a strength of more than 22%, undenatured ethyl alcohol with a strength of 80% by volume or more (for example, vodka) - 1 liter, or alcoholic drinks with a strength of up to 22% (for example, liqueurs) – 2 liters, and still wines – 4 liters, and beer – 16 liters. When crossing the border by air, it is allowed to carry a liter of strong drinks (alcohol content more than 22%), 2 liters of wine, 5 liters of beer.

Tobacco products, if they are imported by a citizen other than by air or sea who has reached 17 years of age: - 40 cigarettes (2 packs), or 50 grams of smoking tobacco. When crossing by air - no more than 200 cigarettes (10 packs). -200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco, or all these products with a total weight not exceeding 250 grams. 3.Food. Food products of animal origin are subject to restrictions and sanitary control, i.e. meat and dairy products. It is not recommended to import such products into Poland. Citizens bringing meat or dairy products with them are required to place them in special containers that are available at border crossings. Meat and dairy products must undergo border veterinary control.

Vegetables and fruits:

  • 5 kg.- fresh fruits
  • 5 kg.- fresh vegetables except potatoes

If you import more goods than permitted, you must declare it in writing and pay customs duty.

Products prohibited for import into Poland

  • meat and meat products
  • cheese and cheese products
  • milk and dairy products
  • caviar ( It is allowed to import 125 grams of sturgeon caviar per package per person)

These products will be confiscated if they are detected during customs control. This is due to the risk of spreading African swine fever. An exception is special medical canned food and baby food, provided that the product is packaged in dense containers and weighs less than 2 kg.

It is also prohibited to transport wild birds, animals, soil, including potted plants, to Poland.

At automobile checkpoints, buses are inspected more thoroughly. Depending on the shift that arrived at the checkpoint, all the luggage of bus passengers can be completely checked. When crossing the border by car, as a rule, the check takes place formally.

Rules for importing into Poland

When entering Poland from countries that are not members of the European Union, you have the right to bring goods without paying customs duties and taxes in limited quantities and meeting the following requirements:

  1. You have the right to carry (import) only those goods that you carry in your personal luggage with you.
  2. Non-commercial goods for personal use, consumption or gifts.
  3. The total value of the goods must not exceed the equivalent in Polish zlotys:
  • when moving by ground transport (on foot) - equivalent 300 ;
  • when moving by air, sea transport - equivalent 430 ;

The above amounts do not include medications for personal use and the cost of personal luggage. It is also allowed to transport fuel in the amount of a standard fuel tank of a vehicle that crosses the state border of Poland, but not more than 200 liters, and in portable containers (canisters), but not more than 10 liters.

Transporting medicines across the border with Poland

Medicines, Your first aid kit should contain no more than 5 small packages of medicines for personal use (more medicines can be imported after obtaining permission from the Minister of Health) and in no case should they contain narcotic or psychotropic substances. Except in cases where transportation is carried out by licensed entities on the basis of special permits, or if the person transporting them has a certificate containing detailed information about the patient, doctor, transported medicine, as well as details of the organization that issued and confirmed the certificate (prescription).

But not everyone knows about the presence of such prohibited substances in medicines. Some of the most common illegal drugs are those containing sibutramine (banned in the EU). Most often these are medications for weight loss and potency. Basically, such drugs are of Indian or Chinese origin. Sibutramine is also found in menopause tablets.

Diet pills prohibited for import into Poland:

  • Adipex
  • Meridia
  • Clenbuterol

Also prohibited for import are ordinary cold or painkillers that contain:

  • pseudoephedrine
  • codeine
  • dextromethorphan
  • tramadol (nurofen, solpadeine, codesan, cofex, etc.)

Drops containing a high percentage of alcohol (Valocardine, Corvalol) are also subject to restrictions. Therefore, be extremely careful when buying this or that medicine for a sore throat, cough or migraine, study its composition, since some require permission from the Ministry of Health to transport.

Documents for importing animals to Poland

International veterinary passport- This is the main document of the animal, without it it is impossible to cross the border with the animal. The passport will contain a photo of the four-legged animal and a list of vaccinations. Also, without the presence of the owners, no one will be able to transport them across the border, because... The owner's full name and passport number are imprinted on the passport/certificate. Also, the animal must have a microchip (the rule since 2011 is that all pets are marked with microchips).

Antibody test- An antibody titer certificate is also required, especially for those who travel with an animal from Ukraine. Since Ukraine is on the list of objects with a high degree of infection with the rabies virus, the test must be done 30 days after vaccination against this disease. If you do not have a certificate at the border, problems will arise: from a fine to a long quarantine. Moreover, the owner of the animal will pay for the stay. An animal should be vaccinated against rabies no earlier than 11 months and no later than 1 month. before the departure date.

Health certificate- The certificate is issued no later than a week before the voyage from the official veterinary representative of the country - a certificate of form A1 made 3 days before departure and its subsequent re-registration at customs.

The process of completing all the documents is quite lengthy, so it is better to start it at least 4 months before the departure date. Over the last six months, customs requirements for the transportation of animals have become very strict, so prepare in advance

Duty-free import of goods from Poland to Ukraine

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported bill No. 7280, which provides for amendments to the Customs Code, namely the introduction of restrictions on duty-free import of goods across the state border.

New rules for duty-free import of goods in hand or accompanied luggage in the amount of up to 500 euros (at airports - up to 1 thousand euros) and weighing up to 50 kg will apply to those who have been absent from Ukraine for more than 24 hours and enter the country no more than once a year. within 72 hours.

If a person crosses the border more often during the specified period, he will be able to import goods in an amount not exceeding 50 euros without being subject to duty.

In addition, it limits the tax-free transfer of goods to individuals in international postal and express shipments. Now there can be no more than three of them within one calendar month. As for their total cost, it should not exceed 150 euros. In case of sending four parcels during the specified period, the last one will be subject to tax, duty and excise duty.

What can you import to Belarus from Poland?

For Belarusians, the norms for transporting goods from Poland to Belarus changed slightly in 2018. If the customs service notices an item from the “prohibited list” among your luggage, it will be confiscated.

What cannot be imported to Belarus from Poland:

  • Pork and all products that contain it (sausages, lard, frankfurters).
  • Animal food (including for pets and fish), which is not subject to heat treatment.
  • Products not labeled with all ingredients.
  • Potted plants (not recommended).

List of permitted goods for import:

  • poultry meat (chicken, duck, turkey, etc.) in labeled packaging;
  • kitchen appliances and plumbing fixtures (1 product every three years);
  • motorcycles, tires and auto parts (up to 4 units every 2 years and with the provision of documents for a motorcycle or car);
  • Goods with a total weight of more than 35 kg and an amount exceeding 1,500 euros (when moving by road) and 10,000 euros (when crossing the border by air), vehicles (except for the car used for moving), ethyl alcohol (up to 3 liters) - this is what needs to be declared when importing into the Republic of Belarus from Poland.

If you do not comply with the rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland, the authorized bodies have the right to suspend the import of prohibited items, luggage worth over 300 euros and undeclared funds. Depending on the degree of violation of the rules, punishment may be in the form of confiscation of the transported item, a fine, or even deportation. Moreover, such sanctions are possible from the customs authorities of both Poland and Belarus.

The last year has been a difficult period not only for the Russian Federation and Ukraine, but also for their neighboring countries. Amid hostilities and quarrels between the two countries, Belarus has banned the import of quite a large number of goods into its territory. Many restrictions are directly related to the rules and regulations of the customs union.

Panoramic view of the center of Minsk at night

Also, the reason for the ban or restriction was the diseases of some animals, which could pose a potential danger to Belarusian citizens.

Belarus is a member of the Customs Union, membership in which obliges its participants to adhere to the customs norms and rules established by the union. According to these rules, any individual can carry a total of fifty kilograms on any transport (car, train, bus).

The only exceptions are goods weighing more than 35 kilograms. According to customs regulations, goods of this category are classified as indivisible.

It is also worth remembering that when transporting goods, it is imperative to take into account their total cost.
The Government of the Republic of Belarus allows the import of goods worth no more than 1,500 euros. Where and for what currency these goods were purchased does not matter. The cost of goods is calculated at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.

If crossing the border is carried out by air (on an airplane), a person has the right to import goods for personal use in the amount of 10,000 euros. It is worth remembering that the above standards for imported goods must necessarily fall into the category of goods for personal use, that is, not be used on the territory of Belarus for commercial purposes.

Large goods not for personal use include:

It is also prohibited to import diamonds duty free. Other jewelry can be carried.
The basic rule is that imported goods worth one and a half thousand euros and weighing no more than fifty kilograms are not subject to duty payment to the state budget of Belarus. All other goods in excess of these standards must be declared at customs points and paid according to the established tariffs for each “extra kilogram”.

For “excess luggage” an individual will need to pay VAT in the amount of thirty percent of the total cost of the goods. But, VAT should not be less than four euros per kilogram.

Import of alcoholic beverages

According to the requirements of the Customs Union, the import of alcoholic beverages into Belarus by an individual in the amount of three liters is allowed. The maximum volume of alcohol import is five liters.
It is worth considering that if you transport three liters of alcohol, you will not have to pay value added tax (VAT). But for exceeding this amount, a person will need to pay ten euros for each “extra” liter.

And since the maximum volume cannot exceed five liters of alcohol, then, accordingly, the maximum amount of VAT will be twenty euros.

It is allowed to transport alcohol of any strength. Even beer is included in this list. Moreover, the place where alcoholic beverages are purchased does not matter. Even alcohol purchased at duty-free is not an exception.

Only an adult representative of any country can import alcoholic goods.

Map of administrative divisions of Belarus

But for people crossing the border more than once a week, different rules apply that significantly limit the import of alcohol. So, if a person crosses the border of the Republic of Belarus by car once every seven days (or more often), he can import only one liter of alcohol. If crossing the border is carried out on foot or by bicycle, a person has the right to bring half a liter of alcoholic beverages.

Import of ethyl alcohol is carried out only subject to declaration and payment of VAT. For one liter of ethyl alcohol you will need to pay twenty-two euros to the state budget.

Import of tobacco products

The Republic of Belarus allows the import of up to two hundred cigarettes (ten packs or one block) or fifty cigars. You can also bring 250 grams of tobacco instead.

Import of currency

Belarus is one of the countries that does not regulate the permitted amount of imported currency. But remember that you can import only 10,000 euros into the territory of this state without declaring and paying VAT (but you can spend the same amount but in dollars). If the amount of funds exceeds these standards, the currency is subject to mandatory written declaration and payment of VAT.

An important aspect is that it is necessary to declare currency exceeding the amount of ten thousand euros (at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus) only in cases of importing currency in cash. If money is stored on a card, it is not subject to declaration.

Example of a customs declaration for importing currency

When filling out a customs declaration, you do not need to provide special permission to import funds (in any currency).

Certificate indicating the animal's vaccination dates

It is important that the animal must be vaccinated several weeks before it is expected to cross the border. It is also necessary to take care of translating the medical certificate into Russian or Belarusian.

After the animal crosses the Belarusian border, the owner of the animal must register it with any veterinary organization. To import wild animals, you must first submit an application to the Ministry of Nature along with photographs of all animals.

Customs officers will also need to present documents proving ownership. It is worth remembering that you must submit your application no later than two weeks before your intended trip.

Before moving on to the list of what can be brought across the Polish border, it is worth mentioning the sanctions for violating them. According to the degree of tightening, they can be expressed as:

  • confiscation of prohibited things;
  • imposing a fine (for example, 50 euros for an extra carton of cigarettes);
  • in the EU for up to five years.

A relatively minor violation can result in significant punishment. Therefore, you should carefully read the following rules for transportation across the Polish border.

There are differences in standards depending on the method of movement:

  • ground ( , );
  • by air and sea;

So, when traveling by plane(and also when moving by sea) some norms increase slightly.

As a rule, this applies to personal items, cigarettes, gifts. We will look at specific numbers in the relevant sections.

note that all the rules under consideration apply to entry into Poland from non-EU member states. When crossing the border of the Republic of Poland from the countries of the Union, the standards are much higher.

What is the maximum weight allowed for items in 2019?

You can carry bags across the border whose weight does not exceed 50 kg per person. For citizens of Ukraine and Russia, this rule applies without exception, however for citizens of Belarus there is a difference: if the border is crossed more than once every 90 days, the weight is reduced to 20 kilograms.

Customs rules and regulations

How many things can be transported across the Polish border?

Personal items permitted for import will not be subject to customs duties and will not be subject to insurance if their total value does not exceed:

  • 150 euros for persons under fifteen years of age.
  • 300 euros for those over fifteen years old.
  • 430 euros when traveling by air.

Such items receive the status of “temporarily imported” and must leave Poland along with their owner.

The situation with exports from Poland is similar, but there is an exception for Belarusians. The legislation of the Republic of Belarus allows citizens who cross the border less than once every 90 days to import goods in the amount of up to 1,500 euros (those who do this more often - the amount is 300 euros).

The rules apply to travelers over 17 years of age. Before this age, the transport of alcohol is prohibited.

You can import:

  1. Drinks with a strength of more than 22.3% vol.. – 1 liter of vodka per person entering.
  2. Drinks with an alcohol content of less than 22.3% vol.. – up to 2 liters per person. However, this item does not include wine and beer.
  3. Wine(except for sparkling) – up to 4 liters.
  4. Beer– up to 16 liters.

In cases of import of alcoholic products that fit several items, the customs officer can calculate their average strength, and on this basis make a decision on the quantity allowed for import.

Is it possible to bring homemade wine or moonshine?

In general, it’s possible, but... without the original packaging and label, no one can determine either the composition or the strength. They may take you away for examination at your expense or simply not let you through.

What kind of tobacco products can you use?

The rules for transporting tobacco also apply only to citizens over 17 years of age..

When crossing the border by land, it is allowed to import:

Mostly people transport cigarettes, but remember if you transport more than 2 packs of cigarettes per person, the extra ones may be taken from you. As for hookah lovers, we did not find information prohibiting the import of it.

When crossing the Polish border by plane, the standards increase:

The latter also applies to water transport.

The following products are prohibited for import into the country:

  • milk and products created on its basis;
  • meat and all its derivatives, incl. lard, sausage, balyk, etc.;
  • canned food – homemade or store-bought;
  • chocolate;
  • all vegetables;
  • all seeds;
  • all plants;
  • fruits excluding dates, pineapples, durians, coconuts and bananas.

As for fruits, vegetables, seeds and plants, their import on a commercial scale requires a long procedure for phytosanitary certification. Because of this process Import of these goods is not possible for individuals.

These rules apply to the entire EU territory for the entry of third-country citizens and are regulated not by Polish, but by pan-European legislation.

However, there are a number of exceptions that allow import:

  • baby food;
  • fish and products made from it;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits weighing up to 5 kg per person (except for potatoes).

There is another nuance: ready-to-eat meat products, cut into portions in small quantities (sliced), can be passed through the border.

Simply put, a traveler will not be deported for eating a sandwich with lard or sausage.

There are also restrictions on the transport of caviar(salted, ready to eat). Sturgeon caviar is allowed in quantities of 125 g/person in hermetically sealed packaging.

The situation is more complicated with small amounts of home canned food.. The decision to import it into Poland will be made by a customs officer, subjectively determining whether it is “canned food” or “personal food”. Our advice: it’s better not to take risks and not to take canned meat-based food with you – stewed meat and the like. Please take vegetables.

Some other products are also allowed for import into Poland. For example, honey or products made from eggs, etc., weighing up to 2 kg.

You can introduce products for special nutrition (diet, etc.) if, firstly, their need is confirmed by a medical certificate, and secondly, the weight does not exceed 2 kg.

Other restrictions for import into Poland:

  • coffee – no more than 500 g;
  • coffee extract – up to 200 g;
  • tea – no more than 100 g;
  • tea extract – up to 40 g.

The names and scope of prohibitions/permits may change depending on changes in Polish and European legislation. For example, in cases where epidemics of domestic animals and birds are detected, additional temporary bans may be introduced.

We have also prepared an article for you about how much food costs in supermarkets in Poland. You can view prices at.

Mild tablets in sizes suitable for personal use are allowed for import into Poland! Potent medications (again in personal quantities) can only be imported with an appropriate document from a doctor (indicating the institution, full name of the doctor, patient data, list of medications).

In other cases, drugs containing psychotropic and narcotic substances are strictly prohibited for import.

What can you do from household appliances?

Transporting any type of equipment in the amount of 1 unit per person (without packaging) should not raise any questions - this quantity is allowed. However, everything these things must be declared so that when exporting them from Poland there will be no problems with re-paying VAT.

By the way, if the equipment (mobile phone or TV, for example) was actually purchased in Poland, you will have to pay tax, but you should not forget about such a convenient refund tool as.

When importing computer equipment to Poland(laptop) The customs officer has the right to check it for the presence of unlicensed software and prohibited content. As practice shows, such cases are extremely rare, but still occur.

The transportation of all types of weapons is strictly regulated by Polish and EU legislation. Firearms and ammunition are prohibited for import. However, sports, hunting, pneumatic and gas cartridges (as well as up to 100 rounds of ammunition for them) can be imported with the permission of the relevant government agency and declared in the prescribed manner.

Steel arms(knife, etc.) import is prohibited. An exception may be made for decorative designs that are legally recognized as not of cultural or historical value, and, accordingly, have the necessary documentation.

P.S. You can take an inexpensive camping or kitchen knife with you. As practice shows, they are not subject to edged weapons and can be allowed across the border, but not always.

There are certain difficulties in transporting certain weapon accessories to and from Poland.

In particular, a hunting scope (not double-action, not installed) should not be classified as a weapon, however, as practice shows, there were cases with import-export problems - they required a conclusion from the Ministry of Defense to recognize the scope as non-military.

In most cases, the situation was dealt with and a positive decision was made, but nerves and time were wasted. This should be kept in mind.

How much cash? What can you do with jewelry?

The easiest way is to import jewelry - It is allowed to carry jewelry with a total weight of up to 50 grams per person, even diamonds.

It's a little more difficult with money. This may be cash, account balances, or monetary precious metals. So, how much money is allowed to be transported across the Ukrainian and Polish border? Carrying currency up to 10,000 euros is allowed, but there are two caveats:

  • depending on the purpose of entry, the minimum required amount of money may be established;
  • You can import more than 10,000 euros, but such amounts must be declared.

Money can be in any currency (dollars, pounds, etc.) - the rule applies to the equivalent of 10,000 euros.

Plants, seedlings, seeds and animals

The importation of animals into Poland is possible if they have the necessary vaccinations, an international health certificate and a microchip with an electronic identifier established by EU laws. You are allowed to import up to five pets at a time.

Import of plants into the country is prohibited!

Rare, endangered species of both plants and animals can be imported only with the appropriate permission from CITES (the body that monitors the implementation of the international convention on trade in rare species).

As for the opposite – the export of plants from Poland, as well as their seeds and seedlings (not on a commercial scale), then Polish customs is loyal to this, however, both Ukraine and the countries of the Customs Union require a phytosanitary certificate.

From experience, we can say that his labor costs for registration of non-commercial parties make this process meaningless. But you can buy seeds for yourself and bring them home.

Other goods

The import and export of spare parts, furniture, petrol or power tools and similar goods to Poland is subject to general rules: for an amount not exceeding 300 euros and weighing no more than 50 kg per adult.

As mentioned, air travel adds to the cost, but not all items can be allowed on the plane due to airline regulations.

What is prohibited to carry?

Definitely prohibited:

  • drugs;
  • radioactive, incl. infected, elements;
  • explosives;
  • potent poisons.

Despite the impressive amount of information, it is not only possible, but also necessary to understand the issue of permission for entry and exit. Any lack of awareness can lead to penalties, including deprivation of the right to visit the EU for several years.

It is better to spend a little time studying the issue, and then enjoy visiting Poland! If something is unclear, ask clarifying questions in the comments.

Are you from Ukraine and need a work visa? Fill out this form and an employment agent will call you.

As everyone probably knows, Belarus and Poland are neighboring countries. And quite a few Belarusians go to the neighboring state for various purchases. This happens because Polish goods are cheaper and more profitable in relation to Belarusian ones.

It’s no secret that many Belarusians go to Poland to shop, and some people go to the neighboring country specifically to buy food. In this regard, there are rules for transporting food products.

  • For those who travel more than once a month, the permissible weight of food products imported into Belarus should not exceed 10 kg.
  • For those who travel more than once a week (7 calendar days), these norms are reduced to 5 kg of food.
  • For those who travel more than once a calendar day, the permissible limits are reduced to 1 kg of food.

As for alcohol, there are different rules.

  • For those who travel no more than once every 8 calendar days, the norm for importing alcoholic beverages (including beer) into Belarus is 3 liters for each adult passenger.
  • When traveling more than once a week (7 calendar days), the rate is reduced to 1 liter per adult.
  • When traveling more than once a calendar day, the norm for importing alcohol into Belarus from the EU will be no more than 0.1 liters per adult.
  • no more than 1 liter of alcohol when driving across the border by car;
  • no more than 0.5 liters when crossing by other means, for example, on foot or by bicycle.

The most important thing is that the label of imported products must have a marking, label or something similar on which the composition of the product must be indicated. If this is not the case, then customs officers will have the right to detain the goods.

Number of goods transported

As mentioned above, the number of goods allowed for duty-free import depends on the frequency of border crossings, as well as the results of the inspection by the customs officer. For those who cross frequently, there are methods by which you can determine the value and purpose of the goods being transported, so as not to pay duty for them.

The general rules are:

  • Travel abroad less than once a month. Then you can transport up to 3 units of identical goods, but their names should not exceed 5 items, i.e. three sweaters, three pairs of trousers, three pairs of shoes.
  • Travel abroad 2 or more times a month. The number of units of goods remains the same (three), but the number of items is reduced to 3 items.
  • No more than 1 item per calendar year you can carry:
    Household appliances – hood, kitchen stove (gas/electric), oven, hob, water heater, air conditioner.
    Appliances – electric generator (for household use), lawn mower (including trimmers), household car washing equipment, household welding machine.
    Electronics – laptop (netbook), game console, TV, monitor, multifunctional copier.
    Means of transport– bicycle, inflatable boat, outboard motor.
    As well as civilian smooth-bore or rifled weapons and their parts.
  • No more than 2 units of goods per calendar year You can carry: mobile phone, baby stroller, printer, scanner, tablet.
  • No more than 4 units of goods per calendar year You can carry: new pneumatic tires, new or used wheels for each car (motorcycle) for personal use, provided that the presence of the vehicle is documented.

Rules for importing goods from Poland to Belarus

Only goods for personal use can be transported duty-free to Belarus from Poland and other EU countries. A customs officer determines whether a product belongs to the category for personal use, using special guidelines, which anyone can read by following the link.

You can find a complete list of goods that are not classified as goods for personal use in APPENDIX No. 6 to the Decision of the EEC Council No. 107 of December 20, 2017.

Duty-free import of goods to Belarus from Poland: current standards from 2019

Important! From January 1, 2019, there were changes in the norms for the import of goods into Belarus from Poland. The upper limit of the limits (for trips no more than once within 3 months) has been reduced.

In the first case ( 1 time every 3 months ) the weight of the transported goods must be no more than 25 kilograms(per person) and the amount of goods should not exceed 500EUR.

Second case ( more often than once every 3 months ) the goods transported must weigh no more than 20 kilograms, and the total amount should not exceed 300EUR.

Important! These standards do not include alcohol and tobacco products. There are separate rules for them!

As for alcohol and tobacco products, the rules are completely different:

  • Alcohol. Up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages, including beer, are allowed for duty-free import for each adult passenger. If trips are made more than once a week, the permissible alcohol allowance is reduced to 1 liter for each passenger over 18 years of age.
  • Tobacco products. Up to 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars (cigarillos), or 250 g of tobacco are allowed for duty-free import. If you are bringing several types of tobacco products, then their total should not exceed 250 g per adult person. face.

By the way, if you want to transport a potted plant, seedlings or seeds across the border, it is better to abandon this idea - they are all subject to phytosanitary control, and this may take a lot of time.

Excess weight and value: how much will the duty cost?

So, it was not possible to meet the duty-free cost and weight of the goods, so at the border they are asked to pay a duty. How much will it cost:

Travel to Poland once every 3 months or less

The total amount exceeded 500EUR – a third of the EXCEEDED amount (30%).

Weight more than 25 kg - a third of the excess weight, but not less than 4 euros per kilo in terms of excess, even if the product costs less (provided that you cross the border once in three months).

Travel to Poland more than once every 3 months

The total amount exceeded 300EUR or the total weight exceeded 20 kg - you must pay customs duty (depending on the category of goods), customs duty (20EUR or 50EUR - depending on the category of goods) and VAT.

Alcohol up to 5 liters – 10 euros for each extra liter (up to 3 liters of alcoholic beverages (including beer) per adult passenger are allowed for duty-free import).

Ethyl alcohol up to 5 liters – 22 euros per liter.

But don’t think that you can easily pay for everything above the norm and take it where you need it. To transport a large shipment, you will have to provide documents of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, and if there are none, then leave the goods in paid temporary storage warehouses.

What to do with indivisible goods

The category of indivisible goods includes goods weighing more than 35 kg, which consist of one unit or set of goods that can only function normally when assembled. We remind you once again that goods weighing no more than 25 kg are allowed for duty-free transportation into the territory of Belarus from Poland; accordingly, indivisible goods, regardless of weight and value, are subject to duties.

According to changes from January 1, 2020 As a duty, you must pay 30% of the excess cost, but not less than 4 euros for each “extra” kilogram. A larger amount is accepted for payment.

Let's give an example: You bought an oven weighing 37 kg and costing 400 euros. An oven is an indivisible product, which means that, regardless of weight and/or cost, it is subject to duty, which is calculated using one of the following formulas:

  1. [product cost - established limit]×0.3. In our case, this indicator fits within the established limit (400<500 евро)
  2. [product weight - established limit]×4. In our case, this figure is 48 euros (×4)
  3. Total to be paid as customs duty is 48 euros + 5 euros for paperwork

Important! If the limits were exceeded in terms of cost, then a larger amount would be accepted for payment!

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